
DxD:Green Haired System (AU)

Sam Wilson, the protagonist of this novel reincarnated in the world of the dxd With a system that provides them with the template of green haired individuals throughout the multiverse This is an adventure in which the protagonist is a hero or maybe not because template can be anything from hero to a crazy psychopath like joker so hold your horses and enjoy the novel . Disclaimer this is not an original dxd novel only the character is mine. The rest is the proprietor of the dxd who ever he is.

MrChopra · Anime & Comics
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traveling problems

Travelling to different pantheons via teleportation is forbidden in practice, you would be found out and taken care of with extreme prejudice. The only way you can travel there is my land or water , when you come in contact with the land of a different pantheons you need to ask the Gods for the permission to charter In their territory .

The distance from Mesopotamia to India was not too large Sam's ability to sense Space was really useful in this situation. as he travelled on his boat, he found a few cyclones, Whirlpools and a few twisters in his journey, he had to teleport short distances in order to prevent himself him self. From being a nameless casualty. In These natural disasters, he also found some magical creatures, such as mermaids, murlocks, magical sharks, and krakens .

just as he was thinking, the situation could not get any worse, the space in front of him fluctuated. Four magical symbols illuminated in the air and four devils with the wings at the back, came out of that he could feel that these devils are powerful.

He was not in his natural element , At sea, he was at a disadvantage while on land, he was not. Without waiting for the devils And giving them any time to prepare He released Spores of fungus into the air, ready to act at a moments notice.

Sam pov

" human It is a glorious day today we invite you to be a part of us, we know you are the descendants of Adam. Lord Lucifer has sent us to invite you to join our side in this war ".

"We can help you get rid of the Control pagan gods have on you . they who have kept you by their side all this time will not be able to touch you , If you accept To become a part of us, you will be treated well and given the position of a general in the army, but if you refuse well, it ends for you here ".

Sam wasted no time the devil had been speaking for some time, and hadn't noticed the spores in the air, which he was breathing along with his comrades, Just when the devil in the lead was thinking that this idiotic human would agree to the terms he started to feel something itching in his chest. It was the kind of itch you couldn't scratch he coughed, and coughed and tried to breathe feeling something was growing inside him, He looked towards the boy because who else could do this .

But before he could even do anything say anything or even use this magical power to obliterate the boy in front of him, he was covered in fungus and as fungus disintegrated itself, he was disintegrated along with it too. his three comrades Looked in shock as the strongest among them was disintegrating without any movement from the child in front of them. They were afraid very afraid, but before any of them could do anything the fell to the same fate.

The rest of the trip was uneventful after some hours of rowing the boat. I was finally near the shore.

i had no idea where i was. Using the language boon given to me by mesopotamian gods i asked the locals where i was, and where the Himalayas were.

Lucifer POV

Listening to the report that four ultimate class class devils sent to recruit the child of Adam had not returned, I knew that the child was not simple, but those four part of the head of the army Even though I could make more, but it was a tedious process and the strain on lillith is increasing as the war passes.by doing this, the son of Adam had made his choice and the only thing awaiting him would be death as soon as I got the chance, I would make sure of that.