
DXD God of gods

Alex has always dreamed of isekai since he had never really liked this world , so when an opportunity arises he takes it and is reincarnated in DXD with the most op powers of tensura now we follow him on his adventurers to fuck up the protagonists and their harems. What did he wish for ... well read more to find out

KristoPherus · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Hades.( 1 )

Underworld Hades' palace.

Inside the throne room a man is deep in thought as he sat on his throne thinking of particularly disturbing things one of which , he had not considered it important in the past and now had turned into an eyesore.

He had recently found a sacred gear user recently in New York who seemed to have a powerful gear , which made him send some of his reapers to recruit the gear user only to return empty handed saying they lost him to which he didn't blame them maybe his sacred gear made him hard to find though Hades hated the God of the Bible for having created the three factions especially the devils and fallen angles who took up a large portion of his territory he had to admit the guy was a genius well in some areas minus family.

Hades was the one who ignited the great war where he had hoped all those good for nothing factions would kill themselves off but it didn't work though it was still a victory since the four Satans and God of the Bible died but the factions were not weakened enough for him to act so the civil war came and he hoped to kill all the devils but still it didn't work instead created stronger Satans and increased the power of the devils with the creation of the evil pieces , so he began to plan again and that's when he discovered Rizevim Lucifer who was a prince of Lucifer and was not happy with the new Satan faction so he made a deal with him.

When the Qlippoth was founded he helped them from behind the scenes and then Ophis came to Rizevim asking him to help beat Great Red and Rizevim saw an opportunity to gather strength and subordinates by promising Ophis to help her which she naively believed and so khaos brigade was formed.

Hades got to know of Rizevim's plans as they became friends and he was surprised to know that there is another world to which Rizevim planned to go after he had unleashed the beast or Trihexa from the seal that God of the Bible had placed on it and let it ran wild,

though Hades was a little scared at the thought he came up with an idea after thinking about it he concluded that it will take all the gods from all the pantheons to defeat the beast and if they all die in battle which he believed will happen , that will leave him the only god in the world or the one True God well except Nyx who was his aid and other primordial gods but all in all he will be God so he continued to help Rizevim with his group alliance of hell.

They have been causing chaos in all the pantheons all around the world and he

himself has gained alot of power and it's only a matter of time before their plans begin now that the three factions are calling for peace they need to hurry or just delay their peace endeavors.

Ok back to the sacred gear user Hades sent a team of high ranked reapers but they also came back with the same answer that they couldn't find him which made Hades worried maybe some other gods got to him before he did but no he had discovered that it was a boy his name was Alex Elshide and from the data he had gathered neither he nor his parents knew about the supernatural world and both his parents were normal but rich humans and the boy had the highest stock in one of America's biggest real estate business. he was leaving with his maid in a newly purchased mansion all was good till he felt something as he was observing the boy , he tried using his control over souls on the boy but it failed thinking it's just misconception he tried again only to fail again and again , something wasn't right with the boy so he continued to observe him till one night a fallen angel broke into the mansion then as he thought the boy might die and he observed his soul the old fashion way moments later the fallen angel disappeared , like everything about it disappeared to the soul which alarmed him , he continued to observe but he couldn't hear anything when the boy talked to his maid , then it happened he felt it . . . The God of the Bible.

He was terrified he had thought the guy died during the great war infact he believed it and so did many others so how can he be alive no something wasn't right here he needed to make sure and after observing the boy for weeks he was sure this boy had the God of the Bible's Divinity.

When he saw the boy hunt devils which confirmed that the boy knew about the supernatural world but what surprised him is that the boy spared some devils which meant this God of the Bible's reincarnation is intelligent and informed and won't act like the previous one so he couldn't use him to restart the great war.

Then it happened again the boy this time made a devil disappear and then he sensed a Divinity that could only be described as evil , in it's purest form then it and God of the Bible's Divinity disappeared what replaced them was an unfamiliar Divinity which felt both good yet evil he couldn't understand it but he knew he needed to talk to that boy soon before any one else finds him . ( ps . no one could sense the divinities unless one observes for a long time and knows what they are looking for. )

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After I fused the evil and holy Divinities to form Trinity I teleported to a private dimension ( ps. I created it some time back as a place to relax and avoid peeping eyes ).

" master , the god of bones has been watching a gain why don't you take care of him " Alice asked.

" well in due time , am too laz . . I mean busy to hunt him myself " I said.

" we're you going to say lazy master " she teased.

" well let's get to the business that brought us here ". I tried changing the subject.

Alice body again disappeared and I heard a voice in my head .

{ fine , are you ready master this 8s going to be painfull }

" what I thought I had pain nullification ". I asked, " well whatever just do it ".

{ ohh , but you don't have soul pain nullification and this is above the pay grade , ok then . . . confirmed using Ultimate skill Darwin to evolve Law of Trinity ( lesser ) . . . . }

" waiiii , ahhhhhhhhhh ". I wasn't allowed to finish the statement when unimaginable pain assaulted me from deep within I really wanted to die for what felt like years till it began to lessen allowing me to breath.

{ successful . . . concept of Trinity has been acquired }

I wasn't in the mood for notification as I felt like I had just been through hell.

" please Alice a warning would be great next time ". I shouted.

{ but master I did warn you }

" * sigh * fine now show me what all that pain was for ". after reading through I couldn't help but say it out loud.

" Concept of Trinity ".

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