

This fanfiction will be a crossover of different anime worlds with solo leveling elements, for now, currently, he is in dxd. This is your generic isekai'd story, he will take over the body of one and only Issei Hyodou. He will be strong, extremely strong... with a multitude of cheats like items and powers, [I apologize in advance for my grammar, my first language is not English, so I will probably face problems.]

HentaiisArt · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


I peeked just a little around the corner and controlled the RC car to move through the corridor, for now, my goal is to clear the traps within 30 meters of me.

Slowly the toy car drove forward, once again an arrow launched out of the darkness and flew over the toy car.

Roughly around a few meters, another trap was erected by the car, this time an arrow tore through the air at knees height.

This fuckers.

They did it intentionally, the traps were placed in such a way that it was meant to aim for the vital part of your body or presumably your limbs.

Another arrow flew towards my direction out of the blue, then next, then another, and then a few more until they stopped coming.

I came out of the hiding spot and slowly moved forward, as I moved I kept noticed on the bricks that has sunk slightly into the ground. I gently pressed one of them but no arrow glided towards me. Without stopping I carried on and stepped only on those inactive bricks.

I equipped the sword of decay as I made my way into the dark my flashlight illuminated a large gap into the ceiling. My perception caught a slight movement above me, something is definitely there, I looked up and at that moment I caught a pair of reptilian eyes looking through the gap.

[Kobold Fighter Lv 19]

"Come down you little bitch, I saw you!" The ugly son of a bitch was probably waiting for me to pass, and at right time he would jump and impaled my pretty little head like a Seekh kebab. That was the future the kobold doubted would happen, but my cautiousness betrayed the creature's expectations.

It leaped down with a dagger in its hands, I immediately moved into action, my sword cleaved a smooth arc through the air, I took one step back and let my body move a little to the back to dodge his dagger, just in case if I miss, both of our blades made a loud metal hitting metal noise upon collision, but moments later his rusty ass dagger gave out and breaks in two, I put more strength my swing and severed its torso from its hips. It died before it even had a chance to properly land on its feet.

[You killed a Kobold Fighter][200xp] [You received the following item: Kobold canine and low-grade mana crystal.]

"Don't need them, sell it for me."

[35 golds coins acquired]

I cautiously continued through the corridor until I found another Kobold inspecting my RC car with his sword, so that's where it got interrupted.

It had noticed me, of course, the Kobold let out an earth-shattering shriek to warn his kin about the presence of an intruder.

I took a moment to study the surrounding, the corridor has three possible ways of entry, first the massive hole on the side of the wall quite close to the creature, they can crawl out of there, next is of course this pathway which probably leads to the entry point of the second floor, and lastly that huge ass hole in the ceiling from earlier.

"Wind blade!" I pointed my blade at the creature and chanted. 6 massive blades blade made out of wind came into existence and with incredible speed, the wind blade tore through the air, it tried to block the attack with its arms but they were the ones that got cleanly sliced in half and eventually its body too. The Kobold fell, its eyes rolling back into the head.

"Damn... Lv 1 and it's still this powerful?!"

[You killed a Kobold Fighter][200xp] [You received the following item: Kobold canine and low-grade mana crystal.]

I picked up my slightly battered RC car & stored it in the inventory, for now, my perception already picked up movements coming from that hole on the side of the wall.

"Rumble" Rumble"

The sounds of footsteps rustling on the other side of the wall loudly reverberated through the corridor. One by one these lizards started to crawl out of the hole. One, two… Seven.

"Wind Blade"


"Wind Blade."


"Wind Blade."


Pained screams of the creatures filled the entire corridor as 18 extremely sharp blades made of wind tore through the creatures like a hot knife through butter.

[You have leveled up] [5 Stats points]

The second I leveled up all my lost MP reverted back to its original state but now I have hundred extra MP points to waste.

[You killed a Kobold Fighter] [7x]

[1400 xp]

[You received the following item: Kobold canine and low-grade mana crystal.] [7x]

The deeper I went into this maze-like place the harder it became to kill these lizards, those few bastards I killed earlier are probably the weakest of them all, because it's taking more than six wind blades to slay one lizard, but the combination of fireball and wind blade does to the needed deed.

Their scales are incredibly hard, and I seriously have to do some hard work to kill these things. By now I have hunted 30 Kobold fighters & leveled up 5 more times.

I took a moment to moment to catch my breath, I have been fighting these things nonstop for over an hour. Even though my tiredness does return back to 0 after a level up, the bad smell is way too unbearable for me.

"STEPS!!!" "STEPS!!!" "STEPS!!!"

Suddenly footsteps sprinted through the dark corridor, they were coming from all around. Fuck, here we go again, how many are even there? There were so many that I lost count after 80, this has become a serious gangbang situation. I could not fight all of them at once just one open gap in my defense will be enough for these bastards to pounce on me and mutilate my body.

I took a small hand mirror for my inventory "I really didn't want to use him because I want to hunt on my own effort, but you guys leave me no choice... Hanged Man." Just as I gave orders multiple heads rolled down from their necks, the kobolds froze on seeing this.

A few of them realized something was wrong and tried to run, but by then, it was too late. You can't fucking outrun a guy who can move at light speed, originally I intend to use the chainsaw and the sword to kill these bastards, but seeing their massive number I changed my mind.


The Stand slaughtered them down to the last, and the final monster soon met the same fate just like others.

[Level Up]

[Level Up][X15]

The torn limbs, heads, and torso of the kobolds were strewn about everywhere as far as the lights of my flashlight illuminated. 30, 40… 130 I continued to walk further into the corridor while I counted the numbers of sleeping ugly on my way, the stand did a number on these creatures, some were chopped into very little pieces, some creature's skulls is beheaded from its mouth length, some were literally sliced in half and some were missing all its limbs.

This stand clearly gets a kick out of killing its victim in the worst possible way.

[The user can access the shop now] So level forty was the ticket to unlock the shop, huh. Well, let's see what you got.

For the next few minutes I went through the list of the items, and boy I was shocked. The shop has lots of legendary items like Excalibur, Athena's Shield, and many other powerful weapons, the consumables section has lots of healing potions ranging from low to legendary, some can even bring a dead man back to life... wait is that… wait a fucking damn second, I can buy spells!

I can't buy rare or anything above it, they are way too overpriced but I do have funds to buy some uncommon grade spells and techniques.

"System I would sell all the items I acquired in this dungeon" After confirming it, my balance went from 2k to 6.8k, with this amount I can at least buy three-five spells.

[6,855 golds]

I scrolled through the lists and after careful observation, I finally decided to buy two spells and one skill, for now, 1k for each spell, and the skill was around 2.5 k.

[Wind barrier Lv1]

Rarity: Uncommon

Creates a spherical barrier around the host made out wind.

+50 defense.

50 MP

[Stealth Lv 1]

Rarity: Uncommon

Your appearance and all traces of you will be hidden instantly for 10 seconds.

Activation: 200 MP

-10 MP will be consumed every second.

[Heal Lv1]

Rarity: Uncommon

Heals 150 HP upon casting the spell.

-100 MP.

When I entered the second-floor creatures above level 30 were everywhere, they had clearly intended to surround me with a huge number, and kill me, but they had only made my hunting easier.

"Wind Blade" I started to spam wind blades in every direction, if one doesn't do the deed the next will surely cleave through them, if that doesn't do it, the next will do it, or maybe the next.

[Wind Blade level Risen by 5] I ignored all the messages popping up like crazy, I leapt into the air with my sword raised above my head, I brought the blade down on to the rushing Kobold warrior and separated its head from its body, unlike before I felt somewhat obstruction to severed its head.

They are definitely stronger than those first level guys, but this is still doable. I haven't met anyone that could cast spells. These things are nothing but fertilizer for me, I continued on slaughtering these lizard bastard until my level no longer rose up, but I do not care I kill hunt them down to the last. No matter how many hours it takes, and that's what I did, I went to every corner & cut down anything that is alive.

I need gold, I need gold. That was the only thing I had in my mind. I have seen things in the shop that I wanted badly, like really badly.

But even so, my level was stuck at 50, is it because they are way too weak? Then that leaves the boss room, that is the only place I haven't entered yet.

Level: 50

Class: None

Title: Slaughterer of Goblins.

MP: 5000.

Tiredness: 0


Strength: 111

Stamina: 103

Agility: 88

Intelligence: 65

Perception: 83

(Available points to distribute: 150]

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