
DxD: Gamer

I died after making my first bad decission I wasn't expecting to be reborn in a world of Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels and Yokai. I wasn't expecting to the be the 'main character'. I wasn't expecting for my life to become a game. I will, however, make the most of this peculiar situation. SI OC as Issei! Badass Main Character! MassHarem! Lemons! (NOT MY BOOK) Link : https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11986220/1/DxD-Gamer

Ur_Mom_Gay · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter One: Game Over… not. Part 3

Well that answered the question on when I was in the DxD timeline. I was at the beginning of Issei's second year in high school which was more or less a few months before the events of the main storyline began to happen. With my abilities I deduced that it was enough time to build a solid foundation for my battling style. It was perfect for what I had planned for myself even.

I accepted both quests without too much thought. A mini map appeared on the upper most left side corner of my field of vision telling me where Kuoh Academy was located and a countdown of fifteen minutes appeared right below the map. If I recalled correctly Kuoh Academy was more or less ten minutes away if you walked leisurely meaning that if I walked normally I would arrive there with minutes to spare if I got out now. I finished my breakfast quickly and surprised Issei's mother again when I deposited the plates and glass myself on the sink. I kissed her cheek again and gave her a hug, enjoying how soft her body felt pressed against mine, before I said good bye to her.

I picked off my backpack and waved goodbye to my hot mother who kept staring at me in pleased amusement as she waved back. It was time to make this reality, and all its girls, my bitch.

-DxD: Gamer-

As I walked toward Kuoh at slightly faster than normal speed I spammed Observe on everyone I got within my sight. Thanks to that I found an interesting thing. Normal people's level ranged from 1 to 10 depending on whether they were kids or adults. The only ones that surpassed that level range where athletes who were rounding on 11-13 depending on how fit they looked and how they carried themselves. Thanks to me using Observe over and over again I managed to level the skill twice meaning that I could see their apparent weaknesses and some additional information.

This skill was the ultimate information gathering skill and I will using it for future endeavors of blackmailing and extortion.

I arrived at Kuoh Academy with exactly five minutes to spare and I dismissed the quest message box that told me I had successfully completed the quest. I marveled at the sheer size and beauty of the school facilities as I walked towards the front gate. It was massive and while it was described as such in the light novels I felt that the anime and manga didn't give it justice to just how big it was.

When I stopped looking at the school's buildings I discreetly began to look at the students and to my amusement many where giving me almost disbelieving looks. I was on time on the first day to starts things off and secondly I wasn't staring at girl's tits and asses as I know Issei would normally do. While I took notice on how beautiful all the females are I wasn't been obvious about it. I just smirked to myself and kept walking forward doing as if I wasn't noticing it.

I reached the school gate and I was caught off guard once again by the beauty of one of the important characters of the DxD plot. Sona Sitri was a beautiful bespectacled young woman with short black hair in a bob cut and violet eyes that complimented her incredibly beautiful face. She was petit on the chest area but her thin waist, wide hips, incredible ass and toned thick legs more than made up for that. I decided to use observe on her before she noticed that I was staring at her.

Sona Sitri Lvl ?

Heir of the Sitri Clan

HP: ?/?

MP: ?/?

Sona Sitri is the Heir of the Sitri Clan, one of the 72 Pillars of the Underworld. She is the President of the Student Council at the Kuoh Academy. She is very strict with her charges but kind and understanding. Her hobbies are playing chess with her friend and rival, Rias Gremory, and studying. She loves her sister dearly even though she becomes easily exasperated and annoyed by her.

It seemed like I was still too much of a low level to get a full scope of her abilities even with observe which meant that even I had my limits. However what Observe told me was more than enough to get a fair idea on Sona's character. I admit that she is one of the girls I want to get… close to and I decided that I should start appealing to what she likes. I approached the gate and she finally took notice of me and I noticed she was fairly surprised by my appearance.

"Good morning, Hyoudou-san. It is a surprise to see you arriving early," she commented in greeting as I approached her. I stopped by her and I noticed many males looking at me with murderous eyes as I began to talk to who I knew was the third most popular girl at the academy. As a matter of fact…

A skill has been created through a special act. The skill 'Detect Bloodlust' has been created.

Detect Bloodlust has gone up by 1!

Detect Bloodlust has gone up by 1!

Detect Bloodlust has gone up by 1!

Detect Bloodlust. Passive. Lvl 4 [37.4%]. A skill that detects any bloodlust directed at the user. It is an instinctive skill. Detects bloodlust within twenty meters of the targets location. It also alerts the user of the location.

I smirked at that and ignored the pitiful attempts at intimidating me away from talking to Sona so I directed a shrug in her direction. I recalled her alias and that I wasn't supposed to know her real name until later thankfully. "Good morning to you, Kaicho. You're looking very lovely today. As for me arriving early certain situations back at home made me realize that the way I had been acting wasn't the correct one and I wish to change my ways and how people perceive me. It is my hope to not cause you any problem nor anyone else," I replied as nonchalantly as I could.

Lie successful!

Sona seemed surprised by my admission but she gave me an approving nod in my direction. "I see. Then I am glad. Your actions last year left a lot to be desired but if you are willing to change for the better then whatever happened to you was a good thing all things considered. I look forward to see you living up to your full potential," she said and dismissed me with a look. I nodded at her and began to walk away towards the school with the eyes of Sona Sitri glued to my back.

As I walked towards where my schedule told me that homeroom was located I began to spam Observe on my fellow students. I managed to get another level on Observe by the time I arrived to my classroom and took a seat on the back next to the window. I noticed that I was the only boy at the classroom but I ignored the surprised looks of the girls when they realized that it was me who had just entered the classroom and that I wasn't ogling them. I can literally feel my reputation with them increasing as I began to look out of the window my chin resting on the palm of my hand.

I was shamelessly abusing of the fact that girls were attracted to guys that seemed to have an aloof kind of personality because it turned them into a mystery they wanted to solve. I hoped it would help with my reputation gains with everyone at the school which would help to make my life here easier. It was also my hope that a few girls would feel attracted to this new personality I was creating so I could hook up with them and have fun. I was not going to become addicted to this videogame ability like Han Jee-Han and seeing as I was living in an absurdly perverted world then the best way to have fun was to do lewd stuff with girls.

And speaking of girls that I wanted to seduce the three main ones that I had been thinking about stepped into the classroom. Muruyama and Katase were the hottest members of the Kendo Club and in the anime they beat up Issei and the other two perverts for peeking on them any times. It would be very ironic if I as Issei managed to bed them both so I decided to do just that. Then there was Aika Kiriyuu, another hot girl who was known for being a big pervert, probably even bigger than Issei, Matsuda and Motohama themselves.

Murayama was a brown haired girl with an athletic build and fierce hazel colored eyes the complimented her cute face. Katase was slightly less voluptuous than her friend but she shared the same athletic build. Her hair was a colored a dull pink and her eyes were a warm brown that showed she was kinder than her best friend. I don't know if Issei had peeked on them yet but judging by the fact that they were equally surprised by me not blatantly staring at them as the other girls then it was safe to assume he had begun peeking on them this year. Aika on the other hand didn't have an athletic build but her assets were certainly fuller and plumper then those of the other two. I am sure that she would be easiest one two seduce since her lust was on par with that of Issei, Matsuda and Motohama put together. The appreciative look she gave me and the smirk gave it away.

A few minutes after the arrival of those three Matsuda and Motohama arrived and I almost pitied them. The girls gave them disgusted look as they began to blatantly ogle them and I shook my head in disappointment. Had Issei managed his lust better he could've had every girl here eating from the palm of his hand because his only short coming was that he was obvious with his lust and perverseness.

"Yo! Issei!" Matsuda called out and I turned my eyes towards him and Motohama who were now approaching me. I realized that the girls were now frowning at me in disappointment that I was still friends with the two of them but I won't be their friend for too much long. Call me cruel all you want but Motohama and Matsuda were friends with Issei Hyoudou, not me.

I nodded at them. "Good morning to you Matsuda, Motohama," I replied with as much disinterest I could muster and I was almost surprised when the two of them began to look at me with narrowed eyes.

"What have you done to your hair?"

"And what's up with that unenthusiastic greeting?"

I ran my hand through my hair and shrugged my shoulders. "About my hair I think that I needed to change it seeing that I want change the way people here perceive me so you can say I am using it to announce that. As for my greeting I find it to troublesome to be too chirpy in the morning," I answered both questions in the same tone of voice before I looked at them. It was not surprise they seemed shocked by my admission as where the ones who had heard me. I wasn't trying to have the entire class hear it but I was not whispering either. I was speaking normally actually.

"Can I ask you two a favor?"

That seemed to do the trick on bringing them out of their shocked state and Motohama fixed his glasses as he nodded his head shakily. "Erm, yeah, sure. What did you need?"

I leaned back into my chair and crossed my arms over my chest as I looked at the two most open perverts of Kuoh Academy. "As you probably know my mom separated from my dad because he couldn't control his lust around other women even if he was married to my mother. My room is still full of perverted stuff and I feel like that is a reminder to what my father did to her. It was my hope that you two would be willing to take them away from my hands. I don't want my mother to suffer any more than she had already and everything I can do to help in that I will do it."

Lie successful!

Lying has gone up by one!

I mentally dismissed the message box and I almost smirked at the shocked looks on the faces of Motohama, Matsuda and those who had been hearing my conversation. I could already feel my reputation with the girls increasing as they realized I was willing to depart of something I liked for the sake of my mom. That had been my intention all along. Katase and Murayama were already looking me in a new light, like most of the girls, and where those hearts on Aika's eyes? Never mind.

Ill intent detected! In front of you!

As soon as the box appeared in front of my face I was grabbed by the scruff of my neck by Matsuda. He was glaring daggers at me as he held me up and I saw Motohama also looking at me in a threatening way. "Who are you and what have you done with Issei?!" He almost growled at me in a comedic fashion.

Motohama nodded in agreement. "Yeah! The Issei I know would never depart of his precious ecchi possessions! SO tell us who are and what have you done with our dear Issei?" He asked in the same threatening tone.

I narrowed my eyes down at them and I was sure it surprised the others that I wasn't becoming angry at them for being idiots because I know that is how Issei Hyoudou would've reacted. Instead I began to channel mana through my body to strengthen myself because what I was about to do required strength I did not possess. I was sure Matsuda was physically stronger than me because he used to do sports so I needed an advantage here. I was pleasantly surprised when a message box appeared a second after I began to channel mana through my body.

A skill has been created through a special act. The skill 'Reinforcement' has been created.

Reinforcement. Active. Lvl 1 [0.0%]. By channeling mana through your body you can double your base capabilities or if you channel your mana through an object you can double its durability. Increases STR and DEX by 100% when active. Increases object's durability and damage by 100% for 10 days when activated and used on an object. Cost: 30 MP.

I felt the drain on my mana immediately after the skill activated and I also felt myself getting a temporary boost to my strength so calmly I grabbed Matsuda's wrist and forcefully made him release me. I could tell he was surprised by my sudden strength as he immediately let go of my shirt and he cradled his slightly injured wrist. I arranged back my upper clothing before I glared at him.

"First of all: Do not touch me like that ever again. Second of all: If you don't know why I am willing to let go of something I like for the sake of my mother then I don't see myself speaking to you two ever again. I will take my stuff to your house after school today," I said before I dismissed them with another glare before I went back to look outside the window.

I felt their eyes on me for a few more seconds before they moved away towards their seats probably still disbelief. I could feel my reputation with them decreasing but my reputation with the rest of the class, the girls mostly, was augmenting steadily and in my eyes it was more than worth it.

A few minutes later after that silly confrontation the teacher arrived and he began to give us the introductory speech of the year. I toned him off as I have already gone through this and I could still recall more than ninety five percent of the stuff I was taught in school so whatever they talked about will not help raise my INT. Instead I began to think about how I could go about recreating some of the most useful skills I have seen in manga, anime and videogames. If 'Reinforcement' was anything to go by then everything was literally possible with this game ability of mine as long as I had a good grasp of what I wanted.

The amused smirk on my face went unnoticed by everyone in the class.