
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 27 : "Rouge Chaperon..."

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"Well, I seem to be a magnet to the Supernatural." I said, "Case in point, I've already killed two strays and apparently helped a few unwilling soldiers of Camilla defect from her army. My point is that I've already found myself with a list of bounties on Stray Devils, and with a little… Ability of mine I can help you deal with the Rouge Fallen."

Azazel hummed in thought, "That would save me a lot of trouble… Sure, why not, I'll make sure you're properly paid for your help too." Azazel said, "I'll send someone over with a list… Someone not too weak or powerful to avoid causing issues with Gremory and Sitri."

"And Yasaka." I muttered.

"Say what?" Azazel said snapping his head to me.

"I saved her daughter from a Stray and now she's looking to make me her mate." I deadpanned.

Azazel stared at me for an uncomfortable amount of time before he spoke up.

"You lucky son of bitch." He muttered.


Azazel and I left the house at the same time, I had a destination in mind.

Jack's Pawn shop, because this is something he needs to hear.

I had to slow down a bit so I didn't crash into his door, which was a pull, and once I was at his door I quickly opened it.

"Yo Jack I- Oh, sorry, didn't know you had a customer." I said, a little sheepishly because I only noticed the person Jack was talking to after I nearly shouted at the top of my lungs.

The person Jack was talking to was a young woman about my age, she was sitting on the counter casually actually, the smile on her face was one that showed contentment, and slight annoyance at my presence.'

She was wearing a bright red hoodie with no zipper so it had a single pocket in the front, she also wore blue jeans with torn knee's and a pair of brown strapped leather sandals on her feet.

She actually had slightly tanned skin with golden eyes, and her midnight black hair was coming out from her hood and reaching just under her DD sized chest.

"Hey Vincent." Jack said, "Nice to see you again, I'd like you to meet my niece since your both here."

"Hey." I said holding my hand out to the apparently half Werewolf girl, "I'm Vincent Lane, a rather recent customer to your Uncle."

The woman looked at me for a moment before smiling, "Rouge Chaperon." She said, "Nice to meet you Vincent."

"Rouge Chaperon…" I Hummed, "Isn't Chaperon Rouge how you say Red Hood in french?" I asked.

That got a laugh from Jack, actually, he was laughing pretty hard as the guy was holding his gut and doubling over.

Rouge rolled her eyes, "Yeah, Papa was from France and he got to name me, Maman's way of saying sorry for breaking his hip when I was conceived." Rouge said, "Papa decided to name me Rouge because according to him I was born a pretty bright red… Plus Maman was red and so was he when I was born… Maman from stress and Papa from the punches."

"Ouch." I muttered, "Your dad must really be pain tolerant."

"You have no idea." Rouge said smiling, "Anyway I was raised in America because Papa moved there from France when he met Maman, so I know how to speak french from Papa, but I'm stuck with the American Accent."

"That explains it." I said nodding my hand.

Finally Jack recovered from his laughing fit, "So Vince, what brings you barreling into my shop?" He asked after taking a breath.

"Oh, right." I said refocusing on why I came here, "Jack, that book you sold me was definitely Enochian, I managed to get in Contact with Azazel and do you know what he told me?"

"Aside from something perverted?" Jack asked, getting a confused look from me, "What? It's a well known fact he fell cause he kept staring at Gabriel's tits."

"Okay…" I muttered shaking my head, "Anyway, apparently that book was an Angelic Field guide to things called Relics."

"SAY WHAT!?" Jack shouted, causing Rouge to jump off the counter in surprise.

"Uncle!" Rouge shouted standing up, "What's the shouting for!?"

"Sorry." Jack sighed, "I'm just surprised that book held information about Relic's of all things."

"So?" Rouge asked, "It's a book about old dusty artifacts, what gives?"

"Old dusty artifacts!?" Jack shouted, "Rouge listen here these Relic's are a human's attempt to create Sacred Gears… Now they weren't as powerful as some Sacred Gears, but a lot of them are still pretty damn powerful. You know about the Legendary Beast of Gevaudan?"

"Y-Yeah." Rouge said shuddering, "It's a common tale among Werewolves."

"Well what you'd never find unless you did some real digging into Werewolf history is that the Beast of Gevaudan was actually a man who was half Werewolf, he hated humanity but couldn't get back at them because he was one of the few half-wolfs that couldn't take the form of the Werewolf." Jack said.

"Wait… that can happen?" I asked.

"Yep." Rouge said, "It's rarity is similar to a Human being born with a Longinus Sacred Gear… Thankfully I have my beast form."

"Are you are a cute little wolf." Jack said.

"Uncllllllle." Rouge groaned.

"Anyway, the half Wolf began studying magic, and soon created a pendant, calling it the Medallion of the Wolf." Jack continued, "Using that Medallion he became a massive feral looking wolf, and with his hatred to humans even acted feral among them, that average study of two hundred ten attack's was a bit of an understatement. That shot by Jean Chastel only finished it off after several Werewolf from the local area beat him mercilessly."

"So… The Beast of Gevaudan was actaully a man using a Relic he created." Rouge asked.

"Yep." Jack said, "A few Werewolfs managed to piece it back together once and learned that anyone who wore it would take the form of the Beast of Gevaudan… But thankfully not the mindset… The user died of old age and the Medallion was scattered into bits again, but it hasn't been seen since."


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