
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 17 : 85 damage

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My Shade let out a long hiss from my shadow as it arose, it's way of saying 'Contact.'

In front of me, five figures stalked out of the brushwork.

All five were female humaniods, but their bodies were plastic, and featureless, covered only by pure white dressed, and each with different hairstyles. One had short white, one long red, blue pigtails, blonde bun, and mid length black.

All of them were unarmed… that was until they pulled off chunks of broken wood from their surrounding ruins for clubs.

"Well crap." I muttered, "They've armed themselves."

I took this Chance to Observe one.

[Living Doll Lvl 15]

[HP 500/500]

[MP 500/500]

"Ho boy." I muttered pulling out my Revolver and letting four of my Shade's come out, each one level 15 so they should be able to hold their own.

We each went after a different Living Doll, with me taking aim at the blonde bun haired doll and Firing my Revolver at it's head.

This dealt a Critical hit of 265 damage and knocked it's head off… which then floated back into place.

"Okay, that's just weird." I said firing again, dealing only 85 damage, 'And apparently Critical hits deal a x3 damage range boost.'

I then pulled out a Quick Shot to deal 80 damage and stun it.

I ran up to it and put away my revolver and grabbed both it's arms and unleashed my inner Chewbacca, tearing both of them off, dealing 100 damage and causing it's body to wither away.

[You've created a new skill.]


[Unleash your inner Chewbacca, tearing off your opponent's arms. Only works if it would deal leathal damage.]

It took a lot of willpower not to make a Wookie call.

"Not bad." Yasaka said, "And it seems like you forgot to tell me that things you kill leave behind items to keep."

"Yep." I said smiling, "Materials." I said grinning, then I noticed the Doll I killed was now a Spirit, and it's arms weren't dissolving.

And thus I gained my first Living Doll Spirit.


[The Living Doll is a very unique Spirit Type that you can arm and armor as you please, thus allowing them to take up any role you need for a fight.]

"Now that's interesting." I said as Yasaka held out four more arms of the Living Dolls, "What are these?" I asked.

"Apparently this is what those Living Dolls drop upon death." Yasaka said.

"Umm…" I hummed before shaking my head, this is unsettling.


After an hour of fighting Living Dolls we returned to my home.

I was now Lvl 18, and now had a total of 22 Living Dolls Spirits.

"What the heck am I going to do with Fourty Seven Living Doll arms?" I muttered before I saw Kunou on my PS3.

She was playing Metal Gear Rising: Revengance, which I really hope a sequel for comes out so I can chop up new things with Raiden, and she was currently in the boss fight with Mistral.

"Never mind." I said as a grin formed on my face.


It didn't take too long for Yasaka to leave, because apparently she left without telling anyone, and I also couldn't help but smile as Kunou gave me a goodbye hug.

"So, what are you planning to do now?" Kuroka asked walking up to me from behind, not sultrily thankfully, I don't know why though- After all with an ability like the Gamer I could -potentially- kill gods if I train hard enough and prep myself correctly.

Then again… She doesn't seem to fully understand about Video Games, and boy can you get some broken abilities in several games… Or just be an asshole Sniper.

Asshole… Sniper…

"I think I know." I said grinning, turning around and shutting the door, then pulling out a Living Doll Spirit, the first one I had gotten.

"Is this something new you got?" Kuroka asked.

"Yep." I said, "A Living Doll, and unlike other Spirits I can customize to fit several roles, and this one is going to fill in one roll every online gamer loathes." I said while taking away the dolls Broken Plank, and striping her of her white dress revealing *Gasp* a smooth, doll-like body.

"And what role is that?" Kuroka asked.

Instead of answering I entered my Sanctuary.


[A new Facility has opened up in the Sanctuary.]

[The Market Floor is now available.]

[In the Market Floor you can assign Spirits to run the available shops and allow you to purchase several things from them without having to hide your purchases upon leaving a shop.]

[The Following Shops are now ready.]

[Weapon Shop ready.]

[Clothing Shop ready.]

[Armor Shop ready.]

[Accessory Shop ready.]

[Herbalist Shop ready.]

[Tool Shop ready.]

[Junk Shop ready.]

[Book Store ready.]

[Gift Shop ready.]

[Children's Toystore ready.]

[Spirit Exchange Shop ready.]

[Note: Certain Spirits give certain shops a discount for their goods, experiment to see what Spirit Fit's the shop best.]

"Geez I hate getting info bombed like that." I muttered before leading my Living Doll to the Workshop.


First thing I did was modify my new Sniper Rifle with the Shade cloth, wrapping the barrel in the cloth to silence it's shots.

Then I stitched a pair of Shade Cloth Footwraps, which had the same effect as the Shade Socks and had my Living Dolls equip them.

Next I used a large portion of my remaining Shade Cloth to sew a Shade Cloth Robe.

[Shade Robe: a Robe made out of the cloth of a Shade, this robe completely hides the wearers presence, making them invisible unless directly looked at, which is really hard at night thanks to the darkness]

I grinned as I threw it onto my Living Doll, then I used the last of my Shade Cloth (Note to self, kill more Shades.) to make a pair of Shade Gloves.

[Shade Gloves: Gloves made from the cloth of a Shade, these gloves completely mute any sound made my the wearer touching something with their hand, such as when something breaks in their hand, making climbing much stealthier.]


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