
DxD: Gamer - I was reincarnated as a Protagonist. ( Hiatus )

Currently on an indefinite hiatus, until the author feels better mentally. -------- Additional Tags: - Anti-hero, Assassin, Unprincipled, Adventure, Romance, Conquer, Evolution, Level-Up, Slice-of-Life, Dark, Magic, Superpowers. --~A few notes~-- 1st:- English is not my first language, but I will try my best to avoid mistakes. 2nd:- The MC will be pretty neutral, but there might be some situations where he might do something totally evil or mean. 3rd:- In this Fanfic, some characters may have a slightly different personality, as I will be slightly adjusting their backgrounds to fit my story. ----x----x----x---- A person who cannot be considered normal at all is reincarnated into an Ecchi protagonist. Only there is one problem, he has a big hole in his memories of who he was, the only thing he has are his past life experiences, and this annoying [Game] in his head. Even worse, he's in a world that has devils, angels, fallen angels, gods, and dragon gods.

Biggubosu · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 [ The Beginning ]

From now on I will call Issei's mc.

'' Speaking aloud.''

' Thinking '

[ ( Game ) ]

{ The Game talking }


Nothing has changed ...

{ Go to the balcony }

Tch... With a little mental slap of my tongue, I hate it when he reads my mind.

{ Get used to it. }

Checking everything from my long dagger, my armor to my pistol.

With everything ready, I opened the door slowly, not wanting to alert anything that was lurking there, if there was anything there.

Peeking through the opening, even though it was small I could still see the sky completely obscured, right on top of a skyscraper was forming what looked like a storm.

{ Beautiful ... no? }

Pretending not to hear him, I opened the door further, slowly so as not to cause any kind of noise that might attract any zombies, not until I had enough information.

I froze in place when I felt a shiver run down my spine, it was as if something wrong or bad was about to happen. Instinctively, I held the [ Black Star ] in one hand while holding the handle of the [ Estoc ] in my other hand.

It wasn't long before whatever it was came at me, a large, pale zombie that was easily the size of my house.

Its gait caused small tremors wherever it went, while each step it took left a trace of its fingerprint behind.

Fortunately, the armor seemed to function normally, as he walked past me without noticing my presence. I focused on him to get his information.

[ - 5 MP ]


[ Zombie Legion - Class 1 ( Level 10 ) ] .

Type - Zombie

HP - 5.000/5.000

MP - 10/10 ( Sealed! )

STR - 160

VIT - 300

INT - 0

LUK - 0 ( you are not the protagonist )

(( zombie status is completely random ))


( Congratulations! Observe increased by +1! )

( Congratulations! The Observe has increased by +1! )

( Congratulations! The observe has increased by +1! )


[ Observe ( Active ) Lv4 - 10% ]

Provides information about the target. The higher the level, the more information you have about the specific target.

Note: Stop being lazy and upgrade soon! ''Fondly the game''


( Congratulations! Through the action of standing in front of a dangerous monster, a new ability has been created! Feel Danger! )

Skill Acquired.

[ Sense Danger ( Passive ) Lv3 [69%]

This is a natural instinct, which allows the user to sense when something bad is about to happen. The higher the level, the greater the range of the sense, the sooner the user can sense danger.


"I've gained a new ability ... Should I test some things while I'm here?' I thought, as I looked at the large zombie. 'Shouldn't zombies be smaller?'

With that thought, I watched quietly from outside the balcony. Yes, there are smaller zombies.

There were some of these smaller zombies wandering around downstairs while letting out little moans.


Danger Sense increased by 1!

Danger Sense increased by 1!

Danger Sense increased by 1!

Danger Sense increased by 1!

Danger Sense increased by 1!


'What if ...'With that in mind, I will try to put into practice a plan that crossed my mind.

Descending the stairs to the downstairs in slow steps, I looked around each corner and after confirming that there were no monsters that could take me by surprise. I walked out the back door of the house while watching both sides.

Not seeing any zombies waiting for me outside or even hiding, I got out of there, grabbed the [ Black Star ] and used it with only one hand and followed the wall.

Seeing a "zombie" staggering from side to side, I would use it as a test target.

{ Quick tip, a zombie's weakness is its head. }

'Right.' My answer was short, but he didn't seem to care, every bit of information was welcome.

Not knowing how to execute the skill so I thought of it: 'Sneak.'

[ - 1 MP ]

Seeing that I was able to activate it with a mental command, I raised the [ Black Star ] and pointed it at the zombie in front of me. Squeezing the trigger...

Pff... (( That's not a laugh. ))

A small, almost inaudible sound came out of it, hitting the zombie's leg right in its knee.

[ Critical Strike! 2x ]

[ The zombie received 20 damage! ]

I watched as he dropped his mouth to the hard concrete and dislocated his jaw.

[ Observe ]

[ - 5 MP ]


[ Zombie - Class 1 ( Lv3 ) ]

Type: Common zombie.

HP: 480/500

MP: 0 ( Sealed! )

STR - 23

VIT - 70

INT - 0

LUK - 0 ( You are not the protagonist. )

[ Status - Wounded ]


{Just a warning, but your PM is almost at the end. }


[ -1 MP ]



Not wanting to know what would happen when my MP reached zero, I fired another shot, only this time at his head.

Pff ...

[Fatal hit! 50x!]

[ Zombie received 500 damage! ]


( Congratulations! You've killed your first zombie! )

( Congratulations! You got 11 Exp!)


( Automatically activating the auto pickup function. )


( Congratulations! You got 3x human rib. )

( Congratulations! You have received 1 human eye. )

( Congratulations! You have received 2x human fingers. )


[ ''Insatiable!'' was Active! ]

[ ''Insatiable!'' devoured 5 points in VIT! ]

[VIT:11] [↑16]

[HP:105 ] [↑130]


[ ''Banquet'' was active! ]

[ ''Black Star'' was feasting with a soul! ]

[ ''Black Star'' gained +1 point in damage! ]

[ ''Black Star'' Gained +10 points in Experience! ]


[ ''Emperor's Armor'' Gained 10 points in Experience!]


Back inside the house when I was bombarded by new blue screens that seemed endless, they finally give me a truce and cease.

{ You played dirty there, but since you thought of something outside the box, there is no reason to leave you without your reward. }


( Sneak Increased by +1! )

( Sneak Increased by +1! )


( Sneak ( Active ) Lv3 - 90% ]

Reduces visibility and sound created by movement, allowing invisibility.

1 MP per second.


'Can I keep using this? Or am I banned?' I asked mentally. If he banned me, I would have to look for another way to raise [ Sneak ] to a higher level quickly.

{Nah! I don't care much if you found a loophole, your life is one big game now. Besides, you will need to get stronger if you want to survive in the world you find yourself in. }

{ Once you reach level 100, I have a little surprise prepared for you, but until then you better not die, > < }



[ Name: Issei Hyoudou - Age 17 ]

[ Level: 1 - [ Exp - 11/1,000 ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Class: Emperor of Death ]

[ Title: The Player ]


[HP:130] (1% per second)

[MP:12} (1% per second)



[VIT:11] [↑16]






Unallocated points: 0



[ Player Mind ( Passive ) LvMax ]

[ Player Body ( Passive ) LvMax

[ Observe ( Active ) Lv4 -10% ]

[ Dagger Mastery ( Passive ) Lv1 - 0% ]

[ Firearm Mastery ( Passive ) Lv1 - 1% ]

[ ID creation/destruction ( Active ) Lv1 - 40% ] Lv1

[ Cruel Blade ( Passive/Active ) LvMax ]

[ Steady Hand ( Passive ) LvMax ]

[ Sneak ( Active ) Lv3 - 90% ]


Perk: [Supernatural Reflexes], [Blessed by Lady Luck] , [Insatiable].

Flaw: [Inhuman] , [You smell good] , [Magically weak].


[ Name: Emperor's Armor ]

Description : Emperor's Armor. This armor grows with its wearer ( Issei Hyoudou )

Durability : ∞

Type: Armor / Growth / Common

Exp - 10/100

Defense - 10 + ( 120% VIT ) + ( 1000% defense against profane and holy arts )

Effect > Camouflage : The cloak has the Metamaterial Optical Camouflage ability that hides the wearer from the eyes of monsters by refracting the light shining on its surface and is considered the best camouflage ability, which only a few high level boss monsters possess, in the game. The ability also allows the user to cloak their weapon after preparing it, allowing the user to fire while invisible.

Effect 2 > Devour : The armor is able to devour other armor and there is a small chance to get the ability from such armor.


[ Name: Black Star ]

Description: The weapon of the Emperor of Death, used to strike down his enemies. As a weapon, it grows with its user ( Issei Hyoudou )

Durability : ∞

Type: Weapon / Growth / Common

Exp 10/100

Damage : 11 + ( 120% DEX ) + ( 1000% Holy and Unholy Damage )

Effect > Fatal: There is a small chance to kill an enemy with a single bullet.

Effect > Banquet: Consumes souls to become stronger.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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