
Dxd: Dimensionals Group Chat

CodexZero · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1

[A/N: this is the first fanfic I really hope you guys enjoy it and also English is not my first language]


Ryoto Kageyama is a normal highschools bully, he thinks he is above others just because his family was rich, he has no care about other people's life.

One day just as he was going out of school he saw a truck heading toward him he tried to dodge it but someone grab his arm and pull making him fall to the ground.

He look to see who it was and as he saw the person face he said "YOU SON OF A BIT-"

Another person ran over and yell "Itsuki Watch o-"

Before he could finish his sentence the truck ran all three of them over.

Ryoto woke but in a white 'room' there was nothing there it was empty. Ryoto got up and started swearing "ITSUKI THAT BASTARD"

An old man appears before him with a long white beard. Ryoto see the old man he asks "who the Fuck are you"

The old man answer "I am the One you called God" when Ryoto heard this a large grin show up on his face

Although being a bully he is also a big otaku he thought in his mind 'this is like those anime and manga that I watch am I also going to get a chance to be reincarnated, maybe I can be reincarnated in an anime world and Fuck all the hot chick'

Ryoto look at God and said, "haha look like lady luck is on my side, so am I going to get to be reincarnated with some kind of cheat, and do I get to pick what cheat I get?"

God has a small smile on his face as he said "you don't have to worry about what kind of cheat you get... Because you won't be getting any"

Ryoto heard what God said was mad and he said "what kind of God are you accidentally killing someone and then not even give them a cheat"

God then said "you done so many bad things all your life, do you know how many people committed suicide because of your bullying? You even r**e an innocent girl and what's worse is that you don't even get punished for what you did because your family just pay them not to speak anything about it you even go so far as to bribe the judge to not get punished"

"You can't just reincarnate me into a random world with no cheat," said Ryoto

God then smile as he said, "who said that you were going to be reincarnated.."

Ryoto was shocked as he stutter "T-then wh-what will h-happen?"

"You are not going to be reincarnated but..." God said giving Ryoto a bit of hope left but that bit of hope shattered as God finish his sentence "you are going to HELL"

As God said that the white space under Ryoto feet crack as several hands came out and grabbed him to drag him down

Ryoto scream while crying "IM SORRY PLEASE I CAN CHANGE PLEASE SPARE ME" he but it was no vale God just look as Ryoto get dragged down as the crack close up

God sighs "huh human so easily blinded by greed" God then look over to someone standing behind him "but at least there are still some who are pure"

The man look at God and said "pure is a strong word. I am anything but pure, I'm just a guy who is out for revenge"

God said, "it was quite a stunt you pull off there, taking someone to the afterlife with you."

The man was no other Itsuki the guy who pull Ryoto making him get hit by the truck

Itsuki look at God then said "you know if you said I am so pure and all why the heck was that truck after me for weeks"

A little sweat drip down from Godhead as he said "I don't know it got nothing to do with me"

Itsuki looks at God as if he was an idiot and says "do I look like an idiot to you? A truck WITH NO DRIVER MIGHT I ADD chase after me for WEEKS and you said it wasn't your doing"

God then sighs "okay it was my doing it because I feel like someone like you deserve better than a family like that"

[Flash back]

Itsuki was just a normal high school boy, he was quiet but friendly even though he was a nice guy he would not hesitate to beat up someone that messes with him or his friend and family

One day as he got home he heard the news about his sister got r**e he gone to the hospital to see his sister her face was beaten up and her eyes were empty

He then ask who did it when he found out it was Ryoto he want to confront him but fate don't always go where you wanted

He found out his family was bribed with a large sum of money to keep their mouth shut and not take this to court and his family was blinded by greed and even happy that their daughter hot r**e. His sister ended up committing suicide making Itsuki hate Ryoto, even more, he even consider killing Ryoto

Then the truck from day after day trying to get him so he made a plan to kill Ryoto. Itsuki thought of a suicide mission to make Ryoto out, because if he kill Ryoto then he will end up in prison because of his family so he ended up buying a bomb with the money their family gave him and his family.

He was going to blow up His and Ryoto family and also killing Ryoto and himself

Because the truck was always after him he lead to the truck to the entrance of his school as Ryoto headed out and tried to dodge the truck Itsuki grab Ryoto hand and pull it making him fall then the truck hit them both

[End of Flash back]

God said "you sure are brave to do that and looking in your mind you don't even regret or feel guilty killing them"

Itsuki reply "why would I feel anything killing monster like them"

God smile and said "you would be happy to know that your family and his family are currently suffering in Hell. And your sister is currently in heaven she could also be reincarnated any time she wants"

A tear fall from Itsuki eyes as he smile and said "yeah thank you for that... but I don't think you decided to reincarnate me just because you feel pity for me"

God smile and said "Smart boy, yes I didn't decide to reincarnate you just because I felt pity for you, but I wanted you to be a Guardian"

Itsuki raises an eyebrow at what said.

Seeing Itsuki confused God smile and said "A Guardian is someone that would be given a System and would protect other world from Outer God or ROB that try to destroy the world"

Again Itsuki raises an eyebrow at this and asks "You expect me to fight against other God and somehow win?"

"Oh Me no, other God wouldn't go into the world because they can't, they would reincarnate or transmigrated someone into that world with the mission to somehow destroy it or steal the World will and making it their world, if that happens I would lose control over that World," Said God.

"Why me" Itsuki ask.

God smile and said "Because you are a good person, kind, smart, levelheaded and wouldn't hesitate to kill if needed to, don't worry if you have a hard time other reincarnater from my World can help you there are thousands of Guardian"

Itsuki was silent while in deep thought thinking if he should accept this.

"You know what fine since your giving me a second chance so I'll accept it but I don't want a System, I want a group chat"

God smile at this and said "Oh I have expected you to accept the System considering you youngster nowadays like those kinds of things"

"Not me, a group chat is much better I could refuse the mission if needed and there wouldn't be any punishment and I'm sure you would prefer this more because that means there are more Guardian," Itsuki said with a smile

God Laugh at this and said "Very true, you can deny any mission you want if it too hard, don't worry the mission would be transported to another Guardian if it is denied, but very rarely there would be an Emergency mission that you can't deny I'm sorry about that, it because the Emergency mission is a mission that all the other Guardian denied because they are either too busy or because they think it too hard so please bear with me here"

"That is fine with me" Itsuki nodded his head.

God smile as saying "now for disposing of some of the worst scum of the human race and for being such a nice person all your life helping all of those people that are in need I shall grant you 3 random power and 2 gift from me"

Itsuki look at God and ask "well I wish to know the world I will get reincarnated in first"

A giant wheel appear before him as he cursed "well sh**"

God then spun the wheel


Attack on titan

Shokugeki no Soma


Akame ga Kill


One piece



It landed on

Highschool Dxd

God smile and said "look like you will be going to highschool Dxd

Itsuki face morph into a terrified expression "Oh God No, this can be happening, why, this have to be a bad dream"

"Come on now, you're overreacting"

"Overreacting? OVERREACTING?!? That curse place, a world that quite literally powered by fan service and Logic is thrown out the f*ck*ng window, a world where a man can get stronger just by touching boobs... GOD DAMN BOOBS I TELL YOU" Itsuki complain, he hated Highschool DxD, the show is full of fan service and pervert.

"Well sorry to tell you this but you are going to this world, and don't even ask me about respining the wheel" God sigh

Itsuki asks "why?"

God just said "well for one this is how things have been for the past couple of millenniums and it even became a rule at this point, making exceptions now would just be unfair for the other Guardian who got sent to worst place then this"

"T-there got to be a way around this, how about I give up 1 of my random power?"

"Sorry kid, but rule are rule" God smile and reminisce about the others souls he had reincarnated, if he remember correctly it was Boku no pico, the horrified face of those kid, it would be unfair if he had to make exceptions.

Itsuki dejectedly said "fine but can I ask what is the 2 gift is?"

"Electrokinesis and cryokinesis," God said

"Isn't there mage in the world of Dxd that can control the elements?" Ask Itsuki

"Yes but these are different they don't cost you mana if you use these but you will need to train your body if you want to improve their power" said God

"Now onto the random power you shall receive " God snap his finger and 3 giant wheels appear

'Ugn I have to leave my fate up to chance again'

The wheels spun at an extremely fast speed, they slowly slow down to reveal.

"Sunshine magic from the Seven Deadly Sins, Space Manipulation, and Time Manipulation, you are quite lucky"

Itsuki breath a sigh of relief

"Good luck kid"

When God said that Itsuki's vision got blurry as a white light covered him.


'Ugh my head hurt' Itsuki said but all that came out of his mouth was a "WAAAAAHHHHHHH"

'what the heck was that me?' Itsuki thought

"Congratulations miss Miki it twins," said the nurse

The nurse then handed the twins to the lady

'Wait, twins???' Itsuki thought

The man then asks "Dear what should we name them"

The lady that said to be named Miki

Answer "let us name the older one Itsuki and the younger one Issei"

The man smile brightly as he pick them up then said "Itsuki and Issei hyoudou what great names"

'oh, no did he just say hyoudou?' Itsuki thought

"Gorou be careful with the kid," said Miki

'oh sh** it looks like I reincarnated as Issei twins god damnit why' Itsuki cried

Miki angry glared at Gorou and said "see I told you to be careful"

Gorou quick said "I'm sorry"

A message appear in front of me it said

[Hope you enjoy your new family they may be a little abnormal [A/N: *ahem* Gorou] but they are kind and caring I also give you a gift it something to check up on your skill, not a system or anything like that because you said you didn't want them]

'*sigh* might as well give them a chance maybe I can also change Issei to leave the perverted path' thought Itsuki

'let see what God was talking about' Itsuki

A screen appeared in front of him

(Mastery ranking go as follow Entry -> Novice -> Intermediate -> Advance -> Expert -> Elite -> Master -> Grandmaster -> Perfected)

[C.Q.C Mastery: Elite]

[Acting Mastery: Expert]

[Disguise Mastery: Expert]

[Hiding Mastery: Master]

[Cooking Mastery: Master]

[Bomb making Mastery: Expert]

[Stealth: Master]

[Electrokinesis Mastery: Entry]

[Cryokinesis Mastery: Entry]

[Time manipulation Mastery: Entry]

[Space manipulation Mastery: Entry]

[Sunshine magic Mastery: Entry]

[Divine Weapon: Divine Axe Rhitta]

'Wait Divine Axe Rhitta? What the heck??'

'huh another message pops up it from God' though Itsuki

[Yes I made Divine Axe Rhitta a Divine weapon it power is like the twice critical with extra feature like when holding it your Sunshine magic will become more powerful, not to mention it does extra damage to Devil and even Fallen Angel. it may not seem like much but combine that with Sunshine effect and you would get Mass destruction I also made the Origin of Rhitta and Sunshine magic, it was once wielded by Micheal and Lucifer brother, Mael he was the strongest of the Angel second to only God, he was able to use the System just like God but was killed in the war and he use the last bit of his power to turn his weapon into a Divine Weapon, it would only pick the one that it deems is Worthy as its wielder, the person it picks as it wielder would also gain Sunshine magic, also I modified Sunshine magic a bit you no longer lose your power at night but you can only use up to 50% of Sunshine magic at night now have a good new life]

A sweat drip from Itsuki head as he thought 'this God is really is a sadist huh'