
DXD: Destroyer Of Fate

This is the story of Daniel who got a second chance in his life and got reincarnated in the DXD world as Zero. As he reincarnated with very strong cheats, Zero decided to control his destiny and destroy the fates that will stand in his way. ps: *There's a chance mc will use despicable methods to have some girls(No mind rape,) I only own oc characters. (sorry if any of the original authors get offended, after seeing me destroy their works )

Hunter_69 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter 12

After the little incident with Shuri, Zero went to sleep.

 Zero woke up in the morning and went out of his room to clean himself up. After washing his face he changed his clothes to his normal t-shirt and black jeans. Then he went downstairs to make breakfast.

The first thing Zero sees after walking downstairs is Shuri, who woke up even before him. And making something in the kitchen.

Zero walked up to her without making a sound as he hugged her from behind.

She became tense and surprised about the sudden embrace but after a couple of seconds, she also melted into his arm.

There was silence as they enjoyed each other's embrace for some time and didn't say anything. Seeing Shuri's silence, Zero also didn't talk but enjoyed the feeling of her soft body.

After some time, Zero couldn't stand this silence anymore as he asked Shuri.

Zero: Good morning Shuri… I didn't think you would get up this early. I thought you would rest a little longer. After all, you were so tired of all those sudden things.

Shuri: Good morning to you, too Zero. I'm not that tired. I'm used to getting up early in the morning to make food for Akeno and Clean the shrine. So it's a little hard for me to ignore these habits.

Zero: "Oh. Shuri, It's okay if you're not tired but take a little rest too. It's good for your health. If you suddenly become ill between all these things happening in your and Akeno's life, how come you become a strong mother for Akeno. So if you can't do that for yourself, think about Akeno."

"And what are you making? It has a good scent. I was going to make breakfast for us as I thought you were sleeping with Akeno."

Shuri: Ara..you were going to make food for us too? What a good man..you would be a good husband for that lucky woman. And Zero, I'm making Miso soup. And I'm still making it, you could also help me if you want. Or wait, it will be done soon.

Zero: ohh You're teasing me Shuri. it's good to see you in your usual self. And don't worry about it. I was going to make breakfast for us so I will help you with this so we can get it done before Akeno wakes up.

Shuri: Then please, could you help me cut these vegetables?

Zero also did what Shuri asked. As he didn't have the experience in making Japanese foods even in his previous life.

They began to work together to make food for them. And if we look at them who's working while chatting with each other, some could say they are a married couple. Zero followed things Shuri asked while also Shuri taught more things about Japanese foods to Zero.

Like this, some time passed. As they heard Akeno's voice.

Akeno: umm. Good morning mom..and brother Zero.

She said while yawning cutely. 

Shuri: oh Akeno you woke up. Did you sleep well?  Also, hurry up, wash your face. Mom and big brother made breakfast for you.

Akeno: Really mom, big bro?  I will be fast then.

Akeno said as she began to run quickly to the bathroom.

Seeing this Zero smiled and said, 

Zero: Akeno be careful don't run fast. No one gonna eats your food.

Soon Akeno came back. Then Shuri and Zero began to bring food to the table. They sat at the table and began to eat.

While eating Zero also chatted with Akeno about many things. She's now opening up to Zero more and more seeing that Shuri also smiled warmly. Her daughter is moving even faster than herself. And they look more like a Father and a daughter now.

After they finished their breakfast, Zero helped Shuri with dishes and Zero walked to the living room to relax a little, while Shuri's with Akeno as she's teaching something to Akeno.

After a while…

While sitting in the living room, Zero felt Shuri's presence who's approaching him. He knew what she wanted. So he spoke.

Zero: Shuri… you want to start your training? 

Shuri: Yeah Zero. You said we will start from today. I'm ready. I want to be strong enough to protect Akeno.

Zero: Okay Shuri then let's start and by the way where is Akeno? We can't train while she's alone here?

Zero asked Shuri as it will take some time to come back. And he doesn't want to leave Akeno alone.

Shuri: Ara. Aren't you worried about her too much? She's doing some work I gave her earlier. And she will watch tv after that. I also made some snacks for her. We could also come if something happens after all.

Zero: If you say so Shuri. Then come here, I will teleport us to my training room. 

Said Zero as he reached out and hugged Shuri's waist. He then teleports them to his underground training room.

The first time Shuri came to the training room, she began to look around curiously, as a little girl. She saw a room with blue coloured stone on the walls and the comfortable air and atmosphere in the room.

Seeing her reaction, Zero smiled and began to explain about the room. She began to listen to his explanation with an amazing look. She never heard of something like this. Even with the knowledge from her clan she only knew about Light magic and devil magic. She never heard of a thing like this.

After the explanation about the training room. Zero began to talk about her training. He only planned to start her training with some light exercises  

As she's a normal human. she couldn't do more hard things so Zero decided to start with the basics. 

Zero also began to think of a way to make her mentally strong as he started to leak a little bit of his aura to the air. On the first try, she couldn't stand for a second.

Seeing this, Zero quickly went to her before she fell and caught her in his arms. Seeing her state, Zero wanted to call it a day but Stubborn Shuri didn't want it. seeing that she's like this, Zero could only continue.

After some rounds, She could withstand a small portion of his aura. Zero decided to do this first as even after she became strong, if she couldn't handle a killing intent or pressure toward herself and passed out from it. It all will be useless.

They continued her training like this, while training Zero also "accidentally" touched Shuri here and there. Shuri is also not a fool. She knew what's happening. But didn't say a word or stop it.

She liked his touch but she also had doubts about this relationship. First, she's old and also has Akeno as she's a mother. She began to worry about herself as she felt like she's not good enough for Zero. He's young, handsome and strong too. She felt unreal with this. 

She didn't even feel like this even after knowing Baraqiel was a fallen angel. She could say Zero also likes herself and has feelings for her. Her feelings for baraqiel are also diminishing slowly with fallen angels wanting to kill Akeno.

If he's strong and has a big position in those fallen angels, why couldn't he come to help her and Akeno… why didn't he visit them after she gave birth to Akeno. Thinking of these things and also with the recent incident..her feelings for her former husband began to lose.

She felt stupid for waiting for him for so many years. but even with these, she knew Zero liked her and she wanted to accept it. Even Akeno will be happy with this but. She also felt inferior to Zero. Feeling like she doesn't deserve him

She knew Zero wouldn't care about these things but it's her thing. It's about her. That's also a reason for her to train and become somewhat strong. She didn't want to let down Akeno and….Zero. For that, she wanted to try even harder.

While trainig Zero felt Shuri somewhat has a problem and thinking about it..as she didn't say anything to him but began to try even harder and began to take everything more seriously than before.

Zero knew she made up his mind about something but didn't know what the exact thing was. He could only wait and see, what's all about this.

 He continued to train Shuri for some time. Then after giving her a little exercise to do. He left the training room to check on Akeno, as it's been sometime now.

 Leaving the training room, he went upstairs to visit Akeno.

He saw Akeno sitting on a little chair while watching some cartoons. He went near her and sat next to Akeno. She was surprised by his sudden appearance.

Zero also began to watch it but after some time it became boring. He could also feel akeno is also getting bored with this so he asked.

Zero: Akeno. How about we take a walk and eat something. Your mother is still busy. if we go now we could come back before she finishes?

Akeno: Really….big brother. Will you take me to see the city? I also wanted to visit those manga stores. My mother said we could find good things there.

Zero: Okay then. Let's go and take a look at those stores too.

He said while smiling, he's also curious about the manga stores in this world.

Then Zero took Akeno and walked out of the house after giving a little note to Shuri.

They walked around the city while chatting, Zero also bought ice cream for Akeno as they finally found a manga store.

They went inside of the store as Akeno began to run around and check things with eyes full of stars. Seeing Akeno happy and there's no harm in letting her walk around, he also sat at a near table as he also took a manga to read.

Sometimes it passes as He feels Akeno is nowhere to be seen. He quickly stands up as he begins to walk toward the place she sat before. As he got near he began to hear Akeno talking with someone, and it's also a cute voice of a girl. 

So out of curiosity, he began to walk toward them but before he reached them. Zero bumps into someone. He was in a hurry, the same as the one who came from the right side of the store.

Zero: Oh sorry abo….

 Zero was gonna say sorry and continue to walk but seeing her face made his body stiff.

??: ah..did the young man become charmed with my beauty? And look at my clothes. It's become wet with my coffee. I have to buy a new coffee now.

Zero: Cough...Oh sorry about that miss. I was gonna check on my sister. and I didn't see you there.

Zero said after coming out of his stupor. In front of him is a beautiful woman with a charming body with curves, and also has shorter flaxen hair and violet eyes. She's wearing a white dress. He could see the mark that coffee left on her breast area.

He didn't take a second to guess who's this. as a fan of her in his previous life Zero knew who she was. Zero knew he had to take this chance and make some connection with her.

??:  Oh, is that so? I was also looking for my daughter who ran toward here a while ago. But did not come back. So I'm looking for her. And where's my manners? I'm Venelana Gremory.

Zero:Oh Venelana- san. My name is Zero. And I heard my sister talking to someone. That's why I wanted to check on her. It could be your daughter Venelena- san.

Venelana: Oh it could be let's check them on then. I also need to take compensation from you after ruining my dress.

Zero: Okay Venelana-san, let's check on them first.

Two of them began to walk toward Akeno. After reaching them, Zero saw Akeno chatting happily with a girl who looked the same age as her. Zero looks at the girl next to Akeno more carefully. He knew his guess was right. In front of him is Chibi Rias.  She somewhat looks like Venelana but the small version with red hair.

They are discussing a manga they read earlier. Seeing this, Zero also remembered that Rias was also an otaku who liked Japanese culture in the anime.

They look like happy friends but even so, Zero doesn't want Akeno to be her queen. He decided that after saving them. And Shuri is also alive. And she will never let her become a devil.

Shaking his head, he approached them. They also notice him and Venelana approaching them.

Akeno: Big brother. I found a new friend today. She's nice and also likes the same things as me.

Rias: Mom, look at my new friend. She's cute.

They began to talk about how they met and about the manga they read here. Rias's also curious about Zero as she also begins to ask him about his name and some details.

Zero: It's like they become friends so quickly, Venelana-san. Now about I make up for you with a nice tea. So they could also talk more.

Akeno: yeyy. Big brother.

Rias: Mom…I also wanted to spend some more time with Akeno.

Venelena didn't have time to talk as Akeno and Rias already decided to do that. She could only smile warily.

Zero: it's like they also want that...then let's go Venelana-san.

After that, they walked out of the store and walked toward the coffee shop. They began to talk and spend some time together.  Venelana also chats with Zero about some things.

Rias and Akeno became even closer with this.  After some time Zero wanted to leave as It's getting late and Shuri might also finish her training soon.

Zero then left with Akeno who had a little sad face, same with Rias. So Venelana could only ask Zero to Let them meet each other again in the manga store. Hearing that Rias and Akeno smiled happily while Zero also got what he wanted with this. 

"It's all according to the plan"