
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Ch 59

The next day, it was around eight o'clock in the morning, but the Gremory family mansion was already busy. The breakfast table was already set, and all the members of the Gremory clan were already there. Zeoticus was sitting at one end of the table, with his wife Venelana at his side. At the other end is Sirzechs with Millicas on his right hand side while his wife Malty sits on his left.

At Venelana's side was her daughter Rias, with those of Rias' peerage occupying other chairs at the table.

"Where's Ryuhei-kun?" Zeocitus wondered, as did the others.

"I'm here. "

The attention of all the members of the Gremory House turned to the source of the voice, but before they could say anything, they were all stunned by what they saw. Standing there calmly were Ryuhei and Kuroka.

Ryuhei sat down beside Akeno, Kuroka sat down beside Koneko. as he turned his attention to the others who were still frozen, more precisely Zeocitus, Venelana and Malty. Those who have never seen his true form.


"Your looks.." Venelana, who was the first to escape her surprise, said, pointing at Ryuhei.

Ryuhei's appearance surprised and impressed everyone. His black hair has been replaced with white. At the same time, there are four black horns on the head. On his neck, he also has an eye tattoo and a dragon tattoo on both hands. Behind him were a pair of black wings, Ryuhei had decided to use only one pair of wings instead of the usual three. He didn't want to be confused with the falen angel. Rias and the other girls are a bit surprised to see Ryuhei's tattoo.

"Well, this is my true form. Previously I used the human form while living in the human world. However, now many people know about it, moreover I have no reason to hide it. while here." Ryuhei explained.

"Does that mean you'll always look like that. You look like a demon king." Interesting question from Millicas. Apparently he found Ryuhei's true form to be cool.

" Exactly ." Ryuhei happily replied to Millicas, who showed a bright smile.

"Ryuhei-san, can I call you Onii-sama? I always wanted to have a big brother." Millicas asked.

"Okay, I'll marry Rias anyway. "Ryuhei said.

As everyone watched Ryuhei and Millicas talk, the members of the Gremory House couldn't help but be amazed as they nodded at Ryuheu's words, clearly satisfied with what he said.

"Ryuhei-kun. After breakfast is over, can you come with me to see Ajuka? ." Sirzechs asked.

"Huh? " Ryuhei asked curiously about what Sirzechs was planning.

"I have done the paperwork about you being the head of Paimon House. You will become a high level Devil so you will have an evil piece." Sirzechs said that surprised Zeocitus, Venelana and Malty.

"Sirzechs. What do you mean ? Ryuhei-kun is the head of Paimon House? " Zeoctius asked.

"Didn't you see his appearance? " said Sirzechs.

Zeocitus stared at Ryuhei for a moment before nodding in agreement.

"Hmmm you're right, he looks like a member of Paimon House."

"He can also use red thunder. He's clearly fit to be the head of Paimon House. I plan to announce this during the young devil's meeting."

The goal of the meeting was for the young devils who hadn't officially debuted in the Rating game to gather in one place to greet each other, high-ranking young Devils from various noble families, including Rias.

With Ryuhei becoming the head of Paimon House, he was eligible to attend the meeting.


After breakfast, Sirzechs and Ryuhei left for Ajuka's workplace.

They greeted each other simply before entering the main topic. It was clear that Sirzechs was busy holding the meeting so he didn't want to waste time here.

"Sirzechs told me about everything. Ryuhei, now that you are a high level devil, you are qualified to build your own peerage." Ajuka then held out a small box, then motioned for Ryuhei to come forward.

"And once you make these Evil Pieces your own, you'll be the King." Ryuhei walked over and received the box from Ajuka. Once the box was in Ryuhei's hand, Ajuka turned his attention to the large rock erected behind him.

"Now, put your hand on the monument. Once you are recognized as King, your evil piece will synchronize with you"

Following Ajuka's instructions, Ryuhei approached the monument. While holding the evil piece box with his left hand, he places his right hand on the monument.

When his palm made contact with the monument, a dark gray light enveloped Ryuhei. It starts with his right hand. After covering his entire body, the light engulfed the box. When the light hits the pure white of the evil piece in the box, after a while his evil piece turns red. Soon, the light receded into the monument, marking the birth of a new King.


Ryuhei's evil piece

queen : Irene ( Ddraig - has a physical body but is much weaker than at his peak.)

Knight 1: Mihawk.

Rook 1: Yamato.

pawn 1: Baby 5.

pawn 2 . Enel .( 2 pawn )

Rias peerage.

Pawn mutation Doflamingo.