
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Ch 52

Author : The current OC is at the level of Ultimate Class Devil . That doesn't mean his physical strength is at the level of Ultimate Class Devil. Unlike Issei, who usually fights with physical strength. OC is more like a full-fledged warrior. He can fight with bare hands, fight with weapons, fight with magic. Physical strength is not his everything.

For example when OC solo with Kokabiel, he didn't use boosted gear. He combines physical strength, magic and skill to fight. If he uses the Bootsed Gear, it only takes one punch to end the match.

Plus if the OC is as strong as Ophis then I don't know what to write. Let's example.

Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost Boost .

Ryuhei rushed to Indra's position and swung a punch that caused the god to explode into blood jets.

That's the end of a match.

Sheesh, so I only need to write about 300-400 words per chapter.

OC is a person who likes to enjoy the feeling of fighting. Unless it's necessary, he puts everything he has into fighting.


At this point, Ryuhei decided to use Juggernaut Drive to fight. Is this for Esdeath ? Is not . If it's just to fight Esdeath, then Balance Breaker is more than enough. Ryuhei has two reasons for using Juggernaut Drive.

The first reason was that he wanted to use Freya as a training partner., she is a god and of course she will also have the power of a god. Ryuhei wanted to take this opportunity to practice his mastery of Juggernaut Drive. Ryuhei was not afraid of being drained of his life force, he used his energy to maintain Juggernaut Drive. Ryuhei is also not afraid of losing control when using this power. However, if he gets too excited in a fight, he can completely lose his temper.

The second is that he wants to see this as a way to both test the strength of all the members and also a way for him to show his strength.

"I, who am about to awaken"

Not only Esdeath but also Makima, Boa Hancock and Freya also frowned in fear as they sensed Ryuhei's ominous aura.

"Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God ."

Juggernaut Drive . The kind of forbidden power hidden deep inside Boosted Gear. It allows Ryuhei to reach the threshold of Ddraig's power. Although Ryuhei is currently unable to use Ddraig's full power, if he can control it completely then there is no doubt that Ryuhei will be ranked in the top 10.

"I laugh at the infinite, and I fret over the dream ."

Ryuhei's armor began to grow larger as he chanted, becoming more and more similar with every word he uttered. Ryuhei's gauntlets became giant claws while his feet became the legs of a dragon.

His dragon wings became larger as the green orbs on his body flickered continuously. Ryuhei's head and neck lengthened. His mouth also gradually became longer with fangs starting to grow out.

"Ishall become the Red Dragon of Domination ."

Now Freya's face became more serious than ever, she clearly understood Ryuhei's intentions. He was trying to challenge her and the others. When Ryuhei fought Esdeath, she just stood outside to watch. She is a god and she has the sanctity of a god. Not everyone can challenge her. Freya summons an exquisite white armor around herself, a golden greatsword that looks extremely delicate appears beside her. Freya had completely entered a fighting stance.

At the same time Makima also decided to join in, she wanted to find out what this feeling of fear was. It had been a long time since she had experienced any kind of emotion.

Esdeath also looked completely serious right now. She had been through many battles, but she had never felt so shaken and excited as she did now.

Boa Hancock wasn't sure if she could participate in a battle of this level. But she is willing to help.

Meanwhile, Marin and Saeko were sitting in the lobby and watching everything on a big screen.

"This is better than any anime I've ever seen." Marin muttered while taking out a bag of popcorn.


"And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory! "

The aura around Ryuhei increased as his body became more and more like a giant red dragon.

"Juggernaut Drive" Both Ryuhei and Ddraig roared at the same time.

Ryuhei finished the spell, standing tall and looking down at his opponents.

The one who attacked Ryuhei first was Esdeath. She created five icicles around Ryuhei to hold him back. However, they were quickly destroyed with a single swing of Ryuhei's arm.

Ryuhei flew up before rushing towards Freya, who quickly reacted by creating a golden shield to block the red dragon's punch.


Just then Ryuhei felt an invisible repulsion shot at himself causing him to step back a little. He looked to the side of the attacker, which was Makima.

Ryuhei opened his mouth and fired a laser at Makima, just as it was about to reach her a pillar of ice rose to block the laserbut accidentally created an explosion that caused Makima to be pushed back.

While Boa Hancock moved behind Ryuhei, she used his blind spot to attack. Boa Hancock jumped up, she concentrated a large amount of Haki on her leg before swinging a kick as hard as she could. However, Ryuhei used his tail to block her kick. Ryuhei snorted and swung his tail to push her away, but soon realized that part of his tail was petrified. Ryuhei got the impression that this girl, aside from being annoying, she was stronger than he thought.

Immediately after, he rotated his large body and swung a punch at the pirate queen that sent her flying away.

He then looked up at the sky and blew out a sea of ​​flames towards Esdeath, who was aloft while throwing a giant ice ball at him.

With the heat of the fire, the ice ball instantly evaporated and caused Esdeath to burn several parts of her body. Next, Ryuhei jumped up to dodge the attack of Freya, who was holding a 2 meter long sword. Freya's greatsword glowed fiercely as she injected a large amount of holy energy into it.

Once again Ryuhei ramped up his speed towards Freya, swinging a punch towards her once more.

Freya once again created a golden shield to protect herself but this time Ryuhei used Penetrate to bypass Freya's defense.

At this point, Freya could only raise her greatsword to block his punch. When Ryuhei's punch and Freya's greatsword collided,created a powerful shockwave that caused the area around them to shake violently.

If Baka red knew about the existence of OC, this dragon would surely interfere in the development of OC. Seriously, Baka red would definitely not like the appearance of an outsider like OC.

Oniichanisherecreators' thoughts