
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · Anime & Comics
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120 Chs

Ch 42

The day after Ryuhei got the group chat. Ryuhei is currently in his classroom. Today is not an ordinary day. Today is the day parents come to school to visit their children. Ryuhei's parents are not in this world so he is a bit lonely. He just hoped that his parents would still be able to live a happy life.

During the break, Ryuhei decided to go to Rias' classroom. He tried not to laugh at Rias' embarrassment. There her father and brother were filming her from afar. Things only stopped until Venelana, Rias' mother, came to stop Zeocitus and Sirzechs.

"Nice to see you again, Lady Gremory. "Ryuhei came over to greet his mother-in-law. He then also turned to greet Zeocitus and Sirzechs.

"Long time no see, how are you these days? ' said Zeocitus.

"Hello, Ryuhei-kun." Sirzechs said.

" I'm okay . What about everyone ? "

Then they started talking to each other about many things. When Zeocitus and Venelana learned that Ryuhei was an orphan, they seemed very sad. However, things changed when two other people joined the conversation. It was Rias and Akeno-she is using magic to cover her pregnant belly .

"Rias, I'm jealous of you, school in the human world is interesting. "Venelana said.

"What do you mean mom? " Rias asked curiously.

"I want to have a good memory at your school, Rias. Ryuhei-kun, can you help me? " Venelana asked.

Ryuhei thought for a moment before nodding in agreement. Then he led everyone to the back of the school. Everyone became confused with what Ryuhei was doing. There is nothing interesting in the back of the school.

"Ryu, why did you bring us out here? " Rias asked. Others were also looking forward to his answer.

"Okay, except for Lady Gremory, everyone stay far away."

Everyone quickly followed what Ryuhei said, while Venelana tilted her head in confusion.

"Okay, I'll make you a good memory at school." Ryuhei said and took a deep breath.

"Ve-Ve-Venelana-san, PLEASE DATE WITH ME." Ryuhei shouted while blushing, he crouched down while extending his hand towards his mother-in-law. He used his acting ability to make everything look as realistic as possible.

"Venelana-san. I really like you . Please date with me." Ryuhei continued to speak. He even came forward to hold Venelana's hand.

Venelana now blushes, she rolls her eyes as she speaks.

"But I am about to become an old woman. I have a husband and three children."

"I know, but I still want to date…" Ryuhei didn't finish his sentence when he immediately crouched down to dodge Akeno and Rias' attack.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ryuhei could only smile wryly.

"I just wanted to make a school memory for Lady Gremory." Ryuhei explained.

"I almost believed it, Ryuhei-kun. Your acting is really good. Also you don't have to call us Lady Gremory and Lord Gremory. You can call us by our first name." Venelana said.

"Okay, from now on I will call you Venelana-san." Ryuhei said.

After giving Venelana an unforgettable memory at school. Ryuhei and the others continued to visit the school. Then they caught a cosplay photo shoot.

Ryuhei realized who was being photographed. Basically, his image of Sona's older sister had collapsed before so he didn't have much emotion with what he was seeing right now.

After a while, Saji finally came and tried to control the situation. Even Saji was reprimanding the magical girl. Ryuhei just tried not to laugh at this. He then walked over to Saji's side and said.

"Do you really dare to reprimand one of the four Maou? Although she is an easygoing person, she is still a Maou. " Ryuhei said making Saji cringe.

"M-MAOU? " A voice shouted, and everyone turned to look at the voice and saw Issei panicking. Apparently he was just trying to see the magical girl's panties.

"What are you doing here Levia-tan." Ryuhei asked curiously. However Serafall only seems to care about Ryuhei calling her Levia-tan. He was one of the few people to call her by that name, which made Serafall very happy.

"Hehe. Ryu-chan just called me Levia-tan. " Serafall muttered for a moment before she noticed something. .

"Found you SO-TAN. Why don't you pick up your sister. My So-tan doesn't show up making me very lonely. I almost wanted to attack heaven. " Serafall as he hugged Sona, who was blushing in embarrassment at Serafall's antics.

"This is an area that I monitor, please pay attention to how you act here as it will damage my image. Go change your clothes and review your behavior." Sona said .

Serafall looked as if she was devastated by Sona's words.

"If So-tan doesn't like me, I'll be sad. Then I just had to express this love to Angels and Fallen Angels. "

At that moment, Sona looked as if she wanted to crawl into a hole. She was even desperate to the point of looking at Ryuhei with pleading eyes.

Ryuhei could only sign at this. He walked over and used both hands to grab Serafall armpits then he lifted Serafall up and looked at Sona while speaking.

"Run, Sona. I will keep her."

"But…" Sona looked at Ryuhei with worried eyes. She is someone who understands the horrors of Serafall. And now Ryuhei saved her life.

"Run, don't waste any more time. "Ryuhei shouted.

"Thank you, I owe you a life. Sona said while running away, she didn't forget to turn her head to look at Ryuhei. Sona's gaze seemed to say 'Please, let's live .'

Those who witnessed this scene couldn't help but think of Ryuhei as a hero who was buying time for Sona to run away from the Serafall monster.

"Mou Ryu-chan, why are you ruining my Yuri Yuri moment with So-tan."

"As a man of culture, I need to get rid of Yuri. It is a kind of heresy."


At the end of the day, Ryuhei and the others returned to the house, to be more precise it became a large mansion now. Ryuhei had dinner with the whole Gremory family before they left and ended the long day