
DxD : Conquer Multiverse

This is simply a dxd fanfic…OP MC, Harem is huge. If you don't like this, please don't read it. 1nd World : Highschool dxd . 2nd world : One Piece ( Done .) current world : Highschool dxd . I can't write, English is not my mother tongue. Please read this fanfic gently

Oniichanishere · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
120 Chs

ch 111

"Prometheus, Napoleon."

"YES, MAMA." Both Prometheus and Napoleon spoke at the same time. Immediately, flames erupted from Bigmom's great sword.

" Zeus ."

"YES, MAMA." Zeus immediately agglomerate up lightning bolts to increase his speed. After that . Bigmom rushed towards Ryuhei who was attacking Kaido.

While Ryuhei was fighting Kaido, he suddenly saw an image of Bigmom attacking him from behind.

"Tch, you're so annoying." Ryuhei muttered as he turned to block Bigmom's powerful slash.

On Kaido's side, he took the opportunity that Ryuhei didn't notice so he opened my mouth to charge my attack.

"Hey, why don't you join my crew? We will definitely rule this world. Mamamama." Big Mom said. She wants to invite Ryuhei to become her ally by marrying her daughter to Ryuhei. However, Ryuhei has no intention of allying with Bigmom, if he wants to rule this world then just him alone is enough.

" …Go away! ." Ryuhei answered and broke Napoleon. He then threw a punch straight into Bigmom's stomach. He then grabbed Bigmom's hand and threw it at Kaido's Boro Breath.

If it weren't for her strong defense, Bigmom would probably have died when she fully accepted Kaido's Boro Breath.

"Damn it, Kaido." Bigmom glared at Kaido before she looked at Ryuhei with angry eyes because he had killed Napoleon.

Bigmom jumped onto his dark cloud and rushed towards Ryuhei. She clenched her fist and covered it with Haoshoku Haki and Busoshoku Haki.

"This is the price you pay for killing Napoleon." Bigmom yelled and punched Ryuhei in the spot.

Ryuhei just stood there, a white aura starting to wrap around his fist.

Ryuhei threw his fist towards Bigmom's fist. When Ryuhei's fist collided with Bigmom's fist. The air immediately began to distort again.

The entire Wano began to shake violently at Ryuhei and Bigmom's attack. Bigmom started to wince as she felt something was wrong with her hand. In an instant, Bigmom's arm bone was broken because he couldn't withstand Ryuhei's punch.


When the air begins to break apart as if it were a mirror. In an instant, Bigmom flew away while spitting out a large mouthful of blood due to her broken internal organs.

Bigmom crashed into a mountain causing the mountain to collapse, when the dust settled down. Revealing Bigmom lying there unconscious.


"MAMA." Katakuri's eyes became bloodshot when he saw Bigmom's dire condition. His physical condition was very bad right now with countless slashes all over his body. Not only that, his left arm was now severed by Mihawk. If it wasn't for the help of the other candy commanders, Katakuri would have died long ago.

Katakuri was about to rush towards his mother when a giant cat's paw appeared in his field of vision.

"Who gave you permission to leave?" A 5 meter tall white cat appeared in front of Katakuri.

" Damned ." Katakuri immediately crouched down to dodge Koneko's attack. He then ignored her and continued to run towards his mother.

"Perospero, Cracker. Help me ." Kataruki shouted while looking in the direction of Perospero and Cracker.

However now Perospero and Cracker are also in a predicament as they are fighting against Kuroka.

"Katakuri, come help mama. I'll keep this cat's feet." Some commander ran over and held Koneko's feet.


Kaido wanted to take the opportunity when Ryuhei let his guard down. He picks up his mace, but he doesn't transform into his dragon form, he transforms into his beastman form.

"This battle is not over. I could keep fighting for weeks. " Kaido remains confident in his endurance and resilience. Kaido once again swung his mace to attack Ryuhei.

Ryuhei immediately dodged Kaido's attack and punched Kaido in the stomach.

Kaido winced in pain but then flashed a grin before grabbing Ryuhei's hand.

"Woahhahaha. You won't be able to dodge anymore." Kaido let out a crazy smile as he was now able to catch Ryuhei.

"Hahahaha." Ryuhei also laughed, making Kaido confused.

" Bro… I got your hand… I mean now you should say 'You bastard, let me go.' Then I'll say 'No way', then I'll attack you with that thing my black, hard and thorny." Kaido explained.

"But I can't get out on my own." Ryuhei said, then he tore off his own arm and jumped backwards.

"Fuck..." Kaido muttered as he saw Ryuhei's arm heal quickly. Kaido's breathing started to become chaotic, but his emotions were even more chaotic.

"What kind of monster are you?" Kaido asked Ryuhei, in the past these words would have come from his opponent.

Kaido looked at Ryuhei, who was unharmed, and he looked at himself, he was full of wounds. It was hard for him to accept this.

The only time Kaido saw Ryuhei's blood flow was when Ryuhei injured himself.

"You said you could fight me for weeks right?. " said Ryuhei and took out a cigarette.


About an hour had passed since Ryuhei asked Kaido if he could fight for weeks.

An hour of fighting is just a warm-up for the strong, but for Kaido it's completely different. Kaido was beaten continuously for an hour.

* BOOM *

Kaido gathered his strength and blocked Ryuhei's attack, but that wasn't enough, he was sent flying backwards. Kaido was now covered in blood.

"Aren't you tired?" Kaido gasped as he looked at Ryuhei, who continued to attack. For the past hour, Ryuhei had not stopped attacking Kaido for even a second.

"Only an hour has passed. I used to hit Vali for 5 hours." Ryuhei said while throwing a punch to Kaido's ribs.

Although Kaido didn't know who Vali was, he suddenly felt a little pity for this person.

"Don't tell me you're tired, it's only been an hour, didn't you say you can fight for a few weeks."

The corner of Kaido's mouth twitched. ' I'm talking about weeks of fighting, not beatings like this. ' Was what Kaido thought before he stood up.

This time Kaido didn't continue to attack, instead he took out his gourd and started drinking. Ryuhei was confused and looked at Kaido.

"Wo.ro.ro.ro.ro.ro, it's good to have an opponent like you." Kaido spoke to Ryuhei with a drunken voice.

Kaido took his mace and started attacking Ryuhei in an unpredictable way. Ryuhei blocked the kaido's attack and was surprised by the power behind the attack.

In this drunken state, the kaido's movements become more unpredictable, he rapidly switches between his Zoan forms, Haki and his powers also become stronger. Kaido continued to attack but his mood started to change from time to time.

"Wo.ro.ro.ro.ro.ro . You won't be able to-." Kaido was about to say something when Ryuhei punched him right in the jaw, breaking Kaido's lower jaw.

However, Kaido still didn't fall, he gripped the mace with both hands, he gathered all his remaining strength before swinging his mace down.

Kaido's attack hit Ryuhei on the head causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood before falling unconscious.

Kaido just stood there and looked at Ryuhei's corpse… 'I won?…but why can't I feel happy?…why is my chest aching so much.' Kaido looked down and saw Ryuhei standing there with An arm pierced through Kaido's chest.

All Kaido had seen before was actually what Kaido wanted before he died.

"I see… I lost…Joy Boy" Kaido mumbled and coughed up a large mouthful of blood. Kaido took his last breath while showing a sad smile. Do you hold a grudge against Ryuhei? … The answer is no, 'the strong are those who have the power to decide everything'. Being killed at Ryuhei's hand made Kaido consider it matter of pride.


"KAIDO-SAMAAAAA" King shouted when he saw Ryuhei transform Kaido into a donut.

"You shouldn't lose focus. Goshikito." Dolfamingo immediately appeared behind King and slashed at King's back with five strings emanating from his fingers.

Right now, Queen was running towards Ryuhei at her top speed. However, Hancock rushed over and launched a kick at the neck of the long-necked dinosaur.


Meanwhile , above Gabriel . O-Tama and Ei-chan watched the battle from afar. O-Tama looked at Ryuhei with sparkling eyes while shouting.

"Aniki is cool."

"See, Ei-chan said it already. Papa is the best."


The Beast Pirates and Bigmom Pirates lost all fighting spirit when they saw their leader defeated. Their alliance was defeated in this war, all began to lay down their weapons and accept defeat.

Saeko cuts off Who's-Who head. Looking at the Beast pirates, she was a little disappointed, she wanted to continue the fight.

Carrot saw Saeko's disgruntled expression. she walked over and asked.

"What's going on, Saeko-Pyon." Carrot tilted her head and asked.

"I want to fight more." Saeko said, she thought the battle would last for days so she fought slowly to enjoy the feeling of taking the enemy's life. However, the battle only ended after a couple of hours, so she was a bit dissatisfied.

Carrot next to her was sweating when she heard what Saeko said. This bunny girl was happy that the fight ended so quickly.


"Ara look at Saeko's disgruntled face..." Akeno said while observing everything. Meanwhile, Rias is looking around the war to find potential people for her peerage.


Ryuhei ignored Kaido's corpse and headed towards his fleet. Then he noticed King and Queen lying on the ground. However, Ryuhei didn't care about them either. He only focused on the Devil Fruit in his hand. It's Kaido's Devil Fruit. Uo Uo no Mi, Model: Seiryu .

"A good devil fruit." Ryuhei muttered while walking past Beast Pirates. All the top members of the Beast Pirates are lying on the ground. The other Beast Pirates trembled as they looked at Ryuhei, they never thought that the Beast King Kaido would be defeated by Ryuhei.

"…Kaido-sama." Black Maria looked at Kaido, she always believed that Kaido would not be defeated. She then looked towards Ryuhei, his clothes were torn but there were no wounds on his body. Black Maria carefully looked at every nook and cranny of Ryuhei's body.

Ryuhei's semi-naked body with toned muscles made Black Maria's eyes unable to leave. The sweat on his abs seemed to make everything look perfect.

"Ara ara, do you really blush when you look at your enemies? ." Robin stood at the side and asked Black Maria.



Bigmom woke up and felt his whole body aching. She coughed up a mouthful of blood because her internal organs were badly damaged.

All Bigmom remembers is that she was blown away by Ryuhei and passed out. While she was thinking about something, she saw Ryuhei walking towards her.

Bigmom frowned and was immediately frightened when he saw the Devil Fruit that Ryuhei was holding in his hand. Bigmom wanted to get up but couldn't, her body was too heavy to stand up in this state.

"Ready to die here?~ ." Ryuhei said with a cheerful voice.

Bigmom was about to say something when a blur appeared in front of her. It was her second child, Katakuri.

Katakuri has lost an arm and has numerous wounds on his body. Right now he was breathing hard because he had lost a lot of blood.

"You want to fight me?" Ryuhei said as he saw Katakuri dragging his feet in front of his eyes.

Katakuri didn't answer, when he got close enough. He slowly began to kneel in front of Ryuhei. Katakuri's head hit the ground hard, causing some blood to ooze out. Now that Katakuri could no longer feel the pain, he had only one concern. That is to protect his mother and younger brothers.

"…Please…please forgive … mama and the rest." Katakuri said hard before he vomited a large mouthful of blood, he ready to die here to protect the rest.


Author : Ryuhei needs just over 100 chapters to have two lovely daughters. Meanwhile, there's a LOSER who spends nearly 300 chapters and still doesn't dare to confess .