
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Rias vs. Sona

Rias was the first one up the following morning, dressed in her school clothes as she looked at herself in front of the mirror. Today was one of the most important days in her life: her first official Rating Game. She would be speaking about her future today and finding out who her Rating Game matches would be. The entire concept filled her with excitement and anxiety, something she would bet anything that Sona was experiencing this very moment.

She smiled as she suddenly felt two arms wrap around her waist and Elros kissing her atop her head. He kept his hands from frisking, no doubt aware of what was going on inside her mind.

"Good morning," he whispered, resting his lips there.

"Hey. Good morning," Rias said, bringing one of his hands up and kissing it softly. His very presence did wonders to alleviate any worry she had, instead filling her with warmth and comfort.

"Don't worry. You're going to kick ass and take names. Almost feel bad for the poor saps that go up against us, to be honest," Elros said.

"I know. It's… really important though. To me… to my family," Rias said, sighing as she gently caressed his hand. She brought it to her cheek, sighing as she felt him caress it with a thumb.

"In which case, it's extremely important to me as well. We're going to win, Rias. I promise," Elros said confidently. Turning, Rias wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up to give him a soft and gentle kiss before resting her head against his.

"I know we are," she whispered, hugging him tightly. She sighed in exaltation as Elros rubbed her back gently. Giving him one more kiss, she took her leave and let him get ready. Looking at himself in the mirror, Elros let out a heavy sigh.

'Rias… Sona… ah, I wonder how this will go? And that woman from last night… Titania. Why… why do I feel like I know her? She seems so… familiar,' Elros thought with a frown. As he shaved and showered, he wracked his mind continuously as he tried to associate a name with the face.


As Rias and the others were preparing to leave, they suddenly heard a little voice cry out.

"Auntie Rias!" it said. Rias smiled as she turned and saw a young boy running towards her. Much like Rias, he had crimson hair; he wore a black shirt and slacks and had a bright smile on his good-natured face. Rias gave him a hug, gently stroking his hair.

"Hello, Millicas. I haven't seen you lately," Rias said.

"Mom and grandma have kept me studying. Woah! It's him! Elros!" Millicas shouted excitedly, looking up in awe at the Lantern. Elros grinned and ruffled the boys hair.

"Hey there, little man," Elros said.

"Elros, everyone, this is Millicas - my nephew," Rias said, making the introduction.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Millicas said as he took a step back and bowed to them.

"How cute," Asia cooed.

"Handsome indeed," Xenovia said with a smile.

"That so? So your Sirzechs and Grayfia's kid? Pretty cool mom and dad you have there," Elros said, eliciting a smile from Millicas.

"Now, now, Millicas dear - Rias and the others have to get going soon, I'm afraid," Venelana said with a smile as she came up behind them.

"Awww… can't I go as well, grandma?" Millicas asked.

"Maybe next year, but you still have your studies for now," Venelana said. Millicas grumbled but sighed as he went over to her side. Looking up at Elros, however, he smiled again - the Lantern's grin was infectious.

"I don't get it," Rias grumbled adorably.

"Get what, dear?" Venelana wondered.

"Whenever it's Millicas or I, you're so strict and like another person! But with Elros… it's so unfair," Rias whined.

"But I'm adorable and charming, sweetheart - I can do anything. Get on my level," Elros said cheerfully as he ruffled Koneko's hair, eliciting a giggle from the matriarch.

"He also doesn't whine as much when it comes down to it, dear. Elros, if I might ask you quickly, do you intend to start your Ultimate-Class tests after your match with Yama?" Venelana asked.

"That was the original plan, Mrs. G, but I think I might try to move it up. The first two parts are essays, right? Well, my rings been feeding me information since I got into the library, so I think I might try to tackle those this week - in between the Rating Games if I can. Then the one on one aspect… I dunno, if they want me to fight an Ultimate-Class Devil, couldn't I just choose Yama?" Elros wondered.

"Hmm… I don't see why not. Speak to Sirzechs and Luke about it. I'm sure they can arrange all the necessary aspects with the committee. Of course, Yama will have to agree but I can't think of a reason why he wouldn't," Venelana said.

"Sweet. Oh, are you going to be coming to watch the games as well, Mrs. G?" Elros wondered.

"Indeed I am, sweetheart. I can't miss my darling daughters big day. I will see you all there shortly," Venelana said, leading Millicas back to his room. Opening a magic circle, Rias escorted the others to where they needed to be.


"Huh. What's this place?" Elros wondered.

"This is Luciferd - part of my brothers territory. The previous Lucifer used to live here, but now it's the place where the Rating Games as well as the Ceremony will take place," Rias said. Elros noted that countless Devils were on their sides, many of them staring at him and Rias - split between longing and daggers.

"Lady Rias! Lady Rias!" several shouted, trying to get her attention.

"UGH! It's… that guy she's seeing. What does he have that I don't?!" a Devil asked.

"Probably quite a bit, to be honest," a girl next to him said as she winked at Elros who waved back.

"Having fun?" Rias asked.

"Don't I always?" Elros chuckled.

"Princess Rias… so beautiful," several women sighed in admiration.

"So… hot," several guys said.

"Oh man, if only I could get an autograph…," another said.

"You're pretty popular here. And Princess Rias?" Elros asked.

"Rias is popular everywhere. Princess, though - I'm not sure how that nickname came about," Akeno giggled. Rias rolled her eyes as she put her arms around Elros's waist, nuzzling his side. The motion drew sighs of exaltation from half the audience, and anger from the other.

"Every time you and I touch, we seem to split the people in half," Elros laughed.

"I know. Should I stop?" Rias asked with a smirk.

"Don't you dare. Otherwise, I'll have to make a much more public display of affection. Such as…," Elros said as he leaned in and begin whispering sweet, loving, and erotic words in her ear. Rias giggled audibly while many Devils began to blush red at the depravity of what he said, some blanching.

"Oh my gosh, you're such a degenerate!" Rias laughed.

"Looks like that's stopped them from talking, at least. Oh, but I meant every. Single. Bit. Of. That," Elros chuckled as they finally passed beyond the threshold and into the large, palatial building in front of them.


"Elros," Rias said as they met an escort that would take them to the meeting place.

"What's up?" Elros replied.

"Hmmm… actually, nothing," Rias said, deliberating.

"What is it, Rias?" Elros inquired interestedly.

"This event is pretty… well, I suppose uppity might be the right word. The Devils that we're going to see up there - a lot of them, while they support the New Satan Faction, still hold on to some older modes of thought. They have a clear and defined idea of what a servant in a peerage is supposed to be. I was going to say that some of them might try to insult you in particular. As has been said, your rise has been meteoric - more so than any Pure-Blood Devil," Rias said uncomfortably.

"Don't worry. I'm… uh… going to try to keep a lid on myself and not embarrass you," Elros said sheepishly.

"I was about to say that, but then I remembered Luke is going to be there as well. And I forgot that he has no filter, so you'll probably be fine," Rias sighed.

"Nonetheless, I'll try to remain more respectful," Elros said. Rias smiled appreciably at him and nodded.

Continuing down a passage, they suddenly came to a wide room where they saw everyone - Sona, Sairaorg, Diodora, Seekvaira, and Zephrydor were all assembled their with their peerages. As they arrived, they noted that Sona, Sairaorg, and Diodora seemed to be surrounding Seekvaira and Zephrydor - who were having another argument.

"Again?" Rias asked tiredly.

"Unfortunately," Sona sighed.

"You feeling alright, Sona, guys?" Elros asked.

"I am, thank you. I hope you're ready as well," Sona said with a smile.

"But of course," Elros nodded.

"Well, well, well - Rias Gremory and her peerage," Zephrydor said with a grin as he looked sideways at Sairaorg. As it was the eve of the Ceremony, there would be no violence until the Games began - otherwise, it would merit an immediate disqualification. He was saved from Sairaorg's fist until then.

"Hello," Rias said coldly.

"Why so cold? If you want, I can warm you up," Zephyrdor said, smiling at her before looking at Elros, who frowned at him.

"What? You want to go now, punk? I remember what you said about my ears," he said. Elros simply rubbed his head, as though trying to remember who he was.

"Your memory can't be that bad," Issei whispered to Elros.

"Dude, you have no idea. Who the hell is this guy?" Elros whispered back. Suddenly, he saw the pointy ears and clapped in remembrance.

"Right! You're the guy who got knocked out by Rias's cousin!" Elros said. Zephrydor snarled but didn't move.

"Sorry. I promise I won't embarrass you any further," Elros said apologetically to Rias who smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I still don't get what you see in the Lowborn, Gremory. My family's got a Satan as well, you know. If you and I get married, it could be beneficial to both of our families," Zephrydor offered.

"No," Rias replied mindlessly, caressing Elros's cheek and admiring his features. That didn't do the blue-haired Devil any favors. He snarled again but stopped as Elros looked back at him with cutting eyes, as though daring him to try something.

"So is there any reason we didn't do the Ceremony last night? We were all in one place, weren't we?" Elros inquired.

"The Peace Talks were the most important thing last night. Usually, the Ceremony takes place, and then the Rating Games are spread over several weeks. Extenuating circumstances, as it stands," Rias said.

"Extenuating circumstances just so happens to be my middle name," Elros grumbled, recalling the events of the night before.

"You joke, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was," Akeno giggled.

"Gee, thanks, sweetheart," Elros deadpanned.

"Hmm… you have quite the impressive peerage, Rias," Seekvaira suddenly said, focusing her eyes on Elros.

"Thank you, Seekvaira," Rias said with a pleasant smile.

"You're particularly impressive, Elros Eärendil. I first assumed that it was the Red Dragon Emperor we needed to worry about; but it's obvious that's by the by now," Seekvaira said.

"You might be misevaluating, Miss Agares. Issei is definitely the one you need to worry about. I daresay he's picked up a couple of things since training. Be careful to not let your guard down," Elros said, smiling at the brunette who gave him a grin and thumbs up.

"Better hope you don't go up against my peerage, punk," Zephyrdor said.

"I'll take it to heart," Elros nodded, eyeing Zephrydors peerage.

"Perhaps we should get introductions out of the way - just in case not everyone is acquainted. My name is Seekvaira Agares - the next head of the Agares family - rank of Archduke," Seekvaira said.

"Rias Gremory, the next head of the Gremory Family - rank of Duke," Rias announced.

"Sona Sitri - the next head of the Sitri family. Rank of Prince," Sona chimed in, smiling at Rias who returned it.

"Sairaorg Bael. Next head of the Bael Family. Rank of Great King," Sairaorg said in a booming voice.

"Hello. My name is Diodora Astaroth, and it's a pleasure to meet you all. Like Miss Gremory, ours is the rank of Duke," Diodora said pleasantly.

"Zephyrdor Glaysa-Labolas. Rank of Prince," Zephyrdor said. As he finished, a Devil came in and had them follow them to a different room.


At last, everyone was gathered in a large auditorium style room. Countless High-and-Ultimate-Class Devils were seated, as were guests Titania, Azazel, Michael, Odin, and Rossweisse. Luke, Zekram, and one other man were all sitting in prime seats. Elros saw that Yama was sitting next to Luke as well, and the judge that presided over his negotiations was next to him. In the row in front of them were Sirzechs, Serafall, Falbium, and Ajuka. Titania, Elros noticed, was looking very directly at him, seemingly humming to herself. He was able to make out Sona's parents as well as Rias's up there as well. He noted that the Phoenix family was there as well, Riser conspicuously absent. Several beautiful women were there as well, Elros noted in particular; likely High-Class Devils by birth, if he had to guess. Azazel gave the Gremory's the thumbs up while they all get assembled, their kings in front. Finally, Zekram stood up and spoke.

"You six are the Devils of the next generation. The Devils with the pedigree and ability that no one can object to. You are the Devils that are born of the strongest Clans that 72 Pillars had to offer. And that's why you all will fight before your true debuts. This will be a way for you all to not only meet the future of the Underworld, but to increase you own powers," he said before sitting down.

"Will we also eventually fight the Khaos Brigade?" Sairaorg suddenly asked, his arms crossed over his chest. Elros looked sideways at him before looking ahead.

"Perhaps. I do not wish to send out Young Devils, unless absolutely necessary," Sirzechs answered.

"Why not? Even though we're young, we carry the responsibilities of Devils. If you do nothing but coddle us, we-," Sairaorg began but was cut off by Sirzechs.

"I acknowledge your bravery and prowess, Sairaorg - however, you're reckless. I'd like to avoid sending any of you into true battle if it can be helped. It would be a significant loss to our kind were we to lose you - any of you. As glorious as it might seem, war isn't something you should beg for," Sirzechs said.

"I… understand," Sairaorg said. He suddenly turned to look at Elros, something everyone saw, before looking ahead. Elros saw Luke smile before he spoke.

"I understand what is going through your mind, Bael heir. But ask anyone here - and they will likely tell you that peace is preferable. Do not speak so lightly of war to those that have lived it," Luke said softly. Sairaorg nodded.

"Now, we all wish to hear from the source itself, as it were - what are your goals? Your hopes and aspirations?" Sirzechs asked. Sairaorg was the first to step forward.

"My goal is to become a Great Satan," he said confidently. Loud murmurs immediately started - most of them surprised that he would say something so brazenly, especially to the four in front of him. They all, however, smiled and nodded.

"It's unprecedented for a Devil from the Bael family to leave it," a devil said.

"Regardless, I shall become a Great Satan. It is my deepest desire," Sairaorg said.

"It's not just a title, Sairaorg - it has a significant amount of responsibility as well. Are you ready to usurp such a role?" Sirzechs asked.

"I believe that I will be, yes," Sairaorg said. Sirzechs smiled lightly and nodded.

"An admirable goal, young Bael. May your dream come true. As I've mused before, you in particular are impressive amongst this batch of Young Devils. You have no Demonic Powers, yet in a one on one, you would undoubtedly best the other Kings here. The will you possess is quite incredible. Yes, the Underworld can expect great things of you," Luke said happily, raising a martini glass to Sairaorg. The Bael heir bowed low in thanks before taking a step back.

"My goal for the near future is to serve as the head of the Gremory Family, as well as to win each Rating Game ahead of me," Rias said confidently.

"Mmm… I see. An admirable goal, Young Gremory. Your case is interesting as well. Your mothers Power of Destruction is quite potent, your fathers magical prowess is quite high, and your brother is one of the Four Great Satans. While I'm sure many would scoff at someone thinking that simply heading their family is impressive, when placed into context, it is quite a task. Such a legacy to live up to. My best wishes!" Luke said raising his glass yet again. Rias smiled at the praise and bowed low as well before stepping back.

"Zephrydor Glaysa-Labolas. My goal is to head the Glaysa-Labolas family and lead us into a new and successful generation," Zephrydor said.

"My condolences on the death of your brother, Zephrydor," Luke said.

"Thank you, Mr. Star," Zephrydor said, bowing low before stepping back.

"Seekvaira Agares. My goal is to lead the Agares family into the new age. But I wish to do more - I wish to improve the technological standing of the Underworld," Seekvaira said. Her answer surprised Elros, who looked at her with more interest.

"Oh ho?! That's quite interesting, Agares Heir! Oh, this I truly hope to see come to fruition. How do you plan to do that?" Luke asked.

"The Human world is far ahead of the Underworld in several aspects, especially when it comes to technology. I hope to strike partnerships with some of the larger, science and tech based firms - Queen Industries, Wayne Enterprises, and LexCorp in particular - and integrate their science into the Underworld," Seekvaira said. Elros looked surprised and looked at Luke, who surreptitiously winked at him.

"I see. I wish you the best of the luck, Agares Heir. Although, I would advise you to be careful with those particular firms. Living on Earth as long as I have, I know a thing or two about the men at the top of those companies. Do not assume that because you are a Devil - and a powerful one - the you might have an advantage. Otherwise, you may find that you are not the shark you think are. Bruce Wayne, Oliver Queen, and Lex Luthor are devilish in ways I doubt many of us gathered here would even think of," Luke said with a chuckle. Seekvaira nodded vigorously before taking a step back.

'Ring. Send a recording of that to Oliver and Bruce. They need to be several steps ahead,' Elros thought. His ring silently obeyed his command.

"Diodora Astaroth. I wish to lead the Astaroth Clan into the future, much like Zephrydor, Seekvaira, and Rias," Diodora said before stepping back.

"Very well. Thank you. And at last but not least, you, Miss Sitri," Luke said, looking at Sona.

"I wish to build a school for Rating Games in the Underworld," Sona said confidently. Eyes shot up in surprise before a different Devil spoke.

"There already is a school for Rating Games," he said.

"Only High-Class Devils, or ones that are otherwise privileged, are accepted. I wish to build one for Low-Class and Reincarnated Devils can attend as well - a school open to all," Sona said. Elros grinned as she said that. Her peerage thought the same, also smiling wide. Many, however, didn't seem to feel the same way. Derisive laughter soon broke out. Elros narrowed his eyes at the laughing Devils; looking at Luke, he saw him smile at Sona, but it was a pleasant smile.

"That… is quite impossible," one Devil chuckled.

"Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant," another said, wiping away tears.

"When we asked for dreams, we asked for ones that could be reasonably accomplished," another said, frowning at Sona.

"The next Sitri head, saying something like that so bluntly. Ah… good thing it was now, and not later," another said.

"You weren't kidding about the discrimination, Rias," Elros whispered.

"I know. But this is just.. cruel," Rias said. Elros heard her teeth slightly crack as she gritted them, furious they were laughing at her friends dream. As the laughter continued, Sona spoke again.

"I'm serious," she said confidently. Looking at Luke, Elros could tell that he was enjoying this - but from a different perspective than the others. Zekram then spoke as the laughter died down.

"Sona Sitri - Low-Class Devils and Reincarnated Devils exist to serve and work for High-Class Devils. They are selected for their talent - nothing else. Building such a school would make the old families - those that value tradition and pride - lose face. I will be the first to agree that the world of Devils has entered a period of change - but change is not always good. Your dream of teaching Low-Class Devils shouldn't even be a concern of yours," Zekram said coolly.

"How dare you!" Tsubaki shouted, to everyones surprise. "Sona is doing something wonderful here - something admirable! Why shou-," Tsubaki began before she was cut off.

"Be careful of how you address us, young Devil. Miss Sitri, you ought to have a tighter leash on your servants," Zekram said.

"I… will speak to he-," Sona said, before Luke cut in.

"No need, Sitri Heiress. Miss Shinra, continue with what you were saying - please," Luke said. Tsubaki looked at him in surprise before looking at Sona, who nodded.

"I was saying that… Sona is doing something wonderful here. This is her dream and I don't think it's right for others to say that it won't come true. This… is something we're serious about. That we're adamant about!" Tsubaki said passionately. Luke smiled and nodded.

"I see. I am impressed with the passion your servants speak with, Miss Sitri. Is this your way of telling me that you aren't as adamant about your dream as they are? That perhaps this dream isn't important to you?" Luke asked Sona.

"What?" she asked in surprise.

"I asked if this is your way of telling me that you aren't as adamant about your dream as they are. Miss Shinra shouldn't have had to speak in your stead. This is your dream. Say it loud, say it proud! Or do not say it at all!" Luke said.

"I… yes, this is my dream! I wish to start a school for Low-Class and Reincarnated Devils!" Sona shouted, blushing as she ended.

"Excellent! Yes, this is an impressive dream indeed - to go against what it means to be a Devil. This shall require intense willpower, my dear," Luke said.

"I know that, Mr. Star," Sona nodded.

"Luke, you can't be ser-," one Devil began before shutting up as Luke looked at him.

"This girl, decades your junior, is attempting to change the very face of the Underworld. For better or worse, this is intriguing. Yama, what are your thoughts?" Luke asked.

"She's got more balls then most of the Devils in this building combined," Yama said, bored.

"Yes, I've ascertained the same. Miss Sitri, what headway have you made on this dream of yours?" Luke asked. Sona looked at Elros who surreptitiously nodded.

"Elros Eärendil has agreed to help be involved in my school - in any capacity I can think of," Sona said. Luke lit up and clapped his hands as she said that, while all eyes suddenly turned to Elros.

"Oh ho! Mr. Eä- no, I can't do that… Elros, please step up!" Luke said. Elros sighed before stepping into the limelight, smiling at those around him.

"Yes… uh… sir," Elros said, visibly recoiling as he said that. Unless he said it in a joking matter, it didn't seem right. Luke seemed to recoil at being addressed so formally by him as well.

"Ah-ha… yes, please do not call me Mr. Star again. It's… far too peculiar. On to macro, though! Is what Miss Sitri said true? You intend to help her set this school up?" Luke asked.

"I do indeed. In whatever capacity I can be useful, so long as it's not being required to stand in a classroom and actually teach," Elros said.

"I see. And why would you involve yourself in such an endeavor?" Luke asked.

"It's an admirable endeavor, ladies and gentleman. There are few things more important than education the next generation. This seems to be a wonderful way to do so, and I can't think of someone better than Sona to institute such a place. She's quite the genius, after all," Elros said.

"Discrimination isn't easily dismissed, Elros. You know this well," Luke mused.

"I do. Beware our power, I suppose," Elros said with a smile. Luke chuckled and raised his martini glass to that.

"These institutions have been around for longer than you've been alive, boy," one Devil said coldly.

"I understand, sir," Elros nodded.

"Then you'll understand that they won't change so easily," he continued.

"That's fine, sir," Elros said.

"What do you mean?" the Devil asked.

"I've no misconception about the difficulty of this task. That said, it's irrelevant. This is Sona's dream and I intend to do my damnedest to make it come true," Elros said as politely as possible.

"Do you know what it means to change society?" another Devil spat at him.

"I… have an idea," Elros said. Luke simply chuckled; he was better informed than almost everyone in attendance - with the exception of Michael - that Elros knew what it meant to change society.

"You find this funny, Luke? This is a serious matter! Your relationship with him notwithstanding, you cannot show favoritism!" the Devil said.

"My relationship with Elros has no bearing on my thoughts on this matter, my good man," Luke said.

"Then what is your thought on the matter?!" the Devil inquired.

"It has piqued my interest. The Sitri Heiress has quite a powerful ally in Elros Eärendil. I am interested in seeing how far you can take this, Miss Sitri," Luke said.

"Perhaps you-," Sona began before Luke shook his head.

"No, I'm afraid not. This is your dream, Miss Sitri. Whether you succeed or fail shall be on your head. I will simply observe. That said, should you succeed, I shall speak at the opening ceremony to the incoming Devils," Luke said with a pleasant smile. Sona smiled back and nodded vigorously before stepping back, brimming with happiness. The other Devils seemed flabbergasted by that, but didn't say anything; many of them remembered what Luke did to Crueserey. Elros was about to step back but Luke spoke again.

"Ah, now that we have you here, Elros, I suppose we should get the other order of business done with as well," Luke said.

"What would that be?" Elros wondered.

"Your promotion to Ultimate-Class," he said. As he said that, five of the six peerages - except Rias's - looked on in surprise.

"What? ULTIMATE?!" Zephyrdor asked in shock. Seekvaira, Sona, Sairaorg, and Diodora seemed just as surprised by the jump, their mouths slightly open by the development. In the audience, Elros saw the Gremory's smiling proudly at him, as was Serafall, Odin, Azazel, and Michael; to his surprise, Titania also seemed to be smiling proudly.

"How is he able to become an Ultimate-Class Devil?! He's a Lowborn! No one has made the jump from a Low-Class to an Ultimate-Class Devil!" a Devil in the audience yelled.

"You can't be serious, Luke! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!" another shouted. The shouting continued until they felt the heat spike.

"Silence. Your cacophony is discomforting," Luke said quietly.

"It has been decided that Elros Eärendil will test out of Middle-and-High-Class and straight into Ultimate," Zekram said, gritting his teeth. He obviously wasn't happy about the matter.

"On what grounds?!" a Devil asked roughly.

"His meteoric rise is unprecedented. From a no-name servant, to Rank 18 upon his defeat of an entire peerage, to handily defeating the ranked 12th, 9th, and 5th Devils. Whether you all accept it or not is irrelevant; what is relevant is that no one in the Underworld has come close to such a tremendous rise in centuries - and even then, it was over the course of years. Elros Eärendil has done such in months, an unrivaled feat for such a Young Devil. I, along with Luke, recommend this course of action. The committee has agreed upon it as well," the judge suddenly spoke.

"Be that as it may, this sets a bad example, judge," a Devil said.

"You wish to argue the matter, then?" Luke asked.

"I do!" the Devil said, standing up.

"Then what is your wager?" the judge asked the Devil.

"What?" the Devil asked, flabbergasted.

"If you wish to argue his promotion, then it stands to reason that you defeat him in a Duel or something similar. Otherwise, your words are empty," the judge said.

"This… that… it's an outrage!" the Devil said, although he sat down.

"Your thoughts on the matter, Yama?" Luke asked.

"He's about one of the few in this room that's actually earned it, even considering those kids up there," Yama said coldly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Serafall demanded, angry at the insult towards her sister.

"Take a guess, little girl. All those 'Kings' up there… huh. Children that haven't accomplished or achieved a thing in their lives. Don't tell me you disagree, Luke," Yama said.

"Oh, I do not. As impressive as their dreams are, I doubt they disagree as well," Luke said with a smile. The six shifted slightly, eliciting a mirthless laugh from Yama. It was a terrifying laugh, devoid of any hilarity. As it rang through the room, one could visibly see Devils shivering.

"Look at them. Can't even admit it to themselves. Bael is about the only one that deserves any respect - at least he clawed his way to the top. Can't say that about the others. Sheltered children, living sheltered lives, playing a sheltered game, for the entertainment of sheltered Devils. As far as I can tell, Luke, there are very few actual men and women in this room - even sitting up here. They're all kids, from what I see, even those few with great inherent power," Yama said. Luke let out a deep laugh at that, increasing as he saw several other Devils veins in anger.

"Indeed, my good man. Oh, it appears as though some of those in attendance take issue with your words, however," Luke said. Yama got up, materializing a rifle.

"Pride is the most important thing for Devils, right? Go ahead and put it on the line. I'll take your pride before I take your life," Yama said viciously. Everyone he looked at - except Luke and Elros - averted their eyes.

"Hmph. As I said, Luke. Children. Won't even look at me. They laughed at the girl, but I could piss on most of them and they wouldn't do anything. Isn't that right?" Yama asked. No one answered him.

"Mmm, it appears so, Yama. Enough fun, however. Elros, as we said, you will be promoted to Ultimate-Class - of course, if anyone - anyone - wants to despite that, they can fight him for it," Luke offered once more. This time, no one spoke - most of them sweating bullets as Yama spoke previously.

"You know the requirements: an essay-," Luke chuckled as Elros groaned, "- another essay -," he laughed as Elros groaned again, "- and finally, the battle."

"Right. I've decided: I'll take the two hour essays between Rating Games. As for the battle, Yama is an Ultimate-Class Devil. I want my match against him to be the fight of my test as well," Elros said.

"I accept," Yama said immediately.

"Perfect! Then it is done. Upon your win, you shall be promoted to Ultimate-Class, claim your territory, and receive your King piece. Should you lose… well… certainly not that," Luke said with a knowing smile. Elros winked at him before stepping behind Rias again.

"The matches have been decided upon. Sairaorg Bael, you and your peerage shall fight Zephrydor Glaysa-Labolas," Luke said. Zephrydor smiled darkly at Sairaorg, who just nodded.

"Diodora Astaroth, your match will be against Seekvaira Agares," Luke said. Diodora smiled and bowed to Seekvaira, who nodded.

"Which means - Rias Gremory, your match will be against Sona Sitri. Now, as I'm sure you're aware, this usually would've been spread over a longer period of time. Well… it's not. With the Battle Royale, the Duel between Yama and Elros, and the Peace Talks - we have had to move our time table around. Simply winning won't do. Expect that this entire week will be full of fights against peerages - by the end, you'll likely have fought all of them. After that, you will be ranked 1-6. All of your matches will be heavily viewed, so be sure to put on a show. That is all," Luke said.

"A question, Mr. Star," Seekvaira said.

"Ask away, young lady," Luke said with a charming smile.

"Forgive my bluntness, but is there any particular reason that you're officiating? After all, you haven't been seen for quite a while," Seekvaira said.

"No reason in particular, my dear. It's been a long time since I've been slightly more entertained with what is going on in the Underworld, however, so I simply decided to tag in for the next couple of weeks. Perhaps longer, should my interest remain captured," Luke said with a smile. Seekvaira nodded.

"Very well then, if there are no more questions - you may leave," Luke said. With that, they all began to file out.


"That… was more intense than I thought it'd be," Issei said nervously.

"No kidding. That Yama guy… Oh man, that was terrifying," Saji said, shuddering.

"Elros…," Tsubaki said worriedly. Elros just smiled at her and brought her in for a kiss.

"Don't worry. I thought you did really well, by the way - sticking up for Sona," Elros said. Tsubaki blushed at the compliment before giving him a kiss in return.

"Seriously. That was brave of you, Sona, Tsubaki," Xenovia said.

"You're… too kind. Anyways, let's break. I'll see you guys in a bit," she said, giving Rias a hug before taking her leave with her peerage. Rias and her own peerage headed to the locker room, whereupon they would have magic circles to the battlefield opened for them. As of yet, no one knew where the fight would be.

Elros quickly put on the robe he used in previous fights, with his flintlock in left hand and saber in his right. The others shifted into their battle forms as well, intent on doing well in the fight. Looking around, he could tell that everyone was in the zone; no-one wanted to disappoint Rias. Feel a small tug on his robe, and smiled and knelt down to ruffle Gasper's head.

"You ready, kiddo?" Elros asked.

"Yeah!" Gasper nodded.

"You're going to do great, Gasper," Elros said, giving him a hug before doing the same for Koneko. The two tiny Devils began talking with each other as Elros went over to Rias and Akeno.

"Ready?" Akeno asked, leaning up to kiss him.

"I am. You, Rias?" he inquired, kissing Rias.

"Born ready," she said with a light smile.

"I wonder Sona has in store for us?" Elros mused.

"She won't be easy, even with your powers. Sona's intelligent, which is more than can be said for some of the people you've dueled," Rias said.

"Don't have to tell me twice. She kicked my ass in chess," Elros grumbled.

"She told me about that. I think I'd like to try my hand at you sometime soon," Rias with a smirk.

"You just want to embarrass me," Elros deadpanned.

"We can make it a bit more fun, if you want?" Rias suggested.

"Oh, ho, ho! Strip chess? Hmm… yes. Can we do it three ways? Akeno, care to join? Triple the fun with all of us there," Elros asked with a grin. Akeno giggled and put an arm around Rias, resting her head against her best friends.

"I would love to. Rias?" she asked seductively.

"Ugh, you two need to stop being so… that!" Rias said.

"This coming from the girl who slept with him naked first. Literally the next day she knew him," Akeno deadpanned.

"That was different!" Rias said.

"How? I mean with Issei, at least you were healing him. Not the case with Elros," Akeno giggled.

"Ugh. Just get ready," Rias grumbled. Just on cue, a magic circle opened. They all looked at each other before stepping through on to their battlefield.


"Is this what I think it is?!" Issei asked in surprise.

"Kuoh Mall," Rias said in interest.

"That reminds me… I need to go shopping again," Akeno sighed.

"Mind if I join?" Elros asked with a smirk. Akeno giggled but nodded; Elros could be a wonderful help in picking out some clothes.

"A bit more serious here, guys," Issei lamented.

"Ahem. Right. You guys know this place?" Elros asked with a frown as he had his ring scan the inside. Around him, he saw bright kiosks, tiny shops, and multiple floors with everything one could imagine - TVs, video games, clothes, movies, food, etc. The escalators were running, as were the elevators; the only thing missing were the peoples.

"This is Kuoh Mall. Crap, I forgot you haven't really seen the sights back home," Rias said.

"It's fine. I've mapped it out," Elros whispered to her, tapping his ring. Rias smiled and nodded. Suddenly, Luke's voice came over the loudspeaker system.

"Wonderful, you're all here! You will be given five minutes to strategize, after which the Rating Game shall begin. There are a couple of rules. First of all, points will be subtracted if you break anything. While that attack against the Khaos Brigade worked wonders for you, Elros, doing such a thing now would disqualify your team. The same warning goes to Rias Gremory; be careful in using your Powers of Destruction, as they might disadvantage you more than anything. In addition to that, Gasper Vladi-," Luke said

"YEAH?!" Gasper yelled fretfully, holding on to Elros's leg. Luke let out a little chuckle at that.

"Relax, child. The second rule is that you are prohibited from using your Sacred Gear. You will also not be allowed to drink any blood this match. Do you understand that?" Luke asked.

"I don't drink blood anyways!" Gasper said fretfully. Suddenly, another voice came over the loudspeaker.

"You're scaring the little boy, Luke. Don't worry, dear. He won't bite," Titania said with a giggle.

"Ah, forgive me. Do you understand that… kiddo? No, I simply cannot do that, Titania," Luke sighed.

"I-I-I-I-I understand!" Gasper said in a high voice. He felt Elros ruffle his hair and as he looked up, he saw Elros smiling at him.

"Don't worry little buddy. Maybe it's best that they stopped you using your Sacred Gear. Otherwise, you'd win this round single-handedly. We all want to have some fun too," Elros said comfortingly. Gasper smiled and nodded vigorously before gripping the weapon Elros gave him tightly.


"I must ask, what is the point of limiting the child so much?" Luke wondered.

"The Gremory's have far to many such Sacred Gear users. It's unfair to the rest of the teams to allow them such an advantage," Zekram said.

"As you wish. Although if such were the case, perhaps you should've stopped Elros from competing. As it stands, he's on par with most Ultimate-Class Devils. It's well and good that he can't go all out," Luke shrugged. Zekram didn't say anything, simply observing as the Gremory's got into position.

"This is quite the impressive showing you all have put on," Titania said with a pleasant smile. Many Devils turned and smiled and bowed to her before looking at the screen again.

"Titania, dear - may I confer with you in private for a moment?" Luke asked.

"Certainly," Titania said, getting up and following Luke out.


Everyone had their jobs to fulfill. Although Gasper couldn't use his Forbidden Balor View, he was still able to help out considerably. Splitting into a flock of bats, he began to spread out around the mall, spying on Sona's team as best he could. Koneko and Issei were sent as a distraction, while Kiba and Xenovia went to look for a fight, Asia with them in case they needed healing. Meanwhile, Elros walked with Akeno and Rias.

"Mmm…," Elros hummed to him, eyes narrowing slightly.

"What is it?" Rias asked.

"It's strange, but I'm sensing more than just the eight members of her team. Picking up at least double that. Sona's power is control over water, right?" Elros asked.

"That's right," Rias said.

"It appears her control is greater than I thought. I'm having a hard time distinguishing which forms are humans and which are water constructs," Elros said, a light smile on his face.

'Nice play, Sona,' he thought. Rias smiled as well.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from her," she said. Suddenly, the announcers voice called out.

"Gasper Vladi, Bishop of Rias Gremory - retired," it said. Rias let out an audible groan as she shook her head while Elros sighed.

"They completely unpowered Gasper. We should've expected it," Rias said.

"Yeah. I just hope he's doing alright. Azazel said he put a lot into his training. I'm sure Sona guessed what he could do, considering he can't use his Sacred Gear," Elros said.


"Hmm… So Gasper can't use Forbidden Balor View? That eases my mind quite a bit. He's limited to splitting himself into his bat form to fly around, as well as that metallic object he carries around. Rias will likely use the former. Saji - prepare a trap," Sona said.

"Uhhh… okay? What kind?" Saji deadpanned.

"He's a vampire. We're in a supermarket. Figure it out," Sona said. Saji nodded and ran off in the direction of the produce. He grinned wide as he found out what he was looking for. The other girls soon joined him, as they placed themselves in easy to find locations around their base. It wasn't long until Sona's plan came to fruition; Tsubaki noted several bats flying around the supermarket, trying to spy on them but keep themselves concealed. They soon sprang upon the little vampire with garlic, reverting him to his original form. Gasper let out a loud squeal of fear as the cloves made contact with his skin and began to cry; regardless of how much training he did, he was still afraid and weak to garlic.

"Aahhh… I kinda feel bad now," Saji said, sighing at the vampire.

"Yeah, me too," Momo grimaced, trying to cheer Gasper up. He was soon teleported to the safe area where he plopped himself in a corner and began to rock himself. Smiling, Titania went over and scooped him up, beginning to comfort him as best she could. Many Devils looked longingly at the scene, no doubt hoping for similar treatment.


"Issei," Saji said with a grin as he came upon his rival. Ruruko was with him, and soon had locked into a fight with Koneko - both punching and kicking each other, fairly matched.

"Heh. Saji. So you guys took Gasper out?" Issei asked.

"That's right. First point goes to us," Saji said with a smirk.

"Bad move, man. Gasper and Elros are tight. He's gonna want revenge. You're so fucking dead, it's hilarious," Issei said cheerfully, making Saji blanch. However, he soon recovered and smiled at Issei.

"Don't worry, we'll get Rias before that happens. But that doesn't matter right now. All that matters is I'm here and you're there. You ready?" he asked with a grin, shifting into his Battle Mode. Issei grinned and nodded as he did the same.

"Do not forget what Saji's Sacred Gear is. You must be careful if you decide to Boost," Ddraig warned Issei.

"Right. Damn it… if he connects his line to me, he can sap the energy. Don't worry Ddraig. I got this. Alright… let's prepare to Balance Break," Issei said. And with that, he was off as Ddraig began to store the necessary power to usher in the change. Unfortunately for Issei, that meant that for the next couple of minutes, he could do little more than evade Saji. It wasn't long that Saji finally had a line on him.

"Can't run away from me, Hyoudou!" Saji said as pulled Issei towards him. Defenseless, Issei suffered a kick square in the stomach, followed by a clothesline that had him on the ground. However, he was smiling - the kick hurt a lot less than he thought.

"Ha! Gonna have to try a bit harder there, Saji! Training with Tannin was a fucking pain, but at least I put on some more muscle!" Issei said proudly, quickly evading a stomp before getting on his feet. Issei went in for a punch but had to retreat quickly as Saji shot another line. It blew past Issei's head and latched onto something behind him.

"Ha! Missed!" Issei said.

"Ruruko! Sunglasses on!" Saji shouted, suddenly reaching into his pockets and putting on a pair of shades. She did the same and not a moment later, Issei and Koneko were covering their eyes in pain. A few extremely bright lights had just come on, totally blinding them.

"Ah. An intelligent tactic. He drove power to the lights via magic, illuminating them," Ddraig said, impressed. Issei groaned; whose side was he on? Immediately afterward, Issei doubled over in pain - having suffered a sharp kick in the stomach. As he hunched over, Saji drove a piercing elbow in his back, following it with a powerful uppercut that had Issei on the ground, bleeding slightly. Issei could taste the blood in his mouth, emanating from a tear the uppercut caused in his tongue. He thought he felt a loose tooth, but chalked it to his imagination. As the lights dimmed, he saw Saji looming over him, Sacred Gear pointed at his head. Issei barely dodged the bullet that came out of it.


"Oh, he's not doing to well!" Luke said cheerfully, returning with Titania.

"Whose side are you on?" Azazel inquired.

"No ones, my dear man. Whoever wins, wins. However, I'm sure most expected for Mr. Hyoudou do be doing far better against his rival. As it stands, he's being manhandled by the boy! Miss Sitri did very well in choosing her pawn, it appears. Marvelous," Luke said.

"Quite. However, I expect that the current Red Dragon Emperor will still come away with a win. I hear he's quite passionate," Titania giggled.

"I believe the word is perverted, my dear. Oh, you might be right - but will he make it to the end of the match? That is the question," Luke said with a smile.


"I intend to win here, Issei. Doesn't matter to me if you're the Red Dragon Emperor," Saji said seriously. He began shooting multiple magical attacks at Issei, keeping them limited in size so as to not destroy the environment. A round finally connected with Issei, sending him down again. As Issei struggled to his feet again, a thought went through his head.

'How is creating these attacks? I mean, he's shooting magic, but but like me, he's not good at it. Unless… no way,' a realization came to Issei, terrifying him. Saji's Sacred Gear had a direct line to his heart, he recalled.

"Saji! Don't tell me you're… converting your own life-force into attacks?!" Issei asked in shock. Saji smiled bitterly at him.

"Yeah. You know I'm not that good with magic. This is the only way to pull off those attacks. But I can convert my life-force into attacks via my Gear. I suppose I am risking my life, but don't get to sappy about it. It's not much," Saji said.

"Still, that's insane, man!" Issei said.

"Maybe. But if that's what it takes to beat you, Issei - and to prove those Devils wrong. This Rating Game is being shown in every home in the Underworld - as well as to everyone watching it here, live. I intend to show them all that the Sitri Peerage is nothing to laugh at!" Saji said. Issei paused before he gulped, nodding.


"Impressive," Luke nodded. "A boy willing to put his life on the line for his belief. Yes, that's admirable."

"He's delusional," a Devil scoffed.

"Mmm, perhaps. But admirable nonetheless," Luke said.

"These kids… they're trying to change the very core of our society. I don't understand how you can abide by that!" another Devil said.

"Before Devil society now, there was another; before that, another; before that, another; and so on and so forth. Society changes, my good man. You must adapt or die," Luke mused.

"We have a right to protect our values and our culture, Luke," Zekram said.

"Indeed," Luke nodded.

"Is that all you have to say?" Zekram asked.

"Were you hoping for me to leap to your cause? My dear man, the Underworld has been dreadfully boring for ages now. I'm far more interested with what is happening on Earth. Were Elros not here, I likely would've stayed away even until now. Unless someone on Yama's caliber competes, even the Duels are boring - and he hasn't dueled in ages!" Luke said with a chuckle as he looked at the armor wearing Devil.

"I must agree with Luke on one regard - what is happening on Earth is quite interesting. I read the article written by David Graves - Gods Among Us. It appears as though a new age is beginning on the planet," Titania said.

"Regardless, we're not to interfere. The planet is best left to its own devices," Zekram said. He let out a mirthless chuckle; humans vilified the concept of Devil to a tremendous extent - did they not take a moment to look at themselves in the mirror?

"Imagine having one of those two men in our clan, though," one Devil whispered to another.

"Tell me about it. It's… amazing," another Devil said.


"Saji is locked in battle with Issei. They're fairly evenly matched, but I have faith that Issei will come away with the win; same with Koneko against Ruruko," Rias said, keeping track of what was happening. Elros simply nodded.

"Maybe you should ought to go on the hunt as well?" Akeno suggested to Elros.

"If that's alright with you two. Rias's call, though," Elros said.

"Go ahead. Give them hell," Rias said with a smile. Turning, Elros gave her a wink before taking to the second level, going after one of the moving figures. Looking around, he finally saw a moving object. Rushing towards it, Elros soon had his flintlock aimed at the head. He frowned as he saw it.

The construct was made of water, but was a perfect representation of a human male. It was otherwise indistinguishable from a person if seen out of the corner of ones eye or from afar; only up close and personal could you see the roving water, the slight edges, and the lack of minute defining physical features. He pulled the trigger, destroying the construct which well into a puddle at his feet. With a sigh, he followed his rings directions to other figures - not knowing if they were constructs or people.


"It looks like Elros is finally on the move. This should be interesting," Odin said with a smile.

"Assuming he doesn't destroy everything," Azazel chuckled.

"Whether the situation calls for finesse or for a statement, I'm sure he can deliver capably. Unless it's against a beautiful woman. Even Elros has his weaknesses," Luke said with a chuckle.


"Three water constructs down. Still haven't run into any of their team, though," Elros reported to Rias.

"Alright. Keep searching, though. Even if you knock out all the constructs, it'll help us narrow down to her peerage," Rias said.

"Sounds good. What's the word on Issei and Koneko?" Elros asked.

"Still in battle. They've requested you not interfere on their behalf, however. They want to handle this themselves," Rias said.

"Fine wi- oh, looks like we have a winner. Speak later," Elros said as he smiled, coming across his first actual opponent.

"Hello, Elros," Tsubaki said with a smile.

"Hey, Tsubaki. How're you doing?" Elros asked, unusually white. Tsubaki frowned at the color before smiling again, nodding.

"I want you to go all out on me, you know. No holding back," she said softly.

"Of course. I expect the same," Elros said. With that, he raised his flintlock and began firing at her. Expecting that, Tsubaki had a mirror set up - which suddenly shot the constructs off in different directions.

"That… is unusual," he said.

"No one has tried to deflect your attack with a mirror, have they? Mirrors reflect light, after all," she said.

"That is… ingenious! Ha! Take that, Lucy. I have amazing taste in women! Who would've figured?!" Elros said, leaping up and down in joy. In all his time as a Green Lantern, the one thing he never encountered was someone with the power to use mirrors. He reprimanded himself happily for coming across something he never thought he'd have to fight; a person with control over mirrors!


"He appears to be delighted that his attack had no effect," a bewildered Devil said.

"Of course! His flintlock has been nigh unstoppable. To see something deflect the bullet - it'd be exciting for anyone to see. It's often that those that view themselves as unstoppable are flabbergasted in such a situation. The survivors must adapt," Luke said.

"Is it just me or does that gun shoot… light?!" a Devil asked.

"It appears to be the case. But he's a Devil - not an Angel or Fallen Angel. How is that possible?" another inquired. The murmuring continued; Luke listened eagerly - would someone make the connection?


Adapting quickly, he ran towards Tsubaki who pushed the mirrors in his direction. Elros attempted to shatter it, but himself unable to; the mirror launched him backwards into a kiosk before embedding some glass into him.

"Ah, that's gonna leave a mark," he grimaced before pulling a long shard out of his side. He quickly healed himself with the blue ring before bringing up his saber to block Tsubaki, who had run in close with her Naginata, a pole arm style weapon. He saw her smiling as she locked blades with him. Elros was surprised at the ferocity and ability she wielded the weapon with - easily on par with Kiba, he thought. Only a budding swordsman, Elros soon found himself quickly on defense. Bringing up the flintlock, he shot at her stomach, rocketing her back a bit.

"Surprised?" she asked.

"More than you know. Guess I'll have to turn it up a notch or several," Elros said as he holstered his flintlock and sheathed his sword. Splaying his arm to the side, they suddenly turned into blue fire, much like his wings. Putting his hands up like a boxer, Elros closed in on Tsubaki.

'Gonna have to be careful to not destroy anything,' he reminded himself. Tsubaki began to circle him with her weapon as well, thrusting it here and there to keep Elros at bay.


"I thought the boy would've been done with her by now," Zekram said.

"I believe he's trying his best to avert damaging their surroundings. Otherwise, he could've simply done what he did against the Khaos Brigade," Titania said, recalling what she was told. Her eyes were fixated on Elros, watching his movements. As she saw the blue fire, she recalled the picture she saw of him with his phoenix wings; a sad smile appeared on her lips.


Tsubaki was on defense as she had tight leashes of fire sprayed at her. Elros kept her on her toes, not allowing her to get any footing. The naginata was a wonderful aid, allowing her to use it as leverage to make a quick escape by leaping above the fire. As she landed on her feet, she kneeled and frowned at Elros. She hoped the element of surprise would've hounded him a bit longer, but he adapted extremely quickly.

Her moment of pause was a mistake as Elros quickly closed the distance between them. Redrawing his flintlock, Elros pumped several rounds into Tsubaki's stomach, careening her backwards and down to the first level. He quickly followed and waited for her to get to her feet, frowning as he thought about what to do next. Deciding, he shot several more rounds at her. However, his pause was enough for Tsubaki to set up another mirror, deflecting his attacks. Gripping her weapon, she stared her boyfriend down. A split second later, they attacked each other again.


"Elros is fighting Tsubaki," Sona whispered to herself as she stood atop the roof of the building, the wind flowing through her hair. She and Tsubaki had been working on their strategy concerning their mutual boyfriend for several weeks now - only recently deciding on their course of action. Whether it would stop him completely, the didn't know; but it was their best shot.


Koneko and Ruroko were both evenly matched.

'She's good. Really good,' Koneko thought.

"Wow, Koneko! You're strong!" Ruruko said with a grin as she launched a kick, which Koneko deflected.

"You too," Koneko said flatly as she launched her own kick, which Ruruko thought. Throwing her back, Koneko gracefully flipped in the air before landing on her feet, fists up.

Close by, Saji and Issei were both still going at it - neither willing to relent. Issei was still flabbergasted that Saji would take such drastic measures in the fight. He wondered if Sona or his teammates even knew what he was pulling? Looking in his eyes, Issei saw something that terrified him - a little falter. Saji was exerting too much magic.

"Saji, man - this is just a game. You can't… come on, dude!" Issei said as he rushed in.

"Sorry, Issei. I have to do this," Saji retorted.

'I'm going to have to end this - quickly,' Issei thought with a gulp.


"Kiba, Xenovia, Asia," Momo said as she, Reya, and Tsubasa came up on Rias's knights and bishop in the garage of Kuoh Mall.

"Reya, Tsubasa, Momo. How are you three today?" Kiba asked with a pleasant smile as he held his sword in his hands, ready to strike.

"Well. Yourself?" Momo answered, putting her fists up.

"I don't think Elros would like us talking so much. Shall we get right down to it, then?" Xenovia asked as Durandal glinted menacingly in the dark.

"Maybe you could tell us where Sona is before we beat you?" Kiba offered.

"Ha. No thanks. Let's -," Momo began before another voice rang out.

"Awww, don't tell me that you were going to start without me," Akeno said as she gracefully floated in, smiling as thunder crackled around her.

"Shouldn't you be with Rias?" Kiba asked with a frown.

"It was getting boring, though, so I decided to join you guys. Hope you don't mind. I'd fight Tsubaki but Elros and her are having some fun right now," Akeno sighed.

"I'm surprised he hasn't eliminated her already," Xenovia said.

"She and Sona came up with a strategy that'd give him some trouble. I wouldn't be so sure about him winning," Reya said with a smile.

"Enough talk!" Xenovia shouted as she suddenly zipped in, aiming her sword at Momo. Kiba went for Reya while Akeno was soon locked in battle with Momo. Despite the three girls on Sona's peerage not having any Sacred Gears or special attacks, they were extremely adept at using what they did know - Reversal magic. The three Gremory's were in a surprisingly even battle.


"What the hell…?" Elros asked in shock as he looked around. He saw himself - hundreds of times. As he and Tsubaki were locked in their fisticuffs, Tsubaki had surreptitiously put up several mirrors that followed Elros. Before he was able to land a finishing blow, the mirrors rushed around him, encapsulating him in a barrier that he was thus far unable to break.

"It's a hall of mirrors, essentially," he heard Tsubaki say from the outside.

"You've trapped me. I can't use my powers to break free. The mirrors keep reflecting my attacks," Elros said.

"That is the purpose," Tsubaki said.

"Well, you ought to go find Rias now, sweetheart. I know when I'm beat," Elros said.

"Ha. As if. I might've trapped you, but don't think I'm not on my toes right now. I intend to keep you locked away until the end of this Game," Tsubaki retorted.

"At least present company has such a soothing voice," Elros said. He chuckled as he figured that Tsubaki was probably blushing madly outside his cage. "Don't think that I don't know you're blushing, dear."

"Please, refrain from hitting on me. This is very serious," Tsubaki said, smiling.

"I am being very serious. I never imagined this would happen. I can safely tell you that I've never been so thoroughly trapped before. No one has thought of mirrors yet. Color me lucky and impressed. A beautiful and ridiculously intelligent girlfriend," Elros said, the passion in his voice evident. Tsubaki simply smiled wider as she blushed, thinking of how to reply.


"The boy is dating the Kings and Queens of both peerages?" a Devil asked.

"Indeed. Rias Gremory, Akeno Himejima, Sona Sitri, and Tsuabki Shinra. All of them quite beautiful and intelligent," Sirzechs said, smiling.

"Yay Sona! Yay Tsubaki! Show him whose boss!" Serafall said happily.

"A Low-Class, Reincarnated Devil…," someone said, a hint of anger in their voice.

"Envious?" Luke asked.

"Me? Envious?" the Devil replied.

"Indeed. It's quite alright to say so. I'm sure many are," Luke shrugged.

"What have I to be envious of?" the man demanded.

"Relax. I meant you no insult. Simply that if you were, no one would blame you," Luke said calmly.

"What about you?" the Devil asked.

"I prefer men and women upon Earth, truth be told," Luke said. The Devil was about to ask another question but silenced as Zekram looked at him.


"Sona," Rias said as she closed the door behind her, smiling at her friend.

"Hello, Rias. How are you?" Sona wondered.

"Well, yourself?" Rias replied.

"Well as well. I see Akeno isn't here," Sona said, looking around.

"No, I decided to let her have some fun. And Tsubaki doesn't appear to be here, either," Rias said.

"With Elros. Giving him some trouble, I might add," Sona smiled. Rias frowned; she hadn't heard from him in a while, which was starting to worry her.

"So you found a way to stop him?" she wondered.

"You know I can't tell you that. That said, I suppose we could just end it all here," Sona said. Suddenly, an announcement came on.

"Ruruko Nimura, Pawn of Sona Sitri - retired," it said. Sona sighed lightly at that - Koneko was in battle with her. It was a foregone conclusion in her mind as to who would clinch the victory.

"So you, Tsubaki, Saji, Tomoe, Momo, Tsubasa, and Reya are still in play," Rias said softly.

"As well as yourself, Akeno, Asia, Issei, Xenovia, Kiba, and Elros," Sona replied.

"Mhm. That said, this is what I've been looking forward to most," Rias said as her hair suddenly whipped up. Her innate magic began to fill the area around them. As she felt it, Sona smiled.

"Agreed," Sona said as water began to circle her. While Rias's Powers of Destruction were more powerful, Sona had a far greater control over her own abilities - coupled with the fact that using her Powers of Destruction would hinder her in this matchup, the cards were in Sona's favor.


"Ah, the main event if I do say so myself. Sona Sitri and Rias Gremory. Two of the most impressive Kings I've ever seen, as well as two of the most powerful Young Devils, bar none. You ought to be proud of your daughters, Sitri Family and Gremory Family. I expect your daughters to accomplish great things," Luke called out.

"Thank you, Mr. Star. You're too kind," Venelana said with a smile.

"Sairaorg Bael is fairly impressive as well. He didn't inherit the Powers of Destruction, but he's quite a force to be reckoned with," Odin commented.

"Indeed. The boy more or less clawed his way to the top. In fact, I do wish to see how he would fair against either the Sitri or Gremory peerage," Luke said.

"I'm far more interested in seeing how he does against the Gremory peerage, honestly. I'd like to see him take on the Red Dragon Emperor," a Devil commented.

"Why not the other boy? Eärendil," another said.

"What do you think, Luke?" a Devil inquired.

"Mmm, I believe I would like to see the Bael heir take on Issei Hyoudou. I've no doubt that Elros would win. That said, young Mr. Hyoudou still has a way to go before he reaches his true potential; the same for Sairaorg. Yes, I believe that would be a match too see. That said, I'm far more curious in seeing Elros finally begin his peerage. So impressed, I believe I might finally join the Games," Luke said with a chuckle. He could feel everyones gaze bore into him, surprise, shock, and terror on their faces.

"Kidding, my dear friends. No, I do not think I'll do that. The Duels are enough for me," he said, placating them. Zekram stared intently at Luke, trying to discern if he really was kidding.

"You know that Elros is eventually going to challenge you, right?" Azazel wondered.

"Oh, indeed. Yes, that is the moment I am currently waiting for. I expect it to be a spectacular event indeed. Beware our power, my dear Fallen Angel. Oh, right here!" Luke shouted, taking a bottle of alcohol from a passing waiter.


'Hmm… I suppose I'll have to try it,' Elros thought.

"Step back, Tsubaki. I'm going to bust out of here," Elros said.

"You can try," she said.

"Happily," Elros shouted. Encapsulating his fist in fire, he rocketed it like a piston towards the mirror. The mirror took the attack before suddenly reflected it back at Elros. His eyes went wide as the fire impacted him with a far more significant force than he had used. He cried out in pain as he felt his skin sear.

"What… the hell?" he thought, wincing as he looked down; his robe was singed, burned, and falling apart in some places; his skin was reddened and blackened, erupting in pain. As Tsubaki heard his cry, she let out a sigh, having an idea of what he had tried.

"My mirrors will reflect some of your attacks. If you try to brute force them, they will reflect the damage back at you. You might end up destroying it, but you'll suffer for it as well," she said.

"Agh. I just… figured that out. I nearly burned myself alive," Elros said, sighing heavily. His arms were feeling tender to the touch. Tsubaki shifted uncomfortably as he said that, but quickly regained composure; as much as she loved him, they were against each other right now.

'Alright. Mmm… if I try to bust out, it's going to hurt. I'm on a higher floor, though. Might dock some points, but I figure if I eliminate Tsubaki and head over to help the others, it won't be as big of a problem,' Elros thought. He soon heard another voice join the fray.

"Sona wants me here, just in case," Tomoe said.

"Ah, Tomoe! Hello," Elros said cheerfully.

"Hi, Elros! What's up?" the knight asked cheerfully.

"Stuck between a hard place and a hard place," Elros said.

"You don't sound to worried," Tomoe said.

"Beautiful company. Wait, sorry - I retract that. I wouldn't want Saji to get on my case, after all," Elros teased.

"I thought he wasn't supposed to be big on talking during fights?" Tomoe asked Tsubaki, blushing deeply.

"It appears as though we're exceptions," Tsubaki sighed. Suddenly, the walkway they were on began to rumble.

"What's going on?" she asked sharply. Tsubaki was soon answered as it collapsed entirely. She and Tomoe were barely able to get to safety while the Elros's mirror cage began to splinted on the ground below. Elros was soon standing in front of the, his wings erupting. His skin and begun to heal, thanks to the Blue Ring. Tsubaki and Tomoe narrowed their eyes as they prepared to attack. Elros quickly swooped in, knowing he had to end it before Tsubaki got the jump on him again. He swiped at them with one of his wings, which extended as it hit then. Tsubaki was able to dodge, but Tomoe wasn't as lucky; she was quickly eliminated. Elros didn't let up and continued his attack, peppering Tsubaki with green constructs encapsulated in blue fire. The assauly was toon to much for her to handle; unable to get a mirror up in time, they begin to connect with her body, sending her to the lowest floor. Elros quickly caught her before she hit the ground, smiling at her prone form. She let out a low cough and returned the smile.

"Very well done," he said quietly.

"Not… enough, evidently," Tsubaki said.

"Something tells me next time will be even more difficult. It appears as though I might've met my match. I look forward to fighting you again, Tsubaki," Elros said.

"Likewise," she said, swooping up to kiss him on the cheek before falling unconscious.


"Tsubaki Shinra, Queen of Sona Sitri - retired," the announcer shouted. Sona let out a sigh as she heard that.

'Thanks, Tsubaki. You did well holding out so long,' she thought. Rias, meanwhile, smiled wide.

'Good job, Elros,' she thought before attacking Sona again.


"Koneko, you go help the others. I've got this," Issei said.

"You sure?" Koneko asked, staring down Saji. She wasn't happy that he had taken out Gasper.

"Positive. Go," Issei said again. Koneko nodded before jetting off to help her friends.

"Finally gonna get serious?" Saji asked.

"Only because that's how I'm going to get through your thick skull," Issei said. He began to Boost repeatedly, filling his power up as far as it would safely go before he lunged at his friend. Expecting that, Saji sent a line to connect with his Boosted Gear and began to drain it. Issei quickly recoiled, trying to tear it off, to no avail.

'Crap. Gotta get this o-,' he thought before his wish was answered. A green bullet soon cut through the line. Turning their heads, they saw Elros levitating in front of them, his robe burned severely.

"What happened to you?!" Issei asked in shock.

"Tsubaki," Elros said with a smile before looking at Saji.

"Elros. You go help the others. I've got this," Issei said.

"Alright. Best of luck - to both of you," Elros said before heading towards another lifeform his ring identified. As he left, he heard a clink on the ground - Issei had shifted into his Scale Mail.

'Who'll win? I wonder,' Elros thought. As strong as Issei was, Saji was no slouch.


"Don't worry, Xenovia! I've got you!" Asia squealed as she headed over to her friend, who was struggling to get up. Even with Akeno, they were having a difficult time nailing down Sona's peerage. Kiba and Reya had both already been eliminated, leaving Xenovia, Asia, and Akeno to fend off Tsubasa and Momo; with Asia as their healer.

As soon as the green glow began to emanate, however, Akeno knew something was off. Tsubasa and Momo suddenly rocketed back as they shot some sort of spell at the fallen knight and Bishop. Her eyes widened in shock as an explosion sounded from their position.

"Asia! Xenovia!" Akeno shouted, heading to the scene. She grimaced as she found no one was there and the announcer sounded.

"Asia Argento, Bishop of Rias Gremory - retired. Xenovia Quarta, Knight of Rias Gremory - Retired," it said.

"What was that?" Akeno asked with a frown; two on one wasn't good odds.

"Reversal Magic. Her healing magic had the opposite effect," Momo said, putting her hands up. It might've been two on one, but Akeno was no slouch. She could easily fend the two off.

"Ah, ladies. Hello," Elros said, smiling as he approached them.

"Elros," Momo said with a smirk.

"Hey. You don't look too well," Akeno said, surprised by the state of his clothes.

"It's a good story, trust me. Tsuabki is a beast," he said.

"Tsubaki?" Akeno asked in surprise.

"Yup. But that's for later. Shall we take care of business?" he asked.

"Definitely," Akeno said with a smile, turning her gaze to her opponents. Momo and Tsubasa blanched but readied themselves for what was to come.


"Momo Hanakai, Bishop of Sona Sitri - retired. Tsubasa Yura, Rook of Sona Sitri - retired," the announcer called out.

"Looks like this match won't be going on for very long. It's just you and Saji left," Rias said.

"Yes, I've gathered. However, until he or I are eliminated first, I intend to keep going," Sona said, sending a lance of water at her friend. Rias was barely able to deflect it, her breathing heavy. Unable to use her Demonic Powers, the matchup had become much more difficult.

'I probably shouldn't have tried to take her one on one. She's got far more control over her powers than I do,' Rias thought.


"Just Saji and Sona, then?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah. Issei wants to take Saji on by himself," Elros said.

"Mmm. Think he'll win?" Akeno asked.

"We'll see. Let's head to the roof. The only remaining signatures I'm getting are coming from there. I've taken out the water constructs," Elros said.

"Sounds good," Akeno said, blowing a hole in the side of the garage before heading up, Elros in tow. As they reached the top, a burst of water hurtled at them. Akeno was barely able to dodge it, while Elros was buffeted back considerably. Dripping wet, he saw the source - Sona.

"This might be a bit public for us to shower together, but if you're game, so am I," he said with a smile.

"Ugh. Please, not here!" Sona whined.

"Sorry, sorry," he said. Looking to Rias, he saw her breathing heavily. Sensing his gaze, Rias gave him a weary smile.

"I know, I know," she said.

"I didn't say anything," he replied.

"No, but you were thinking it," she said.

"Shall I?" he offered.

"No. This is all me," Rias said. Elros looked at Akeno who shrugged before levitating back slightly. Elros did the same. Only a few options remained. If Saji was eliminated, Sona would automatically lose, as the only opposing piece standing; if Issei lost, the battle would continue; if Sona eliminated Rias, she would win; and if Rias eliminated Sona, she would win.


The dynamic of the battle between Saji and Issei had shifted entirely. Whereas Saji had a strong initial lead, keeping his friend on the run, he was now playing defense - severely evidenced by the bruises, cuts, and scrapes he was sporting. Since Issei had shifted into Scale Mail, he had been dominating entirely.

"Hope you're not going easy on me, Hyoudou," Saji said as he got to his feet again, blood pouring from his nose after a particularly powerful punch.

"Nope. You're just that hardheaded!" Issei shouted as he attacked again. Saji quickly attacked a line and tried to rein Issei in, but there was too much thrust; Issei sent Saji throw a department store window. He grimaced as he heard his friends cry of pain, shards embedding themselves deep.

"Does Sona know what you're doing?" Issei asked quietly.

"That's not your business," Saji said, coughing as he lay sprawled on the ground. Issei stood over him, breathing heavily - he didn't have long left in this mode.

"She'd kick your ass, you know," he said.

"Ha. Yeah," Saji nodded, giving him a bloody smile.

"Sorry, man. This is for… you own good!" Issei said as he aimed his Sacred Gear right at Saji. Saji closed his eyes and braced himself. He had exerted far too much magic at this point; even keeping his eyes open was a task. He soon felt Issei's attack connect - then black.


"Saji Genshirou, Pawn of Sona Sitri - retired. Checkmate," the announcer said. Sona let out a deep sigh as she closed her eyes, reining her powers back in. Opening them, she gave her best friend a pained smile.

"Congratulations, Rias," she said.

"Thanks, Sona," Rias said - before they were all teleported back into the main waiting area.