
DxD An Alternate Story

An ordinary man dies an ordinary life. A ROB bored out of his mind throws him into another world with a couple cheat level abilities and a few wishes free of charge, no strings attached. Follow Zell in his new life in the world high School DxD R-18 for possible future lemons First fic so feedback will be appreciated. Also wish fullfilment I will be going a little crazy in some parts of the story but pls bear with me. This is wish fullfillment, just let it happen.

NinoWaifuBestWaifu · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 10: Arrival and Trouble?

We've been flying for the past 32 hours eastbound and as we begin to tire out, a dot emerges in the distance.

We crossed into Gremory territory 2 hours ago I think and we've been looking for a city to land in and finally, we're coming up on one.

I look over to Kuroka and nod at her pointing at the distance and she nods in reply, we ain't stopping till we arrive.

A half hour later and a clear view of a gorgeous city scape comes into view. Kuroka quickly wakes Shirone who had gone to sleep, up so that she doesn't miss the view.

Tall 10 meter walls and multiple cities, all interconnected that look to be a mix of modern and medieval architecture. Plenty of color dots the streets in the form of trees and rosebushes of varying colors and species. People walk around with smiles on their faces entering shops and taverns of all kinds, some haggling over the price of street food.

The picture of peace.

I cast an invisibility spell over Kuroka, Shirone, and I while we do our best to hide our presences as we approach and hover over the cities.

I'm pretty sure anyone would be nervous if they sensed the approach of an Ultimate class being.

After briefly sweeping the nearest one, we found a relatively empty alleyway and proceed to land. Taking a look around and confirming that we're clear, I undo the invisibility spells.

I turn to the sisters and feel a little reluctant at possibly parting now the we arrived at our destination. Well for Shirone, I still hold a grudge against Kuroka.

"Well, we made it in one piece. The Gremory territory is pretty peaceful with almost no crime and will probably be the best place to lay low after your escape from that hell hole. What would do you want to do?"

Shirone looks at me with her blank face but I can tell that there is some sadness within her gaze. Looks like she realized that we might seperate soon.

Kuroka on the other hand is looking at me with a complex gaze. She takes a look at Shirone next to her for a few seconds and turns back to me with an unreadable look.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before staring me straight in the eyes. She lowers her head while bowing deeply and pushes Shirone to do the same.

Kuroka: "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us in our escape from our prison and I'm sorry for attacking you. I don't even know where to begin to repay you for what you have done for us. But, we have nowhere to go.

I beg of you, please take us in. We won't reveal anything about "that place", we will swear it on our lives if we have to. I will dedicate my life to serving you if I have to, but please take us in.

I know we will be a bother to you but I will do my best to -"

"Sure, you're hired."

Kuroka: " - live up to any of yo- say what nya?"

Kuroka jerks her head up quickly and stares at me incredulously.

"I said sure, you're hired. I'm going to need someone to gather info for me and to do things I have no time for, dirty work basically. I'm a shitty cook so give me good food, follow orders to the letter, and we won't have a problem. Our grudge isn't settled yet, but that is for another day, I have more important things to do than kick your ass around how you did mine. That and I need you girls for something, quite crucial if I might add.

Though, I've grown quite fond of Shirone. She is too adorable. Loli must protecc.

If you can work under these terms, then your hired, though I'm going to have to ask you to swear on the River Styx; screw me over and suffer, work obediently and you get to enjoy having your ears and tails attached to your body."

Kuroka froze and Shirone looked at me gratefully but with some fear, with some tears at the edges of her eyes. Her gratefulness overcomes what fear she has and she slowly walked up to me and gave a hug as tight as she could.

This girl is too cute.

I smile gently down at her and reciprocate her hug, gently patting her head with one hand and her back with the other.

Kuroka unfroze and bowed deep once more.

Kuroka: "Thank you, we will be in your care, Zell nya."

I smile at her and give her a nod.

"And I in yours, Kuroka, though a grudge isn't settled so easily. Yours to Shirone. I hope you treat me well."

Shirone: "Mm."

Kuroka gets up and smiles gratfully at me.

Kuroka: "Then what are your plans for the foreseeable future nya? You probably have something to do here, don't you nya?"

"I plan to make contact with the Gremory clan. I haven't yet really introduced myself to you yet so let me do that now before we move on."

I put my right hand above my heart and my left behind my back. I bow slightly while crossing my left leg slightly behind my right. Proper noble ettiquette in these parts.

"My full name is Zell Agares. Nephew of Lord Stephen Agares, Head of the Agares clan. Due to reasons beyond my control, I have been seperated from my family for the past 3 years and I now intend to return."

Though I won't be able to bullshit my way through the changes that have happened to "me", I want to make an effort to know my new family in the Agares clan. Something I didn't really have in my former life.

I'm not naive enough to believe that they will accept me unconditionally, but I want to make an effort to connect to them. Some lies will need to be made to convince them of "my" changes but I'll work something out.

Thankfully, former "me" wasn't no pussy, and growing up around bad influence of cousins in the Agares clan had a bit of a rascal streak behind him.

Kuroka and Shirone froze in shock at my identity, Kuroka especially after realizing who she kicked around, but quickly recovered after everything they've seen over the last few days.

Kuroka smiles teasingly and does a cute curtsey.

Kuroka: "Then looks like I'll be serving a young master of a clan nya, I hope you'll treat me well master~ nya."

Shirone does an adorable curtsey of her own in imitation of Kuroka.

Shirone: "Nya~."


For Shirone, Kuroka isn't getting off the hook so easily.

* KO - HON *

I let out a cough to ease the atmosphere but I won't lie and say that Kuroka's "offer" isn't a little tempting. I will greatfully accept that. Though that's for later, my body needs to grow some more first.

"Well then, for the time being, let's head to the Gremory estate. Once we get there, we can properly rela-"

???: "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Two nekomata and some brat. I think you'll sell good on the market."

We're suddenly surrounded by a group of 6 older men, all of them seeming to be in the peak of Middle class. They're not a problem though.

I look over at our intruders, annoyed. I sensed them coming our way but ignored them since they're unimportant.

One of them, seeing my frown believing it to be fear spoke up.

Some Thug: "Don't you worry kiddo, don't resist and it will all be over qui-"

The guy didn't even get to finish before a huge pressure descended onto him and his goons, forcing them to kneel on the ground.

Kuroka and I also seem to be targets of the pressure. but can easily stay up, Shirone thankfully isn't targeted but is still a little pressured by the aura the newcomer is giving off.

I look towards the party pooper only to have my jaw drop.

A beautiful woman with back-length silver hair with two long braids on each side with small blue bows on the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids on the front and beautiful ruby red eyes. She has a milky white face with a high nose and small mouth with bright red lipstick.

She is donned in a blue and white tight French maid outfit that accentuates her large mounds and wide hips with long sleeves and a white maid headband over her head.

Holy shit, it's Grayfia.

Grayfia: "I would like to know what an Ultimate class and a High class being are doing sneaking around the city. Who are you and why are you here."

She stated that in a calm and indifferent voice but her aura demands an answer.

Meanwhile the thugs on the ground are on the verge of shitting their pants after realizing who they're trying to mess with.

Well, this saves me some, who am I kidding, a LOT of time. I cough briefly before introducing myself for the second time that day.

"Lady Grayfia, my name is Zell Agares. Nephew of Lord Stephen Agares, Head of the Agares clan. Due to reasons beyond my control, I have been seperated from my family for the past 3 years and I have come seeking help from the clan of Gremory to make contact with my uncle, Lord Agares.

Due to certain reasons, I wish for my and my companions existence to be kept secret at any and all costs as it may lead to heavy repercussions should our existence be made public.

I ask for your cooperation in communicating my intentions with Lord Gremory and keeping our identity a secret."

Fuck, polite talk is a bitch. But I have to put up with it, I'm nobility now too.

Grayfia, upon learning of my status dissolved some of the pressure on us.

Good, communication is possible.