
DxD: ADAM {+18}


SecondGenVillain · Anime & Comics
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Kryptobus - Race created using the best of both races Kryptonian and Incubus. This race also doesn't possess any weaknesses typically found in this race.

Kryptonian Physiology: Kryptonian cellular structure is much more dense, resilient, and biologically more effective than human tissue. They do not possess superhuman strength levels despite their enhanced cellular ability without their cellular structure charged with yellow solar energy. Without such charging, their physical capabilities are identical to a human of their height and weight who engages in regular physical activity.

. Supernatural Strength: The exact limits of Kryptonians' strength are unknown, but they are capable of lifting far in excess of 100,000 tons.

. Invulnerability: Their bodies are nigh-invulnerable due to their superhumanly dense cellular and anatomical structure as well as their radiating bio-electrical aura.

. Longevity: Kryptonians can live almost indefinitely if they reside under continuous exposure to a yellow sun's sunlight.

. Supernatural Stamina: They have the ability to maintain continuous physical actions for an undefined period. Kryptonians are shown to have unlimited stamina if they are consistently exposed to an yellow sun's sunlight.

. Flight: Kryptonians are capable of flying at supersonic speeds (over two thousand miles per second) in a planetary atmosphere and at faster-than-light speeds while in space.

. Supernatural Speed: They are capable of moving, reacting, running and flying at superhuman speeds, when under an yellow sun's sunlight. Kryptonians can fly at speeds faster than light and are considered one of the fastest beings in the universe.

. Supernatural Hearing: Kryptonians have incredible hearing at extreme variances of sound and pitch frequency, allowing them to pick up noises from across the globe.

. Super Smell: On various occasions, Kryptonians have demonstrated that their sense of smell is significantly enhanced to the point they can smell odors across the entire planet.

. Self-Sustenance: Thanks to they're ability to absorb, reprocess and metabolize varied solar ray frequency energies. Kryptonians do not need to eat or sleep (but are still capable of doing so) and don't require oxygen to breathe, enabling them to travel in space and underwater unprotected.

. Accelerated Healing: Under a yellow sun, Kryptonians can heal at an accelerated rate.

. Super Breath: Kryptonians can create hurricane force winds by blowing, and also chill their breath to freeze a target. They can also breathe in large amounts of air to dispel clouds of gas by exhaling it.

. Heated Vision: Kryptonians can fire beams of intense heat from their eyes. These beams can be made invisible, allowing them to work undetected, and can be adjusted to affect matter on a microscopic level. Super Flare: Kryptionians are able to discharge all stored solar energy in one gigantic blast.

. Super Vision: Kryptonians also possess a superior sensory arrangement of visual capabilities. Electro-Magnetic Spectrum Vision: They can see into all of the EM Spectrum.

Sub Abilities - Telescopic Vision: The ability to focus their vision to see something at a great distance, without violating the laws of physics.

Microscopic Vision: The ability to see extremely small objects and images down to the sub atomic level.

X-Ray Vision: The ability to see through anything except lead. Since it is passive, this ability would not generate harmful radiation in the same manner as a focused projection of hard X-rays.

4-D Vision: The underlying capacity to peer beyond the veil of realities for seeing and interacting with things that are incomprehensible to 3-Dimensional beings.

. Super Vocals: A kryptonian possesses enhanced vocal/audio decibel abilities which they can access through precise muscle control.[20] Enabling their voices to carry over incredible distances at a time, or deliver a wave of amplified sound powerful enough to shatter glass or concrete.

Incubus Physiology: Incubus usually have boosted strength, speed, supernatural level of beauty and some magical abilities, especially dealing with illusions and mental manipulation. Incubus also have natural charm which makes I so that opposite gender will always have favorable impression of them.

. Demonic Energy Manipulation: User can create, shape and manipulate energies of demonic origin.

. Tantric Metabolization: Users can sustain themselves/their powers by feeding of sexuality and/or sexual energy from sexuality, sexual experiences, sexual emotions, etc., into their body as a source for their powers and/or conditions.

. Supernatural Beauty: Users possess a supernatural beauty that surpasses the boundaries of nature, not just by physical attraction alone, but by other aspects and principles of beauty. Having such beauty can have mystical, empathic or psychic effect that reflects their physical appeal and qualities with graceful and flawless charms.

. Seduction: The user can project seductive thoughts to the minds of others, speak with subliminal seductive power behind each word, and/or stimulate the brain's pleasure centers by touch, voice, thought.

. Reproduction Manipulation: The user has complete control over reproduction, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate it.

. Pheromones Manipulation: The user has complete control over the pheromones, a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species, of oneself and others, including releasing pheromones that induce attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself), to exuding pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change/influence emotions, draw crowds, etc.

. Unlimited Sexual Stamina and Sperm: Users have unlimited stamina and sperm in bed.

. Mind Control: The user can control the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions and personality.

. Incubus Seal: Once user creampie someone he can imprint this seal on them, make sealed person absolutely loyal and devoted to user.

. Empathy: The user can fully interpret the emotions, moods, and temperaments of others without reading apparent symptoms, allowing them to understand introverts or discover one emotion is actually hiding another.

. Dream Manipulation: Users can create, shape, enter, and manipulate the dreams of themselves and others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc., possibly including past ones.
