
DxD: A World Where T*tties Defy Gravity

The son of a Current Satan who is not yet known to the world. Where no one has seen him or even noticed his presence for the last 200 years has once again begins to make himself known now in Underworld but there is a twist he is now stronger— stronger when he was last seen. But what make them even more confuse is his wings he looks different.

Orael · Anime & Comics
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113 Chs

Chapter 87: Witness Of a Deed!

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read chapters ahead by 24+ Chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.




Yeah. Just a straight-up skeleton. No muscle, no skin, just a sack of bones. A short stack of bones, too. He had a dimpled smile, wore an unzipped hoodie, a white t-shirt/sweater, black shorts with white stripes, and a pair of pink slippers.

'Huh.' Rex thought, as Yang gave a sigh. 'Never pinged Raven to be the type who would have a child.'

"Fine, Mom." Yang replied, giving a hateful look at the knocked-out Zephrydor, as her eyes faded back to purple. "He deserved it, though."

Raven Branwen, the present Head of the Branwen Clan, a Clan of Extra Demons that served the Satan Asmodeus, and the current fourth-highest ranked player of the Rating Games, didn't reply, as she walked over to Ruby. "Are you alright, Ruby?"

"I'm okay." Ruby replied, as two more individuals came over to her, that Rex could only assume to be her parents.

The male of the two individuals appeared to be in this mid-to-late thirties, possibly his forties, and had greying black, spiky hair, red eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. 

With a red, tattered cloak, he wore a grey dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He also wore a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right fourth finger.

The female of the two individuals appeared to be the spitting image of Ruby, having the same silver eye, fair complexion, gradating black-to-red hair, and she was even the same height as Ruby. 

The only differences between the two were that her hair was slightly longer, her face showed slightly more age than Ruby's, and she wore a white cloak with hood, instead of Ruby's red one. 

The cloak also covered her whole body, instead of Ruby's cloak being open.

"Let's leave." Raven spoke, as she drew her sword, and seemed to slice open a red and black portal, which she made to step into. "That little shit had it coming." She added, loudly. "His parents must be weak failures."

"Fuckin' a, Raven. Fuckin' a." Rex replied, loudly. Raven heard the sound of Rex' voice, and turned around. 

When she noticed Rex, the current Branwen Head shocked everyone present by giving Rex a rare smile, before she turned around and left through the portal, with Sans the Skeleton, one of her Bishops, Qrow Branwen, her younger brother, Summer Rose, a High-Class Grim Reaper and Qrow's Queen, Ruby and Yang, following.

Once everyone had left, proceedings began to continue as normal, and while this happened, Rias walked over to Rex with Mirajane behind her.

"Hey, Rias." Rex greeted his aunt. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah." Rias replied. "I saw what you and Yang did to Zephrydor."

"Please don't tell me a lecture's coming." Rex groaned.

"No, I wasn't going to lecture you." Rias replied. "I just said that I saw what happened. End of."

"Oh. Cool." Rex replied, as he looked up to see Sairaorg and Imogen walking over to him and Rias.

"Hey, Rias." Sairaorg greeted her. "Congrats on the Rating Game victory."

"Thank you." Rias replied. "I've got a lot of that this party."

"Well, no shit." Imogen remarked, a slight smile on her face. "That's the point of this party. Along with jerking the metaphorical cock of this family off." She then noticed Rex. "Hey, Rex. Long time no see."

"Same, Imogen." Rex replied, as Sairaorg and Rias began talking to each other. "How've you been since Kyoto?"

"Good, good." Imogen stated. "If somewhat repetitive. I heard from Ajuka you got your own set of Evil Pieces right after the Rias-Riser game, is that true?"

"Yeah." Rex replied. "This is my Queen." He waved for Valian to come over. "Valian Lucifer."

"I see." Imogen replied, looking Valian up and down. "Are you really a descendent of Lucifer himself?"

Valian responded by snapping her fingers, and creating several wires, made purely out of the Primordial Power of Darkness. The wires then morphed into a black copy of Excalibur Galatine, which she twirled in her hand for a second, before throwing it into the air, and catching it.

"Cool." Imogen whispered, a grin coming onto her face.

"It'd be appreciated if you kept that on the down-low, Imogen." Rex remarked. "I don't want people approaching me just because they want to get in the good books of the master of a descendent of Lucifer."

"I won't say a word, Rex." Imogen promised. "Out of curiosity, do you have any other peerage members?"

"A Mutation Rook, a Bishop, and two Pawns." Rex replied.

"Hm. Not very big. But fair enough." Imogen replied. "Well. I certainly wouldn't mind having a Rating Game with you."

"Now hold on, Imogen." Sairaorg spoke up, walking over to where Rex and Imogen were talking. "What's this about wanting to fight my first cousin-once removed in a Rating Game? I'm related to him, so shouldn't I be the one to test his strength?" he gave a battle-hungry grin to Rex, who smirked back.

"Since when did you get to decide who does and doesn't get to fight a Devil who you didn't even know existed until last week?" Imogen replied, whirling around on Sairaorg. "I met him ages before you did! I should get to fight him first!"

"He" Rex stressed the word, calmly. "Has a name, and can be directly spoken to." Sairaorg and Imogen both took their eyes off each other, and looked at Rex.

"He" Rex stressed the pronoun again. "Also doesn't care who goes up against him. In fact..." he smirked. "He will take you on... at the same time. And win, too."

Sairaorg and Imogen looked at each other, as Rias gasped.

Sairaorg Bael, her cousin, known as the Strongest Young Pure-Blooded Devil, after finding himself incapable of using the Power of Destruction, the trademark power of the Bael Clan, had trained himself to the higher tiers of Ultimate-Class power through the use of pure bodily training alone.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read chapters ahead by 24+ Chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

