
DxD: A World Where T*tties Defy Gravity

The son of a Current Satan who is not yet known to the world. Where no one has seen him or even noticed his presence for the last 200 years has once again begins to make himself known now in Underworld but there is a twist he is now stronger— stronger when he was last seen. But what make them even more confuse is his wings he looks different.

Orael · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

Chapter 54: Zeus!

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When Hermes reached the top of Mount Olympus, and landed on the top plateau, and bowed before the three Gods that stood before him.

The first God was an old, tall, muscular white-haired man. His eyes were an electric blue, and he wore a white toga and golden arm guards. Electricity seemed to sparkle across his body.

The second God was a very beautiful woman, who had shoulder-length emerald-green hair, a face of regal beauty, and brown eyes. She wore a dress that seemed to shimmer in colour, and a pair of sandals.

The third God had the appearance of a friendly-looking elderly man, with a well-built muscular body. He had whitish-blue hair, turquoise eyes, and he wore a white and blue toga.

"Rise, Hermes." Zeus, the King of the Greek Gods, and the God of the Sky, Thunder, Lightning and the Heavens, ordered his son. "It isn't often you travel to Olympus."

"No, it isn't, Lord Zeus." Hermes replied. "However, I have news that you may take interest in."

"Oh?" Zeus raised an eyebrow. "And what news would this be?"

"Your step-daughter and her husband." Hermes replied. "They've taken up residence in Greece, to the south-east of here."

Zeus and Poseidon looked at each other, and shared a look. 

Personally, neither the King of the Greek Gods nor his brother, the God of the Seas, had any feelings for or against Rex and Palutena, other than Zeus acknowledging that Rex, as a Nephalem, a species that, prior to the balance of Holy and Demonic Powers being downright ended, thanks to the deaths of the God of the Bible and of Lucifer, couldn't have existed, had potential to become one of the most powerful beings in the world, perhaps coming to rival the more powerful of the Olympic Pantheon, such as Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus himself.

However, Hera, the wife and sister of Zeus, the Olympic Goddess of Marriage and Women, did have a reaction. A very, very unpleasent reaction.

"What the fuck?!" She shouted. "I thought I told that bastard of mine to never spoil Greek soil ever again, after our previous meeting!"

"Lady Hera, aren't you overreacting?" Poseidon asked of his sister-in-law and Queen, before turning to Hermes. "Hermes, are Rex and Palutena doing anything that could threaten the Greek Pantheon?"

"Negative, Lord Poseidon." Hermes replied. "All I saw them doing was moving into a recently-brought villa in the south-east, along with a half-Fallen Angel, a Vampire, a Nekoshou and a half-Devil."

"So that prideful, silver-haired grandson of Lucifer's sleeping around with women other than his wife!" Hera yelled. "Has my bastard daughter no shame?!"

As Hermes silently left the scene, Zeus and Poseidon gave a simultaneous sigh, as they let Hera rage about something along the lines of Palutena, her 'bastard daughter who is unworthy to inherit the powers of the Ruler of Marriage', not being allowed to live on Greek soil.

It was just easier to let her rave on. Even if she could go on for days at times.


Month 4

At the start of her month-or-so of training, Koneko came out of the magic-circle that Rex had sent her through. 

By instinct, she immediately shifted herself into a combat-stance, waiting for Akasha to come out of nowhere and attack her, which was how she usually started their training sessions.

However, after five seconds, which was the usual time it took for Akasha to start attacking, there was no sign of her.

No sound of her, either.

Not even a scent of her.

"Hello, Shirone, nya."

Koneko instantly froze, and whipped around at the voice coming from behind her.

Right there, sitting on a tree-branch, lazily swinging her legs, and smiling down at her… was Kuroka.


"Kuroka..." Koneko muttered, as in one graceful move, her older sister jumped down from the tree-branch she was sat on, and landed on the ground, right in front of Koneko. "You're here..."

"Yes, I am, nya." Kuroka replied, caringly smiling at Koneko. "And I know what you're thinking. But just let me explain-"

Koneko instantly rushed at Kuroka, her pent-up rage at her older sister for doing what she'd done to their former master gushing out. She raised her fist with full intent to punch Kuroka as hard as she could, but Kuroka was too quick for her. 

She raised her hand and created a magic-circle shield though her magic-circle looked a lot more like an octagon than a circle to block Koneko's punch, and teleported aside, out of the way of Koneko's punch.

"Kuroka, why?!" Koneko shouted, as she rushed back at Kuroka and tried to punch her again. "Why did you do it?! Our previous Master was the one who gave us a home, and you killed him!"

"Yes, that's true, Shirone." Kuroka replied, as she cast a concentrated blast of Senjutsu at her younger sister, in order to get her to back off from throwing another punch. "But there's more to it than that!"

"What more could there possibly be?!" Koneko shouted, running at Kuroka and attempting to kick her in the side, but being blocked again. "You killed our master, became a Stray Devil, and you almost indirectly caused me to be executed! What could there possibly be to add to that?!"

Kuroka would have replied instantly, but she had to block a few more of Koneko's punches and kicks in very quick succession. 

She'd heard a lot about how her little sister had been training herself during the past few months, and she very much wanted to go to her as soon as she could, so she could talk things out quickly with her. 

However, Rex had stopped her, instead instructing her to wait.

She remembered the conversation she'd had three nights before, with Rex.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read chapters ahead by 24+ Chapters or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

