
DxD: A World Where T*tties Defy Gravity

The son of a Current Satan who is not yet known to the world. Where no one has seen him or even noticed his presence for the last 200 years has once again begins to make himself known now in Underworld but there is a twist he is now stronger— stronger when he was last seen. But what make them even more confuse is his wings he looks different.

Orael · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 49: Reason!

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"Did it hurt?"

"Well, the armour getting wrecked by Rex' incredible natural talent in his father's famous power didn't hurt me that much." Elsha replied. "But one of the larger shards of the armour that got destroyed pierced one of my lungs. THAT hurt."

Isane winced, and instinctively put her hand over the side of her chest, where her own lungs were.

"Ouch." She whispered. "That must have been horrible. But... Why did Rex leave after that?"

"God knows." Elsha replied, sighing. "But if I know Rex, his reason for leaving is probably because he didn't want to hurt me anymore than he did."

"…" Isane was silent for a moment, before speaking.

"Was... was that what killed you?" She asked. "Is that how you died? Getting punctured in the lung by a piece of your own armour?"

"No." Elsha replied. "Well, not directly, anyway. I survived getting my lung punctured, but only thanks to a few quick spells. One to remove the shard of armour from my lung, one to close the wound in my lung, and another to stop the bleeding. But, once I had managed to teleport myself home and heal myself up to the closest to full-health I could get... Rex was gone."

"Gone?" Isane blinked.

"Gone." Elsha repeated. "I looked for him in all the usual places in the human world, and a couple of places in the Underworld that he liked to go to, but I couldn't find him anywhere."

She gave another sigh.

"I didn't survive very long after that." Elsha remarked. "I came across a Stray Devil a couple of days later, and... well, you can guess how that ended."

"Elsha... I'm so sorry." Isane whispered. "Getting torn apart by a Stray Devil, that must have been horrible."

"It was. It definitely was rather horrible." Elsha replied. "It was horrible, but also rather ironic." She gave a giggle. "The Second-Strongest Host of the Boosted Gear, torn apart by a simple Stray Devil. No better definition of 'going out with a whimper' than that, huh?"

"Yeah." Isane replied. "I don't know what to say."

"Then don't say anything." Elsha replied. "I know what you're thinking, Isane, and I don't have any bad feelings towards Rex, for what happened. It wasn't his fault."

"…" Isane was silent at Elsha's words, before she spoke again. "Do you... uh... see Rex again?"

"I honestly wish I could." Elsha replied. "But as much as I want to, there's no way that I'll be able to come back to the world of the living. I'm dead, and my soul is sealed inside this Gear."

"Hmm." Isane hummed.

"Anyway." Elsha replied, a smile on her face. "Enough of that. I didn't just call you down here to tell my silly sob-story, Isane. I also called you down here because I'm interested in my most recent successor becoming as strong as she can get."

"Where are you going with this exactly? Isane blinked.

"Oh, I'm just going to give you a couple of pointers with the Boosted Gear." Elsha replied, giggling. "I should think that being the Second-Strongest Wielder would be good at giving a tip or two to the present wielder."


Month 2

There was a blinding flash of sparks as one of Kiba's swords clashed with the sword that Rex was using, which was just a normal sword made entirely out of the Primordial Power of Darkness. 

Rex didn't move from his spot, but Kiba found himself flying backwards. He landed on his feet, and two swords appeared, one in each hand. One seemed to be made of fire, and the other out of ice.

Giving a yell of rage, Kiba ran at Rex again, fully intending to cut him up. 

The sole Knight of Rias Gremory was currently incredibly angry, as ever since Rex had mentioned that cursed word 'Excalibur', Kiba had been bombarded with the memories of the horrible deaths of his friends in that horrible Church. 

The images of his friends inhaling such a great amount of poisonous gas while he ran away, fatigued and hardly able to breathe, the temper of the rather polite and caring Knight boiled over into extreme rage.

Rex regarded Kiba with disdain, and simply swivelled around when Kiba came close enough to him, kicking him in the back and sending him down to the ground.

Spitting blood from his mouth, Kiba jumped back to his feet and rushed at Rex, creating a huge two-handed demonic sword that emitted an ominous, destructive aura.

"Come on, Rex!" Kiba screamed, running at Rex far slower than he was used to. "Show me that fucking Holy Sword, so I can destroy it!"

"Well, if you inist..." Rex replied, sighing. As Kiba continued to run at him, Rex pulled his hair band out of his hair, which appeared as a sword, and swung once. Galatine clashed with Kiba's sword, destroying it on the spot, and the shock of such a simple attack sent Kiba sprawling onto the ground.

"That." Rex remarked, coldly. "Was terrible, Kiba."

Kiba gave a growl from his position on the ground, and tried to get to his feet, but Rex pointed Excalibur Galatine at his throat, making sure to keep him down there.

"Y-You expect me to just stay down here?" Kiba growled. "When I'm faced with one of the swords I want to destroy most in the world? The very sword that cost me and my friends our lives?!"

"What are you tal-" Rex blinked, and then remembered something that he had been told by Gabriel. About something that had happened around ten years ago. "Ohhh. So it's you, Isaiah."

Kiba was so momentarily shocked at the realisation that Rex knew his original name that he didn't hurl more insults at Rex for using the sword that he did.

"Yeah, I know what happened to you, Isaiah." Rex spoke, quietly. "The Great Seraph Gabriel told me all about the Holy Sword Project, and how you had to suffer through it. And though my words will doubtless mean nothing to you, I'm sorry."


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