
Chapter 149: Youjutsu!

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As another Amalgamation-hole appeared, a hole that housed Rex' Primordial Power of Darkness, Serafall made the decision to teleport herself, her peerage after the barrier around Kuoh Academy broke.

Glynda, Kazane, Silver and Sona's peerage had entered the courtyard, Rias, her peerage, Kuroka, Sona, her peerage, Griselda, Xenovia and Grayfia away from the fight between Rex and Esdeath, and cast a barrier around the twenty-three of them.

When Rex landed on the ground, both of his Amalgamation-holes combined into one, and a lance of black ice shot out at Esdeath, and actually caught her on the arm, instantly freezing the wound black as it went past.

Esdeath hissed in pain from having suffered a hit, but rushed forward nonetheless.

Her non-slashed arm shot out and punched Rex, who was running towards her as well, in the face, stopping him squarely in his tracks and making him fall to the floor.

However, Rex caught himself on his hands before the back of his head hit the hard concrete.

While in the position he was, he kicked out at Esdeath, but missed, although Esdeath had to lean back, giving Rex the chance to propel himself upwards and land on his feet.

The second he landed, Esdeath made to stab him with her sword, but Rex ducked, and sweep-kicked Esdeath, sending her over as she created a dagger of ice in her free hand and tried to slash at Rex with it.

Though her aim was skewed by the fact that she had been sweep-kicked and was falling to the floor, that didn't change the fact that her dagger still caught Rex on his right cheek, making him bleed.

As Esdeath hit the floor, Rex stood upright and kicked her while she was down, sending her rolling away from him until she hit the wall of Kuoh Academy.

However, that didn't stop her as she went straight through it and out of sight.

Rex remained on guard until Esdeath, after several seconds of silence, flew out of the hole she went through, with several cuts and bruises on her body, rapier out and pointed at Rex.

She swung her rapier at him, trying to score a hit, but missed again, though she swung out and managed to score a punch on Rex' chest.

Rex jumped over Esdeath and landed on the ground, briefly considering drawing Excalibur Galatine, but he was caught off-guard by a heavy kick to his back, sending him stumbling forward into an uppercut from Esdeath.

As he flew upward from the force of the uppercut, Esdeath jumped into the air, flipped over and axe-kicked him, where Rex found himself flying into the ground, face-first.

Spitting blood out of his mouth, as Rex felt at least three of his teeth coming loost, the silver-haired Nephalem got to his feet and saw... two Esdeaths standing in front of him?

The hair and eye colour of one of the Esdeaths was a slightly darker shade of blue than the Esdeath that Rex had been fighting up until now.

"Suprised?" the light-blue-haired Esdeath smirked, as she stepped forward. "You like this little trick of mine, my love?"

"Not exactly when it was presumably used to catch me off-guard a few seconds ago." Rex replied, taking a few breaths and wiping sweat and blood from his face.

"But I am pretty curious as to what it is."

"It's just a little clone-technique I devised." Esdeath replied. "With the combination of some Youjutsu and my demonic energy, and... well." she patted the clone of herself on its behind.

"Here's the result. A clone of me that runs on my own demonic energy. And under my command."

"Sounds cool." Rex replied. "How did you learn it? I thought Youjutsu was exclusive to Youkai."

"It's exclusivly natural to Youkai." Esdeath remarked. "Important distinction. I learnt it from one of the two Nekomata leaders in Kyoto in exchange for training her daughter in sword-combat."

"Fair enough." Rex replied. "So this is you getting serious."

"You could say." Esdeath replied, as the temperature of the general vicinity dropped by a couple of degrees.

"Now. How about you get serious, and use your Angelic side? That Holy Sword of yours?" Esdeath licked her lips. "That Power of Twilight?"

"If you insist." Rex replied, pulling his headband out of his hair and transforming it into Excalibur Galatine.

Faster than Esdeath could even blink, he'd dashed towards her and the clone of her, and swung at her.

Esdeath jumped back and waved her hand in a large arc along the ground, creating a large wave of ice.

From that wave of ice emerged several centaurs, made entirely out of ice. Each of them carried either a spear, and each of them had two Devil wings emerging from their backs.

The clone of Esdeath jumped over the ice-centaurs and landed in front of Rex, unsheathing its own rapier to attack him with.

Rex, however, clashed with the Esdeath clone with Excalibur Galatine, and overpowered it.

Grabbing it by its neck and throwing it aside, he ran forward and swung Excalibur Galatine, releasing a large wave of destructive Holy energy that destroyed all the ice-centaurs with one go.

But before Rex could reach Esdeath, she waved her hand and sent the shards of ice, that the previously-destroyed ice-centaurs had now become, flying at Rex, who was forced to take a defensive stance and spin his blade around to stop the shards from hitting him.

However, he heard movement behind him, and swung around to clash with the Esdeath-clone, who'd gotten up and attacked him again from behind.

Rex growled, and punched the Esdeath-clone so hard in the face that it flew backwards and crashed against the barrier that Serafall had still kept up for all this time.

He then dashed towards the real Esdeath, who had pulled out her rapier again, and clashed with her.

"That's more like it!" Esdeath grinned, as she pushed against Rex. "I can feel the Holy waves from that sword! They're powerful... and intoxicating!"


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