
DXD: A Nexus Devil (DXD x Multi-Crossover)

He was just an ordinary orphan. At least he thought he was. That was until some group claiming to be the Hero Faction tried to recruit him for being the inheritor of a lost bloodline. (A DXD/HP/Marvel/Multicross story) Self Insert.

FiveStarTomato · Anime & Comics
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51 Chs

Armored Robot Man

In a beam of light, Jake touched down, unsure of what to expect at the end of the Bifrost's destination. However, it definitely wasn't what he was seeing.

"Thor Odinson, show yourself!" One of the angels screamed, standing in the middle of a human city street. Odin had sent Thor to Earth, right in the heart of a bustling city. Burning cars and scattered bodies surrounded the five angels.

"I will kill every pathetic mortal in this city until you show yourself, Thor!" The angels had surrounded a mother and her young daughter, using them as leverage. Jake wondered where Thor was, if he was even nearby or had landed elsewhere.

"Please, no…" The mother desperately shielded her daughter with her body.

Tears streamed down the little girl's face. "Why are you doing this? I thought angels were the good guys."

"Ahahahahah… the good guys? Of course, we're the good guys. And we'll be doing a good deed when we smite all you inferior creatures and take this realm, along with the others, for ourselves," the sneering angel raised its blade above the trembling pair.

"That's enough!" Jake shouted in rage. He had arrived just a minute too late, witnessing the destruction of an entire city block and the deaths of innocent people, all to lure out Thor. Now he understood why Odin sealed away this race of angels—they were ruthlessly cruel.

The five angels turned their vicious looks toward Jake.

"No, run away, mister. They'll hurt you too!" The little girl's voice trembled from within her mother's arms.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Jake Gremory. It seems my brethren failed to hold you off long enough before the Bifrost closed. It matters not; we've wanted to kill you as well for daring to expose the fact that we'd escaped Heaven's seal. You put our 500-year revenge against Asgard in jeopardy! We will not be denied!" The angel who organized the situation gloated, attempting to monologue to Jake.

Listening in, Jake was surprised by the crazy coincidence that he had inadvertently caused. Arriving in Asgard with a wounded Serafall, exposed Odin's attention to Heven's weakened seals. The escaped angels, fearing exposure and ruin, accelerated their plans to attack Asgard. No amount of explanation would make them believe he was from another dimension—it was all an accident. Nevertheless, Jake had no intention of trying to explain. These five angels were pure evil and needed to be defeated.

Turning toward the little girl still trembling in her mother's arms, Jake reassured her, "Don't worry, it's going to be alright. I'll defeat these bad angels. After all, we're natural enemies... since I'm a devil!" His devil wings sprang from his back, and with spell circles forming in his hands, he glared at his five white-winged opponents.

"You can do it, Mr. Nice Devil!" The little girl cheered for him.

"You four make sure to kill him," the lead angel ordered. "I will search for Thor myself. He couldn't have gotten far without his godly powers." With that, he took off into the sky, leaving the other four angels to swiftly fly toward Jake.

Jake sensed that some of the humans on the ground were still barely alive. The mother and daughter hostage pair were fortunately escaping while the lead angel was distracted. The unconscious bodies around him meant he couldn't rely on his stronger area-of-effect spells though. That was fine by him; these opponents seemed straightforward.

"Die!" One of the angels swung a flaming sword oozing with holy energy at Jake. He summoned an ice sword in his right hand and parried the blow to the side. With his left hand, he created an ice gauntlet. He reinforced his muscles with magic before delivering a vicious blow to the angel, sending it flying into a nearby office building. The angel crashed through cubicle after cubicle, shattering glass and scattering papers.

"Well, that wasn't so hard," Jake smirked observing the destruction he just caused. The three other angels paused their charge upon witnessing their companion's near instant defeat. They weren't expecting Jake to be so strong! "One down, three to go." Jake smirked.

"Ha! As if one of us would be felled in a single blow! We are the strongest warriors in the Ten Realms. Even Asgard could not defeat us and had to seal us away!" Jake was about to mention how he had seen Loki kill one of them in a single blow, but the angel he had sent flying launched itself out of the office building. Comically covered in office post-it notes, it charged at Jake again, snarling with the promise of pain.

Jake could see his punch had inflicted significant damage. The angel's shredded toga and numerous bleeding wounds revealed the toll of his attack. While these angels could take a hit, they lacked regeneration. Jake saw an opportunity.

"I'll kill you!" The injured angel yelled another generic line, swinging its flaming sword at Jake. Jake raised his sword, parrying the blow, before delivering a powerful left fist to the angel's unguarded torso, sending it crashing back into the same building.

"I feel like we've done this before," Jake said with a laugh. He and the three angels waited a few seconds to see if he would charge out a second time, but there was no movement from inside the ruined building. "Okay now one down, three to go." He laughed.

"Tch… Bariel was the weakest out of all of us! Who cares if you've bested him? We will take him together, brothers!"

Three swords came blazing at him from the front as Jake deployed a powerful ice shield. His shield blocked the first angel's blade outright, while the second managed to leave cracks in the ice, and the third shattered it. The shield served its purpose, though, giving Jake enough time to form his next spell. Over a thousand toothpick-sized icicles formed in front of him as he uttered the name of his new spell. "Blizzard Shotgun!" The thousand mini icicles launched forward, causing the angels' eyes to widen rapidly!

To Jake's surprise, the three angels each folded their wings in front of themselves just in time to shield themselves from the ice spell! All three of them screamed in pain as their beautiful white wings were stained red from numerous puncture wounds.

"Damn," Jake said with a whistle. "Using your own wings as a shield. You guys are pretty hardcore." They had now all lost their ability to fly, though.

"Damn you, magic-using scum! Have you no honor to face us in fair combat?" one of them hissed in pain.

"You all just killed a whole bunch of unarmed innocent people," Jake pointed out, gesturing to the destroyed city block. "Also, where the hell were the police?" he questioned out loud to himself. "There's no way no one called them at this point…"

"As if we'd care about these lower life fo-"

"Shoot to thrill! Ready to kiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll!" The bloody angel was interrupted as rock and roll music started blaring around them. Jake heard the sound of something flying nearby, and from the sky came the coolest thing he'd ever seen in his life! An actual guy in an armored superhero robot suit flew in and slammed into the ground between Jake and the injured angels.


"Okay then, everybody," Ironman said as he observed the destroyed street and numerous bodies lying scattered around. He grimaced within his helmet at the gruesome sight. "Which of you caused all this destruction and death?" He pointed his palms at the red-haired young man with bat wings and the bloody-looking angels.

Jake simply pointed at the three of them with no shame in his voice. "It was them, sir. They did it."

Tony was taken aback by the bluntness and almost chuckled out loud. He still had to confirm, though. "Prove it," he said.

Jake just shrugged. "Hey, assholes," he called out to the three angels who were wary of the new metal man who had interrupted their battle. None of them wanted to admit it, but they were intimidated.

"What do you want now, Devil? Do you want to call a temporary truce and deal with this interloper together?" One of them answered Jake.

Tony, meanwhile, was confused when he heard them call the young man a devil. Was he a real devil with those wings? And he was the good guy? Did the entire world have it wrong the whole time, and angels were bad? His mind was racing with curiosity!

"What do you guys think of humans?" Jake asked them.

"Huh! Haven't we already been over this, you moron? They are pathetic lower life forms that need to be eradicated so our glorious race can take over this realm," the angel said without remorse.

"There's my proof," Jake said to the cool armored man.

"That's some pretty solid proof," Ironman replied before he stopped aiming his repulsor at the redhead and turned to aim both palms at the bloody angels. "Alright, you three, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Make your move."

"Our move will be your death!" One of the flightless angels yelled before all three charged at Ironman on foot. He responded by firing a repulsor blast from each palm, nailing two of them in their faces and sending them flying back! The third, however, was far faster than Tony was expecting, already within striking distance. He was ready to block the flaming sword with his arms when a shield made of solid ice materialized right in front of him and blocked the sword!

Ironman turned and saw that the supposed devil was next to him and had conjured the shield out of thin air. "Nice block, kid," he said, and Jake just gave him a grin.

"We gotta finish these three quickly because their leader already escaped and is going to kill Prince Thor!" Jake explained. Tony had no idea who this prince was, but he agreed that he couldn't let another one of these winged killers stay on the loose any longer.

The two angels that had been blasted painfully got back up with their faces sporting deep burns. They screamed in rage as they rejoined the third and attacked their two enemies with renewed fury.

Jake decided to abandon the sword gauntlet combo as he formed ice gauntlets in both his hands. When the angel's blade came swinging towards him, he closed his hand around the incoming sword and caught it! His other fist reared back as he pumped as much magic as he safely could through his muscles before delivering the mother of all punches right into the angel's gut! The angel was rocketed off by the blow and crashed into a nearby wall like a missile, smashing through a solid foot of concrete before its form went limp.

The other two angels decided to attack Ironman together. He fired his repulsor blasts at them again, but they were ready for it this time and promptly dodged the beams. Tony cursed as their supernatural speed once again allowed them to close in on him rapidly. He saw how the devil had bested his opponent and decided he might as well copy it. Two angel blades came at him from both sides, and he reached his hands out and also caught both blades much to their shock!

"Jarvis, focus all power to the front repulsor," Tony yelled in his suit as his chest glowed brightly. An instant later, a massive blast was released from his chest that engulfed both of his opponents! When the blast cleared, both of the angels could be seen on the ground over a dozen feet away with severe burn injuries. Whether they had survived or not, he wasn't sure.


"That was super cool," Jake said as he approached the armored guy. "So, is there like a person in there, or are you totally a robot?" He asked curiously.


I have another story I'm currently writing as well. Check it out on my profile.

Thank you to my current Hero Team Patrons: Denacious, Michael, Mason, Rick, Nirojan, Benzaboyo, Carl, and William

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