
DxD: A New Beginning

I became aware that I was recalling memories and information from my previous life. At the same time, I realized I was in "High School DxD" World. And with a divine weapon I've never seen before in the series. Furthermore, my ability was a power that i had seen before, albeit in a slightly different context. ------- I'm not good at making a fanfic but I'm going to this now. Disclaimer: I don't own the picture either the DxD franchise itself. Schedule: as far as I can upload Words every chapter: {[1k+ - 1.5k]}

Lazy_Ryuu · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 [Edited]

Author's Note: so...yeah sorry for not editing it like shit wtf I'm lost tbh.... I just wake up and I did so many erorrs, you can clearly tell about it, well shit.

sorry for the kuoh town shit 🤣 the time I do the chapter 3 was in dawn so....yup my brain didn't process correctly so sorry for that 🙃.

and, my brain only procces or can make a 1k+ words chap was in dawn so ... let's get into the story


In the end, all I did was scream my irrationality from the bottom of my heart, and I rode my bike home with the wind in my face.

We all ate dinner together as a family, but I think I was upset.

Thank goodness it was Friday today. I do not want to go to school in this condition. To put it bluntly, nothing has been decided regarding my future.

Because I don't know where the death flag will go, I need to think about my future to some extent.

It appears that my memories from my previous life are to blame for my brain's sudden improvement.

I recognized my previous life as soon as I realized this world was the world of High School DxD.

It's just that I inherited the old me's knowledge and memories, but I guess my own spirit hasn't changed.

I'm still the same second-grade kid who enjoys comic books and video games and enjoys playing outside with my body. Well, it appears that they have had a significant impact on my understanding and sensibilities, so I guess I've merged with them. At least, I believe I am.

I'm not sure what prompted me to recall my previous life, but I'm glad I did this time.

If I hadn't been, I would have gone on living my life carefree, unaware that I was in possession of a sacred gear.

Of course, it would have been preferable if I had no recollection of my previous life and could have completed my life without being involved with the sacred gear. Such a possibility, however, may be less likely.

If that's the case, having knowledge is preferable.

"Hmm, but... What should I do first?"

I muttered to myself as I enjoyed my bath alone, dismissing my father's attempt to join me, claiming that he was in his adolescence.

My sister was present in the room, and this was the only place where I could unwind and be alone.

I also pretend I didn't notice my father's shocked expression. Puberty is an extremely useful term.

"Am I supposed to be the main character? I am familiar with the original. however, what does an original protagonist do?"

I tried to imagine the protagonist's actions in the world of High School DxD, but it was mostly fighting. I'm not sure what to think about it.

I've read a lot of these stories and always found them to be very entertaining.

I'm not sure what to think about it. Nonetheless, a sigh escaped my lips.

To be honest, I'm looking forward to it. It's incredible that he has a sacred gear and can defeat his enemies in such a cool manner.

There are a lot of cute girls around, and you can sashay up to them and save their lives like a hero. Perhaps they'll fall in love with me. If they became my girlfriend, I would be overjoyed.

But would I be willing to put my life in danger for that?

"Most likely not. It's pitiful, and it could be a fantastic opportunity, but... I don't think I can do it."

I know how the original story ends, so I might be able to assist those in need. But is that something I should do, even if it means giving up everything I own right now? I have a loving family, a society that looks out for me, and a life that is peaceful and happy. Overall, it may be a temporary truce.

Still, I don't want to destroy the peace that I know cannot be restored once it has been broken.

Above all, I'm not sure if I can even defend my own life. It's cold outside, but I can't afford to be concerned about others.

Making a move for someone you don't know when or where you'll see is suicidal in this world. It is an inflationary, hyperinflationary world.

First and foremost, no matter how you move, you must establish a firm foothold.

"As a result, the first thing I need to do is gather information."

The fact that I didn't live in Kuoh Town was the first thing that made me feel better.

This was sufficient to avert the majority of the original crisis. Yes, the death flags of all Kuoh Town residents are unfortunate.

There are far too many death flags in one location.

Is Kuoh Town a real place? Is there a Kuoh Academy? It's also critical to understand when we're in the original story.

The enemy varies greatly depending on whether it is before or after the three major powers reached a peace treaty. In the second novel, the protagonist is usually born around the same time as the main character, but I'm not sure why. If at all possible, I'd like it to take place decades after the original story has concluded. I'd be content if the world was kinder to mobs.

I'm seven years old, so it's still difficult for me to be without my parents' protection. I don't have any money and can't support myself.

In other words, I can't tell anyone that I have a divine weapon. I don't want to be killed, and I don't want my life to be taken away from me. But I can't just leave. There's nothing I can do if they kidnap my family.

When I investigate, I'll be extremely cautious. Even if Kuoh Town does exist, I will not enter it right away. I'm fairly certain there's a demon in there, and if it detects the vibrations of the sacred gear, I'm out.

Then there are the original story's characters, but I wouldn't go see them. They're all too eccentric.

I don't have anyone in a position where I can easily go see them, and this will be difficult to overcome.

"I'm at a loss as to what to do about the... sacred gear."

I'm at a loss for what to do, but I'm sure I'm not alone. I'm not sure if this is a good idea, but it is. I don't know if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you have.

They are most likely offensive in terms of ancestry. As a result, it is possible that I will need to train my body.

But, realistically, how do you train? You can train your body by learning karate or judo, but that's probably not it.

You're not going to be able to find someone who can teach you how to fight in a practical way that quickly.

It would be even more difficult for me to train on my own. I'm not even sure what martial arts are.

If the world were still friendly to gangs, the training would not have to be as rigorous. However, this is a world of demons for mobs. A stray demon could show up "I'm starving!" It's possible that a fallen angel will accompany you "The sacred gear! Disinfect! Disinfect! I'm aware that God is no longer alive in the church, and I'm terrified of his treatment of his people, his experiments on humans, and his fanatics. If it's a terrorist organization, I'm afraid they'll kidnap me

"Effort! and I'd be kidnapped, or worse, have a nervous breakdown."

You're insane if you try to escape reality and end up regretting it. As a result, sufficient training is required to use the sacred gear.

There's nothing wrong with having physical strength, so I'll start by running to strengthen my body.

Anyway, I have no idea what my sacred gear is. It's a Sithcon, but it's just as powerful as the Satan, who's known as the Transcendent, so should I consider it strong, or will it be like the Switch Princess, in a delicate position of "Hey, I'm active... besides my tits"? No, no, no, she had to be amazing as well, with her special moves and all.

So why do I remember only that part? In any case, I suppose my sacred gear is inferior to Longinus, the Divine Destroyer. I'd never heard of it before.

In any case, I'd like to learn more about my sacred gear. With that in mind, I exited the bath and went to bed, looking at my father, who was twilighting beside me.

Maybe it was because I was thinking too much, or maybe I fainted, but my consciousness quickly faded.


Author's Note: just comment if there's something wrong in this chapter