
DXD- Sitri

Rio died but it was a dumb gods fault so he got reincarnated and he chose to be serafall’s twin brother (Warning op mc)

Cheesy_Dogs · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Reaching Super Class Devil?

I am currently 21 I would be considered an adult in the human world but to devils I am still young

I am currently a super class devil which means a lot of people look up to me. People have given me a title "the strongest devil alive" as I am the currently the strongest devil right now

But I still need to get stronger so that way I could eliminate the satan faction with one spell

Currently we have a army of 500 dragons as I managed to make it a shorter time to breed a dragon egg. Also currently Kuro is at low ultimate class because of all the training I have been giving him

Me and serafalls relationship has improved even more and now she looks up to me saying she wants to be as strong as me one day. I have already retired from the position of heir to Sitri as I am planning to become a Maou so that way I can help more with the stray devils and corruption

Currently I can stop time for 5 minutes a day and the only person who would be able to break out of the time stop is great and ophis but I plan to make i so nobody will be able to break out it

I also have been experimenting and I realize I can manipulate someone's faint but I will pass out no matter what so I only to do it when Somebody close to me has the fate to die

I also had a marriage with some noble devil but I challenged them to a duel to get the marriage broken and unsurprisingly I won in 10 second I just chopped the back of her neck and she passed out

Right now I am building a place that manipulates gravity to

Make it so that devils can get even stronger by training I already made a device that can make gravity harder and I just need to build the room that will have the gravity machine I am having trouble because I am trying to make a building that won't get affected by the immense gravity but I can't figure it out after all this isn't dragon ball

Time skip

I just finished building the gravity chamber and am currently mass producing it with money I got from other projects. I have given one to my parents and my sister Andy get all complimented me on building it. My father even tried to rope me into giving him. 10% for advertising but I refused as I am Already very known for my inventions so I do not need Advertising

I have also been training Serafall But she does not have as much potential as Kuro so she does not how as fast as Kuro so she is a still a peak high class almost ultimate class which is already strong for her age

Time skip

The gravity chambers released and they are a hit i even notice people from other factions like fallen angels trying to get themselves gravity chambers but I Made sure that I only allowed each faction to take 1 each and I allowed them to take 1 so that way I can gain more popularity in other factions I have become the richest devil but most of it goes into my other projects

I have not created the devil pieces yet because I still want Ajuka to create that and rating games but I am trying to make myself my own devil pieces much stronger I have created one that is slightly better than the original but I want them to be even stronger

I am also planning to try and create my own sacred gear system but I don't know if I will be able to or not

I am planning to to Grigori to meet Azazel and talk about sacred gears and also to make friendly bonds with him

But first I want to make virtual reality that has a time difference so that way devils can train their swordsmanship and other things


Do you want him to be successful in making a sacred gear system or do you want it to be a failure. Comment on which one you want it to be

