
DxD - Son of Gabriel

A hunter who was cursed in his previous life gets reincarnated in the world of DxD as the son of Gabriel.

TheRandomMe · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2: Teleported Away...

Two years passed by in the blink of an eye. I'm now six years old.

Over the last two years, I made some progress with my magic, and I somehow managed to create a Light Weapon!

It wasn't anything good and was still the size of a table knife.

Even compared to what Akeno can do at this point, it wasn't anything good, but considering my abilities, it was something I could only do as a last resort because it took everything out of me.

As for my Artificial Sacred Gear research, I didn't progress much.

I only scribbled down different artifact-creating methods used in my previous life, but I can't understand how someone could make them bound to someone at birth or bound to them at all.

My notebook was almost completely filled with different artifacts I wanted to create and notes on possible ways to create them at this point.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. I possess a Sacred Gear, but I haven't been able to unlock it yet.

It's a Recovery-Type Sacred Gear, but its identity remains unknown. Uncle Azazel has been trying to figure it out, but we can't get more information until it awakens.

If I managed to awaken, it could have made making the Artificial Sacred Gears much easier.

"El, El! Look, Dad helped me with my Holy Lightning!" Akeno said cheerily as she showed me the Holy Lightning that crackled around her hands.

I had a wry smile seeing her progress, "You are really getting good at it..." I said.

Even an actual six-year-old is much better at this than me. It's funny just thinking about it.

In this dangerous world where supernatural beings can casually walk around the world in daylight, power is important. I need to get my swords quickly.

Otherwise, I would die without even being able to put up a fight.

My mother may be strong, but she isn't always here.

Then there is Akeno, who is the daughter of a Shrine Priestess and the Vice Governor General.

Unlike what I thought before, the factions aren't in the best relations.

Son of a Serpah and the daughter of a Cadre. If you want to spark another war, then killing them is a good start.

That's only considering the Biblical Factions and not the others.

I don't know what the relation between the other factions is with the Biblical ones, but it's best to assume it's not the best.

The relationship with the Angels and the Fallen Angels started to get better since my and Akeno's birth due to more interactions between faction leaders but not the whole factions.

Let's just hope something like that never happens.


"Uncle Azazel, you said you were an inventor, so could you make something for me?" I asked.

He was here to figure out why my I can't form a Light Weapon.

"Huh? I don't know, I'll be busy with my research..." He said, and I could imagine what kind of research he meant.

"Oh really... Maybe I should tell Mom the new word you taught me." I paused so he could understand the meaning and saw him sweating.

"Hey, I didn't teach you anything!"

"But will my mother believe you or me?" I asked with an innocent smile.

He looked at me with astonishment that a child and an angel no less was blackmailing him and fear due to what could happen if my mother believed me.

"Fine, fine, fine. What do you want, kid." I smiled and gave him my notes, "An angel, my ass..." He muttered to himself.

He looked at my notes and hummed to himself, "For a six-year-old, these aren't that bad. If you get kicked out in the future and need work, I'll surely find something for you." He said.

I tilted my head, "Why would my mother kick me out?" I asked innocently.

He sighed, "No, it doesn't matter..."

Hey, I blackmailed the Governor of the Fallen Angels and didn't fall...

I guess the rules aren't as strict as I thought.




After giving Azazel my notes, I continued to train my three spells.

The thing I needed to train was the speed at which I augment my body.

The speed and quality of my reinforcements and altering the shape of my sword.

I don't have the best practice tools as they sap out my mana quickly, but until I get my specially-made artifacts, these swords are the only thing I can practice on.

I wasn't confident with my progress speed, considering the dangers of this world.

Augmenting my body took under one second, but when it came to reinforcing my sword, my best time was ten seconds.

That's not fast enough. If I was in a fight, I would be dead before I managed to reinforce my weapon.

Scenarios like surprise attacks played in my mind, and I knew this wasn't enough. Even the augmenting speed of my body wasn't fast enough.

I need to bring my augmenting time to one-tenth of a second.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I have a feeling something bad is about to happen soon.


I have been through enough situations to trust my instincts.

I need to increase my training.


The ring Azazel made rolled on my desk.

It didn't take long for him to create it, but he had no luck with my swords.

After two years, he wasn't even close to making them.

Don't get me wrong, he has created many prototypes, but none were good enough.

Sometimes, I felt like a gunnie pig for his tests as he tried to discover why I was unable to create proper Light-Based Weapons or even activate my Sacred Gear.

I sighed and put the ring on my thumb. When I grow up, the ring will be the perfect size, but I'll have it on my thumb for now.

After injecting a bit of mana into it, a white trail emerged from my ring and began to form a book.

Once the light dissipated, my new notebook was left in my hand.

I had already filled two notebooks with different information and ideas, with this one being the third.

I'm also starting to think Grandpa hates me because I haven't been in Heaven even once since reincarnating here, and he hasn't visited me even once.

It doesn't help that no one even talks about him.

It's like he is dead, but it's kept hidden from everyone.

I stopped myself from thinking something that stupid. How could God die?

"El!" Akeno brought me out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Did I miss anything, Akeno?"

"I've been trying to tell you that dinner is ready, but you've been looking at your notebook without responding." She sighed, "The only thing you are doing is training and writing in your notebooks. You barely even play with me anymore." She pouted.

I awkwardly scratched the back of my head and chuckled, "Sorry, it's just that I feel that I'm behind with how fast you are progressing."

Akeno puffed her chest, "You don't have to worry. If anything happens, I will protect you!" She probably thought I meant that I wanted to be stronger than her.

"Anyway, what's for dinner?" I asked before storing my notebook and pencil in my storage ring.

"Your favorite, Beef Curry with Rice!"




"Aunt Shuri, could you tell me more about the other supernatural factions?" I asked.

Every time I tried to ask my mother, she said I was still too young, so I hoped Aunt Shuri would tell me more about them.

The only thing I know is that they exist, but I don't know how much of the information I have is accurate at this point in time.

Considering the fact my mother told me that the devils aren't as bad as they used to be before, that would mean the other factions could be different.

"Hmm..." Aunt Shuri thought about it for a while before sighing, "Fine, but after dinner."




After dinner, Aunt Shuri explained to me more about the supernatural side of Japan.

Shito Gods and Youkai, huh? What caught my attention was when she mentioned Senjutsu, particularly Touki.

Touki is, in essence, the external manifestation of one's life force, in other words, their Ki. Using this, a person achieves heightened offense, defense, and speed, similar to my augmentation.

Then, if I learned Touki, would I be able to mix it with my Reinforcement or maybe even create a new technique?

I instantly pulled out my notepad and started writing it down.

"And there he goes again..." Akeno said with a sigh while Aunt Shuri just chuckled.

The main questions I had right now were things like.

Could I learn Touki?

Could I mix Ki with Mana?

What is stronger, Ki or Mana?

If I could learn to use Ki, would I have the same problem as with Mana?

I continued scribbling down my notes until a pouting Akeno snapped me out, "You promised to play Hide and Seek with me..." She said.

I sighed. A promise is a promise, "Fine, then I will hide while you count to 60, okay?"

"Okay!" She turned to the wall, covered her eyes, and started counting down, "60... 59... 58... 57..."

When she started counting, I immediately went to hide somewhere it would take her time to find me, and I could continue taking my notes.




Around fifteen minutes later, I heard Akeno's footsteps, and not so long after, "Found you!"

I gave her a wry smile as I thought it would take her a bit longer before she found me, "I guess it's my turn to seek."

We continued to play until my mother returned from Heaven, and they left.


Just like many other times, Aunt Shuri was watching over me while my mother was working.

Who would have thought that even an angel works six days a week? Before my reincarnation here, I wouldn't.

Anyway, time passed, and I'm currently ten years old. My mana has increased over time, and I'm almost at the level of mid-rank.

With the help of [Reinforcement], I could probably bring my strength to the mid-levels of mid-rank. But the problem is my lack of weapons and my child's body.

While my height of 156cm is above the average for someone my age, I haven't fought a single time in this body, so even with my previous fighting experience, my movements would be awkward at best.

Then it's not like I have anyone to fight.

I used the training sword I got for my birthday all those years ago to see my movements, but it isn't the same as when fighting with your life at stake.

At times like these, I miss the low-level training dungeons where students could go and experience the dungeons before experiencing the real things.

Even if that happened there...

I shook my head. I shouldn't be thinking about that.

After finishing dinner, Akeno and I returned to the living room while Aunt Shuri washed the dishes.

But then I got a weird feeling.

When my mother is around, I always get a feeling of safety and warmth.

Even when she is in Heaven, the same feeling remains but to a lesser degree, but now it is gone.

It was replaced with a feeling of coldness.

I shivered slightly before my instincts went on full alert, and I quickly grabbed Akeno and threw her back towards the kitchen.

The moment I did, a large crash resounded from the front of the house, sending rouble everywhere and sending me flying towards the wall.

Insticivly augmenting my body, I managed to lessen my impact with the wall. Otherwise, I'm sure I would have died.


Attacker POV:

My team and I were given the mission to capture the children of high-ranking members of the Angel and Fallen Angels factions.

We followed the Vice-Governor's wife and daughter to the seraph's house, where the second target lived. Several angels guarded the place, but we quickly took care of them.

Using my devil wings, I flew above the house and cast a spell that demolished the front of the building. It was then time to capture the target.

The woman who was sold out by her clan tried to protect the children, but she wouldn't stand a chance.

I needed to finish this quickly before one or both of the factions arrived here.


Elijah Heart POV:

My body hit the wall before falling down on the floor as I coughed out blood. I'm sure I would have died if I hadn't augmented myself before impacting with the wall.

I tried to stand up, but it hurt.

I gritted my teeth, ignored the pain, and observed my surroundings.

The front of the house was blown away, and over ten people with black bat-like wings floated in the air outside.

Devils! I instantly recognized them.

"Kill the woman and capture the kids!" The one I presumed was the leader of their group shouted.

"Elijah, listen to me, take Akeno, and get as far away as possible!" Aunt Shuri said and started using flames to defend us and attack the devils.

It must have been my child's body that affected me because I acted like a child my age, "Aunt Shuri, I can help!"

Aunt Shuri's tone changed, and it was like listening to a completely different person, "Listen to me, Elijah Heart! You must protect Akeno and yourself! ...Please protect my daughter." She said, and the last part as if, having accepted the fact, she would die here today and only wanted her daughter to survive.

I nodded and grabbed Akeno by the hand before running out through the open kitchen window on the back side of the house.

"MOM!" Akeno screamed and tried to break free from me, but I didn't let her.

If I only had a weapon, I could have done something.




We kept running for what felt like hours before I heard a voice from behind me, "Look at you. That woman sacrificed herself for you to escape, but you couldn't even do that." His mocking voice said.

My face paled, looking at his evil grin and knowing what his words meant. Aunt Shuri was dead.

"Now, don't resist and come with me," He said, flying towards us and putting his hands forward to grab us.

At that moment, I conjured my light dagger and slashed his hand.

The crooked dagger shattered halfway, but that was enough for the devil to stop for a while as his hand hissed as if being burned.

I continued running with Akeno, but he quickly caught up, furious at what I did to him.

"I only need to bring you alive, so if they won't mind if you are missing a hand!" He roared and lunged to grab me, but this time, another light-based weapon flew towards him.

Unlike my light weapon, this was a spear and a powerful one.

He jumped back, avoiding being killed by the spear, but it still hit him in the shoulder.

Akeno hugged me, her face buried in my chest as she was crying.

I looked at where the spear came from and saw my mother.

But unlike all the times when she was happy and smiling, she looked furious and like she was about to fall due to wrath.

Another spear flew towards him, but he dodged it.

"Grrrr... Screw this. If I'm dying here, you are going with me." He said, holding his bleeding and hissing shoulder while looking at Akeno and me with bloodshot eyes.

The next moment, I saw the spear go straight through his heart, but it was too late as a magic circle formed under us, and our surroundings changed.

I was now in what looked like a cave, with my instincts all on full alert.


Gabriel POV:

"NOOO!!!" I screamed and landed on my knees where my son and Akeno previously stood.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening!

It can't!

I knelt there for what felt like hours, crying and on the verge of falling, but I didn't care about it at that moment.

My son was gone, and I didn't know where he could be and if he could survive before I found him.

There wasn't any way for me to track where he was teleported to.

Someone placed their hand on my shoulder, "Gabriel! Calm down! You are about to fall!" I recognized that voice.

It was Micheal.

I looked back at him, my eyes red from all the crying, "E-E-Elijah... H-He was teleported away."


Azazel POV:

I quickly arrived at Gabriel's house, or what was left of it.

Things are bad... Really, really, bad!

Not only is Baraquiel's daughter gone, but also Gabriel's son. This could end badly.

Thankfully, we managed to save Shuri's life, but she is in a coma.

But the kids? I have no idea where they could be.

Inspecting the place where they were teleported away, I tried to pick up the remaining Demonic Energy to pinpoint the location they were teleported to, but I had no luck.

I looked over to Baraqiel, who held his wife, trying to hold back his anger, and Michael, trying to calm Gabriel down and prevent her from falling due to wrath.

Thankfully, they didn't kill all of the attackers, and we found out that they were from the Old Satan Faction.

Otherwise, both of them would storm into the Underworld and start a new war.

But how did the Old Satan Faction find out about them?

Whoever gave the information about Akeno must be an enemy of Baraqiel, but why would anyone know about Elijah?

The only individuals who were aware of Elijah's existence from the Fallen Angels were Baraqiel, Penemune, and myself. However, none of us disclosed this information.

The Himejima Clan was unaware of his existence, so it's possible that the knowledge was obtained from the angels who were responsible for guarding him while Gabriel was in Heaven.

If some of the guards had fallen, Gabriel would have made it her priority to protect Elijah. Therefore, it is likely that the information was obtained through a loophole that they exploited to give out information without falling.

Aghhh... Things will get ugly if something happens to the kids, and I don't want that to happen.

I have also grown fond of the two brats, so they can't go dying on me.

Akeno is a normal child, so I don't expect much, but I know there is something different about Elijah.

Father wouldn't do what he did without reason. But with his inability to make proper light weapons, he won't be able to do anything.

No ordinary child acts like he does or even creates things like he does. The storage ring he designed isn't something an average child couldn't do.

I just hope they can hold on until I track down their position. I gave both Gabriel and Baraqiel a last glance.

Otherwise, things will get ugly.

"Maybe we should get in contact with Sirzechs and Serafall for additional help," I said. They might have been teleported to the Underworld.

"No!" Gabriel said immediately. I guess it wasn't the best idea to propose contacting the devils right after her son was kidnapped by one.

I looked at Michael, knowing he was in a better state of mind now, and he nodded without saying anything.


"So you are telling me that the Old Satan Faction kidnaped the son of Gabriel and the daughter of Baraqiel?" Serzechs asked, already feeling the headache coming, "This isn't another one of your pranks, right?"

"Trust me, I wish it was," I replied, "Besides, do you think Michael would be here if it was."

"Then how can we help you?"

Sirzechs was a father himself, so he could relate to what was happening, and even the ever-stoic wife and queen of the crimson satan, Grayfia Lucifuge, looked angered, probably imagining her son being kidnapped.


Elijah Heart POV:

I was now in what looked like a cave, with my instincts all on full alert.

Quickly hiding behind a large gigantic rock, I covered Akeno's mouth and signaled her to be quiet.

She may be a kid and in a not-so-good state right now, but she understood and tried to stop crying.

Hearing movements, I tried to see what it might be.

Peeking my head from behind the rock, I saw a humanoid beast. That was the best way to describe them.

Eight in total.

One had eight legs that looked like a mix of a human and a spider while also having a human upper body. It was like something straight out of a horror movie.

Another looked more normal, being a mixture of a snake and a human, but what they all had in common was the crazy and berserk look on their faces.

I wanted to curse my luck, but it wasn't the time.

My heart started to pound quicker and quicker, knowing I was in a shit situation with a low chance of survival.

I looked around to see if there was anything else in this cave and found what could be the exit, but in order to get there, we would need to fight.

We could try to hide and wait for someone to find us.

They should be able to track our location, but I looked at the beasts again.

I don't know if we can wait.

I needed to fight them.

I needed to kill them.

That was the only way we could escape.

But to do that, I needed a weapon.

The image of my twin swords came to my mind, but I didn't have them in this life, and Azazel couldn't find a suitable material for them.

At that moment, I felt something graze against my cheek.

My wings...

The possibility of it working was small, but what better material for someone with my condition than a part of their own body?




I took a deep breath for what I'm about to do.

If this doesn't work, I will be wingless, swordless, and probably eaten alive by those things.

I looked at my wings, which I always enjoyed flying with, before conjuring my light dagger.

I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to cut my wings with it.

Breathe in, breathe out.

The side of the dagger touched my back, hovering just a few millimeters above my right wing.


Shit, I forgot about Akeno in the midst of everything.

"Akeno, close your eyes and cover your ears," I whispered.

"B-but your wings." She whispered back.

"It's the only way," I replied, and I could see Akeno crying again, but this time, it wasn't due to everything that happened but from what I was about to do.

In the end, she did what I said, and I resumed what I was about to do.

The dagger went down, digging into my skin and wings. I clenched my teeth as the pain was unbearable, and I could feel the warmth of my blood drip down my back.

My right wing fell down on the stone ground with a thud. I hoped that the beasts didn't hear it or couldn't smell my blood.

Another thing that happened when I cut off my wing. My left wing turned black, and my halo cracked in two.

Yes, it cracked. It didn't disappear but snapped in half.

The two pieces of my halo had a small space that separated.

'Kill, kill...' Voices I haven't heard for a long time returned. They weren't as overbearing as before, but they were back.

I didn't have time to think about it longer and switched the dagger to my second hand and prepared to cut off the left wing.

I started to cut it off before my dagger shattered midway. This hurt worse than when I cut my other wing.

I started trying to conjure another light dagger.

I started feeling dizzy due to the blood loss, but I managed to conjure another dagger and continued cutting the wing.

The wing fell beside my right white wing, and I looked at both of my wings.

One white, the other black. I wanted to cry seeing the wings, but I didn't have time.

My reserves were almost completely exhausted, and I lost a lot of blood.

I couldn't faint now!

'Kill, kill, kill, kill...'

I placed one hand on each wing before muttering the name of the spell in a low voice, "[Alteration]."

The wings both started to change their shape and appearance.

More and more of my mana reserves were used.




I had less than 10% of my mana reserves left. My eyelids felt heavy, and I could pass out at any moment.

'Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill..." The voices didn't help as they got worse when more of my mana reserves were depleted.

But I did it!

I looked at the two twin daggers on the ground, and just like my wings, one was white while the other was black, and the handles were blood red.

I looked at Akeno and lifted one of her hands that covered her ears, "Akeno stays here while I take care of everything. Stay here and don't look." I covered her ear again before picking up the swords.

Reinforcing my body and swords, I quickly calculated that I had at most ten minutes before I ran out of mana.

Every second will count, and I need to take care of them.

With that thought in my mind, I stopped hiding and rushed towards the beasts so I could take down at least one before they noticed me.

More of them gathered here. It's almost like a dungeon filled with those beasts.

But they look artificial, as if they are failed experiments...

Are the devils doing experiments on humans, or is there something I don't know about?

Now that I look, some of them have what looked like devil wings.

So maybe they are experimenting on other devils? It didn't matter right now.

I can think about it when we are safe.

My heart pounded in my chest as I looked at the demonic beasts.

I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. I knew I was low on mana, losing blood, and this would be the first fight in this body.

I gripped my twin swords tightly. There was no turning back now.

I lunged at the closest beast, slashing my blades in a swift X-shaped motion. The creature hissed in pain, but it was far from defeated. Its sharp claws swiped at me, and I managed to dodge just in time, feeling the gust of air as it missed me by inches.

I needed to be careful; I couldn't afford to make any reckless moves.

Another creature lunged at me from the side, and I pivoted on my heel, using both swords to parry its attack. I could feel the strain in my muscles as I pushed against the beast's strength.

With a strong shove, I managed to push it away, creating some distance between us.

The other demonic beasts circled around me, their eyes filled with hunger and malice.

It seems they don't possess high intelligence despite their somewhat humanoid looks.

That's good, I can use that.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves despite my mana running on fumes.

I focused on my swordplay, trying to make every movement count. Each strike had to be precise, using the least amount of mana to deal the most damage.

The next creature leaped at me, its mouth snapping wildly, showing three rows of razor-sharp teeth.

I sidestepped and brought my swords down in a powerful overhead strike, aiming for its neck. The blades connected, but the creature's tough skin slowed my attack.

I gritted my teeth and used what little mana I had left to infuse my blades with a burst of energy, enough to cut through the creature's defenses. It screeched in agony as its head rolled away from its body.

That's one down, but the others were closing in fast. I had to act quickly. I decided to go on the offensive, not giving them a chance to surround me again.

I rushed forward, slashing and weaving between the beasts, narrowly avoiding their claws and fangs.

I could feel my body growing tired, and my swings were becoming sluggish.

It was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain the focus needed to fight.


If I pass out here, I die! Akeno will also die!

'Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!' The voices were screaming at me now. The longer I fought, the louder the voices became.

At some point, my fighting style started changing without me even realizing it.

It was becoming more wild with me swinging the swords randomly just to kill the opponents.

That wasn't the only change I didn't notice.

Both of my blades started changing color the louder the voices became, and my broken halo started getting spikes as if it were a crown.


I was now fighting like a beast no better than the ones I was facing.

Just as the last beast was dying, my mana ran out, and I was about to pass out before I coughed out blood.

My closing eyes looked down to see the dying beast's spider leg going through my chest.

My heart...

As the beast took out its leg and died, I fell backward.

The last thing I heard was Akeno's scream, "ELIJAH!"

And then I died.


Akeno Himejima POV:

When I saw what Elijah was about to do, I tried to say something and make him stop, but he told me to close my eyes and cover my ears.

I did what he said, but at times, I opened my eyes and saw the gruesome sight of his wing cut off and on the floor.

I watched as his other wing turned black and his halo split in two. The pure white wing of his I always felt slightly envious of turned black like the darkest night.

Why did he do something like that?

Just looking at it made me feel dizzy and want to throw up.

He didn't allow me to see what was on the other side of the rock, but I could hear movement, so there should be more people who would want to hurt us.


They did it. It's all their fault! If they hadn't attacked us, we would have still been happy, and my mother... Would be alive.

It was their fault for everything that is happening right now.

But I also hated myself for not doing anything here.




I watched as Elijah used some spell I didn't know about on his wings. They started changing their forms, creating two almost identical swords, the only difference being the blade's color.

I closed my eyes and pretended not to see anything. He told me not to look and to stay here while he dealt with everything.

Why am I so weak?

I should be the one protecting Elijah, not the other way around.

He always struggled with anything magic-related and couldn't even form a proper light weapon, so why was he the one protecting me?

I wanted to stop him and tell him to come back, but when I saw the monstrous creatures, I froze, not being able to say a single word.

Beasts straight out of a horror movie, a mixture of humans and monsters. That was the best way to describe them.

While I was frozen in place, Elijah didn't hesitate and attacked them.

At first, he looked like someone who had fought many times before, even if I knew this was his first time.

But as their battle continued, his blades started to change color from their respective black and white blades to blood crimson once.

That wasn't all; his broken halo started looking like a demonic crown.

His fighting style changed from looking like an experienced fighter to a beast about to go berserk.

He continued killing the beasts until the last one was dying on the ground.

I thought everything was over, but that was when the dying spider-like beast pierced him through the chest with its leg.

Everything happened in slow motion to me as the beast pulled out its leg, and I saw Elijah falling down.

I started running towards him, screaming his name, going over multiple bodies of the beasts he killed until I reached him.

He was there on the stone ground, not breathing, and a hole going through his chest, through his heart.

I fell on my knees in front of him, "Elijah!"

I don't want to lose you too! I broke down crying.




I don't know how much time passed as I cried, but then suddenly, out of nowhere, I felt his body absorbing my energy and replenishing his own.

A tattoo appeared on his right hand with the letters VIII. If I remember correctly from Mom's lessons, it's the Roman numeral system and means eight.

His body started healing, and his heart started beating again.

A new set of wings appeared on his back. One white, the other black, before disintegrating into black and white motes and merging with his swords.

As he regained consciousness and opened his eyes, I looked at him with my puffy red eyes and did one thing that felt right at that moment.

I kissed him.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

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