
DxD - My long Journey

The MC dies and gets reincarnated by a goddess in the world of DxD with a few cheats. This story is about the MC and how he will slowly build a big family in his second life. The start will be really slow paced and I don't know if the story will get much faster. But the reason for the slow beginning is the fact, that I want to explain everything at the beginning, so that I can concentrate on the stupid romantic things later. This fan-fic will only be occasionally updated, since I am a really slow writer. So don't expect more than a chapter every week or two. Especially, since my work has priority. I hope that I will get faster with the experience though. Disclaimer: I do not own DxD nor any of its characters. I do however created the MC and goddess myself.

TheCeddel · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 02 - My new start

Do you know this feeling, when you woke up, but it is so comfortable that you just decide to keep sleeping? This is how I feel at the moment. My body feels so incredibly relaxed. It is as if every bodily ailment I ever had and didn't consciously felt, is just gone.

Well if my last memory is the truth, then this is likely even the case. Hmmm… It feels as if I am wrapped up in something soft and pretty firmly even. I decided to get a bit serious and opened my eyes.

It seems rather dark, but I can strangely see the unfamiliar wooden ceiling. I can see the knotholes and growth rings making an irregular pattern. And I can see the lights, which are obviously switched off.

I can't seem to move my head and my body is too firmly wrapped up to get my arms out, so the only other thing I can see is a small part of the wall, which is painted in one bright colour, light green, if my eyes are correct.

{Luna, are you there?} I tried talking to my new acquaintance because she will know where I am.

{yup, I am here.} sounded a cheerful voice in my head.

{You sound way younger than before, did something happen?} I noticed the change immediately and was a little concerned.

{Well, nothing to worry about. In a few years I will again sound like in our first meeting. Do you dislike my new voice?} There she is again, talking about years as if they are minutes.

{I don't mind it. This one is another kind of pleasant.} I told her the truth.

{Hoo, in what way?} She seemed rather mischievous. It is good that she is still the same, even with the voice change.

{Hmmm… If I had to put it in words, then the first time you sounded more like my ideal of an older sister and now you are more of a younger sister. But you still sound heavenly.} It is a little strange how she hits exactly my preference with her voice, but I guess it comes with being all powerful.

{But if we talk about bodies, then yours is way younger than what my voice sounds like.} She sounds as if she wants to scare me.

{So I really am a baby?} Since I can't move my head and I am too weak to escape a blanket, I already expected to be an infant.

{You really take it easy, huh. Yes, you are in a one day old body.} She pouted a little before getting serious.

{You will need a lot more, to genuinely surprise me. And can you tell me, where I am?} That is a question I feel much more inclined to know the answer of.

{You are in a community center. To be more specific, you are in a village from the Region Higashiōmi in Shiga Prefecture, Japan.} Now that surprised me. In my past life, I was never in Japan. And more importantly, I don't know the language.

{I shouldn't talk big… You really surprised me there, Luna.}

{And while we are at the surprises, I even gave you a name. From now on you are Ryūsei Yuuto.} It sounds rather nice. I mean, since this is like a new start, why not. My old name wouldn't be good for a baby from Japan either.

{That name has a nice ring to it, what does it mean?} I just hope it is nothing embarrassing.

{Ryūsei means meteor, since you were sent here by me like the extra-terrestrial phenomenon you are.} I am cringing a little at that, but the others don't need to know the story, so meteor is okay. {And Yuuto means gentleness and superiority.} That sounds rather contradictory {Because you are kind of a good guy?} I don't want to get the good guy label…

{I am a nice person. But please don't call me a good guy. It doesn't sit well with me. The name is really nice though. But which one is my surname?} I remember that the Japanese had a different order in names.

{Ok, will do. Since your name is Ryūsei Yuuto it means Ryūsei is your family name and Yuuto is your given name, Yuuto-kun.} I will need a bit of time to recognize to that name as my own.

{Ok, thank you. Is there something else left that I need to know?} With how she seemed to have planned to surprise, there must still be the biggest surprise left.

{Hehe, one is left. I have high expectations seeing as you were already surprised by being in Japan. Try thinking "Status"} That sounds more like a standard ability from every game like world.



Name: Ryūsei Yuuto

Title: N/A

Status: Interested

Age: 1 Day

Race: True Ancestor of Dark Blood Light Heart

Level: 1 - Next Level: 0,0% (Locked till 5 Years)

HP: 50/50 R: 2000% (1000 per Minute)

MP: 21/21 R: 0.8% (0,17 per Minute)

STR: 1

VIT: 2

DEX: 0

INT: 21

WIS: 8

LUCK: 25

Stat Points: 0

Money: 0¥, 0€, 0$


• Gamer's Body

• Gamer's Mind

• Gamer's Soul

• Vampiric Body (100% Locked) (Unlocked with Age)

• Vampiric Regeneration

• Vampiric Adaptability

• Vampiric Bloodcontrol - 1/100 (Locked) (Unlocked with Age)

• Vampiric Blood Kin (Locked) (Unlocked with Age)

• Eidetic Memory

• Mana Manipulation - 1/100

• Light Devour

• Darkness Devour

• Luna, The Keeper of Knowledge (99% Locked) (Unlocked with Age)

Suddenly a big transparent blue screen popped up in front of me.

{Can others see this?} I was rather concerned about that question.

{You don't need to worry about this, except me and you nobody can even feel this, but now begin reading.} Luna was getting impatient, so I hurried up.

I already know my name. I don't have a title? Not even reincarnator or anything? Status is true, Age seems to be the age of my body. Race…

{What is up with my race? I can't remember us talking about such a thing.}

{I put my all into that one. It has to do with your body. Vampires are known for creating families and all, especially a True Ancestor. But then I thought that a simple vampire is not good enough, so I buffed it a bit.} While that is true, I don't know how you even get there.

{A bit?} There was this intimidating suffix "of Dark Blood Light Heart".

{Well, maybe a lot? Can't have you burn in sunlight now, can we. How would you meet girls when you are always in the house?} Why is she so fixated about that? Furthermore girls, plural?

{Well, thank you for that addition, Luna.} The next thing seems to be my level and stats. {Why is my level locked till 5?} I don't really see the reason for that. Wouldn't it be better for me to start earlier?

{The first 5 Years are supposed to be your foundation. I will train you in the aspects of Mana control and concealment first, so that you don't alert other supernatural beings.} She really is like a caring older sister.

{Thanks for that Luna-oneechan.}

{*giggle* No problem, Yuuto-kun.} Ahh, how I good that voice feels.

{The high HP regeneration is because of my vampire race? And do I die when my HP hits zero?} Depending on the answer to the second question I will need to make a few preparations.

{The Body dies when the HP is zero. That is the general rule. But you don't have to worry because you are an exception to that. You will only become unconscious.} Don't go putting me hold like that. I was really concerned.

{That's relieving.} The next point is Mana, but that looks normal and I will surely get said enough about that when we begin my training. Then come the stats. 1 Strength already? That looks like a promising future. Vitality is also ok at 2. Dexterity… Well I can grab things. {The Intelligence and Wisdom are from my past life?}

{Yes and no. In your past life, you had about 17 intelligence. The other 4 came from the day where you were unconscious. The fusion of your soul and this body put a pressure on your mind, which increased your intelligence and decreased your wisdom a little.} Nothing too bad there. I will just have to get it back.

{And why is luck my highest stat. If I were to compare that with the intelligence from my past life, then I would win roulette every third try or so.} I was considered highly gifted in my past life and I only had 17, so 25 must be a Jackpot.

{That isn't how Luck works. Having high luck allows you to have more chance encounters and you are more likely to get enlightenment, stuff like that. You are basically getting favored by fate.} I feel like she is dodging the question.

{And why is my luck so high?}

{Do I have to say it?} Why does she seem so shy about that?

{Is the answer making you uncomfortable? I wouldn't want to hurt you, Luna}

{Not the direct answer, but the implications of it are making me nervous. Will you still talk to me afterwards, Yuuto?} Even if it were something incredibly bad, I don't think I would choose the boredom of silence when I have someone to talk to.

{You don't have to worry about that. You gave me so many gifts, one bad thing wouldn't ruin that. I promise.} Hopefully this reassures her.

{Well your luck got so high through my blessing.} I don't think that is a bad thing.

{Has your blessing placed any immaterial burdens on me?} Well, just to make sure.

{No, but… Why don't you just understand…} She sounds incredibly cute, flustered like that.

{I think I got it. You are really cute like that, Luna.} I think she gave me the blessing directly before she sent me to this world.

{…thank you…} She whispered these words. If wasn't paying attention, I would have missed them.

{How come there is money listed.} I wanted to change the topic to give her a breather.

{The money that you store in your Inventory is listed here.} There is the next bomb.

{Is there something else except the Status and Inventory?} I wanted to get all the surprises done.

{Yes, there is the Interface and the Tasks, though those are only to help you with your family. And the Interface will need another day to activate.} So my Abilities are still not fully fused. And she made a whole ability for the sake of me building a family…

{And then there are the skills.} That is an incredibly long list for someone on level 1.

{Yes, skills are the representation of your growth on a certain action. You will probably unlock a few skills with a higher level if you already have experiences in using them from your past life. But you can only activate skills, after your Interface activates.} I will keep that in mind. So tomorrow will be the new skills.

{What are these Gamer-Skills?} They seem to be some kind of foundation. Something which probably every game character has, but in games these are more like hidden perks.

{Well, you can get a more distinctive description, if you think about the name. But they are part of the Gamer-Ability, like the Status, Interface, Inventory and Tasks, which I gave you to be capable of reaching the top.} So she gave me a package of abilities under the name of one ability.

{You really gave me a big present, Luna. I am really grateful to have met you after my death.} I gave her my heartfelt thanks again and thought about the descriptions. Immediately there where three popup windows.

• Gamer's Body:

o Your Body is like that of a game-character

o Physically you can't be permanently damaged.

o All non-major debuffs get removed by sleeping 8 hours.

o You don't feel physical exhaustion.

o Your Body won't weaken, even if you stop training.

o Your Body has no limit.

• Gamer's Mind:

o You will always feel calm and collected.

o You don't feel mental exhaustion

o You are immune against mind control, mindreading and direct illusions and all minor mental debuffs.

o You have great resistance against all greater mental debuffs.

o Your skills won't deteriorate, even if you stop training.

o Your Mind has no limit.

• Gamer's Soul:

o Your soul is immortal.

o You are immune against soul-pressure of higher beings.

o Your soul can't be separated from your body

o You are immune against corruption.

o Your Soul has no limit.

{I guess I haven't thanked you enough, Luna.} These are cheats. I can say with certainty, that these skills are incredibly overpowered.

{You don't need to thank me so much, Yuuto-kun. It was no burden on me.} She does not seem to realize how much she just gave me.

{These skills are perfect to get strong, while still having a relaxing life.} It is rather great for me, who is a bit lazy in nature. The other part of these skills is about how nobody can control me forcefully, which I haven't even thought about. I should never underestimate the supernatural.

{Well, since you need time for dates and all. Can't have you training all day and night.} There she is again. I should heed her plead if it makes her happy, and at least try. But only when I am older.

The other skills are of vampiric nature. I can presumably understand them from their name, but details won't hurt.

• Vampiric Body:

o You don't age (Locked)

o Your senses are enhanced (98% Locked)

o Your reflexes are faster (99% Locked)

o +50 Strength, Dexterity & Vitality (Locked)

o +50% Strength, Dexterity & Vitality (Locked)

o You need to drink blood for the Statboost to activate.

o Night Vision

• Vampiric Regeneration

o You only lose consciousness when your HP reaches 0 (for 2h)

o Your HP-Regen gets boosted by 1000%

• Vampiric Adaptability

o Your Body can adapt to all adversities.

• Vampiric Bloodcontrol - 1/100

o You can fasten your blood flow:

- +5 Strength & Vitality

- +1 Intelligence

• Vampiric Bloodkin

o You generate Bloodcores (1 per Year) (Locked)

o You can use a Bloodcore to change the race of a person to:

- [Original Race] of Dark Blood Light Heart

- Vampire of Grey Blood

The Vampiric Body and Vampiric Adaptability are making me stronger. The Vampiric Regeneration makes sure that I don't die. Regeneration and adaptability combined are interesting. Like I fall in lava and fall unconscious for some time and then I am immune to lava. But I don't want to risk it. Or feel the pain... Vampiric Bloodkin is the family part of my Race and Vampiric Bloodcontrol seems to be an active skill that I control.

{You have been silent for a while now, cat got your tongue?} I don't understand why she is so gleeful about surprising me. She seems like my family, when ever I opened my birthday presents as a kid. Then again, this is practically my birthday.

{Yes, I am really overwhelmed. If my death didn't hurt so much, then I would have thought this to be a dream.} That and the fact, that everything feels way to real.

{Hehe, there is still a little left, so go on.} Well then, lets get this over with, so that I can digest everything.

• Eidetic Memory

o You remember everything you have seen, heard, felt, smelt, tasted or thought.

• Mana Manipulation - 1/100

o You can manipulate Mana in your blood

• Light Devour

o You absorb every offensive Light-skill used against you to strengthen yourself

o You have the highest affinity with Light

• Darkness Devour

o You absorb every offensive Darkness-skill used against you to strengthen yourself

o You have the highest affinity with Darkness

• Sacred Gear: Luna, The Keeper of Knowledge

o Blessing of Luna: +3 Luck per Level

o Can form into a Bow and Gloves (Locked)

o ???

The Eidetic Memory works just fine, seeing how I can still remember all these descriptions. Mana Manipulation only in my blood? I think that has to do with being a vampire. The Devour skills are also plain cheating. {Sacred Gear? Is this world related to DxD? How have you even become a Sacred Gear in the first place?} I have to say, that this world really hits my preference about looks, but it is also really dangerous with Rizevim and Trihexa being here.

{One Question at a time, Yuuto-kun.} She chided me {This world is almost like the DxD from your old world, I changed just two things. Though I won't tell you what I changed, no matter what. But these changes are beneficial for you.} Now that got me curious, but I feel like she wants this to be another surprise. {To your last question. I created a way weaker paired soul to make this Sacred Gear.} This feels outlandish.

{Does that mean, you are Luna, but at the same time there is another Luna?} I have no idea how to imagine that.

{No, there is no such thing. It is more like we both are the same Luna, just at different places. We share our thoughts and feelings and all that. Just not the same… body} That was a weird pause there.

{Ok, I think I got it. Is there anything else left, Luna?} I really like the Idea of having her always by my side, but I also feel kind of strange about it. But it isn't bad.

{Well, you can check your race, like you did with the skills and tomorrow we can talk about the interface. We should also begin with your Mana training tomorrow since your abilities haven't completely settled yet.} Then I let me do this last thing and digest the information in my sleep.

True Ancestor of Dark Blood Light Heart

• Racial Skills:

o Vampiric Body

o Vampiric Regeneration

o Vampiric Adaptability

o Vampiric Bloodcontrol

o Mana Manipulation

o Light Devour

o Darkness Devour

• It has the need to drink a fresh drop of blood once a week once it reached early childhood. It may not be his own blood. If this isn't done, then this Race will feel an ever-increasing craving for blood and the production of the Bloodcore is paused.

• Once this race reaches puberty, it exudes an Aura which is attractive to the opposite gender. (can be partially controlled)

The skills are all in the status, so I know them already. There is a slight weakness, but since it is only a drop, there is no danger for those around me. It also doesn't state whether this Blood needs to be from humans, so even animals should be ok, if the need ever arises. Furthermore I still have a few years before that happens. Humans reach the early childhood in about 4 Years. {Will my body growth like a normal human?} Just to make sure.

{Yes, your body will grow like that of a human male until you become 19 Years old, then you will stop aging altogether.} That is relieving.

{Ok, then I will digest all that information. Goodnight Luna.} I began to close my eyes.

{Goodnight, Yuuto-kun.}

- 3231 Words

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