
DxD | Eyes of Malevolence

Devils, Gods, and Dragons. What did they all have in common? They were all selfish pricks and unrepentant assholes. Maybe I was reincarnated to punish them… Nah. Fuck that, I’m just gonna chill on the beach.

Express_007 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Arrival of Greatness

[𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

It was a tense day in the Purson estate today with servants nervously moving to and fro while doing their best to keep their minds clear of all wondering thoughts. Today was a special day for all of them but also equally stressful.

It was the day that the wife of Asmodeus had her child and that was more than enough to make even the calmest of servants panic. What's worse, all of them dearly loved the girl currently struggling and their minds couldn't help but imagine the worst.

That cheerful Morgan Purson's smile would be tainted by pain as she struggled to give birth, her shortness of breath that bordered on suffocation, and the difficulty she must endure to restrain herself from hurting her child. 

Luckily they had the legendary maid Grayfia Lucifuge leading them and the Divine Doctor Abner Buer ready to assist Morgan at any moment. It would take universal intervention for something wrong to occur and even that might not be enough.

Pacing back and forth through the halls the always-calm Noel wore a distressed face, his mind wandering in all sorts of undesirable ways. He loved Morgan and he loved his child, if anything happened to either he might wage a war or two.

Eventually, however, the screams of his wife faded away and were replaced by the shrill cries of a newborn child. His child. It took more effort than killing Ryrindus to stop him from running immediately but he successfully held himself back.

"You can enter Lord Asmodeus."

Stripping himself of his white mask and cap that kept his long hair contained, Abner announced just what Noel wanted to hear. Disappearing from view Noel appeared at his wife's side, a child in her arms as she smiled brightly.

"Look! It's our son!"

With a million lumen smile Morgan showed off the baby in her grasp. It had small white tufts of hair and its face was scrunched up in what appeared to be displeasure. Truth be told, the boy looked like an old man. 


Numbly responding to her words Noel felt all power leave his body as he collapsed into a nearby seat. He knew he had been worried about their safety but he wasn't aware it went this deep. He couldn't even dream of moving in his current state.

"Daddy's more tuckered out than I am!"

Laughing and gently rubbing their child's cheek Morgan practically glowed with excitement. She always wanted a child and though she didn't expect to get one so soon she was more than happy to finally be holding her child. It was a wonderful experience so she wanted at least three more! They didn't have to be hers though.

Amaris didn't seem interested in having children but Rias both wanted and needed one. Akeno was a bit of an enigma but she would come around eventually. More than that though, Noel would find a way to charm plenty more women that would want kids so Morgan wasn't too worried about not having enough kids around.

"Hopefully he gets your endurance."

Chuckling at the seemingly unbothered attitude of his wife Noel felt wave after wave of relief wash over him. He understood that logically nothing would happen to either of them but he still couldn't help but worry. It wasn't something he could help.

"Of course! He's going to be a tough boy like his mommy!"

Proudly declaring such without any evidence Morgan smiled brightly when Noel stood up and walked over. He was still a little shaky so she didn't hand him their son but she was more than willing to bring him closer.

"He really is ugly."

Endearingly commenting on their son, Noel lightly poked the sleeping baby's cheek and nothing else in fear of breaking him. Glaring at her husband hatefully Morgan slapped his wrist lightly—else she'd wake up their son—she sent him a clear warning.

Even in his shaky state of being Noel managed to smirk in his usual stupidly sexy way. It didn't carry quite the same power with his being so pale but he still once more reminded her of why she loved him.

"Our little Magnus is adorable!"

Scolding her husband regardless, Morgan turned her attention to her child, gently cradling him and smiling at him endearingly. She was glad he had white hair, it was her favorite hair color after all.

"I can't argue."

Giving in to her words Noel couldn't help but gently caress his son's cheek. He was a beautiful boy, one that Noel could see being the biggest pain in the ass. But that was fine, wasn't it? Just like his father let him wreak havoc on the world, Noel was more than happy to allow the same.

Yawning loudly Morgan's eyes abruptly fluttered, her exhaustion setting in a tad late. Giving birth was never easy and devils were no exception, it was a miracle she hadn't already passed out let alone talking so energetically.

"Go to sleep. I'll watch Magnus."

Comfortingly moving the hair out of her eyes and speaking softly in a tone of pure tenderness Noel watched warmly as she instantly fell asleep, her body and mind pushed to their limits. It was slightly nerve wracking to take the young Magnus from her arms—especially so since she instinctively fought against him—but it was well worth it.

Holding his child, his own flesh and blood, was a wonderful experience. Noel was young, enough to be considered this boy's older brother to some, and yet this boy was his. This young ball of potential carried his and Morgan's blood. There was nothing greater than realizing that.

"Magnus Purson…"

Repeating the name a few times it felt good to say. They had long picked out a name for their son so he knew it sounded good and yet it felt even better now. Magnus was a name that perfectly fit the boy peacefully sleeping in his arms.

Magnus Purson was destined for greatness.

[𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬, 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

Sitting away from the crowd surrounding his wife Noel found himself surrounded by old men once more. It was the day of his child's first appearance so naturally people were excited to see the little shit in the making so Noel didn't regret anything but it was unfortunate.

"Did you cry?"

Bluntly asking Noel the Crimson Satan looked endearingly at his mother and little sister crowding around the young Purson heir. It was much like when Milicas was born though this party was a tad more relaxed due to the strictness of who was invited.

To be invited wasn't a matter of prestige or wealth but instead familiarity with the host and his spouse. People begged and pleaded to be added but their requests were ignored. The only one to do the opposite was the Phenex clan who had been invited as a cruel joke.

However, the party did end up being mostly those of higher rankings but that was inevitable with how quickly Noel rose up the social ladder. He didn't even have time to meet those of lower rank let alone befriend them to the extent he had the rest.

"No, but I did fall down."

Unhesitatingly responding to his second teacher's inquiry without shame Noel leisurely devoured the variety of fruit offered to him. Apparently, he couldn't be setting a bad precedent for Magnus so he had to start eating healthy.

"Lord Asmodeus, are you sure we should be here?"

Ignoring the look of victory Ajuka sent Sirzechs, Noel turned his attention to his more unusual guest. Lord Mammon may appear fine on the surface but his occasional somewhat frantic glance around made it clear he was nervous. Of course he was, he was the only low ranked member of the party that had all Four Satans.

"The Astaroth clan has been making trouble for you, haven't they? Just think of this as insurance and relax."

Even though Ajuka had made it abundantly clear that they were not to do anything to the Mammon clan they ignored his wishes. Till now, it was all small relatively harmless things but knowing Diodora and his family made it obvious it wouldn't stay that way for long. It was an easy problem to fix though. Just have the Mammon clan make a relationship with all four Satans.

Noel wouldn't go this far for most clans but the Mammon clan was one of the few he liked. The way the patriarch—Bruno Mammon—protected his family even at the cost of his own expense was something he could respect. And Noel liked their clan trait.

"Those brats are still causing a ruckus? I thought you dealt with them, Astaroth."

Clicking his tongue in annoyance, Zekram sent Ajuka a disappointed glance and returned his gaze to the party. Considering his seniority and fame, such a reaction was actually quite shameful for the famous Emerald Satan.

"Well, I'm not exactly swimming in free time these days. Maybe if Noel stopped throwing people at me and leaving I would be able to do something about it."

"Stop whining, I only did it once."

Lazily refuting the words of his first teacher Noel didn't regret his actions of tossing both Kuroka and Shirone under his tutelage. Noel could see the flow of natural energy but he couldn't even begin to teach it while Ajuka somehow knew plenty about it despite never once seeing it or interacting with it. Even if it had been a research subject of his in the past it was absurd.

"If I remember correctly, you've been pushing your work onto Noel, haven't you? If I recall, you sent about a tenth of your orders to him to deal with in your place."

Smiling innocently yet speaking like the devil, Sirzechs threw Ajuka under the bus, the eyes of Zekram instantly locking onto him. Zekram was not a bad man, he knew right from wrong even if he still held loyalty to the original Four Great Satan. The issue was, he was a nagger and he would continue for years at a time if he could.

"I'm going to see my kid."

Leaving before the lecture on a Satan's honor could begin Noel meandered his way over to his wife and child. Stopping a few feet away Noel watched in silence as people ooh'd and ahh'd at how adorable Magnus was. Personally, Noel didn't see it.

Leaning on his shoulder, Amaris didn't say anything after making her way over to him. For a few minutes, they merely stayed silent while watching the battle for his child's attention. Gently squeezing his hand Amaris lightly kissed his cheek affectionately.

"Can I have one?"

Those words whispered in his ear were incredibly surprising coming from Amaris who had, until this very moment, not wanted a child. Considering her history it was hardly surprising which made the opposite all the more bewildering.


However, upon seeing the blush on her cheeks and the hopeful glint in her eyes Noel gave up worrying over it. She was completely sincere in asking for a child, it would only be insulting if he questioned her determination now.

Besides, Noel wanted more children as well. More like he had to want more. He needed at least three—or two depending on if Morgan wanted to inherit the Forneus house—so what was a few more? Either way, with the fertility manipulation Ajuka taught him he could have one whenever they were ready. If Amaris changed her mind before then that would be fine too.

"Then I call dibs on third!"

Suddenly hanging from his neck the black cat Noel took in gently but his neck without warning, her smirk wide and as playful as a cat could be. Kuroka was one of the girls he was sure would want a child—he wasn't sure it'd be with him until just now though—so it was far from surprising.

"You might have to fight for that position. Rias isn't one to give up."

Teasing her friend with a smile Amaris could already see the image of Kuroka and Rias battling over the third to bear Noel's child. It was a fairly common issue among the nobility in the past but these days it was a rare occurrence so she'd look forward to it.

"Noel, look! He's just like you!"

If Noel, the unphasable wall when it came to shame, would ever blush it was right now when he was compared to his breastfeeding son. Of course, such a thing would never happen. His ears may have gotten a tad red but that was all. Obviously.

[𝐎𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐱 𝐄𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

"Lord Asmodeus! Please, make yourself at home!"

Amicably inviting Noel inside personally the head of the Oriax clan—Galvus Oriax—wore a wide grin. Galvus was a man of both integrity and naivety so while he could be trusted it was difficult to say whether their bond should be too close. Noel didn't care either way though. It was only because Galvus had something he wanted and Galvus wished to repay him that Noel came.


Bluntly responding to the man, Galvus gushed in excitement as he led the way. The home was well decorated but shockingly sparse as though things had been sold in a hurry. There were rumors that the Oriax clan was in decline but it seems it was true.

Noel was vaguely aware of it since it had been reported to him but it was better than reported or perhaps the situation itself was improving. Something was being left out and Noel was quite curious about what it was. 

"As previously mentioned, my son will be the one doing your reading today."

Awkwardly glancing at him Galvus seemed quite nervous despite Noel already agreeing to it long ago. The clan trait of the Oriax clan was Fate Reading, an ability that was perhaps the most restrictive among all traits. From what Noel was aware of, there were at least twelve restrictions with varying levels of difficulty.

"Alright. Where is he?"

Taking the hint, Galvus began leading the way. Noel had already discovered the Oriax heir however he didn't want to reveal that just yet. Thus far the only to find out the secret of his eyes was Ajuka and Ryrindus and ideally, it would stay that way.

Regardless, Noel could confidently say that he hadn't met such an interesting youth before. The heir of Oriax—Zeke Oriax—was only three years older than him but what truly made him interesting was his form.

As a descendant of Bune and Oriax he had an odd mix of their traits, his body draconic with horns and all. Though Noel couldn't see the plate like Ajuka could he could tell that Zeke had one hell of a plate to house two powerful clan traits even if partially.

Meeting the boy in person a few moments later Noel was immensely disappointed. Zeke, the boy with enough talent that it even impressed him, was basically a walking dead. His skin was too pale to be healthy, his eyes had heavy bags, and his long black hair was a mess. He was a mess in every sense of the world.

"Then I'll leave you alone for the time being. Call for me whenever you are ready."

Smiling kindly, Galvus didn't seem to understand what was wrong with the sight before him. It wasn't as though Galvus was cruel, he was just stupid. Zeke probably claimed to be fine once and Galvus didn't even question it since.

Sitting down with his legs crossed Noel looked at Zeke blandly, the tired boy smiling enigmatically in response. In terms of pure energy level, Zeke was around the level of a peak high class devil but that wasn't his strong suit. His demonic energy had been strengthened by his draconic energy. It was a fearsome combo, the strongest energy and the most versatile.

"You aren't going to inherit the house are you?"

Even to himself, Noel's words seemed strange. Zeke was first in line, the only child of Galvus' first wife, and the strongest among his siblings. Logically speaking, there was no reason he would not inherit the position.

But Noel could tell. Zeke may smile and wave like a fool but he didn't want to be here in the slightest. He was every bit a free spirit as Noel was but unlike Noel who had been given free reign, Zeke remained caged by family bonds.

"Wow! I didn't think you could tell!"

Eagerly speaking there was a familiar glint of curiosity in Zeke's eyes. It didn't quite resemble the green haired man but the passion was certainly there. It seems that Zeke was less like him than he had thought. 

Noel was akin to a wild beast, choosing and protecting the territory and treasure he claimed for himself while Zeke was akin to a bird—or perhaps a dragon?—that flew through the air exploring and taking in everything around him gleefully. To put it another way, Noel was territorial to a fault and Zeke possessed an adventurous spirit that couldn't be quelled.

"In any case, I'd like to start the process."

"You don't care?"

Blinking in unadulterated surprise Zeke couldn't quite believe his ears. Zeke was, to put it bluntly, the only remotely good option to be the Oriax clan's patriarch. His little brother was a muscle head, his baby sister was much too spoiled, and his father was an idiot. If he didn't inherit the house soon the Underworld would lose another pillar.

"The pillar families are a declining force. As time passes the number of reincarnated devils will increase and new nobility will be born. And, from my perspective, it doesn't matter if the title itself is still alive as long as the trait is."

Really, all Noel was doing was telling Zeke to abandon his family and galavant around the world but that was truly how he felt. Time was passing and inevitably things would change to the point where one day people would look back on the pillar system as a relic of the past.

"But my family…"

The look in Zeke's eyes changed upon hearing his advice, and the gears in his mind turned rapidly. But he still was hesitant. To abandon his family was to leave them to a life of poverty. That wasn't something he could allow. His family were annoying but they were his family, he couldn't leave them be.

"Then let's make a deal. Work under me."

Scoffing in disinterest as soon as he heard Noel's words Zeke couldn't believe he had so easily been manipulated. From the very beginning the newest Asmdoeus had made it clear he was more clever than he made himself appear and yet Zeke still walked into his grasp while ignoring the numerous signs.

"That just throws me from one unfortunate fate to another don't you think?"

Whether it be slaving away with his family or in the military it didn't change anything. His fate would still be tied to endless work and responsibilities. That isn't the life he wanted and he would deny even Noel Asmodeus for that.

"The task I have for you is to watch the action of the various pantheons. For this task, you will be paid handsomely however it will likely never end. What do you think? Is it still an unfortunate fate?"

Smiling cockily at the boy Noel could tell that he had caught him. Though his task may sound difficult—and will be in the future—currently, it is easy. The gods hardly acted and when they did it was often slow. They lived forever after all.

Dropping to the floor Zeke rested on one knee with his fist over his heart. It was a standard position however Noel hadn't ever heard of one being initiated with such glee. The grin splitting his lips was one of pure excitement and determination.

"I'll gladly pledge loyalty to you!"

Happily declaring such Zeke sealed his fate. His family would survive and perhaps even thrive under the protection of Asmodeus—their family wouldn't even be targeted as his father was terrible with politics—and he would get the freedom he so desperately desired.

"Then to start you can read my fate."

Nodding his head at Noel's words the young demonic dragon readied himself, his demonic energy swelling outward as a slightly odd sigil appeared beneath their feet. It resembled the sigil of the Oriax clan but it was tainted with draconic traits, a manifestation of his desire to be free and unique heritage.

Placing various magical objects around the room in a specific pattern while chanting Zeke focused intently on every single detail. Noel could begin to see why the process was so difficult if this was expected from the beginning. There were other factors such as the position of the stars, the weather, and even the lighting that affected it as well from the looks of things.

Soon enough, the ritual intensified as the candles flickered and wind coursed through the room with all the force of a tornado. It was intense, so much so that Noel was surprised Zeke didn't have to defend himself from it. Noel could effortlessly endure it but Zeke was different.

In the end though, his eyes of Perception revealed the truth. He wasn't affected because it was his ritual. In a way, this ritual could be considered gathering the influence of fate and condensing it. Fate was an odd concept but if everything was destined to happen then fate knew it would be condensed and wouldn't fight against itself. That was the conclusion Noel reached.

"That should be everything. Don't worry, I didn't look at it."

Soon enough, the ritual came to an end and Zeke was allowed to rest. Taking the piece of paper from the dragon boy Noel didn't show any outward reaction before crumpling up the paper and burning it.

The Oriax clan trait was a bit different from others in the way that a person's skill with it was predetermined from birth. The amount of information given by any Oriax comes in the form of Lines each with only a set number of words or letters each. 

Galvus was quite talented in it at Five Lines in total which secured him the position of patriarch but Zeke was even more so at Six Lines. Even better, he was quite intellectually gifted and had an unusual amount of political savvy for somebody who hardly attended such events.

"Is that all?"

"Yeah, I've got a kid waiting at home ready to bite my knees off so don't bother sending me off either. Oh right, you'll get mail soon so don't be too surprised."

Lazily wandering through the halls accompanied by Galvus for a moment the man bowed and allowed Noel to be alone. Meandering through the halls Noel's mind remained stuck on that single piece of paper, the condensation of fate itself. 

It had been blank.

[𝐊𝐲𝐨𝐭𝐨 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐬, 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡, 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫]

In Kyoto, there were many settlements of Yokai. These settlements utilized natural energy to hide themselves, a natural barrier that repelled all life below a certain power level. These barriers were eternally active and never faded even after the yokai left. Currently, Noel found himself in one such settlement with an unusual companion. 

"This is your destination. Please be careful to limit the destruction she causes. This is an important location for us."

Looking at the ground for a moment Noel could tell why. The earth flowed with power so dense that it may as well rival an ultimate class devil. This was only one of many of Gaia's veins—the leylines—located near Kyoto.

"Because of the leyline?"

Casually asking that Noel took pleasure in how Uraume's eyes went wide. Leylines weren't things that could be found easily except for rare exceptions. If Earth was Gaia's body and leylines were her veins it was a similar experience. Naturally, some are easy to find but where were near impossible to find let alone so quickly.

"…Yes, that is correct. Please make sure to subdue her quickly."


Stepping through the barrier with ease the natural energy found it impossible to bypass his natural defenses, the curses of Balor not even required to deal with such meager force. It had only been solidified recently but the change in the top 100 list had finished. 

Standing at 94th, Noel Asmodeus was the youngest member to ever inhabit the rankings and it was a record that would likely never change. All that stood above him were giants that had occupied their seats for centuries.

To put it another way, Noel was already ranked higher than all other Satans but two. Serafall was the highest behind him and yet she was ranked 123. Noel had already cemented his name in the annals of history.

As his ranking did so did his status in the world so today he was here on official business for the military of the Underworld. Of course, he also had a side goal that was entirely personal but that didn't need to be revealed, did it? It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission after all.

As soon as his surroundings were cleared from nature's illusions Noel wished to turn back. The previously pristine landscape was entirely destroyed, debris and dust covering every inch. Trees lay toppled over, the earth was dug up, and craters cracked whatever remained. It was a mess.

In the center sat a large being wearing sleeveless white garments and red hakama pants, their large frame both slender and powerful. Even while sitting they rivaled Noel in height so it was easy to imagine just how tall such a being was. 

Their hair was snow white like Noel's own yet transitioned into turquoise and then deep blue as it approached its ends. Atop their head like a crown were fiery red and orange horns that pointed directly at the sky like a declaration of who they were.

"I'm the King of the Beasts!"

Proudly declaring such the being took a large bite from the oddly large bear she had roasting under a comically small flame. The bear had been soaked in Gaia's blood for years and had grown much stronger as a result. It was a powerful high class being at the very least.

Still, Noel couldn't help but scoff at the being's words. It was an absurd claim, one that couldn't be made when all they had defeated was a mere high class beast. No matter how powerful it may be it couldn't stand up to the truly strong beasts. Dragons, giants, and plenty more could crush this bear with just a thought. To claim such a title was a fool's delusion.

"Huh? Who are you?"

Narrowing their eyes at him the oni devoured the rest of the meat she held and stood up, her true height revealed. Around 8'8 and with enough physical power to dominate those who had been sent before Noel it was obvious why Yasaka requested his assistance. The woman standing before him couldn't even control natural energy but she was a monster.

"Sorry to say, you aren't a king of anything."

Ignoring her question Noel smirked tauntingly while motioning for her to come at him. If she could reach this level with just instinct he wanted to see how this girl would grow—how far she would go with just a little guidance—in this single battle. He had planned on scouting her but now he wanted to even more.

Grabbing a large spiked bat that was more akin to a thick metal rod the oni charged at him, her weapon lighting the air ablaze from friction as she approached him. It was a powerful blow, more than strong enough to defeat that bear. But it wasn't enough.

Reaching out his hand the back of his palm struck the weapon and took it with ease, her eyes going wide. He had been getting rusty lately with his kid taking up most of his attention so this would be a good warmup.

"Feel the nature around you. It's welcoming, calming, and powerful."

Tossing the weapon at her she caught it effortlessly, her eyes focused as she glared at Noel solemnly. A whitish blue energy surrounded her like a vapor, its unstable form flickering for a few moments before she figured it out. 

Smirking wildly like he hadn't in quite a while Noel was glad he accepted this request. With just a bit of guidance—it couldn't even be called that really—his opponent had learned something that took people decades of effort. In a single moment, she had learned Touki.

"Internalize it. Keep it within you, allow it to flow through you, and in return, it will strengthen you."

This time, it took a little longer for her to accomplish his words but it was still mighty impressive considering longer only equated to a few dozen seconds. Kuroka and Shirone had her beat in terms of technique—and he could tell it would stay that way—but she was leagues above them in terms of raw power.

The girl before him was bathed in Gaia's blood to such an extent that she was beloved by natural energy. Where his two cats required effort to achieve something difficult she could do it with just talent and a bit of teaching. Of course, her simple mind made the more complex stuff next to impossible as a result but that was fine as well.

"I am Yamato, the King of Beasts! What is your name, accursed one?"

Raising an eyebrow at that Noel was honestly surprised that she could tell. It wasn't particularly hidden but it was still something that didn't exist in reality. The curses he carried could not be seen nor could they be touched, they were firmly located in the realm of the soul.

The curses he owned weren't harmful to him as they never were intended to be. Balor was and always had been a vessel for corruption. Now that he possessed the soul of Balor it applied to Noel as well. Even the most vile curses could only be contained with him, strengthening him rather than cursing him. But they still existed and could be sensed by a rare few.

"I'll tell you my name if you make me."

Smirking cockily at his opponent she charged at him powerfully, natural energy already coating her weapon. It was a rather advanced technique so the fact that she was doing it was beyond impressive. With her growth rate, it didn't matter if he pushed things back a bit right?


Hey there, Express_007 here. Hope you liked the chapter.

Just like that, Magnus was born and we've already met yet another new character. I'm not sure how clear I made it but I used Yamato from One Piece as a reference for this specific character. Next chapter will feature a bit of combat for the first time in a while so look forward to it.

As always, if you're interested in supporting the creation of this novel I made a patre*on. Just look up Express_007 and you should find it easily enough. You don't have to support but it'd be much appreciated.