
Chapter 85

Damian had, for the first time in many years, gone in over his head. His promise to give everyone involved in the Kokabiel and Khaos Brigade situation wishes was born of goodwill and a temporary high of excitement. But now he had to deal with the consequences.

Some were simple such as Yan Qing's request for infinite alcohol or Marco's day with his brother but some were much harder. Nero's request wasn't exactly hard by most standards but by the end of her 'musical performance' even he had been damaged.

Rias was mysterious and said that her wish had already been fulfilled, Shirone just wanted to meet Kuroka again which was easy enough, and Kiba just wanted further treatment for his soul which he had planned on doing anyway. Akeno though…

"Oh? I didn't expect you to come here so soon. You seemed quite disappointed last time." A beautiful woman who somewhat resembled Nyx spoke teasingly, her sly smile covered by her delicate hands.

Damian had found himself in a realm of eternal darkness, blue flames born of the souls of the dead illuminating the area in a ghastly glow. The woman who spoke had long black hair darker than the darkness around her and empty black eyes. 

Her body was one of beauty almost equal to Rias however her sly smile and clearly enticing walk make it clear she was for the streets and not the sheets. With every step she took a ripple occured in the darkness, reaching far into the corners of the realm.

"Don't tease me Izanami." Clicking his tongue in annoyance Damian tried his best to ignore the woman. Despite being part of the Shinto faction that he was allied with he wouldn't mind if she dropped dead.

Roughly six years ago he had gone on a foolish hunt for his parents' souls in a vain attempt to revive them. Naturally, there was no way such a thing would work. Devils belonged to the biblical faction so their souls should go through heaven for rebirth.

But God had cursed the devils to never set foot in heaven again and that included their souls. It was possible for devils to go to heaven now with their alliance with the angels but it was difficult to manage for souls and it was far too late anyway.

"My my, you've changed completely. Your soul contains the same brilliance and yet your eyes are entirely different. How amusing." Bringing her head closer to his she attempted to touch his eyes with infatuation in her own.

"Get away from me. I'm a married woman." Declaring such with an unchanging expression much like the one he wore for eight years Izanami looked at him in confusion for a few moments before silently returning to her throne while mumbling about this or that.

As Rias had said, saying that phrase was plenty to scare off women in the supernatural world. In many ways they were more advanced than Earth but when it came to sexuality they were hundreds of years behind. It was a mostly foolproof plan.

"I'm here for the soul of Shuri Himejima, is it here?" Damian asked while grinning slightly at her confusion. Akeno's wish was something of a joke, she had even asked for something else not long after, but Damian had decided he'd do both anyway.

"It is." Izanami replied simply, her eyes glowing in the way only somebody with an ulterior motive would have. "But, I want a part of your soul in return." Despite the arrogant request she was making she held no shame in her dark eyes.

In an instant the realm of eternal darkness was tainted pink and cracks formed in all corners of the realm. An immense pressure crushed Izanami, forcing her body through her throne and pinning her to the floor.

"Izanami." Damian's cold voice made her freeze. "You and your husband created the Shinto faction from scratch, it's quite impressive. I've heard that your mythology doesn't have a Ragnarok though. Should I help you?" The pressure crushing her increased with every word.

Taking a soul was far from a joke and even if Damian could easily regenerate a small part of his soul there was no reason to even entertain the idea. Giving part of his soul was somewhat akin to what he tried to do with Sona years ago.

With even a small portion of his soul Izanami could attack, control, and potentially destroy his soul whenever she pleased. It was like giving the reins of your horse to a person you could never trust. 

"Shuri Himejima. Where is she?" Planting his foot on her back in clear warning Damian had no intentions of playing around. While he may have changed quite a bit he hadn't become a new man completely. He still had no regrets in threatening somebody.

"I'll bring her over so please, move your foot!" Switching tunes in an instant, Izanami began begging for her life with tears in the corner of her eyes. Izanami was, like most gods, a push over. Strong to the weak and weak to the strong was the motto she lived by.

With her firmly terrified Damian removed his leg as she shakily rose to her feet, a large wet spin on her dress for a reason the Mad Dog did not want to know. Raising her hand a soul flew into her hand like a dog answering their owners call.

Placing his hand in front of her she meekly placed the soul in his grasp. Looking it over quickly Damian was relieved to see that nothing had happened to it. Oftentimes after death a soul could be abused, traumatized, or weakened drastically.

"I wouldn't do that to my subjects you know…" Izanami murmured quietly as she pressed her fingers together. Even if her sway in the Shinto faction was weak, the Five Principal Clans were still followers of her and her children.

"Leave." Leaving her with one word Damian waited only a second before he forcefully teleported her away. Resurrecting somebody was actually quite simple for Damian, he had studied under Ajuka for quite a while after all.

Much like the Evil Pieces Damian had to find the source code, the soul, and then alter it to his liking. In the case of the Evil Pieces that included rewriting their genetic information but for him, it was recreating the information listed in the soul.

When he followed those steps well, there was a bright pink light like the one before him now, and when that dissipated there would always be his target standing in front of him. Exactly like what there was right now.

"Oh, my?" Instinctively placing a hand on her cheek a very naked Shuri Himejima looked around in confusion. That was the first of Akeno's requests done. Next was to make her strong enough that she could beat up her father with ease.

"I'm your daughter's friend. Please, come with me." Politely holding out a hand to the naked woman Damian shelved those thoughts for later. Right now, the confused and disoriented woman in front of him was his priority. 


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