
Chapter 117

Moving through stopped time Kiba swung Excalibur with more precision than he'd ever managed before, his blade cutting through the air without resistance. His blade approached her neck with enough force to behead her, his domain faltering just before he made contact.

Tilting her entire body the blade only cut a lock of hair off her head. Quickly trying to redirect his blade Kiba was stopped by her staff and skull clashing with his sword. The two were quickly losing ground but even a second was a long time here.

Taking advantage of the chance given to her Durandal soared through the air, the blue blade almost effortlessly cutting through skin and bone alike as one of Kali's six arms that held the skull flew into the air.

Pushing even harder Kiba forced her down for a moment before leaping away to dodge the staff that nearly pierced his chest. Instead of rejoining them, Kiba had an ominous feeling wash over him, a barrier of holy power surrounding him and Vincent not far away.

Stabbing the skull that defied logic and floated in the sky with the snake like dagger a pitch black mist tinted purple exploded out of it. Even with the holy power surrounding him, Kiba could feel his body growing heavier, his mind slowing, and so on.

It took only a moment for the holy power of Excalibur to remove it from his system but in that moment the battle had changed. Standing over Xenovia with her staff mere inches away from piercing her chest Kali wore an ecstatic grin.

Moving as quickly as he could manage, Kiba was just a beat too slow to make it in time. And yet, Xenovia was fine anyway. Shakily standing in front of Xenovia with a somewhat misshapen sword, Vincent stood over her defensively.

His soul was partially gone and his mind was in shambles but his body moved before his mind did though he doubted he could do it again. He already felt like he couldn't move another muscle, not with his soul in such a state. Entering the domain was too much for him.

Attacking simultaneously both Kiba and Xenovia attempted to cut her in half, their blades stopped by the curved swords and staff respectively. While three of her hands were busy Kali raised her vajra into the sky, cracks appearing on its surface from how much energy she was pouring into it.

"Explode!" Excitedly commanding the object it immediately exploded, arcs of electricity jumping around the dusty battlefield. When the dust settled the battle seemed to be won and not by them. Both Kiba and Xenovia had large burn wounds, bits of the vajra in their flesh, and lightning surging all throughout their bodies. They were on the precipice of defeat.

And yet, Kali was in worse shape. Blood poured from her chest as her heart struggled to beat unaided by her own energy. Her face quickly paled and her eyes dulled significantly. It was a grievous wound, one that she found extremely exciting if her wide grin was any proof.

What truly made the situation odd though was the fact that it was her hand that caused the wound. The snake like dagger was pierced into her chest up to its hilt, her hands twisting and turning the blade as if to extend her suffering.

Pulling out the blade Kali took a moment to lick her own blood off it, a perverted grin crossing her face as her eyes became unfocused. Kiba could hardly believe what he was seeing and was frozen, however, that didn't apply to Xenovia.

Moving seemingly without taking a single step Xenovia's Durandal dropped onto Kali with the force of a falling star. Raising her curved blades Kali's knees barely buckled under the force of her blow, the earth around them for miles cracking.

It was a blow that she wouldn't have been able to block so easily mere moments ago let alone with her heart destroyed. Whether it be because she was dying or because of her blade didn't matter, she had grown immensely stronger.

Quickly grabbing the prone Vincent, Kiba ran an absurd amount of distance in the blink of an eye, teleported Vincent back to their med bay, and returned in a split second. In that time, Xenovia and Kali had clashed numerous times and the destruction had spread far and wide.

With the vajra gone the pressure that had weighed them down had vanished allowing them to move at their true speeds. If he had the time Kiba may have felt liberated or even thought to use it as training but he didn't unfortunately.

Joining in the conflict Kiba encased Excalibur in holy light, the light blinding yet hardly obscuring their vision. Forcefully entering the domain once more Kiba slowly swung his blade, his attention completely focused on the distribution of power.

In the end, the slash was at a speed that even a child could dodge but when it connected with Kali's torso its power was immense. It was a thin cut, barely thicker than that of a needle, that spanned miles on end.

The holy light that emerged from Kiba's blade cut the world diagonally, the very sky and space itself cut into two pieces. It took only a few moments for the world to correct itself and everything to return to normal but it was undeniable what they had seen.

"He… cut the sun." Whispering to herself in complete bewilderment Xenovia couldn't believe what she had seen. But she knew it was real. She could tell that the slash she had just seen was well beyond anything that she or her teachers could do. It was a masterpiece that lasted an instant.

"Well, I'll be damned." Cackling with laughter even in her last moments Kali's top half slid off her legs, her body completely cut in two just as he had planned. Her end was a legendary feat of destruction, she had no regrets about dying here.

Though he may look fine outwardly, Kiba could feel his body screaming in pain from that one move. But their fight wasn't done with just Kali dead, they had more opponents to face. He couldn't fall here.

"Take a breather. I'll go ahead." Slapping him on the back Xenovia teleported away, the image of her cold eyes burning with determination linger in his eyes. Shaking his head Kiba sheathed his sword and laughed.

"Hopefully you won't be as troublesome as Damian was." Leaving those words hanging in the air Kiba teleported away.


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