
Chapter 101

The pagoda technique used by Yan Qing was, in many ways, his ultimate finisher. It was based on the concepts of compression, absorption, and nullification and allowed little chance for the opponent to escape.

It took little to no prep time and was inescapable, it was a powerful move to be sure. The only issue was that Yan Qing had to be very close to his opponent for it to work but for a brawler like him that was hardly an issue.

"Thanks for the help." Standing beside the Technique God the Slash/Dog cradled his wounded body. He was far from uninjured and the reincarnated angel by his side was much the same, their wounds both plentiful and deep.

"Heal yourself. We have to go help against Hades as soon as you're done." Yan Qing replied solemnly, the ongoing battle giving him little time to grieve. He wasn't particularly close to his student, their clashing ideals always creating conflict, but Cao Cao was his student.

"Thanks a lot, man, seriously we couldn't have—! Watch out!" Tobio was the only one to shout but all three of them were shocked by what they saw. Dazzling light formed in mid air without a source, its glow so holy that Yan Qing's skin was burned just by standing near it.

Raising as many barriers as they could, the trio were only half prepared for the second Truth Idea that struck them. It was weaker than the first, most of its power had likely gone into breaking from the compressional prison, but it was still no less dangerous.

When the light faded, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared. His body was distorted, his flesh falling off like rain, and his hands were as dark as coal but it was recognizable as their opponent. Cao Cao had escaped what was thought to be inescapable.

Ignoring the deep burns on his body, Yan Qing was the first to react to Cao Cao's next attack. It took more force than he would have expected but he seamlessly deflected the spear, its tip firmly placed beneath his foot as the Technique God's fist struck forward.

Without even attempting to dodge or block Cao Cao was sent flying back dozens of kilometers but not before taking away one of Yan Qing's legs with a bend of his spear. Hades had seen more than enough to judge Yan Qing to be the greatest threat and would spare no effort.

"Yan Qing!" Tossing the man the Phoenix Tear he had been given, Tobio, the one with relatively fewer injuries, ran past the man with Dulio in tow. In the angel's hand was a sword of all the elements imaginable plus some. 

Grunting in thanks, Yan Qing firmly pressed his severed ankle together and poured the Phoenix Tear into the wound. However, before the liquid could make contact with his wound Yan Qing was sent skidding back as a beam of holy light struck him in the chest.

With wide eyes, Yan Qing looked at the now useless vial in his hands and the unchanged injury he sported. Turning his attention back to the battlefield he threw the vial behind him and made a choice Valerie would kill him for.

Cutting down dozens of holy beams, Tobio was growing tired but he couldn't stop, his mind focused only on the burning form of Cao Cao. With Yan Qing out of the picture for a while, they had to play the long game since neither of them could get close enough to do any real damage. 

"Tobio!" The shout from Dulio was the only warning Tobio got but it was more than enough. In a single large leap forward he instantly caught up to the retreating Cao Cao. Their words weren't for them alone to hear, Hades was very much not deaf. But right now, that was his downfall.

"Gotcha bitch!" Sporting the smuggest smirk a dog god could wear Tobio's scythe fell, flesh and black blood flying into the sky as his blade cut diagonally through the undead's chest. Yet even when his blade left the undead's body Tobio was far from done.

His body blurred as he forcefully increased his speed, time itself slowing around him, as he cut the body of his enemy into tiny, unrecognizable cubes. It was only then that Tobio stopped to catch his breath, his balance breaker forcefully deactivated as his vision waned.

"…!" But even in his half delirious state of mind he could clearly see those chunks moving, wiggling, and squirming as they slowly approached each other. Each time they touched they reattached themselves like puzzle pieces, the corpse once more returning.

"That's enough. Just die already." Jumping in front of Tobio was not Dulio but instead Yan Qing, his ankle badly burned in a rush attempt at cauterization. His fist was encased in resplendent flames, their heat making Tobio sweat even from where he stood a few meters away.

Grasping his student's undead body it was lit ablaze just as his arm was, the scent of burning flesh spreading through the shaking dimensional gap as Yan Qing fought against the regeneration of his student.

Unfortunately, he was losing. His flames were burning him just as much as they were his student and he didn't have the same regeneration. Luckily, he happened to have a very holy ally who could use fire.

Taking Yan Qing's place in the impromptu baptism Dulio forced his holy fire to burn hotter and hotter until the golden flames danced like a sun. A horrid screech escaped the little bits of flesh that managed to merge. 

As if that was their final show of resistance, the undead stopped regenerating as the flames died down. Taking a moment to await any further surprises both Dulio and Tobio fell to the ground in exhaustion.

"Man, I'm exhausted." Dulio muttered tiredly, a relieved smile on his face at their victory. With Cao Cao dead, one of the cards at Hades' disposal was removed from the deck. They may not have the upper hand yet but they were close.

"Don't relax yet. We have to get healed and then help against Hades." Yan Qing spoke carelessly, his voice a tad bit distracted as he looked at where his student once burned in those holy flames. His soul would never be reborn. The hero Cao Cao would never be reborn.

"You're a monster dude." Glancing at Yan Qing's badly burned arm and ankle, Tobio was released the madman was on their side. Regardless, he rose without a fuss as Yan Qing teleported them back to Valerie for healing.

This unofficial war wasn't over yet.


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