
Dwarves Trying to Survive in the Black Tower

A man who spent most of his life for ten years, just to complete the most difficult computer game in Hell mode, where players must complete each floor to reach the top floor of a Giant Black Tower. After a long journey, where he had to die multiple times and complete every mission, the man finally completed the game. In the end, after successfully completing Hell Mode and deciding to sleep, something then happened. A light appeared and sucked the man into the computer. Promotion! Only this month! With 1 dollar, you can read far ahead of other readers! patreon.com/GodPeterStar

God_Peter_Star · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 6

With a burning determination, Ragnar leaped forward, trying to swing his sword quickly. However, the Goblin was too agile, with swift movements, he easily avoided Ragnar's attack. As the Goblin swung his knife again, Ragnar was ready this time. With quick reflexes, he raised his shield to defend himself.

The meeting between the Goblin's knife and Ragnar's shield produced a piercing clanging sound. Ragnar felt a strong vibration in his injured arm, but he held on bravely. His eyes remained focused on the Goblin in front of him, looking for an opening to attack.

With labored breath and a pounding heart, Ragnar continued to fight, even though the poison was starting to spread throughout his body. He knew he had to finish this fight quickly before the poison took over his consciousness completely.

Without hesitation, Ragnar tried to stab the Goblin with his sword, but the creature easily dodged. However, it was just a feint.

Quickly, Ragnar slammed his round shield towards the Goblin's head with full force. "Baam!" The sound of impact echoed in the dark cave.

The Goblin's head hit hard, and the small creature lost consciousness momentarily. Without wasting time, Ragnar immediately seized the opportunity. Firmly, he stabbed his sword towards the Goblin's chest. "Psst!" His sword pierced the small creature's body.

"Gieek!" The Goblin spat out green blood, and blood began to flow heavily from Ragnar's stab wound. With his eyes blazing, Ragnar did not hesitate to continue his attack. He pulled out his sword, then with a decisive movement, Ragnar swung it and decapitated the Goblin with one sharp blow.

The Goblin's head detached from its body with a frightening sound. Ragnar looked at his work with a sense of relief, but also a little horror at the scene that had just unfolded.

He knew that the danger in the cave was not necessarily over, but he felt somewhat relieved that he had defeated the threat that stood in his way.

Right after the Goblin was killed, its body started emitting a white light, then the Goblin's corpse turned into small particles of light before disappearing completely, leaving behind a dimly glowing white stone, known as the Monster Core.

That is the current world currency, which Ragnar desperately needs to survive. He quickly stores it and, with a gasping breath and a weakened body from the effects of poison, Ragnar continues his steps inside the dark cave.

After walking for quite some time, the sound of rushing water grew closer as Ragnar approached an underground river flowing calmly, immediately giving Ragnar the location of his whereabouts, in the middle of the cave, a place that provided a source of life for various creatures living within it.

Ragnar knew this from the game, underground rivers only exist in the middle of caves, a place very far from the usual starting point, this finally made Ragnar realize the mystery behind only himself, a young Dwarf seen on the first floor.

Although Ragnar didn't quite understand how he got there, but now Ragnar really wanted water, he then scooped water with both palms before drinking it.

After a few sips, Ragnar began to feel dizzy again, realizing that he was still poisoned.

"Right! There should be that flower around here! The Guhan Flower! One of the flowers that, when soaked in water, can neutralize poison!"

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