

It all started when most of the Ileostrov Island's population Perished due to a mysterious explosion that occurred suddenly destroying the biggest city on the island. The remaining people left starts fighting to survive the apocalyptical scene while they start finding out some new things during their adventure. Will their findings help them survive or are they going to start fighting one another?

flamelex · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The First night

Ren opens his eyes waking up to an explosion sound that shakes the entire ground, his head still hurts and his eyesight isn't stable he gets up on his knees looking down at his blood on the ground remembering the blond guy hitting his head with the metal pipe "this day just can't get any worse" he says to himself then he lifts his head up looking at the road ahead of him and he becomes shocked at what he sees.

Corpses of dead people everywhere and blood on the ground of the old town he lives in, it's a massacre, he puts a hand on his face trying to contain himself while thinking to himself if this is real or if he is hallucinating from having a concussion, then he stands up and walks to the closest corpse taking a closer look, a dead young woman with black hair has her arm crushed by rubble of a half destroyed building by a huge boulder and she's covered in blood, Ren looking at her closely to confirm if this is the reality he knows and he starts realizing it's not a dream nor a hallucination ..the stench of blood ..the look on her face ..her cold body.. her lifeless eyes gazing into the void, it's all too real.

As he realizes the situation he starts having an insane look on his face with a wide grin on his face, he then notices the stench of dust all over the place so he looks up ahead seeing the aftermath of the big explosion in the city then looking at the corpses all over the path, he laughs insanely and loudly.

"And here i thought this day would get worse!" he says loudly

he then snaps back to his senses and starts thinking rationally about what he is supposed to do

"should i just go home and act like nothing is happening" he chuckles "no i guess i should check out what's going on there"

he starts walking back towards the city

Along his way he sees many dead corpses of people who died in many different ways and as he walks closer towards the city the dust and blood scent just keeps getting stronger "i haven't seen a single person alive till now, is it safe to assume everyone is dead already?" he says as he looks at the no closer explosion mushroom cloud and then looks at one of the big buildings in the city, i think going to a high place in such a situation wouldn't be a wise idea but it's safer for now to take a look from there than to get any closer to that spot and i might be able to confirm if i am the only one left alive or not.


Ren Reaches the building and looks up high at it, a very tall building that you can barely see the top of it, most windows are broken and only very few lights are turned on, it's one of the most well known and luxurious Hotels in Atrostin City, Ren says sarcastically "under normal circumstances i wouldn't have even dreamed to enter the lobby" he enters and looks at the elevator but decides to take the stairs "it's safer to stay hidden for now, but it will be a very long trip" he sighs and starts going up the stairs.

20 mins later, he reaches the 35th floor and decides to catch his breathe and check out the floor "this really wasn't a bright idea, maybe i should take the elevator after all" he says while gasping for air then he starts walking carefully and slowly around the floor, the lights are really dim in the hall ways and it's quiet.

He decides to check out a room to get some rest and take a look at the scene and while he is looking for an unlocked room he finds a one with the door opened widely, and he hears a faint sound from inside, he gets a little shocked at the fact that there's someone alive.

he decides to sneakily take a peek into what and who is inside this room, standing behind the wall he looks carefully inside to find a big sniper rifle aimed out of the window and shattered glass all around it from the broken windows (due to the explosion earlier) and he hears footsteps over the broken glass on the ground and a shadow of someone on the floor can be seen, he quickly hides himself behind the wall before the person inside notices him.

"yabai yabai!!" Ren says in japanese as he is a weeb..he starts getting a little scared after seeing the rifle and starts thinking that the one inside is definitely an assassin or some hitman and that he should run now before it gets more troublesome for him at the same time he smirks a little bit excited at the risk and how this started turned out like some action movie for him.

The footsteps sound stops so Ren Decides to move fast when the person starts moving again so that they wouldn't notice Ren footsteps as well, and that's what happens the person starts moving again so Ren gulps waits for a second then jumps fast to the other side and walks slowly to the end of the hall way then hides behind the wall catching his breathe then takes a look at the hallway he was in confirming he wasn't noticed " phew, i guess i am safe for now" he whispers as he looks around to check where he would go next and how to get out of that floor as soon as possible but its too dark to see the end of the hallways.

Suddenly a Voice tells Ren " who are you and what are you doing here" with a gun pointed to the back of his head.
