
Chapter 93

Before Palmerston arrived in Paris, Holland was the first to make a move.

On April 18, 1862, King William IV of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, together with Foreign Minister Heisbert von, suddenly appeared in the Western Kingdom of Norway, ruled by Sweden, in Oslo, the capital of Norway, and the Swedish King Carl XV, who was waiting there. World and the country's foreign prime minister Radwig held a two-sided meeting.

After the closed-door secret meeting, Hesbert von and Radwig held a press conference and officially announced that the Netherlands and Sweden had officially reached a customs union.

For specific regulations, the two countries have adopted the practice of the North-South German Customs Union to become appropriate regulations for the two countries.

"We will abolish the tariffs between the two places, and trade between the two countries will be tax-free; for trade with other countries, we will implement a unified tariff system and tax rate.

At the same time, we will announce the customs tax law later, but we have determined to formulate the tariff policy based on the Dutch tax law.

All tariffs between the two countries will be abolished from July 1, 1862.

In terms of foreign trade, both countries prefer free trade, but they impose protective duties on cotton and woolen fabrics of the British Empire, which are currently heavily dumped by industrial products.

The customs union of the two countries is also committed to establishing a unified currency exchange rate, measurement system and commercial regulations, in particular agreeing to common commercial regulations based on the Dutch commercial law.

Sweden also supports the establishment of an international maritime court in The Hague by the Netherlands, recognizing it as an international authority.

Agree that in the event of a dispute, Sweden will arbitrate here.

The two countries also announced that they will establish a steel alliance, the Netherlands will invest in Swedish steel companies, and the two countries will jointly develop iron ore mines in Sweden and the Netherlands.

In short, we have established a complete economic alliance with the Netherlands, and politically, we also support the foreign policy of the Netherlands. "

Karl XV explained this at a press conference in Oslo.

"Your Majesty William IV, what His Majesty Carl XV said just now, is it true?

The two countries have reached this level of progress in a customs union at once. Have the two countries been preparing for it for a long time?

I'm a reporter from the Norwegian newspaper Corriere della Sera."

The young William IV smiled amiably at the reporter, and this action immediately won the favor of many media present.

That's what personable says.

"First of all, what everyone said about the sudden visit this time is actually not the case. I have longed for Sweden for a long time. The Nordic style is a place that all Europeans linger."

William IV smiled at Karl XV, who smiled at him.

The tacit movement of the two was instantly photographed by major media reporters.

They all knew that on the front page of the newspaper tomorrow, this photo would add a few layers to their prize money.

"Me and Karl XV actually met a few years ago in 1858, when I went to Stockholm with my father, but at that time, we were both crown princes.

Now, after a lapse of 4 years, many things have happened around the two of them, but their identities have changed. We are now both in charge of a country.

Although perhaps in your opinion, our country is not a big country, but a medium country, but we don't mind, yes, what we care about is how this medium country is managed well, so that the people can enjoy the middle country as the people of the medium country. The treatment of nationals is our ultimate goal. "

"His Majesty William IV, I'm Stephen, a reporter from the Financial Times, you and Sweden have established a customs union, aren't you afraid of causing conflicts between the Netherlands and Sweden?

For example, why do you think the establishment of a customs union will benefit both parties? "

William IV gave Stephen a meaningful look before answering: "This customs union will open up the cooperation between the two countries.

Sweden is 6 million and Norway is 2.48 million, adding up to a total of about 8.5 million people. It is undeniable that northern Europe is cold.

There are more jobs in the Netherlands and fewer jobs in Sweden. Therefore, the Netherlands needs workers and Sweden needs jobs.

Sweden has iron ore and steel for industrial needs, while the Netherlands has capital, technology, and experience in shipping around the world, as well as cargo ships, and the Netherlands has a market that has been conquered in the Far East for many years.

Our two medium-sized countries will form a reliable industrial chain that is comparable to that of a big country alone.

As long as it is successful, our economic development will not be much weaker than that of other big countries. After all, the combined local population of the two countries is already more than 14 million, which is not much less than that of Spain. Those big countries have a population of about 30 million. That's it.

Demographic dividends, technological dividends, geographical proximity, maritime attributes, industrial complementarity, the same attributes of the Germanic race, similar status, the same philosophy, etc. Why can't such a combination be complementary to the extreme? "

"Clap clap clap..."

"Well said, William IV is so right"

"Yes, the Netherlands and Sweden are naturally complementary. A developed Western European economy and Sweden, a Nordic exporter of mineral resources, can naturally complement each other. Sweden, even with the influx of technology from the Netherlands, will make a huge economic leap. "

"Within ten years, it will definitely enter the ranks of developed countries in Europe"

"I don't think it will take five years. After all, the Netherlands is famous for doing business, and the companies in the Netherlands are notoriously powerful. Taking the East India Company, which dominated Europe at the time, has already made all countries timid.

If it weren't for the Netherlands at that time, just making money regardless of military development, it was eventually defeated and replaced by the United Kingdom.

Later, under British pressure, the Dutch East India Company and West India Company were forcibly dismantled and dissolved in 1795. At this time, the Netherlands was definitely the top country. "

"Let it pass by in the past. I only care about the surplus labor force in Sweden. Now it's here." Seeing the power of William IV, the guy named Stephen in the British "Financial Times", but he Note that it hit the Swedish King Carl XV.

"His Majesty Karl XV, with the establishment of the customs union between Sweden and the Netherlands"

See Karl XV listening without changing color.

Stephen asked: "As we all know, Sweden is a relatively weak country in Europe in terms of enterprise development. Your Majesty will not deny this."

"Naturally, Sweden is a step behind," Carl XV honestly admitted.

"In this case, before Swedish companies develop, they will develop economic alliances with the Netherlands, taking Prussia and the 18 North German countries as examples.

Except for Prussia, the remaining 17 countries are now basically infiltrated by the Prussian economy, but the 17 countries are trapped in an economic encirclement. Most of them dare not move, and dare not object to Prussia's political struggle with the Austrian Empire. The side reflects that Sweden is not afraid of what the Netherlands will do with Prussia? "


I've seen someone who is bold, but never seen someone so bold to ask such a provocative question face to face.

They looked up and saw that although Karl XV still had a smile on his face, the Foreign Prime Minister Radwig next to him was no longer in harmony, but with anger.

Karl XV waved his hand, calmly preventing Radwig from wanting to order people to drive the reporter out.

After King Carl XV waited for the venue to quiet down, he said, "Although Sweden is weak, our country has developed rapidly recently, and"

Carl XV glanced at William IV, who was sitting beside him with a gentlemanly smile, and said confidently: "Don't forget, we also have business giants in our country."

"Your Majesty, you mean the Wallenberg family and the Nobel family?"

"Yes, is there a problem?"

The reporter was silent.

Seeing this, William IV felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Nobel and Wallenberg?

These two families, until he is reborn in the future, are the top big families in the world, one is invincible in terms of fame, the other is the top in the world in terms of wealth, and these two families are still rising today. Stage, I don't know, can it be brought back under the banner?

At the same time, he felt his deep admiration for Prussia.

The world's first economic union was established in 1834,

And many people think that Prussia is Bismarck cattle, in fact, others are no worse than him.

reject this statement?

It can't be rejected, after all, Bismarck was still a young man in 1834.

The German Customs Union, which was established in 1834 and gradually expanded, was the earliest customs union organization in the world, and played a role in promoting the economic development and political unity of the German Confederation at that time.

Before the unification of Germany in 1870, there were many checkpoints between the states of the German Confederation, which hindered the development of industry and commerce. In 1818, Prussia took the lead in abolishing the inland tariffs, and then in 1826, the North German Customs Union was established.

The German Confederation was not a piece of iron. They fought internally, so they saw that Prussia was close to the North German Confederation because of this, so the Bavarian Kingdom of the headquarters established the Sino-German Customs Union and the Austrian Empire also established the South German Customs alliance.

A good German Confederation can be divided into three points. The North and South German Confederation has gradually encroached on Central Germany because of the two great powers of Prussia and Austria. In the end, the Kingdom of Bavaria can only rely on Austria. uukanshu.com is dissatisfied with Prussia's digging, so the situation is now formed.

The 10-nation economic union of the South German Confederation. 18 countries of the North German Economic Union.

However, politically, now in the North German Economic Union, Hannover, the United Kingdom, or Austria is backed, and Saxony remains neutral.

This is also the reason why the United Kingdom has an opportunity and wants to use the British illustrator in the Kingdom of Hanover within the German Confederation to intervene.

"Your Majesty William, I'm Mendesf, a reporter from the Tsarist Empire's "Voice of Tsarist Russia". What I want to ask is that some time ago, in the territorial transaction between the Netherlands and the Tsarist Russia in the Far East, the transaction area between the two countries was too large. So much so that the Tsarist Russian Empire believes that there is a risk of losing money, I don't know, what do you think?"

"If you can say that you can just talk about winning and losing, then there won't be so many disputes in the world."

William IV said kindly: "In fact, Alaska is very large, and everyone who reaches the territory of the Dutch army is more than twice as loud as before, but unfortunately it is cold and freezing, and it is difficult for people to survive.

Therefore, this is also the reason why your Majesty Alexander II is willing to trade.

What's more, sometimes the value of an item cannot be measured by just one angle.

Just like an island with a size of 10 square kilometers, if it is in the North Pole, naturally no one cares, because it is too remote, but what if it is in the sea off St. Petersburg harbour?

I think that even if there is another Alaska peninsula, your Majesty Alexander II will agree to the transaction without hesitation, right?