
Chapter 82

the history of William IV's previous life, the British were unable to expand the colony because of two wars with the Boers. It is considered that the beginning of the decline from the peak.

William IV also did not want Britain to end its expansion so soon.

However, the Netherlands needs a share from the UK.

The characters of the Boers who can break the teeth of the British can only be released early by William IV. Now, I can only wish the United Kingdom good luck."

However, the era of European and American colonialism in Africa has not yet come. If the British are dragged down by the Boers in advance, will it be a problem for Britain, France and other countries in the rectification of African colonies in the future...


South Africa, Durban, the capital of the Zulu Kingdom.

Kaizhiwayo is a wise politician. During the battle, he gradually became aware of the two-sided policy of the cunning British. When he saw that the most dangerous enemy of the Zulu Kingdom at present was not the Boers but the British colonies. When they were not, they gave up the traditional policy of uniting the British and opposing the Burmese.

They understood that the British had been delaying for some time in helping the Zulu Kingdom to ask the Transvaal Republic to return the lost land.

He already understood what he should do, especially when the Boers of the Transvaal Republic massacred nearly 1,000 British Empire in the small town of East London, which helped him decide his future position.

He thought sarcastically.

He has also dealt with the British many times, and naturally foresees the anger of the British, even if he does not explain it.

Shep Stone is now Britain's highest official in Africa, and the southern African British headed by him are deeply afraid that the increasingly powerful Zulu Kingdom and the Republic of Transvaal will become the inspiration for the major colonies in southern Africa, making the British More resistance in the merger process. After annexing the Republic of Natalia, it has become their established policy to eliminate the remaining three countries.

So under the guidance of telegrams from London, England, and under the circumstances that he was asked to preside, the United Kingdom formulated an invasion plan to increase reinforcements from home.

On March 4, 1862, Shep Stone, Governor of the British Colony in Cape Town, delivered an ultimatum, requiring the Zulu Kingdom to disarm within 20 days and accept the rule of Shep Stone, the British capital. , allowing British missionaries to preach freely within the Zulu Kingdom.

It is clear. Accepting these demands is equivalent to the Zulu Kingdom giving up its national independence. How could Kaizhiwayo agree to be a master of ZTE if he wanted to.

So Kaizhiwayo refused these rude requests without hesitation.

At the same time, his heart sank slightly, because he didn't feel that before, when he faced the threat of the British, he felt a lot of pressure. The Republic of the Free State is impressed.

You must know that these two countries have faced such a situation every day for more than ten years.

Before the ultimatum, the British had already drawn their swords and deployed tens of thousands of artillery troops along the Tugela River, and the indigenous army composed of the native African natives of Natal stood in front, and Kaizhiwayo was actively preparing for the war. , At the same time contacting the other two parties, he assembled 30,000 troops of the Zulu Kingdom to the south of the capital Durban, and the remaining several thousand people were arranged near Durban to prevent the British from landing on the coast and occupying Durban.

On March 6, 1862, 11,000 British troops, under the command of Commander Rantauden, crossed the Tugela River and invaded the Zulu Kingdom in three ways. Only Ulun, the capital of the southern province of the Zulu Kingdom, was the only one. Di city.

At this time, Kaizhiwayo was facing the attack of the British army that had already been launched by the Prime Minister, and he naturally no longer had any illusions, so he personally commanded the Zulu army, and concentrated his superior forces to attack the British army in the middle first.

On March 8, Kaizhiwayo quietly transferred the main force to Isandruvana at this time.

Because the British army fought less and won more battles all over the world, it was arrogant and underestimated the enemy, and its defense was lax. When night fell on the night of March 8, he divided his troops into two groups, attacked from the front and back, and carried out a surprise attack. The dark and tall Zulu soldiers rushed forward like a tidal wave of British troops, so hundreds of thousands of soldiers in front of the British People suddenly fell in the rain of bullets purchased from the Netherlands in the Zulu Kingdom.

Not only that, but in front of the already frightened British army, the Zulu army, which was already known for its barbarism, rushed to the British barracks, shouting the name of Zulu King Zulu's rough spending, and got close to the British army. In combat, although the British are tall, their mighty power is far less than that of the Zulu soldiers, so a white-knife battle took place, but the British were one-sided and were pushed directly to the ground by the Zulu with long hair. The kind that hangs.

In this way, the British regular army was killed by 1,800, and the native army to which it belonged was killed by 900. In this battle alone, the British army lost 2,700 people, and the Zulu Kingdom lost only 1,200 people. The entire Zulu army is large. Victory, seizing more than 2,000 British-used guns and 500,000 rounds of ammunition.

This is the first time that a native African kingdom has achieved a huge victory in a single effort since European colonists are now Africa, and it is also the British army since 1853-1856. the most significant loss.

Shep Stone's plan for a quick victory suffered a major setback. The British army was forced to quickly retreat the army on the left, and the right was besieged in Eshowy.

In the face of victory, many generals of the Zulu Kingdom were overwhelmed by the victory in front of them.

They all put forward too risky propositions, but they were rejected by Kazwayo.

Because he fully estimated the firepower advantage of the United Kingdom, he did not agree with their proposal to continue to take a frontal attack on the United Kingdom.

On the contrary, everyone was surprised. He adopted the digging trenches proposed by the Dutch consultant to defend himself. At the same time, he carried out a long-term siege of the British who had the same idea as him, surrounded the points and cut off traffic. break.

The Dutch consultant explained that this kind of tactic is for the British army, whose supply and traffic routes have been extremely difficult and will face the rainy season. After all, with the arrival of spring, the snakes and worms here are all day and night. The British did not The Zulu were so adept at dealing with these things that it was unquestionably fatal to the British army.

So, finally, after the 5-day siege, the British army finally killed 3,500 people, chose to surrender a total of 3,000 people, and escaped 1,800 people.

With the surrender of these 3,000 British soldiers, it suddenly caused a sensation in southern Africa. With the transmission of telegrams in various places, as well as the fast sailing of the 6th-level warships at sea, the news was like a stone thrown into the water, causing huge shocks. Like waves, it spreads rapidly around the world.

Public opinion was once again connected by the topic of southern Africa a week ago.

Newspapers have sprung up to report.

"Britain has been bullied again by the natives"

Hesbet Feng said with a smile:

"Regarding the battle between the UK and the Zulu Kingdom at Isandruwana, the 11,000 British soldiers were defeated so thoroughly in front of the 30,000 indigenous army of the Zulu Kingdom. It is a great irony for the British army.

It is right that Kaizhiwayo, the de facto ruler of the Zulu Kingdom, did not pursue the victory. Many experts contacted by this newspaper believe that the local situation is far more complicated than what we see now. Kaizhiwayo is more prudent in tactics and bold. Is it not possible to know now that he did not dare to take advantage of the great defeat of the British army and to attack the colony of Natal and transfer the domestic front of the Zulu Kingdom to the outer front of the British colony? !

Van Peron, a special expert of "European Times", thinks it is a pity.

After all, the backward primitive military system of the Zulu Kingdom also caused great difficulties to Kaizhiwayo.

Traditionally, the Zulu Army did not have a logistics system for supplying food and grass, and its sustenance was almost entirely dependent on capturing the enemy's spoils. Because this war was really fought on the mainland, livestock and non-combatants had been transferred, and tens of thousands of troops were concentrated in one area. Food is definitely in tight supply. He speculated that this was also an important reason why Kaizhiwayo was able to successfully enter the British colonies.

He speculates that Kaizhiwayo is very likely to be eager to seek peace with the United Kingdom. He wants to take advantage of the initial defeat of the British to negotiate with the British and sign a contract that is beneficial to them, so that the Zulu Kingdom can be separated from the war. Kailai, but what he did not expect was that the British would give up, and he did not understand the political system in Europe. No politician dared to pay for the deaths of these thousands of people, thinking that at this time, the United Kingdom should To negotiate with the other side, this is a manifestation of shame for the British aristocrats who have always been known for their chivalry~www.mtlnovel.com~ Not to mention that the object of bowing is the black and indigenous people who have always been looked down upon by them.

Originally, losing the war made the political situation in Britain unstable. If you agree to peace talks now, it will directly prove that the Whig Party could not defeat the stain of this native country when it was in power, and it will be labelled in the future. "

Tolbeck nodded: "The British will not back down, Your Majesty, if the British are completely removed from Alaska, our goal has been achieved, but the misfortune set by His Majesty was successful, but we Zulu If the kingdom can't stand the pressure, will it give us out?"

The Privy Council room.

Following the Prime Minister's words, everyone has this question.

"Naturally not." William IV hadn't answered yet, and the director of international intelligence of the Netherlands, Mackay Sean, said at this time: "Because Your Majesty, has asked the Transvaal Republic and the Orange Free State to join this country. in a dispute with the British"

"In this way, with the addition of the two countries, the Zulu Kingdom went to war with Britain, and the Transvaal Republic and Orange began to support.

At this time, France, Prussia, and the Netherlands took the opportunity to intervene in the situation by taking the most part in the Boers immigrants from the three countries. The UK will be in a dilemma here, Your Majesty, if this goes on, the British seem to face a dilemma both diplomatically and militarily."

William IV looked at Haysbert Feng with a little smugness on his face, and said, "That's why I thought of taking the opportunity to use the opportunity to put Fa and Pula into the water as background boards, and trap England in Africa, which I drew for them. Inside the cell, endorse our next steps"

Next step?

Your Majesty has already thought of the Netherlands' next move?