
Chapter 45

William IV's eyes swept away, and the three princesses were indeed all shy and embarrassed. Princess Alice was a small family jasper, but she did not lose her aristocratic style.

In addition to being sexy, Princess Helena is also full of extravagance. When she meets a strong husband, she can be called a beautiful wife, but if the husband is not strong enough, the consequences will be...

What surprised William IV most was that Princess Louise, who was not yet 16 years old, was gallant, with shining eyes and smart eyes. At first glance, she knew that she was a restless master, but the frost on her face. , but violated the harmony, creating a combination of two personalities, incomparably contradictory.

William IV, I feel a little uneasy about her, but right now, it is not when he spends his energy on her.

Queen Victoria had nine children, each with their own characteristics.

William IV's eyes swept away a few people with aloofness, and they were not the little people that ordinary people possessed.

It seems that the upper class people are different, their temperament is compelling.

"Isn't the Viscount Palmerston here yet?"

"Here, he is explaining some things outside, and he will be here soon." Princess Alice said slowly, and as the three of them were brought in just now, they all looked at the legendary The new King William IV of the Netherlands.

The first impression that came into their eyes was that they were tall and mighty, which was in line with what they knew from books. The Dutch were indeed the tallest race in Europe, and even the Nordics, who were famous for their height, couldn't compare.

At the same time, the red hair is also eye-catching, making people want to fiddle with it. Of course, the object can only be William IV.

At the same time, the handsome and resolute face of William IV, combined with the steady and witty conversation from just now to now, coupled with the aristocratic temperament, this constitutes the Prince Charming who has always been very vague in their minds. The image suddenly became clear.

He is William IV, and the strong chest and other body on the horse, even the clothes on the outside, are the same as William IV who is wearing a military uniform in front of him, and there is not even a trace of reluctance.

This William IV is the husband that Princess Alice wants.

And next to her, Princess Helena was also shaking, staring at William IV.

Although Princess Louisa is calm, it is not so obvious, but her eyes are squinting from time to time, but it also reveals some thoughts in her heart.

All of them are mature and sophisticated, and each is an expert in figuring out people's hearts. Although these princesses have also been in contact with many events in the world and followed the Queen to understand world events, they are not good at treating people and things. Far from it.

Not long after, an old man finally appeared.

He was the helm of the British Empire's foreign policy for 30 years, the Viscount Palmerston.

"Seeing the harmonious scene of the Royal Palace of the Netherlands, it made me feel a little emotional about the wars in many countries. Why do so many people like war?

Don't you know that war means death, so you will be separated with a broken family, dead wife and family?

It is too difficult to understand the thoughts of these people, you are right, our dear majesty."

William IV was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and after he sat down opposite Tolbek, he said with a sad face: "Yes, the Netherlands has also been dragged down by these criminals who started the war over the years. , there are thousands of deaths each time, which is a human tragedy."

Just as the princesses listened to the sadness and sorrow of the two's "nonsense", they forcibly endured the feeling of embarrassment in their hearts, and when they wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh, a female servant dressed in the palace walked in and broke the The atmosphere just condensed.

William IV recognized her, and she was the personal attendant of his grandmother Anna Pavrovna who loved him the most.

She nodded to the guard outside, and after letting him in, the waitress quickly walked to William IV's side and whispered a few words.

William IV was strange for a while, his face changed slightly, and then he waved his hand to make him stand aside.

Greeting the suspicious glances from the few people, William IV said to them: "My grandmother heard that several princesses came from England all the way to the Netherlands, and it happened that her old man was free today, so she ordered someone to come over to pass the word and name her. The surname Dao will personally receive several princesses from England, so please wait for the princesses to meet her old man."

Viscount Palmerston was also shocked, how many princesses did Empress Anna plan to summon?

This was different from the many plans he had made before. It seemed that there was a deviation at this moment, and he couldn't help but look at the princesses.

With her status as the daughter of Paul I of the Russian Empire, the old lady Anna, she was pampered and nurtured by the royal family for decades, and she was very picky.

Among the three princesses, Viscount Palmerston originally wanted to marry the scheming Princess Louise into the Netherlands, but she might not get her wish, because she didn't seem to fit the aesthetics of Queen Anna.

Princess Alice and Princess Helena also showed surprise.

Is it her? To finally see her? Princess Louise's heart moved. She had done her homework. She knew very well the current situation of the royal palace in the Netherlands. She knew that the current Dutch harem, in fact, for so many years, was the old queen dowager Anna from the Russian Empire. Have the final say.

In 1816, at the age of 19, the sixth princess of Paul I, Anna Pavlovna, married William of Orange, Prince of Orange, in the chapel of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg. This Prince of Orange was later William II.

This marriage was proposed by his eldest brother Alexander I at the Vienna Conference, and proved that this marriage was a symbol of the alliance between the Netherlands and Tsarist Russia, in order to open the conference and to fight for the interests of the Netherlands.

Due to the fact that in the history of the Romanov family, the royal family of the Russian Empire, it was impossible to force any member of the royal family to marry someone he did not like, William could only be invited to the Russian Empire and had a long-term relationship with Anna. In the end, both of them agreed After this marriage, in terms of religion, Anna still believes in the Eastern Orthodox Church of Tsarist Russia, but her descendants will believe in the Dutch Protestant Lutheranism like William.

At their wedding, even the most famous writer in Europe, Alexander Pushkin, created a special poem called "To the Prince of Orange" to celebrate their wedding, which became a favorite.

After staying in the Tsarist Empire for a year after their marriage, the two returned to the Netherlands. Crown Princess Anna was shocked by the huge difference between Tsarist Russia and the Netherlands, especially the strict and harsh class system in the Netherlands and the separation between different classes. It made her feel suffocated.

Because the distance between the members of the Russian royal family and the public is not far away, it was difficult for her to adjust her mentality to adapt to this environment for a while.

So she asked to live in Brussels, South Netherland with Crown Prince William. (That is, Belgium, which was assigned to the Netherlands at the Vienna Conference in 1815, is a principality like Luxembourg, and is under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In 1830, the United Kingdom supported independence, and in 1839, the Netherlands agreed that Xia was assigned to become an independent country.)

Because it is more like the life atmosphere of St. Peter's, she likes it more than the north, and it also makes her feel like she is in the hometown of the Tsarist Russian Empire.

However, some people think that she looks down on the status gap between the Netherlands and the Russian Empire, and feels that her status is superior to that of Crown Prince William. She even suspects that there is something wrong with her husband's character, because she often hears Crown Prince William messing with men and women with the object of her suspicion. relationship, and the final result of this contradiction between the two was that they were separated from 1835 until 1839.

It was not until the arrival of the eldest grandson, William I, in 1840 that the relationship between the two became a turning point. In order to ease the relationship between her husband and her father-in-law William I due to political conflicts, Anna tried to mediate many times.

What's more, she ended up being thought of as wanting to encroach on Dutch political power. Therefore, in order to show her innocence, she began not to participate in any political-related activities.

No one denies that she is a woman who is smart, witty, thoughtful, and loyal to her family, but at the same time, her irascible character is also circulating in the Netherlands.

But the Netherlands also has more to say about her being a linguistic genius, because her Dutch is more Dutch than her husband, Crown Prince William.

And she also established more than 50 orphanages to improve people's bad image of her.

Also officially in 1840, the father-in-law William I abdicated, and her husband Crown Prince William ascended the throne. She became Queen of the Netherlands,

But just when some people thought she would get involved in Dutch politics, she began to stay out of the public eye.

However, she is the queen who maintains strict royal etiquette at various banquets and pays attention to pomp, etiquette, formal ceremonies and religious ceremonies. As she told her privately, she has never been a popular queen. idea.

She often communicates with her siblings and maintains a family bond.

The queen once boldly said that although she is now the queen of the Netherlands, she is still the Grand Duchess of the Russian Empire.

When her husband died in 1849 and her son came to power as William III, she did not get along well with her daughter-in-law, so the Queen Mother Anna left court life in Amsterdam and began to live in seclusion in Rotterdam, even in 1855, she Because of the conflict with her son William III, she once wanted to return to Tsarist Russia, but in the end, it was because of her eldest grandson, William, who persuaded her, that is, the current William IV. In the end, she did not do so.

It can be seen how much she loves her eldest grandson. Thinking of this, Viscount Palmerston and others can also explain why this time, the Dutch King William IV married a blind date~www.mtlnovel.com~, but it was Mr. Anna Mrs. Wang later personally presided over the check.

As the girls left, it was obvious that the atmosphere was different.

Viscount Palmerston smiled and said, "Your Majesty is really filial."

"You can't be filial. After all, my parents are far away in Luxembourg, so it's hard to be filial."

After hearing this, Viscount Palmerston turned his eyes and said with a smile: "Luxembourg has a unique location. It is bordered by the French Lorraine region in the south, the Rhine Province of Prussia in the east, and Belgium in the west, which belongs to the Netherlands and does not border the Netherlands. , No wonder, His Majesty William III hurriedly passed the throne to His Majesty, and then ran directly to Luxembourg without stopping."

Hesbet Feng and Tolbeck looked at each other, both of them knew that the real wrestling was about to start.

I just don't know if their young majesty can fight against the British Prime Minister Viscount Palmerston, who has been in European politics for more than 30 years?

William IV's face suddenly sank, and he said, "The British Empire is worthy of being the most accurate user of offshore balancing techniques in Europe. Even my great-grandfather would have to voluntarily bow down in front of His Excellency the Viscount, who is proficient in this technique. Ah, but"

Viscount Palmerston was not surprised by William IV's pause, because young people are always reluctant to admit defeat easily, so he raised his head and looked at the young king with a slight smile, "Your Majesty, but what?"

William said seriously: "As the outside world said, in the field of diplomacy, you are really not a human being."

Seeing Palmerston's discoloration, he said, "It's a god-level existence."

"Hahaha!" Palmerston laughed and suddenly asked: "Politics can make strangers become close comrades-in-arms, does your Majesty believe this?"