
Chapter 37

On February 18, 1862, the Royal Palace of the Netherlands.

"Your Majesty, our people have already made arrangements there, and their status in that country is slowly moving deeper." McKay Sean said.

Just now, the Director of International Intelligence of the Netherlands, Mackay Sean, made a key arrangement for William IV many years ago. He sorted out the latest intelligence information and repeated it to William IV, while the Director of Royal Dutch Intelligence Bill Charlie was there. Responsible for supplements.

William IV looked at the two in front of him and sighed in his heart.

In the past few years, both of them have shown many talents, and he has come up with many of the most effective methods of a certain country in later generations to train and cultivate them.

For now, let's not talk about the Royal Intelligence Service for the time being. Although the International Intelligence Service managed by Mackay Sean has not reached the legendary level of pervasiveness and spread all over the world, it is still able to obtain some key information from around the world in a very short period of time. , There is not much error in his hands.

The home of the Royal Intelligence Service is in the Netherlands, but with the beginning of the past two years, for the sake of double-track operation, it is now beginning to infiltrate into other countries. Therefore, the Royal Intelligence Service now has a complementary role in the international aspect.

But the latter doesn't care either. The two have cooperated for many years, but they also care about exploring the world.

McKay Sean finished speaking, seeing William IV in deep thought, he continued: "Although, there has already been unrest there, but due to the constraints of the "London Treaty", the three signatories of Britain, France and Russia have not made any statement, so that Although many people in the country are dissatisfied with their king, but no one dares to move. In the information they provide, the people who are there give back real information, it seems that there are not many things, but we can also extract some from them. clues of value."

William IV nodded, took the freshly brewed tea that Bill Charlie had brought to the two of them, and watched Charlie pick up the dessert and enjoy it, but listened carefully to McKay Sean's report.

"Your Majesty, tomorrow the countries will meet in the National Concert Hall. Your Majesty will definitely be too busy tomorrow. This time, in addition to the Viscount Palmerston of the British Empire, the two princes of the Tsarist Empire and the right-hand man of Alexander II also Here, so many people are here, Your Majesty, whether the Netherlands can seek the best interests from this this time, I really have to say two things."

"So, I think we need to be more prepared, otherwise, aren't we busy these days? Or, as the Prime Minister talked about before, how many more fronts are added in the Netherlands? Sweden, Norway? Or Our northern Denmark?"

"Let me think about it." William IV lightly sipped the tea leaves on his lips, his left hand held a tabletop, his right hand was on the tabletop, his wrists were spread down, and his index and middle fingers kept tapping on the tabletop.

The two of them have long been aware of this, and every time William IV thought deeply about something, he would make this action.

The two knew that he was thinking, especially the frequency in his hands was accelerating, and they knew that William IV's thoughts were also accelerating.

William IV kept sorting out and analyzing the project he had arranged in his mind. Time begins in 1860.

The fronts that Sean just mentioned are actually a few projects he arranged. In fact, combined with the current situation and the state of the country, it is very simple and easy to confirm, at least for William IV, a political figure in his previous life. , very easy.

"I don't agree with the opening of several lines together. After all, the Netherlands has a big enough stall now, and the strength is there. No matter how big it is, it will make the Netherlands lose its strength and attack itself, and ultimately it will not be worth the loss.

Moreover, several projects also have different values. Now the most urgent for the Netherlands is the project just now and Belgium.

After the real development in Indonesia is successful, there will be no need to taboo this taboo and that. "

So, after William IV straightened out the order, he raised his head and said.

Seeing both of them looking at him, William IV suddenly smiled confidently.

"Belgium has now trapped the Netherlands with a lot of human and material resources, so this is the focus of my conversation tomorrow, and it's time, it's over."

"How is Your Majesty going to choose which of the two?" Bill Charlie looked at McKay Sean nervously, and then asked directly.

"Ordinarily we shouldn't intervene, but I said Charlie, aren't you stupid, didn't I choose it long ago?"

William IV ignored the ignorance of the two and continued: "Whose foundation is Limburg and Antwerp?"

Even with the calmness of the two, "Batt" couldn't help exclaiming, and then looked at William IV in disbelief.

They couldn't believe that William IV was so deep that they felt chills all over.


And even Joseph Beit, who was being voted by many people as a candidate for the Belgian Prime Minister in Belgium, was attending this banquet for him. There were a large number of people in it, and they were basically Belgian nobles. He sneezed suddenly, "Who cares about me!"

"Joseph, what's the matter?" Hester asked with concern.

"It's alright, maybe I caught a cold just now," Joseph Bait waved his hand to indicate that he was all right, "Go ahead, go, go over there and have two drinks."

So soon, he was pulled into the clink of glasses at a vigorous banquet.


And another candidate for Prime Minister of Belgium is there. .

"Philip, I can't understand it now~www.mtlnovel.com~ What kind of medicine is the Netherlands selling? Why do I feel like I'm holding a gun, just sweeping two shots and then switching to another mode of two shots."

Jules Danetang was a little puzzled, but even though he was asking, he didn't show any lack of self-confidence.

Marie Philip reconfirmed and sighed that the other party was indeed the one who ate this bowl of rice.

What Jules Danetang showed was an instinct for power, just like a salmon going upstream in order to lay eggs, a primitive instinct.

Of course, it is not only the instinct that works, but also the brain. While the rest of the Belgian childhood senators in 1860 were bewildered by the great questions they were about to face in the debate, Jules Danetang focused on the politics of the senate itself, after all. The senator is no different from the West Flanders provincial council where he used to be.

In the Belgian National Senate, there will also be salmon, the boss, in charge of its territory, and other small fish and shrimp will be swept away by the huge waves and drift with the current.

"Holland, William IV wants to be the salmon that swiftly advances in the opposite direction in the turbulent situation in Europe"


"Yes, it's salmon, salmon that eats small fish."

"Aren't you talking about the Netherlands?" Jules Danetang suddenly smiled mysteriously: "If you want to come to the Netherlands, you have already received a 'gift' from us. Next, Belgium will be really lively."

Marie Philip nodded: "So, after the European sensational banquet in the Netherlands is over, this scene on our side will officially start."