
Chapter 326

After learning about this, European monarchs such as Queen Victoria of England, William I of Prussia, Alexander II of Tsarist Russia, Karl XV of Sweden, Christian IX of Denmark, Louis I of Portugal, Isabel II of Spain, Italy King Emmanuel II of the Kingdom, William IV of the Netherlands, William III of the Greek Kingdom, and other kings and emperors of various countries who had nothing to do with them, all stood up to express their opposition.

Napoleon III of the French Empire and Joseph I of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were even more angry that they would take retaliatory actions.

This time, even the countries of South America have expressed their disapproval of Mexico's execution of the emperor. President Lincoln of the Union of North of the United States of America and President of the Confederate State of the United States of America, Davis, and even Hugo, Andersen, Gary Pordi and other well-known People have all sent letters to President Benito Juarez of Mexico, requesting not to execute Maximilian I, but they were all opposed by Juarez.

On Thursday, June 28, 1867, at three o'clock in the morning, the firing squad escorted Emperor Maximilian I and his two generals, Miguel Miramont and Thomas Messira, to the execution, Maximilian. Lien I wears a black uniform and wears the Golden Fleece Medal on his chest, which the Habsburg family inherited from the Knights of the Golden Fleece of the Principality of Burgundy. After the priest-father presided over Mass for Maximilian I, he was taken to the heights of Croche in Querétaro, where he was executed. After that, he was shot and killed.

The news of Maximilian I's murder reached Europe 10 days later, and the Habsburgs were in grief, perhaps out of pressure, and after 18 July 1867 the body was brought back about 20 days later In Vienna, Austria, Joseph I stated that he will hold a state funeral in February next year, and will eventually be buried in the royal cemetery in Vienna.

However, Benito Juarez's shooting and killing of Maximilian I completely caused the countries of the world to distance themselves from him. Obviously, under the grief and calmness of Vienna, no one would think that Austria-Hungary ruled by Joseph I The empire will count on this, because it represents the first time the Austro-Hungarian Empire has faced challenges from other countries after its establishment. Now the provocative one who doesn't give them face at all is a small Mexican president.

A figure like a clown in front of Joseph I, who thinks highly of himself, even dared to kill his own brother. No one would think that he could hold it back. Therefore, they could not help but breathe quietly, waiting for the possible appearance of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Tempest of revenge.

However, before him, the French Empire was shot.

On July 25, 1867, the French Guiana Fleet in South America bombarded the port of Coatzacoalcos in Mexico. In just one day, the largest port terminal in Mexico was almost in ruins.

After that, the French army deployed in South America seemed to leave in relief. Surprisingly, the French had no excuse to occupy there, and the countdown was unexpected.

At the beginning of August, the Mediterranean Fleet of the Austro-Hungarian Empire also landed grandly after the bombardment of the French warships outside Coatzacoalcos. This time the Austro-Hungarian Empire landed more than 10,000 troops.

Although the Mexican army resisted for a time, one side came aggressively, and the other side seemed to have "ghosts" in their hearts, and even allowed the Austro-Hungarian army to gain a firm foothold.

Unexpectedly, the Austro-Hungarian army did not choose to go north to directly attack Mexico City. Instead, they camped there and advanced to the port of Huqitan in the southern Pacific region.

It soon fell to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in mid-August, and after the 10,000 Austro-Hungarian Nigerian and 20,000 African servants of the Austro-Hungarian Empire landed in Coatzacoalcos, these 30,000 people actually It also did not advance northward, but moved eastward along the coast of the eastern sea, and the Austrian army in the south also advanced southward along the Sierra Madre.

At this time, everyone understood that the Austro-Hungarian Empire chose to use this method to prepare to take the southern part of Mexico before counterattacking the north?

In this regard, many people do not understand the thoughts of Joseph I. It seems that the north seems to be unwilling to fight against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but Joseph I did not pursue the victory. What is the reason?

Only some people understand that Joseph I is preparing for a long-term strategy, and it is still carried out by occupying Mexican territory, which makes many countries, such as the Lincoln government and the Davis government, very dissatisfied and want to stop it, but now it has just In the case of their own younger brother, neither of them was willing to touch the bad luck of Joseph I, who was angry.


On August 5, 1867, William IV held his first Privy Council meeting after his funeral.

At the meeting, the Dutch Chief of General Staff Mark Rudd said that there are more and more signs that the war in the Kingdom of Siam has entered the second stage, and this time, the French Empire may not be as good as before." You're welcome" and will let go and attack.

Tolbeck agrees with this.

Tolbeck said that ~www.mtlnovel.com~ These signs include the fact that the French Empire has shown signs of resisting the sanctions of the International Court of Justice in The Hague, and most importantly, that France resolutely chose to send soldiers from Mexico to the Far East. The army on the battlefield, its investment, will play a decisive role in the entire Siam Kingdom battlefield, and it is even tantamount to the emergence of a heavy key factor. It is very likely that the balance of the battlefield will be more favorable to the French Empire.

William IV recognized the judgments of the two, and he stated that from the south of Sihanoukville, Kampong Spey, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Cham, Stung Treng, and Pakse to Saravan in Laos, they are now suffering. At the time of the large-scale invasion of the French Empire, although Rama IV of the Kingdom of Siam was still full of self-confidence, but with the full strength of the French Empire, the fall of this middle line of defense in the eastern and western parts of Cambodia of the Kingdom of Siam, in William IV. The world seems to be only a matter of time.

William IV said solemnly: "Wars generally consist of one or several battles. After the end of the attack, the way of attack will be deformed, regrouped, and ready to launch a new offensive. The first stage of the war between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Siam is from the beginning to the end. Now that the Mexican and French troops are involved, this is no longer a local petty fight, and the French Empire will carry out a national effort to condense French resources from all over the world to support this frontal war.

The more obvious result of France's victory was to occupy Phnom Penh, the core city in Cambodia, but in the siege of other cities, it was strongly resisted by the geographical advantage of the Kingdom of Siam. "