
Chapter 314

On April 8, 1867, under the attention of the world, King Carl XV of Sweden and King Christian IX of Denmark paid a visit to the Netherlands, and then coordinated their positions with King William IV of the Netherlands.

The three kings directly announced at the subsequent press conference that the three countries agreed to take the lead in sanctioning the French Empire in Amsterdam, and made it clear that the industrial products of the French Empire would not be allowed to enter the territory under the jurisdiction of the three countries, unless France made a guarantee that it would not conduct any further sanctions against the Kingdom of Siam. Invasion, otherwise the Three Kingdoms will continue to maintain sanctions against the French Empire.

"We are a civilized country. Therefore, we do not allow our partners to be invaded by various countries. Although we have limited influence on the French Empire, we cannot control or count the territory of France, but we can do our best. For example, in terms of consumption with autonomy, to influence what we think is the bad initiator to sanction. Therefore, we have jurisdiction within our territory, not other places, of course, I also call on other countries to join our ranks and show that countries maintain The standpoint of their respective rights and interests to prevent similar incidents from happening again."

This is what the Dutch Foreign Minister Heisbet said when he introduced the positions of the three countries.

Subsequently, on April 10, the respective Houses of Representatives of the three countries passed the Sanctions Act on the French Empire, which formally took effect in the form of legislation and took effect immediately after the document was passed. That is to say, the three countries began to formally impose sanctions on the French Empire on April 10. .

Originally, people thought that the statements of various countries were more of a form of performance, but now they find that many high-level officials in Paris think so. After all, the French Empire is a country with a population of more than 30 million, which is a huge The market, who will give up easily.

However, now these countries have reached the point of legislation, which shows that this time is not just for fun, but for real. Now, the bankers and well-capitalized people in the French Empire are all panicked. Because, for them, it will be the biggest loss. For this reason, it has become the consensus of many of them that they began to put pressure on the government of Napoleon III and Olivier's cabinet in the Palace of Versailles.

However, Napoleon III has ruled the French Empire for more than ten years, and his position has long been stable, so he has resisted the pressure of these people in the country, but it is only stable. If it takes too long to find a solution, Napoleon III needs to face Yes, but there is no guarantee that it will continue.

After all, to put it bluntly, these people are actually his supporters. If he loses them, his dynasty will collapse. Therefore, Napoleon III began to panic, so he urged the troops in the Far East to make a quick solution and prepare in a short period of time. End the battle, and then come to negotiate with the countries as the victor to gain perhaps more benefits.

However, Napoleon III, in the face of the provocation led by the Netherlands, naturally would not let the Netherlands be at peace. So on the side of northern France close to the Netherlands, France held a huge military exercise with more than 10,000 people to threaten the Netherlands. , hinting at French anger towards the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is naturally unwilling to lag behind and is also conducting the exercise in the south. At the same time, Denmark and Sweden also participated in the exercise. These two countries also sent a team of more than 500 people to participate, under the unified command of the Netherlands. Therefore, the French Empire discovered that today They face, no longer a mere Holland, but three countries that they need to face.

A Netherlands is not in the eyes of the arrogant Napoleon III, but if you add Denmark with a strong navy and Sweden with a strong army, this will make Napoleon III look embarrassed and jealous.

The navies of the two countries combined are stronger than the French Empire, and the army of Sweden is of course not to mention, it has been against the Russian Empire for hundreds of years, and it can stand the test.

Gu Ting

The Dutch wars in Africa, but the Lectra countries such as the United Kingdom and Portugal, have only happened in recent years. The French military has evaluated this and finally found that the Netherlands' combat power is not weaker than that of France, even in terms of military equipment, More luxurious than France.

Therefore, the French Empire gave up the idea of ​​military oppression, and Napoleon III prepared to send diplomatic envoys to carry out a soft-hearted policy towards the three countries, asking the three countries to lift sanctions or even delay sanctions, so as to buy more time for the war in the Far East, that is to say in the legend policy of appeasement.

However, the Three Kingdoms of the Netherlands did not give any face at all. They bluntly said that it had passed the House of Representatives and represented the public opinion of all countries.

Co-author, this is to ask the French Empire to please the people of the three countries before it can eliminate those sanctions?

This made the arrogant Napoleon III and the arrogant French government acceptable, so they categorically recalled the envoys of the three countries and no longer expected the three countries to make changes.

Prepare to take revenge on the Three Kingdoms for humiliating the French Empire today.

The Netherlands' close allies, Denmark and Sweden, took a positive attitude, following in the footsteps of the Netherlands and taking a tough stance on the French Empire.

This is as expected by everyone. The third world is only three small and medium-sized countries in Europe. In fact, in the eyes of big countries, it is only a regional influence. This could change the attitude of the French Empire.

Sure enough, after the French Empire came into contact with the Three Kingdoms, the French Empire actually made a statement of dissatisfaction with the Three Kingdoms, and turned out to be the same thing about the Far East. Obviously, France is obviously not afraid of the sanctions of the Three Kingdoms.

In other words, Napoleon III chose to ignore the sanctions of the three countries.

Even Versailles criticized the Kingdom of the Netherlands as an anti-French vanguard.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Since the outbreak of the French Far East invasion war, the Netherlands has begun to express dissatisfaction with the French Empire many times. The most direct one is the sale of hundreds of thousands of pounds of advanced weapons to the Kingdom of Siam, which made the French Empire originally As long as they face opponents with backward weapons, they instantly become powerful enemies with weapons like them, causing huge casualties and losses to the French Empire. This originally made France dissatisfied, and now the sanctions bill that has taken the lead in concocting is once again to France. The empire stabbed a second knife, which naturally made the French even more dissatisfied, so the Netherlands became the hostile object of the French Empire.

However, the Netherlands didn't seem to care, and even the Tolbek cabinet government, after joining the Kingdom of Denmark and Sweden as a pioneer, suggested to other allies of the Netherlands to join the scope of the sanctions to further test the pressure of the Lanxi Empire.