
Chapter 301

the Commonwealth of Millikin was stunned by everyone in the United Kingdom and Europe, and it sent a large army and quickly dispatched troops to occupy the small town of Creston in the north. An army of more than 10,000 people pursued them all the way.

In just 10 days, from the small town of Creston in southeastern British Columbia, Canada, to the entire province of Kelowna, Vancouver, Victoria, Nanaimo, and Kamloops in the middle of the south The South was taken.

And all the way to the north, all the Canadian police officers along the way became one of the suspect's accomplices. After the capture of Prince George, a city in central British Columbia, the British side and European countries reacted. Where is the pursuit of a man? Prisoner, this is clearly the Commonwealth of Millikin who wants to occupy the province.

My God, the nation of Milesian dared to do this, how could they do it?

On October 8, 1866, after taking Prince George, the Commonwealth of Millikin took Queen Charlotte Island on the morning of the same day. On the same day, Secretary of State Washington held a press conference in person. He said that the Commonwealth of Millikin has the sovereignty of British Columbia because the Indiana leader of the province led his national heart to the Commonwealth of Millikin, and they were dissatisfied with the United Kingdom. The United States of America was humanitarian and in order to maintain the tranquility of the border. Therefore, the Lincoln government was willing to accept the idea of ​​the local people wanting to join the United States of America.

The entire country of the United States of America cheered for this. Since the Southern Millikin Union wanted to become independent, the army and the people in the north were unstable. Now getting such good news, it can be said that the pride of the country has been greatly boosted. There are even polls showing that President Lincoln's public opinion is second only to Washington, the first president of the past, and equal to the third president Thomas Jefferson.

You must know that Thomas Jefferson was Millikin's first secretary of state, the founder of the Democratic-Republican-Party (founded in 1893), the predecessor of the Democratic-Party and the Republican-Party (founded in 1893). Shan. Greater Hamilton formed the Federal-Party, and even made the latter disappear in the 1820s, and eventually his Democratic-Republican Party split into what is now two-party.

And you must know that Thomas Jefferson is not just that simple. He also became one of the three founding heroes of the country with the first president Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and is currently the only President of Millikin who has served three terms.

Lincoln was able to press him, thinking that he was influenced by the Civil War and responded to a series of bills such as the Land Law, the Abolition of Slavery, and so on.

In addition, he resisted the British invasion. He negotiated with Thomas Jefferson and Napoleon I of France to buy Louisiana in the Mississippi River region. Lincoln also won British Columbia, Canada. This is the United States of America in the past ten years. Therefore, it is understandable that Lincoln could obtain such public opinion.

Compared with Milliken's excitement, Britain was extremely angry.

On October 10, 1866, British Foreign Secretary Russell personally held a foreign press conference, on behalf of the British government, made a strong condemnation to the Commonwealth of Millikin and asked the Commonwealth of Millikin to become British Canada.

"Canada is British, every inch of it is, we will not tolerate the erosion of this British territory, absolutely not, you should know, the UK has the tools to do it, if the Lincoln government wants to try it , you can wait and see."

When someone from a British newspaper asked Russell, the British foreign secretary, that the United Kingdom was prepared to deal with the United States from the Commonwealth of Millikin if the British Foreign Secretary did not withdraw, Russell made it clear that they would respond strongly. As for how to respond, he chose to avoid it. Open, just say that everyone can wait and see.

However, the Commonwealth of Millikin seems to be calm and does not seem to care much. Secretary Seward said on October 12 that it has completed 90% of the British victory, and it will be completed before the 15th.

This further angered London.

Since Canada has less than 40,000 British troops stationed, and Canadian territories north of the Great Lakes need to be wary of the Commonwealth of Millikin to the south, the troops that can support the west are not, less and less effective.

As a result, the British government once again set its sights on British India.

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On October 14, 1866, London, England announced that it would send 20,000 troops from the British Isles to enter southeastern Canada from the Atlantic Ocean to strengthen the defense. The transpacific will land on the Pacific coast of western Canada before November 10, which will effectively deter the invaders of the Commonwealth of Millikin.

At the same time, it will increase the supply of weapons to the Confederate States of the South.

The Confederate States of the South seemed to be isolated by the United Kingdom, so they seemed to dance and launched a counterattack against the Commonwealth of the North, which had changed the defensive state of the past few weeks.

However, this seems to have long been expected by the Lincoln government. Although the South wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of the predicament of being suppressed, there was no change in the end.

Of course, this is also because the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth of Millikin are currently only fighting a war of words and have not yet started, so that the other party still has enough energy to deal with their "provocation".

Not to be outdone, the G country of the Commonwealth of Millikin, at the same time, increased its troops and formed an unprecedented army of 70,000 troops in British Columbia, Canada. Tasmania launched an attack.

And this time it is not only attacking from west to east, the Commonwealth of Millikin also sent troops north from the southern state of Montana to attack Alberta and Saskatchewan respectively.

Britain was just stunned.

Is the Commonwealth of America going to start a full-scale war against the British colony?

Are you really not afraid of the revenge of the UK's full-scale attack?

Can the Commonwealth of Millikin withstand it?

Therefore, the British Isles recruited 30,000 troops again, plus 20,000 people who had been transported in the Atlantic before~www.mtlnovel.com~ A total of 50,000 people will be dispatched to defend Canada, plus 40,000 and 90,000 Canadians of the Canadian army, which Britain was confident was enough to put pressure on the Commonwealth of America. If the indigenous army 2 of India and the 10,000 British regular army also landed in the west, then it will reach an unprecedented 120,000 troops, which is enough to compare with the army of the middle country in Europe, the Kingdom of Denmark.

Many people in the UK once thought that this would make the government of the Commonwealth of Millikin see the seriousness of the United Kingdom, and it would suddenly change color. But they were disappointed, and the Lincoln administration even went against their expectations

On October 20, 1866, the Secretary of the Interior, Washburn, announced that the Union State of Millikin would increase its troops by 100,000, of which black people of color and newly returned free men could join the army.

For this reason, the blacks of the entire United States of America were extremely enthusiastic.

Perhaps moved by Lincoln's kindness, the black people completed an army of 50,000 black men with strong physiques in less than a week.

Seeing this, the white people were naturally not to be outdone, so the 50,000 troops were also completed on October 23.

It was only at this time that the European countries understood that the Commonwealth of Millikin was obviously not ready to compromise with Britain this time.