
During the Dark Ages

If the world had ended with powerful undeads around every corner, what would you do? Would hide from the world and slowly die or would you fight for your life and happiness If you were given the power to fight for your survival at the risk of your own humanity, what would you do? Would you fear that power or would you grasp it with both hands and fight until your last breath. [Author here! If you are enjoying this book then feel free to vote for it using power stones! This will allow me to post more chapters a day. Starting today I will post one bonus chapter a day for every ten power stone. Please Enjoy.]

shadowlord4318 · Fantasy
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221 Chs

Chapter 191 A Terrifying Lily

"Shouldn't we do something about them?" Lily asked as she looked at the priests and saints who were pointing their weapons at them as they flew over the city.

"Not unless they attack." Colin said and Lily nodded her head, secretly hoping for them to attack, but they never did.

"Lucky bastards." She mumbled under her breath, but two of them still heard her but chose to ignore it. The two of them soon made it to City C and Colin advised Alice to use her [Shadow Cloak] ability to hide her aura and she complied. The entire city was in ruins and they could see the giant, humanoid skeleton sitting amongst the ruins with barely any flesh remaining on it's pristine bones.

'I guess the wolves won.' Colin thought when he saw the skeleton, he also noted that there weren't as many beasts in the city and all the other tier 4s seemed to be missing. Suddenly, a black portal appeared beside Alice, Lily and Colin immediately noticed it as the same black leopard from before emerged from the portal, ready to bite Alice's head off, but received a punch to the face instead. It crashed heavily into the debris covered ground and looked into the sky angrily, trying to see who sneak attacked it, but shivered the next second when it saw Colin in the sky, staring at it menacingly. The leopard immediately created a portal to escape, but as soon as it was created it was destroyed and Lily appeared beside the creature and kicked it in the jaw.

The leopard dissolved into a shadow, but Colin was able to track it with his [Demon Eyes] and Alice with her [Shadow Affinity] and so they were easily able to track the poor beast. After reaching a safe distance, the beast once again tries to open a portal but the portal instantly started to warp as Alice used her own affinity to interfere with the portal, making it useless. A fireball suddenly crashed into the beast causing it to howl in pain and dissolve into the shadows once again but when it reemerged, it found itself surrounded by five Lilys. All of them started to whip the leopard relentlessly but even then, it couldn't tell which was real as it felt pain from all the whips, even Colin couldn't tell which one was real as he could see a red aura surrounding all of them.

The leopard, finally having had enough, manipulated the shadows around him and stabbed all of them into the Lily's causing all of them to turn into pink dust. It suddenly heard evil laughter in it's mind and it hurriedly tried to escape, but the portals still didn't work so it could only resort to dissolving into the shadows, but no matter where it went, it still heard the laughter. The leopard continued moving farther and farther away from the group untill it found itself inside the forest, which was covered in strange low hanging fog, but the leopard didn't care as it finally got the laughter out of it's head. The leopard felt a powerful force shatter it's ribs and winced in pain, but quickly swiped it's paw in the direction of the attack, but nothing happen. Next it felt something sharp bite into it's side similar to a serpent's fangs, but again it couldn't find it's assailant. It tried to use it's ability to dissolve into the shadows, but found himself unable to as if the shadows were rejecting it.

Suddenly, the mist seemed to morph infront of the leopards eyes, turning into vaguely humanoid creatures, with holes where their eyes and mouth should be. It counted over two dozen of them surrounding it and laughing at the beast. The beast backed away scared, but felt something clinging to it's feet and when it looked down, it could see hands made of shadows clinging to it. Due to it's [Shadow Affinity], it was very familiar with shadows, but these shadows felt different, they felt cold and terrifying rather than the warm and welcoming feeling it was used to. More shadow hands rose from the ground as they wrapped around the leopards entire body as it screamed desperately out of fear.....and then....the only thing that it saw was darkness.