
During the Dark ages: First Holy War

This is the prequel of my novel, During the Dark ages. It will show how the Demon Kings came into existence while also showing how the first holy war started and ended.

shadowlord4318 · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 Invasive thoughts

'T-that's pretty detailed.' Lucifer thought astonished as he looked at the detailed map infront of him. On a large piece of parchment, atleast 40 cm in width, was a perfectly detailed map of the underworld. There were seven landmasses that was around the same size as the two continents residing in the human realm, but Mephistopheles informed them that they were called rings. Other than the rings, there were were small clusters of islands near the rings and he pointed out one cluster in particular called the Red Isles, he said that Lucifers followers should stay clear of that area as it is rumored that this is where the Messenger of Chaos is rumored to reside. Other than that, the rest of the realm seemed to be covered in water, which Mephistopheles cautioned them from entering as that's where Leviathan lives.

"This is good, we'll be going now." Lucifer said and the seven of them left the chamber.

"See you soon my lord." Mephistopheles said with a smile. The seven of them went outside and Lucifer opened a portal to go back to Asmodious, but before they entered, Sheila stopped them.

"Why don't we fly there. I think stretching our wings will get rid of the sleepyness." Sheila said and the others agreed. They took to the sky and the five sacred angels consciously slowed their speed so that Gardena and Eva could keep up, but even so, their speed was incredibly, clearing five hundred kilometers in only ten minutes.

'Look at these creatures, they are so weak.' Lucifer thought as he looked down on the humans from the sky, but he quickly shook his head, but what he didn't know was that the others were having similar thoughts. The seven of them landed in the [Angelic Territory] and they could see Asmodious as well as a hundred other Enlightened ones standing in the courtyard.

"Is this everyone?" Lucifer asked

"Yes my lord." Asmodious replied

"Good, Azazel." Lucifer said and Azazel nodded his head before stepping forward. He held put his hand and suddenly weapons and armour appeared in the air, one of each for every enlightened one. They slowly floated down towards them and they accepted them gratefully.

"Now then, Asmodious should have briefed you all on your mission so without further ado, let's go." Lucifer said and opened a portal leading to the one created by Sheila. The Enlightened ones orderly filed through the portal with Asmodious and the Angels going last.

Stepping out on the otherside, the enlightened ones stared at the two portals nervously. Asmodious has briefed them on what their mission was the previous night and understandably, they were feeling nervous and hesitant due to the lack of information.

"Here." Lucifer said and handed Asmodious the map Mephistopheles drew and also a large blank atlas like book. Asmodious accepted them without a word and placed them into her bag before looking back at the portals.

"Everyone, we have been granted an opportunity to prove ourselves by our lords. All our training has been for this moment and when we come back, we will make receive honour and glory." Asmodious said and the crowd of enlightened ones cheered. They then orderly marched into the purple portal and into the underworld.




A cacophony of cracking sounds sounded out as monstrous creatures of all shapes and sizes broke out of black cacoon like structures.

Name: Amon

Race: SwineSlonger

Level: 1/15(1200 exp left to next level)

LP: 250/250

DP: 25/25

Traits: []

Skills: [Regeneration], [Aura Vision], [Supernatural Physique], [Supernatural Senses], [Fire Affinity], [Demonic Energy Manipulation], [SwineSlonger Transformation], [Compulsion], [Piglin Squeal]

"What did that bastard do to me?" A short, fat creature with dull pink skin, a pig like head with tusk like fangs and beady red eyes. As it turns out, all the people who entered the Underworld through Mephistopheles' portals were immediately enveloped in Demon miasma and transformed into demons. All of them became tier 3 demons due to their high level of cultivation, except for the Enlightened ones and the ordinary humans who came with Beelzebub. In the case of the Enlightened ones, the holy energy in their bodies protected them from the Demon miasma, but Asmodious has already realized that it is only a matter of time before this protection wears off as the enlightened ones couldn't produce Holy energy, only store it. But she didn't know what would happen after that.

In the case of the ordinary humans, some of them turned into Fiends, while the others.

"Grrrrrr." Someone growled as soon as he broke out of his cacoon. His skin was pale like a corpse and their were black veins all over his body.

"Greg, are you alright?" A man walked towards the pale skinned guy and asked, but suddenly, he lunged at him and bit into his neck killing him.....or so the others thought. The man on the ground convulsed and black veins spread from his wounds to all over his body and he soon got to his feet and had the same deranged expression on his face as the other one. Soon the entire group descended into chaos as the over 20 undead thralls started attacking and turning everyone around them.

"What the hell is going on?!" Beelzebub shouted as she looked at the scene, but she couldn't understand what was going on, but their was someone present who did.

'How interesting? Humans can turn into monsters as well, although I've never seen this type of monster before.' Mephistopheles thought