
During the Dark ages: First Holy War

This is the prequel of my novel, During the Dark ages. It will show how the Demon Kings came into existence while also showing how the first holy war started and ended.

shadowlord4318 · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 1 The Realms

Heaven and Earth, theses were the two realms known to exist. Heaven, a beautiful realm filled with forests and mountains and abundant with the bounty of nature. This realm was filled with a pure energy that nourished all thing residing in it, including the Angels. This energy was named holy energy due to it's gentle and orderly nature by the Angels, the virtuous and pure beings that resided in this dimension. This energy could be hornest by the Angels and used to power their power skills and traits that would look like miracles in the eyes of humans.

Earth on the other hand, while it was filled with the bounty of nature as well, it lacked the holy energy of heaven which made it look dull in comparison. The beings that resided in this realm was called humans, dull beings that struggled to maintain their virtue unlike the Angels who could do so effortlessly.

While these two beings seemed different to each other there was one aspect that they shared, they did not know where they came from. Neither species had any idea of their origins, they didn't know how they came to be or who created them.

They just...were. The only clue they had was a system that only Angels seemed to possess.

"Hahaha." Laughed an angel as he flew around in the air.

"Hahaha." Laughed another angel as he flew after the first one. Both of them had fhree pairs of wings and they flew at such a speed that humans would even see a blur or even a flash of light for that matter. The second angel caught the first one and both of them crashed into a mountain laughing.

"It seems that you have gotten faster Luciel." Said the first Angel. He had Long red hair, golden irises and pale skin without any blemishes. He wore a white robe with golden embroideries.

"Are you have gotten slower, Lucifer?" Said the one known as Luciel. Luciel had Long white hair, golden irises and pale skin without blemishes. He also wore a similar white robe to Lucifer. On a closer inspection, one could see they, apart from there hair colour, they looked pretty much identical. This was because they were twins. Both of them laid in a crater and looked up in the sky, at the clouds as they drifted in the blue sky.

Name: Lucifer

Race: Sacred Angelic

Level: 1/35( 100,000 exp to next level)

LP: 2000/2000

HP: 200/200

Traits: [Flames of Purification], [Divine Musician], [Divine Senses]

Skills: [Regeneration], [Supernatural Physique], [Supernatural Senses], [Aura Vision], [Heavenly Flames Affinity], [Blessing], [Heavenly Pact], [Angelic Transformation],[Angelic Ritual: Angelic Creation],[Angelic Eyes],[Advanced Telepathy],[Angelic Inventory], [Angelic Core],[Astroprojection],[Sacred Authority],[Angelic Ritual: Familar Creation],[Divine Clothes Creation],[Spirit Form], [Portal Creation]

"I can't believe it took me eight hundred years to reach tier 7, why is cultivation so hard?" Lucifer sighed loudly and Luciel laughed.

"So what, as far as we know, we have all the time in the world....we have an eternity to do whatever we want?" Luciel said

"I guess." Lucifer said with a blank expression, in his eight hundred years of existence, he has felt lost, purposeless. What was the point of living forever if you have no purpose?

"I'm going to Earth." Lucifer said and opened a portal. This portal was golden in colour and it swirled around like it was made of liquid. This portal was created using the [Portal Creation] skill, a skill he got when he evolved into a Sacred Angelic. These portals could be used to go anyone, whether it was traveling between realms or in the same realm.

"You've been going there a lot recently." Luciel said

"It helps me calm down, and I also find Earth interesting. Despite it having a strong flora and fauna like heaven, they don't have holy energy like we do. Maybe I can find something by exploring their realm." Lucifer said

"Whatever." Luciel shrugged and Lucifer stepped into the portal.



Arriving on Earth, Lucifer observed the familiar realm. Despite it's near identical similarities to heaven, it lacked a certain glow that heaven had, which Lucifer attributed to the realms lack of holy energy.

"M-my lord." Stuttered a man as he fell to his knees. He wore a robe similar to the Angels but his seemed plain in comparison as it lacked a certain glow that the clothes created by Angels had.

"Hmm." Lucifer looked around that all the humans around him has dropped whatever they were doing and trembling. He knew why of course, when Angels first visited Earth the humans attacked them because of how strange they seemed to them. Of course the mundane weapons couldn't even harm the Angels clothes and simply broke. More than a few humans were even accidentally killed by the Angel's due to them not realizing the difference in strength between there two races and ever since then humans have treated them with fear and respect, some even worshipped them like gods.

Quite the peculiar bunch.

"You there, take me to the local temple." Lucifer said

"Y-yes my lord." The man said elated