
Duplicated Passion

The coming of the illegal Lava hard drug was like a storm, and that storm hit some good people badly. Quinn and her twin brother Finn ran away from home after the mysterious death of their wealthy parents. On their unplanned road trip, they slept in separate rooms in a hotel. Quinn had a terrible night in her room, a stranger that had been drugged and overdosed with lava invaded her room and raped her against his own will. She never saw his face during the bloody incident, and when she found out she was pregnant with twins she was unable to trace their father. Although she got the name of the person who entered her room from the hotel reception office, but it was hard to find anyone with just a name. Years later, she invested the money her parents left her into a club and wine business while her twin brother went to school. When she finally decided to go back to college to study what she had always wanted to become, a surgeon, she met a man who swept her off her feet but he was her lecturer. To find where she could pass out all her frustration, depression, and anger for what happened to her parents, she joined an underground fighting den and disguised as a guy to join the competitions, she used the lava drug to make herself stronger and got addicted to it. Somehow her lecturer was not who he said he was, his true identity started coming out when he was helping Quinn overcome her addictions. She began digging out all his secrets and in the acts of her investigations, she found out who might be the father of her children... Their love story began on the very first day they set their eyes on each other, but it was not an easy ride at all.

Arts_of_hephzy · Urban
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9 Chs

An innocent crush

Quinn carried her kids up and kissed them. "Why aren't they sleeping?" She asked their nanny.

"They woke up to Pee when they heard the entrance door open." She explained.

"Oh, my loves." She smuggled them into her embrace.

"They should go back to bed, we have a big day tomorrow." She said and went to their room, after tucking them into their beds, she sang a song for them and they went back to sleep.

"That reminds me of Mum," Finn said, he was by the door watching Quinn and the kids.

"Shuuu." She gestured to him to keep quiet first before she shut their door slowly.

"Yeah, I sing it for them sometimes, and they love it a lot," Quinn replied.

"Let's go and sleep," Finn said as he was about to enter his room.

"I'll prepare my bags and things for the move tomorrow before I sleep."

"Remember, you must come visit once in a while. The children need to be seeing you."

"Yea. I will, goodnight." She said and went to her room.

Quinn did some packing before she called it a night and slept.

The next day, she made breakfast for everyone in the house. After feeding the kids she explained to them as childish as possible about why she would be leaving them so they could understand.

"You'll have to be reminding them that I'm not gone forever." Quinn stood up and went to sit with Finn.

"So long as you come visiting." He shrugged.

They enjoyed their breakfast and afterward, they went to prepare for the day.

She hugged the kids tightly before handing them over to their nanny. "Summer and Autumn be good to your uncle and nanny okay?" She rubbed their heads softly.

"Yes, mummy." They replied in unison and she brought her face close to them so they could kiss her.

"So cute, but we are running late." Finn reminded her.

"Bye loves."

"Bye, mummy!"

"Have a great experience." The nanny waved.

"Thanks." Quinn waved back at her and left the house with Finn.

"We were supposed to have gone yesterday for you to settle down in your dorm," Finn said as he started the car.

"Don't worry, I went there in the morning to get everything done and arranged. The only thing that was remaining was my clothes. I'll just drop my bags and hurry to class. and after class, I'll settle in completely."

"You remember where you'll be taking all your classes right?"

"Yes yes yes." She smiled at Finn. "Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself."

"Make sure you always lock your dorm room, since we paid for a single suite for you, you'll have good privacy but do not let your guard down."

Quinn rolled her eyes and didn't say anything again, it would only fuel Finn to keep talking.

When they arrived, Finn helped her with her bags and some other loads. They dropped it off in her dorm before he drove her to the building where she would be having the lecture for the day.

"I'll get your car sent to you before the end of today," Finn said.


She got out of the car and blew a kiss to her brother.

"Bye." He waved her and drove off.

Quinn entered the building and traced her class, she took in a deep breath before walking in. To her surprise, she saw a familiar face.

"You?" Kendrick asked with surprise in his voice.

Her eyes widened in realization. A student cleared their throat and it brought them out of their shock. She quickly took a seat between two girls in the class.

"I can't believe this." He said to himself.

"As I was saying, you can call me Mr Kendrick."

"Sir." A student raised her hand.

He gestured to her to say what she intended.

"Can we call you Mr. Ken?" She bit her lower lips and her friends around her chuckled.

Quinn rolled her eyes and muttered something mean under her breath.

"They're a high-class bunch." One of the girls by the side whispered to Quinn.

Quinn turned to her. "Sorry I'm Emilia, you can call me Emy." She quickly introduced herself.

"I'm Quinn, with inn please." She replied

"I get it not the een." Emy nodded.

"Did he say his full name?" Quinn asked, she wented to put the lecturers' name on her book.

"Yeah, Kendrick Logan."

On hearing the name 'Logan' she paused, that last name was the same last name with the father of her children. "Many people bear that name." She told herself to remove the weird feeling.

"Attention everyone." Kendrick looked at Quinn like she was the only one causing the noise.

"No you cannot call me Mr. Ken," he cleared that out. "Let's move on to the introduction of this class…"

Quinn had been puzzled about whether she should major in business administration because it would give her the knowledge she needed to run her business better, but she had always wished to be a surgeon before her whole wealthy world turned into a past, now she had made enough money to study medicine and surgery she chose it immediately. After all she had a very high IQ.

Kendrick took a small course under business administration to lecture. Business communication was going to be easy for him to teach without so much stress so he picked it. Coincidentally, It was the only extra course out of Quinn's field of study she chose to take.

During the class, Kendrick had asked a few people their names after answering relateable questions about the topic.

He asked a question on proper introduction made between businessmen and women. "What are the setbacks when important information is left out during introductions of businessmen." He looked around and pointed at Quinn to answer.

She took a second to think, "sometimes…" before she could finish he cut her off.

"Your name first." As he did for every other person who stood up to attempt his questions. The difference was that he already knew her name.

Quinn felt off at first but she knew why he did it. "I'm Quinn." She forced a smile on her face.

"Go on." He said.

"Well," she cleared her throat. "Sometimes the missing information could lead to a break in the relationship of the businesses involved, mostly due to mistrust."

"Good point." He nodded. "So have you ever experienced this before?" He was coming out against her, all about the night were she left out the information of her being a freshman in the university.

"No sir." She gave a tight smile again and took back her seat.

He looked at her longer than he was supposed to. "Let's give other points please." He threw the question to the rest of the class and they replied finely as well.

After the class, as she was about to pack up her things she heard her name. "Quinn, meet me in my office after your classes today." Kendrick tried putting on a professional act.

"Okay, sir."

"Let's go," she took her books and left with her new friend, Emy.

"How many courses do you have left for today?" Emy asked.

"Just one."

"Great! Me too." She smiled. "There's a party at one fart house tonight, I think we should go."

"I don't know…" Quinn contemplated.

"It will be a way for us to get to grind into the school well." Emy pressed.

"Okay," Quinn reluctantly replied.

"Great, I'll text you." They had exchanged numbers previously.

Her next class was not mind-blowing like the previous one, it was as boring as the economy in the country.

"I get you don't like economics." A random guy said from behind her.

She looked at him but didn't reply.

"What a snub." He told his friend and they laughed.

He was trying to hit on her but she was not just in the mood.

On her way out after the class, the guy blocked her way and her books fell.

"Sorry." He picked them up for her. "I'm Franklin."

"What do you want Franklin?" Her act was clear that she was uninterested.

"Frank is just fine, you?" He asked for her name in return.

"Leave the way." She replied bluntly.

"Uhhhhhh." His friend laughed.

He raised his hands like he was caught by the police and gave way for her.

"Assholes." She whispered and walked down to Kendrick's office.

Quinn took a deep breath before knocking and entering. Kendrick always had that effect on her.

"Lock it behind you." He said as he saw her come in.

She swallowed and did as told.

"You almost messed me up." He stood up, walked to the opposite side of his desk, and rested on it.

"Come and take a seat." He pointed to the place in front of him.

Quinn who was standing awkwardly at the door came in and took a seat.

"How old are you exactly." His eyes narrowed on her, warning her not to lie to him.

"Don't worry I'm not underage, Mr. Ken." She shrugged, mocking him Indirectly with the name a student called him in class. Deep down he was making her feel unease.

"Answer the question, Quinn."

There was something about the way he said her name, it made her girly hormones surface, something that had never happened before.

"Twenty." She replied with her eyes on her hands, trying to avoid his gaze.

"Twenty-one is the legal age."

She rolled her eyes. "Is that why you called me here? to be sure you didn't almost bang a child." She stood up. "You have your answer, can I go?"

Kendrick looked at Quinn for a while, trying to read the girl. "You can go." He opened the door for her and she stepped out.

"Why does he give me butterflies in my stomach." She groaned, probably didn't like the feeling she was having towards him since last night.