

A story about a young boy named Ayden became king and fight for his kingdom with a second soul (assassin class Duplex) who live within his body named Nyx who live within his body.

Bliizzky · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Butterfly Crest (Part 2)

(Ayden Pov)

  Warm, cool, windy, burning hot. That's how I'm going to describe the feeling of this place. It's a weird feelings for my body who is half naked. This place is very unusual. Half of the sky is dark midnight and the other half is broad daylight. There's a unusual building. It looks so ancient. There's a lots of lots of weird animal statues. I look at left and right. Exploring this place. There's a stair, it's very high. I decide to explore and learn more about this place and how did I end up here.

  Climbing the staircase one by one. Slowly. I kept on hearing a voice. Asking me to turn back but I ignored it. I continue climbing. Once I reached the top, there's a huge door. I slowly approach the door. Rubbing my hand on the surface of the door. Feels like a normal wooden door at castles. I slowly slide down my hand to the door handle and push it. Once it's opened, I can feel a cold menacing aura and air flowing out of the room. Feels like it's trying to push me away. I saw a glowing thing. Like a pair of eye. Just like a cat's eye it's glowing but it's blue. It kept staring at me.

  (Nyx Pov)

Cold air and the darkness of the room. It's exactly how it's feels like back then when I was once alive. I hide in the shadow. Like a cheetah, waiting for his prey to let their guard down. Once they lowered their guard I ran like flame swallowing the oil on the floor and took the target down. Pinned them down and use the small knife that were given to me to use it. Slitting my prey's throat apart then I bring their body to somewhere dark and silent like an alleyway. Just like this room. I called the agency and waiting for them to come and dispose the body.

   While I'm resting on a seat that were build from concrete I heard footsteps. Slowly going down and puts my ear om the floor. Focusing like an animal hunter. When the footsteps coming near, I stood up to prepare to attack for self defense. My pupils started glowing bluish color and my sclera turns black. Veins from eye started glowing bluish purple.

  The door opened, I've decide to kill that guy off if he try anything funny. But he didn't do anything. He just stood there staring right into my eye. He doesn't seems to show any hostility. Half naked and pretty well built. He just stood there. I heard the same voice in my previously that telling me explaining my situation again.

"Nyx, that guy who standing there is the one who summoned you and willingly to make his body as your vessel. He must have request to make. Greet him and tell him about this situation.

At first I thought he's the same and going to stay here with but turns out it's not. He's the one who's summoning me. How many years has it been here after I died. Hmm..  7 years? 8 years? Well whatever. It's not that important anyway. Well I gotta greet him. This dude seems completely clueless what happened.

I slowly stand up and walk towards that guy with red hair. As I getting closer his eyes are beautiful amber colored. I look at him.

"Hey did you summon me?" I asked

"H-ha y-yeah.. " the boy stuttered.

"Well then so you agree and okay with me to live in the same body as yours?" I asked.

"Mmm.." The boy murmured.

  I knees and lower my head.

"Name given is Nyx, my class is assassin. Starting from now on I agree to become your strength and living beings with you." I introduced myself.

"My name is Ayden. I appreciate your offer." Said that boy.

"What's your request? " I asked him.

That boy started telling me a story of him. It was quite interesting. A guy like him suddenly got offered to become king to fight for his country even though he was forced to do so. After that he asked me to explain how did I became a class spirit and what was my previous life were like.

to be continue...