

A story about a young boy named Ayden became king and fight for his kingdom with a second soul (assassin class Duplex) who live within his body named Nyx who live within his body.

Bliizzky · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 14: Fired

Ayden got tied in vine. His wrist started to sparks later burnt all of the vine that tangled him up. He landed on the ground. Creating a dagger. The empress of the sleat starts spinning her chained green sickle. She startes tossing the sickle hoping it will land a hit on Ayden. Ayden blocked it with his dagger and caught it in another hand. He jump and pull the chain causing him to fly towards the empress.

He point his dagger at the empress throat. The empress spins the chain of the sickle and tied Ayden's body causing him to fall down. The empress throw another chained sickle at him but Ayden spins causing fire burning the mid-projecting leaf sickle. Ayden watches his surrounding. He look from tree to tree. He pulled the empress and tied her in her own chain and Ayden jump from branches to branches to hang her.

Suddenly the ground started shaking and cracking. The ground tries to swallow the empress but failed. Ayden pull the empress out of the pit. There is a bump behind them started to follow them from behind trying to gobble them up. Ayden uses the chain that he tied the empress with to swing from tree to tree. Eventually they reached a small village but unfortunately the bump still following them. Plus it has became huge like tsunami waves.

One of the unwritten rule of Royal Raiding is not to danger your own citizen. The empress asked Ayden to let her go so that she can save the villager. Ayden asked her to tell her name first then he will let her go.

"My name is Ye Hua. Bring that name to your grave" said the empress.

She destroyed the chain by herself and run to save the villager. She started to shout ordering the villagers to evacuate. Out of nowhere, the houses there started to blew up from inside out. There is no fire or heat. The explosion were cause by mere air.

(To be continue...)