
First Appearance of Dragon Hall

Edgar flies down to the restaurant as he crosses his arms and moves his knee closer to his body. A magic circle appears in the air. As he passes through the magic circle, his mask turned gray with a dragon mark on both sides. His hair turned into his original white hair, then a colored black and gray armor appears on his body.

Magic circles formed on his hands. They moved up and formed four lightning daggers in each hand, then he released his aura.

He steps on earth in the air.

Boom! He charges down toward the restaurant.

The guards below are startled. They noticed Edgar in the air. They want to pull out their guns, but Edgar suddenly threw the lightning daggers in his hands.

"Ahhh!" The guards scream. The others were not able to scream. They are dead. There are lightning daggers on their foreheads. Two guards were able to block the daggers with their hands, but their palms were penetrated.

Edgar rotates his body in midair.He landed on the ground, then a magic circle appears on his feet.


A white shield rises and gets bigger. It covers the whole restaurant and the street in front of it, where Edgar and the guards are standing.

The guards pulled out their guns with their left hand. Their right hands are bleeding. Their faces are filled with fear as they aim their gun at Edgar.

"W-who are you? D-Did the PHA not inform you? It is against hyperbeing to harm ordinary humans!" shouted the guard.

Some guards went out of the restaurant and are shocked by what is happening outside. They drew their guns, and they all aimed at Edgar.

"What is happening here?!" asked a guard.

"That man suddenly flew down from the air and attacked us with magic," explained a guard. The leader of the guard became angry when he heard it. He thought his subordinates angered the hyperbeing, but they were actually attacked without reason. He walks toward Edgar with a fierce expression.

"Damn you! If you attack us without valid reason, you will be hunted by many guilds behind the underground forces! You should not meddle with our business!" the leader furiously said.

Edgar smiled when he heard the leader.

His eyes turn sharp as he looks at the leader, then he says,"Pests like you are unscrupulous because your back is covered by hyperbeings. You treat other ordinary humans as ants. Now it's time for you all to feel like an ant."

The leader stepped back when Edgar's eyes turned sharp. Sweat appears on his face.

"Fire!" shouted the leader as he runs to the back. He also pulled out his gun and frantically fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Many handguns are firing toward Edgar.

The bullets are bouncing as they hit his aura.

The fear on the faces of guards is getting higher. The leader stopped firing and took out his phone.

Edgar caught a bullet and flicked his finger. The bullet flew toward the phone.

Bang! The phone is destroyed.

Lightning flashes on Edgar's body.

"Let me give you the experience of terror that your victims have experienced."

Woosh! Edgar quickly moves around the guards and hits them with punches and kicks.

"Ahhh!" scream the guards. Their bones are broken. Their bodies are being electrocuted.

Boom! The leader was kicked. He flew to the door of the restaurant and destroyed the wooden door. His body is convulsing.

A while ago, in the underground room, the fat man was laughing.

"I told you I would take care of your daughters! How dare you try to move them away? Where will I, Poncho, put my face if they escape from my palms?!!" Poncho spits after shouting at the injured man, then looks at the two girls with lecherous eyes.

"P-Please, have mercy. You can take all I have. Just don't touch my daughters," begged the middle-aged man while crying.

"Hahahaha, old man! Your wealth is nothing to me, but I will accept it together with your daughter!" Poncho's laugh is interrupted by a frantic shout.

"Boss! Boss! A hyperbeing is attacking us! The leader had already warned him, but he still attacked!" a guard quickly said.

Poncho is shocked, then sneers.

"Another one trying to be a hero!"

He looks at the middle-aged man and the two girls, then grins.

"It looks like you are lucky. I didn't know that a hyperbeing is your acquaintance," said Poncho.

Poncho mistaken Edgar for their acquaintance. He turned to his back and moved to the stairs.

"The hyperbeing is probably here to save them. I will let them go and report that hyperbeing to the guilds. The guilds behind the underground forces will hunt that hyperbeing. Once that hyperbeing is gone, I will meet that family again," Poncho grins as he thinks of this. His face looks hideous, then he laughs, but he does not know that it will be his last laugh.

Inside the restaurant, the guard leader is coughing out blood.


Red dust covers the guard leader and puts him into an illusion of horror and bliss. He also let him experience hell in the Illusion Space of Fire.

Edgar touches his chin as he sees the illusion.

"He does not know the identity of the hyperbeing behind them. Guilds won't be openly involved with gray areas. They will send a hyperbeing to manage them, but even that person's identity will not be easily known.

I should learn how to control the characters in the bliss and horror illusion, as it is too passive to get information, but it might not be easy. The bliss and horror illusions are created from the target's own imagination, the bliss and horror hidden deep in their minds. If I were to interfere, that illusion would be destroyed. I should be able to do it someday. There are many pests that can be put into illusion," Edgar thought.

"Hmm?" Poncho and his guards went out of the kitchen and saw the guard leader lying on the floor with a blank look on his face, surrounded by red dust.

Poncho has a calm look on his face. He already has experience dealing with this kind of situation.

"Sir, I know you are here to save the family that I mistakenly took. I am sorry, I didn't know that you are their acquaintance. My subordinate has lusted on the two girls, but he lied to me that their father offended our group!" said Poncho with a serious face. He looks at his tall, burly guard. The tall guard understood the thoughts of his boss. He holds the arms of the guard that reported earlier.

"What are you doi-?" The guard's mouth is blocked by the tall guard behind him. He frantically struggles to no avail.

Poncho approaches the guard with fierce eyes. He lifts his right foot and kicks the abdomen of the guard.

"How dare you lie to me! How dare you!" Poncho repeatedly kicks the guard.

Edgar smiles as he watches the show of the fat man.

Poncho got tired. He wipes his sweat on his forehead. Blood leaks from the hand that covered the mouth of the guard, who seems to be dead. Poncho seems stronger than an ordinary human. Edgar feels traces of aura cultivation in him.

"Sir, I already punished the one responsible for causing all this trouble. I will also compensate the family for their unfortunate experience. If this thing gets bigger, it might catch the attention of the top. You know, if they get involved, that family, you, and everyone around you will be in danger, so we should end it here, sir," said Poncho with a humble face. His statement is mixed with a threat, but he maintains a humble appearance.

Edgar just smiles at the acting of the fat man. If he is young and ignorant, he might have been fooled by him, but he has one hundred years of experience in the virtual world.

Lightning gathered on Edgar's right hand and formed a lightning dagger. He swung it to the leader, who is lying on the floor.

Shoo! The lightning dagger stabbed the heart of the leader, but he did not even react. He died without knowing it.

Poncho's face changed when he saw it. He stepped back subconsciously. The situation is getting out of his control. It's been a long time since he felt this sense of terror. His guards reacted. They moved in front of Poncho and pulled out their guns. They aim their guns at Edgar.