
The President Finds A Book?

A normal school day at Kuoh Academy a peaceful one at that.

The students just enjoying their time.

The Perverted Trio peeping, getting caught and beaten by the girls or the kendo club.

Now we have the adoring Princess Rias Gremory just playing chess with Akeno Himejima.

"So Akeno do you feel a bit bored?"

Rias asked her Queen

"Hm? no Rias im actually enjoying my time right now why the sudden question?"

Akeno answered her King as she was looking at the chess board.

Rias sighed.

"Its just that there's nothing to do i like reading but it gets old at times no humans summoned us and we are just here playing chess... Oh by the way Checkmate Akeno"

"Ara I guess your too good at this Rias"

Akeno said impressed.

Rias decided to go outside while waving at Akeno she got to the door and looked the window when she noticed a strange book outside near the tree's of the old school building.

It was ancient looking so this peaked Rias interest she opened the door and walked towards the book as she took a closer look.

"Hmm this looks like a guide book to something... hm Dungeons and Dragons? is this a fantasy book?."

She said as she took the book in her hands and went back to the Old School Building.

Akeno noticing what her King was holding decided to ask.

"Rias what's that? a new book you bought?"

Rias decided to answer her Queen.

"No Akeno i found this just outside the  club house near the trees it looks quite new and well the book name says Dungeons and Dragons."

Akeno hearing this also peaked her interest.

"Well let's read it together."

She smiles at her King

"Sure Akeno"

Akeno and Rias read the book.

_____________ Time Passed Club Meeting Hours Night Time.

Issei arrives at the clubroom along with Koneko Toujou, Asia Argento, Yuuto Kiba, Gasper and Xenovia.

"President! we are here!"

Issei exclaimed with joy and energy

"Ah everyone!"

Rias said with joy and excitement.

"So president how was your day?"

Xenovia asked.

"It was fine and interesting actually look at what i found"

Rias said with enthusiasm.

"Ohhh is that a book president?"

Asia asked.

"Yes and its titled Dungeons and Dragons me and Akeno read this a few hours ago and its supposedly a game on where you create a character to journey through the story created by a dungeon master."

"And for this game you will need a dice 7 in total there's the 20-side die, or D20, the 12-sided die or D12, the 10-side die or D10, the 8-sided die or D8, the six-sided die or D6 and the 4-sided die or D4."

"Also this dice are used to roll for a certain action for example if you wanna attack you will need to roll the dice"

Rias explained.

"So like a board game?"

Issei said to Rias.

"Yes Issei but we need a like 4 to 7 players or maybe even 10."

Said Akeno.

"And that's why this game is gonna be our club activity for today!"

Rias said with excitement.

"But we need to create characters first right?"

Kiba questioned.

"Yes the book also included character sheets so we can create our characters! and a list of classes and races too."

Rias answered her Knight

Everyone took the character sheet and looked at the list of Classes and Races.

"Damn there's alot of classes and races."

Issei spoke in a suprised manner.

They decided to name their characters the same as them since they are playing for the first time

"if we really can make any character then i.... i pick human as my race m... my class is druid."

Gasper said shyness in tone.

"Then i choose Dragonborn and my class is Fighter!"

Issei spoke with exitement.

"That's a good race partner."

Draig said to his host

"Then i pick elf as my race and cleric as my class so that i can everyone when in need."

Asia exclaimed with determination in her eyes.

"i choose human and my class as monk."

Koneko said in a monotone voice.

"i choose human and my class as paladin."

Kiba said with a bit of glint in his eyes.

"hm i thought you would want fighter?"

Issei asked Kiba.

"I was just curious on what being paladin is about."

Kiba answered Issei.

"Hm Paladin huh then i choose human as my race and barbarian as my class!"

Xenovia said proudly.

"Barbarian huh fits your battle style well."

Kiba said to Xenovia

"Ara everyone already picked my race is elf and my class is wizard fu fu fu."

Akeno said with a hint of blushing.

"Akeno why are you blushing."

Rias questioned her a Queen.

"I was just thinking of what can i do with issei as a elf..... Fu fu fu fu"

Rias looked angry but soon she too make a character for herself.

"Then i choose human and Sorcerer as my class"

After that they finished writing the backstory and stats of the characters which were explained by Akeno.

"So who's gonna be our Dungeon Master?"

Issei asked.

From the right cornor of the room Azazel spoke.

"Can i be the Dungeon Master?"

"Um Azazel how did you even get here?"

Rias questioned Azazel.

"Doesn't matter i been listening to this club activity of yours and i wanna be the Dungeon Master."

Rias and everyone looked at Azazel.

"Sighed sure let's sit down"

Rias said as she the map and dice on the table all of them get into positions while Azazel sit at clubroom desk with the view of the whole room.

"Let's Start!"

Rias said while smiling.

As soon as she spoke light enveloped the book and soon opened forming a portal at center

Everyone looked shocked at what happened but before they could say or interact with the portal they were sucked into the unknown one by one.

Azazel seeing what happened decided to write a note about what happened and then go through the portal in the hopes of saving his students.


Azazel declared with determination and will.

After that the portal closed along with the book leaving nothing but silence.