Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc
System Text
'Ddraig Mental'
"Ddraig Vocal"
"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."
[Starting Split]
I look around slowly as we finish our teleport, we are in... downtown Lucifaad? The only difference is that it is... empty... also there's a dome of magical energy near the edges of a mile radius or so.
A quest has been received:
Satan showdown:
The beautiful, funny, incredibly sexy magical girl miracle levia-tan has challenged you to a fight! Now if only you could figure out why?
Don't disappoint Sera-Tan Levi-Chan: [ ]
Rewards: ?
"This is a separate dimension I have prepared just for this! Don't worry about collateral damage, Gai-tan! Come at me with all you've got!"
"Uh... I'd like to warn you... I've never actually gotten into a serious fight since Diodora and I have grown quite a bit... I honestly have zero idea if my power is 'impressive' or 'disappointing' so please keep that in mind." I announce as I silently cast a few buff spells.
"Don't worry Gai-Tan! I believe in you!" The woman cheers.
She suddenly leaps as the stone road turns to molten glass, two large wings popping out of her back, she abruptly whirls around and swipes a hand through the air, deflecting several pointed swords rocketing towards her open back with a small shield spell the size of a dinnerplate.
She had done all of that with a single swipe, she spins around just in time to enlarge the barrier as the small dot of fire reaches it.
The dot violently detonates, quickly enveloping the magical girl in an inferno as the fire rushes out into a twenty foot globe. It's as if I dropped a black sun on her.
The force of the explosion shoves her out of the radius, a trail of dark smoke clinging to her shield as she turns and blocks a second fireball which explodes in the air near her. She is shoved into a third blast as dozens of swords rocket into the smoke.
They all fall out of the bottom of the smoke cloud, seemingly losing all momentum.
Two diamond shaped shields appear around me as I pull four shiny silvery daggers from my pocket dimension.
I hop to the side, avoiding a large spear of ice as the four knives lift from my hand, the four knives whirl around me as the spear sinks into the stone floor, causing cracks to cascade outwards from the blue-ish white piece of ice.
It noticeably doesn't shatter or even crack like normal ice would.
With a flap of my wings I easily avoid her next icy attack, the area I was standing moments before being peppered with ice spikes, the road is utterly reduced to rubble as I fly up.
'annnd let's add in Spell Turning... just in case.'
The smoke is cleared as the magical girl flies forwards with a flap of her wings, a small smile is on her face.
I swipe my hand through the air, creating an incredible cascading explosion which rips through the sky
She bursts through it easily as she continues on her way towards me.
I lunge forwards to meet her.
She touches my chest as my leg rockets towards her side, a cheerful smile falling from her face as her magic fizzled out.
My shin makes contact with his ribs, causing her to be knocked back slightly, she has a couple small scratches on her arms from the whirling daggers
The tips of the diamond shaped shield point towards the magical girl, and as I raise a hand, five beams strike Serafall's torso, two from the tips of the two shields, and three from my open hand.
A magical shield appears and absorbs the attack fairly easily, but the woman gains a slightly perturbed frown.
I fly backwards as a bubble shield appears around her, absorbing several annoying jabs from swords shot from nearby floating portals.
Baldur's Gate is probably one of the best spells I have created with spell creation. I'm a little ripoff Gilgamesh.
A portal appears behind me as I fly through it, I reappear behind Serafall and point a finger at her. A sickly beam of what looks like green lightning leaves my fingertip, it washes over the woman's barrier for a millisecond, then causes it to absolutely deteriorate, the satan's eyes widen minutely.
'annnd force punch... but in the form of a kick.' Mythic power floods my body as I lunge forwards with tremendous speed, the magical girl's eyes widening further as I kick her in the stomach. She rockets away from me; she even looks a little winded by that attack.
Windows around us shatter, sending glass peppering the roads below, she smashes through the roof of a nearby four story building as a cast another spell, she flips backwards, but an ethereal light surrounds her ankle, a lash of power connects her leg to the floor a short distance away.
'annnd let's cast a little summoning spell.'
The magical girl swipes a hand through the tether as I finish my summoning spell, she destroys the force shackle and looking back up at me with a confused expression, she brings a hand to her stomach, I can see her using ice magic to nurse what will probably soon become a slight bruise.
"Gaius... what was-"
A dragon lands behind her, perched atop another large building.
She slowly looks back to the large lizard, its scales are a frosty white, its head is crowned with slender horns with a thin membrane stretched between them, it looms over buildings and lets out a breathy chuckle that sounds like a mix between a growl and a purr, deep enough to rattle the nearby shards of glass littering the floor.
She swipes a hand, creating an incredible wave of ice that freezes the dragon solid.
She... just froze a white dragon...
What the fuck.
The dragon winks out of existence, very very dead.
She killed an ice dragon with ice.
My eyes narrow as fire bursts to life around my body.
'lets try this, then.'
I cast another summoning spell and blur downwards, the mithril daggers surrounding me carving into the wooden floor of the building we are now stood in. My fire sears the wood, turning everywhere I move into a raging dark inferno.
I hold out a hand, and suddenly the entire half of the room we are in is covered in flames.
I lunge forwards and punch the shield covering her body, knocking her out of the window behind her, she rights herself swiftly and takes to the sky a moment later.
She lets out a small shout of surprise as several large pieces of debris smash into her open back, she whirls around to look for what hit her, but nothing's there.
An ethereal sword strikes down at her as she whirls around and creates a barrier.
I step through a dimension door to her left, a sword hilt appearing in my grasp.
A brilliant blade made entirely of light appears from the hilt as Serafall turns and holds out her hand towards me, creating a barrier in front of the path of the blade.
The daggers and fire covering me scratch at the barrier, leaving superficial damage, then the blade finally meets it... and goes through it entirely.
The woman's eyes widen considerably as the light blade slashes across her bare stomach, the edge cracking slightly as it makes contact.
All the damage that I managed to do with that is a small line. I don't even think it's bleeding- no wait, it is... barely.
A plus five sword with a twice as effective outsider bane AND holy on it barely left a mark.
Her hand crashes into my face, an invisible barrier springing to life around my body as I am shoved a little distance away from her. The ethereal sword striking her open back and rebounding via another shield of magic.
She holds out a hand and pelts me with ice spikes.
The first seven strike my body and rapidly arc back at the woman, but the remaining twelve or so simply break on my body, one or two simply wink out of existence as well.
Serafall blocks her own attack and swipes her hand around to block seven more baseball sized bits of rubble traveling at ludicrous speeds, she swings a hand through the air and seven single story building sized blocks of ice fall from the sky, trapped within are several strange beings which look as if they are made of some multicolored thread.
I snap my fingers and cause a pillar of fire to shoot up from below her, she takes it like a champ and reappears behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
My body is covered in ice as her eyebrows raise, only my head is left unaffected as I plummet from the sky.
The ice melts just before I reach the ground, and I land roughly in a crouch.
"Gai-Taaan!" The Satan pouts ignoring the singular floating ghost sword which keeps on jabbing at her body. "Stop holding back. How am I supposed to accurately gauge your power if you are holding back!"
"You're bleeding, aren't you?"
She looks down to her stomach and wipes a hand across her stomach, the wound is completely gone. "Not anymore! Why don't you shoot me with that green attack! Or move super fast?"
"I don't want to kill you, Serafall." I scoff. "Why the hell would I use a 'this is literally a death magic spell' attack on the people I care about? But fine... I suppose I'll show you something interesting."
'oi. Lizard. Are you awake?'
'hm? Ah. Yeah. Am I finally going to be able to be used in a fight?'
'I plan on it.'
"I'm not technically supposed to have this, Sera-tan. Soooo could you keep it a secret?"
The magical girl tilts her head and then nods once.
"Okay!" I cheer as I raise my right hand.
A red gauntlet appears on my hand.
The magical girl's eyes widen almost comically. "EHHHH?! A SACRED GEAR?!"
"Yep. A sacred gear. I figured out how to make myself the wielder of a sacred gear a couple of years ago."
"And you didn't tell me?" The woman sniffles.
The daggers whirling around me clatter to the floor and the two shields disappear as their duration finishes. The jabbing sword follows along quickly, all of its attempts rendered worthless... despite it being a seventh level spell.
"To be fair, a pure blooded devil wielding a sacred gear as if they were born with it is pretty blasphemous." I shrug, mildly annoyed that 'Mage's sword' did literally nothing at all to the Satan.
"Why don't you introduce yourself." I grin down at the gauntlet.
"Greetings Leviathan." The dragon within the gauntlet rumbles. "I am Y Ddraig Goch! The Welsh Dragon!"
"The boosted gear?!" The Satan whispers.
"That's riiiight~" I hum as I clench my gauntleted fist.
"YOU HAVE THE BOOSTED GEAR?!" The Satan shrieks.
"Yep!" I nod cheerfully.
"A high-class devil with a Longinus..." She whispers, a smile slowly crossing her face.
The gauntlet slowly creeps up my arm as I smile. "Not just a Longinus, Sera-tan. A longinus' balance breaker."
"Here I come Sera" I state as I slowly raise my hands.
I disappear from where I was standing and reappear in front of Serafall, she barely dodges as my fist swipes through where her side was moments before. I whirl around and roundhouse kick at her, but she barely ducks it by arching backwards.
She flips away as I twist through the air and kick downwards at her stomach, creating a massive crater in the ground.
The strange tail thing in the back of my armor whips around, the tip carving a small gash on the Satan's thigh. The jet thrusters of my back ignite, causing an ominous whirling sound to enter the air.
I blur towards the magical girl, she dodges at the last second yet again, but the whip-like tail of my armor wraps around her ankle and tugs her after me. I whirl around suddenly and lash out with a roundhouse kick that strikes a magical barrier that she hastily constructs, causing large cracks to cascade across it.
The force of the kick slips her from the tail's grasp, sending her shooting into the distance, she skips off the ground once before smashing through the wall of a nearby brick building, causing the entire thing to collapse down onto her.
I hold up a finger, creating a small speck of fire.
As the boosted power leaves my body, the speck grows from an insignificant spark to a baseball sized orb of black fire.
'Wow. That's large.'
A flaming rune appears on the forearm of my armor as I hurl the orb downwards.
"I'd get out of the way of this!" I call out as the fireball rockets towards the rubble of the nearby building.
An absolutely titanic wall of ice explodes in all directions, the glacier rapidly expands towards me, it is easily hundreds of feet high, it tramples buildings, tears up sidewalks, and shoves an incredible amount of rubble in my direction.
The orb touches the tsunami of brick, glass, metal, asphalt, concrete, and ice, then in the next moment, fire washes over me.
I am left complexly unharmed as the symbol on my arm glows, after a moment, everything clears revealing the surrounding landscape to be nothing more than a molten crater with a large spike of ice in the middle.
"Serafall? Are you alright?" I call out as I cross my gauntleted arms.
The ice spike cracks, then shatters, revealing the magical girl Satan floating there, she lets out a single huff.
Her clothing has burned off, and her skin is red and a little flaky, as if she got a bad sun burn. But considering she tanked something that turned this city into a glass floor, I'd say she looks right as rain.
"Well." She whispers as she looks around the destruction nearby. No building stands, we are stood in a giant crater with molten walls that drip downwards to the center, her gaze slowly moves back to me. "I give up."
"Huh?" I blink slowly as I lower my hands, stopping my preparations to boost back up to my earlier strength and hop back into the fight.
"I give up, Gai-Tan!" She waves.
A quest has been completed.
"Why?" I cautiously mutter.
"If we were to keep going, I'd have to seriously hurt you, Gai-Tan. Or you'd have to seriously hurt me."
"You legitimately haven't landed a single blow that matters this entire fight." I point out.
"And that's what's incredible, Gai-Tan! You fought against me blow for blow! Even if I was messing around a little towards the start!"
I let out a long breath as I allow my armor to fade away.
I wipe a hand across my forehead. "Well, that was certainly stressful."
I pull out a small bottle as I fly up to the magical girl, I hold it out to her and smile. "Here. I'm sorry for that last attack, like I said earlier, I don't exactly know how strong I am."
"Don't worry Gai-tan." The Satan waves off as she takes the bottle. "I've had waaaaay worse."
Her body glows as she drips the fluid onto herself, her hair is ruffled as she seems reinvigorated. The burns she suffered are completely healed.
"Huh? My demonic power?" She whispers.
"Oh, yeah. My phoenix tears fix stamina and magic power." I add in as I not so subtly look over her still nude form.
"Soooo you still haven't told me why we did this." I quietly mutter as I drag my eyes up from her large bust and back to her face, trying desperately to return to the topic at hand.
"In a minute Gai-Tan, there's other things I wanna talk about, like WHERE DID YOU GET THE BOOSTED GEAR?!"
"Oh, I took it as compensation for saving the previous wielder. He had no idea he had it, so I thought I might as well make use of it instead. He's still alive somewhere in Kuoh... I got really lucky with this to be completely honest."
"I'll say." The woman quietly mutters while cupping her chin.
I slowly turn and gesture around the burning landscape. "So... now for my question... Sera-tan, what the was the point of all this?"
"You'll see, Gai-Tan!" The woman smiles as she floats forwards and wraps her arms around my shoulder, pressing her face against my own and rubbing her cheek against my own. "It's gonna be a BIG surprise!"
"You still owe me for the cake, by the way." I point out with a blank half lidded stare.
"Oh, don't worry, Gai-Tan, this is part of it!" She whispers into my ear.
I continue to blankly stare into her eyes, my mouth an entirely strait line.
"If you don't put some clothes on in a second, I'm going to grope your tit." I announce blandly.
"Ehehe you are saying that like I mind- ooh! So handsy, Gai-Tan!" The woman begins to tease, only to fully accept the breast grab as I reach up to her chest.
"Huh... nice. I've groped a number of breasts in my life... easily top five."
Serafall shoots me a slightly offended Glare with a large pout. She promptly lists out several people "Rosaline. Ravel. Your queen. Your rook. And me. Being top five by default is a little mean, Gai-Tan."
"Eh. It's still a compliment." I shrug as I free myself from the woman's grasp.
"Now." I continue as I look to my watch. "I'm going to go back to work. I've got a little paperwork I need to finish, then I can go goof off or whatever. Maybe I'll work on that one thing I told you about... it's nearing completion... somewhat."
"Okay." The magical girl pouts. "I need to do some work as well. I'll take us out of here."
With a flash, clothes appears on the magical girl, then she simply teleports the two of us back to the human world.
She pauses briefly before gaining a cheerful smile and waving at me. "I'll see you later, Gai-Tan!"
"I'll see you soon, Sera-tan." I wave back.
She teleports away a moment later.
Satan showdown:
The beautiful, funny, incredibly sexy magical girl miracle levia-tan has challenged you to a fight! Now if only you could figure out why?
Don't disappoint Sera-Tan Levi-Chan: [x]
Bonus Objectives:
Defeat Serafall Leviathan [x]
Kill Serafall Leviathan: [-]
Get defeated pitifully by Sera-Tan Levi-Chan: [-]
Rewards: 5000 Electrum.
Bonus Rewards: 20000 Electrum, +2 to all stats, 1 Free Feat, +50 to your Maximum Demonic Power, 2 random 'Special Qualities'.
Randomizing Special Quality.
Rite of Passage:
You meet the prerequisite of certain prestige classes that require you to be in a certain group or faction, Such as the 'Agent of the Grave' prestige class. Normally you would be required to be a member of an undead worshiping cult for 1 year. With this perk, you may now ignore that requirement, and requirements similar to it, entirely.
Note: You must still meet all of the other requirements to enter a prestige class, such as spellcasting, base attack bonus, feats, and ranks in skills.
Randomizing Special Quality.
Master of Many Arms:
Unlike most fighters, you are a prodigy at weaponry, while most can only choose a single weapon for feats such as 'Weapon Focus'. And are required to take the feat numerous times to gain mastery over several weapons. However, every time you select a feat that requires you to designate a single weapon, you may instead select a number of weapons equal to 1+1 per four levels you have and be treated as if you had weapon focus for all of them.
Well... those are a bit weak... shame...
I guess it can't all be 'craft your own spells' or 'literally just instantly kill this guy'. There's bound to be some perks that don't really benefit me in any way.
The most important thing is the electrum, anyways.
I look to the side with a small smirk.
Current Electrum: 92431
'well now... I think I may be able to finish this today... and considering Kokabiel is acting up... why don't I go and grab some friends.'
The real question is... where do I go? Who do I find? What sort of world do I want to enter to enact my dark work?
I suppose I have some time to think about it.
After all, creating a new underworld and a way for devil kind to infect the multiverse takes time, after all.