
God of Deals

Don't Own DxD or D&D, Only The Oc



System Text

'Ddraig Mental'

"Ddraig Vocal"

"Tvs, Radios, and Text via book or newspaper... when those are around..."

[Starting Split]

"Hn... strange." The green haired man before me whispers under his breath. "He was... correct... I am sensing some form of immature divine energy deep inside of him. Like a seed... waiting to sprout."

"Will this hurt him in any way?" Serafall questions.

"No... I don't believe it will." The Satan of technological development replies. "In fact, it is making him stronger. I am unsure of what form of effect it has on him currently but reasonably he should gain access to a 'domain' like a god of 'destruction', or a god of 'fire'."

I am sat within a chair in the middle of Ajuka's lab he has a device over my arm that looks vaguely like a blood pressure reader, one of those Velcro ones.

I stare dead ahead.

Purchase Divine Rank?

(Yes) (No)

'fuck it.'

I mentally select yes, internally cringing as my hard earned one million electrum is stolen from me, leaving me completely broke after my purchasing of Leonidas from the shop


I wince and cover my ears, clenching my eyes shut as my senses are pumped up to eleven.

The green haired satan and the magical girl whirl around to a nearby screen, now showing much higher numbers than it just did previously.

Congratulations! You have just become a demi-god!

I crack my eyes open slightly and minimize the screen as I let out a low hum. "I-Is that bad? Wow my eyes hurt."

"The level of divine power you are exuding has increased!" The green haired man whispers. "The seed has sprouted. Yet you still don't have a domain to call your own... the biblical faction hasn't had a deity since, well, him. And he was decidedly the strongest out of all gods... excluding the outliers such as the Infinite and the Dream."

"It's quite strange to see another of our religion rise up. This is actually unprecedented." The man mutters. "Most pantheons have numerous gods who aren't even spoken of in legends purely because they were born fairly recently. But those are because they have numerous gods, they are capable of having children. New gods unrelated to the main pantheons rarely- if ever- show up. This is truly a once in a lifetime experience... which is strange considering I have had several of those while I have been in your presence, Gaius."

"Hn." I lowly hum as I cup my chin, my senses slowly adjusting to their new intensity. "I... guess? I'm personally wondering how badly the other pantheons are going to react to this."

"Poorly." He deadpans with a half-lidded stare.

I scratch the back of my head quietly.

"You have just ascended to the level of a demigod." The super devil declares as he turns back to his devices. "Other pantheons probably will not notice your divinity until you are within close proximity to a deity... I would suggest remaining far away from any of the other pantheons... though, with the striking power you have, frankly I doubt anyone would be able to do anything to you even if you did waltz right into the heart of their homes."

"What I am more concerned with, is your domain." Ajuka continues. "Even Hercules as a demigod had a domain, strength, so reasonably, you should as well. I am just worried for what it might be. Depending on what sort of domain you may have, other pantheons may give us a harder time than merely having access to the multiverse would. Luck gods are particularly dangerous, as are death gods."

"My domain, hn?" I hum as I give the air a thoughtful look.

I slowly rise from the chair removing my arm from the monitor. "I need to finish a couple more things before my fight with Diehauser. I'm hoping to complete a true weapon in this time. I need to go converse with some dryads in world three to gain access to ore that can only be processed with a dragon soul that can only be described as 'godly', then I need to forge some other things."

"I wish you luck, Gaius." Ajuka states. "One of these days you should show me this third world."

"Oh! One second." I pull out a booklet and hold it out to the Satan. "This is a spell I developed in a mad haze after Weiss made a comment that piqued my interest. Take a look at it and my comments on it, and tell me what you think."

The man frowns, opening the booklet and skimming over the spell.

"Wh-" he rockets to his feet, eyes locking onto me. "Does this work?!"

"it should." I nod slowly.

"What is it?" Serafall asks with a cautious frown on her face.

"Its... a method to transform a personal's abilities into bloodline powers... rather, a method to create new clan traits."

"All you need to do is figure out how to perfectly revive someone as a devil, instead of the slightly lesser reincarnated devil, and we'll be golden to create our own pillar clans."

"Why have you been working on this?" Serafall mutters, eyes straying to me.

"Weiss mentioned once that she wanted to see her family become the 'Schnee family of devils' and I sort of fell down the rabbit hole... but I don't merely want to use it on the Schnees, we have Coco Adel, the Magic improving magic girl, then the bunny girl who can copy fighting styles with just a glance... if either of those abilities were unbound and passed onto their children? We'd be looking at two hellish existences right there."

"It would also help us fully secure Remnant from the great king faction." Ajuka breathes. "Yes! This is brilliant! I will start right away. For a while I had known that there was a way to improve evil pieces, to make reincarnated devils on par with pure blooded ones, but I never pursued it due to not wanting to deal with the yammering of those old fools. But now? How can I not?!"

His eyes stray across myself and Serafall. "The great king faction would throw a fit if they knew what we are doing, so perhaps we better be subtle about it. Weiss Schnee was said to be human, but that is merely because we wanted to hide the fact that you found pure blooded devils in another dimension."

"Sounds good." I nod once. "Calamitas' family would also probably be a fairly decent pick, each is on par with a dragon king. I'm not sure if the spell would target their resistance to the corrupting influence of dark magic, or the dark magic itself, to pass on, though."

I wave once. "Anyways, I've got Dryads to deal with. Later."


I calmly march through the grass staring dead ahead.

Congratulations! You have just become a demi-god! This, of course, grants you numerous abilities far beyond that of a normal Quasi-Deity.

'A 'normal' Quasi-Deity.' I mentally huff.

The price for my next divine rank is four million, so, ranking up again is probably out of my grasp for a while. It would be for the best to do acts that allow me to rank up without paying for it.

You are now immune to Cold, Electricity, and Acid damage.


In addition, you are immune to Disease, Poisons (With certain notable exceptions), stunning, sleep effects, paralysis, disintegration, and Death Effects.

Your Damage Reduction has improved to 15/Legend.

You are able to sense anything supernatural that happens within one mile of any of your 'places of worship'.

You are granted a divine aura of 10 feet per divine rank that you can suppress at will with no effort, mortals within your aura are either shaken, dazed, or granted incredible resolve.

Next, you get to choose what sort of god you want to be and what domains you represent!

As you are right now, a Demi-God, you gain access to a single domain, that of course can change as you rank up to other levels of divinity, I'd suggest picking a 'domain' that is pretty rare so you don't have to compete with a bunch of other gods... there are dozens upon dozens of 'Fire' gods, after all~

Why don't we pick your 'Domain'? Not many people actually get to this level of power, so say a word, and we'll develop an entire domain for you! Allowing Cleric D.I.C.E. players across the multiverse to 'worship' you and gain neat powers!




Gaius Decarabia Malthus, the god of dealmaking! I like it!

Generating Domain Powers







You have unlocked the 'Deal' Domain! It's not every day you see someone pick such a unique domain... most of the time they pick 'Saiyan' or 'Soul', the past thirteen Dice System wielders who have ascended to Demi-god status have all picked something that has been done before, yet you have picked something actually unique! Congratulations!

Allow me to show you your abilities! You only get one so far because your cleric level for these abilities is equal to your divine rank, thus a divine rank 10 will gain access to the domain power as if they were a level 10 cleric.

The Devil Gets His Due: (First Level Domain Ability):

As a standard action, once per day, after someone has broken a promise to you, or backed out of a deal you both agreed on, you may 'curse' them. Once per day just after waking up, the target will take damage depending on the type of agreement that you had with them. This damage fatigues them for the rest of the day. They will continue to take damage until they either die, complete their side of the deal, or free themselves from the curse. This curse may be broken by a 'Remove Curse' or 'Break Enchantment' spell.

At eighth, sixteenth, and twentieth level, you may make use of this ability an additional time per day.

At the bottom I see a small chart. It seems to list the damage.

Trivial Verbal Agreement (Such as someone jokingly offering to give you something): 1d4 Damage

Handshake (both parties are aware that this is a legitimate deal that is merely not on paper): 2d6 Damage

Contract (Agreement is written down in paper): 4d8 Damage

This damage is improved by 1d4/2d6/4d8 at 10th level and by a further 1d4/2d6/4d8 at 20th level.

I can basically make someone's life hell with this ability, even if they mocking me, I can make it so they are mildly hurt every morning and so they are fatigued each and every day.

Pretty nifty.

You still need to design your Domain spells! But first, let's get you a Salient Divine Ability.

Deal With The Devil:

You can make use of this ability as a standard action, and with it, your eyes glow brightly, a magical contract with wording that you determine appears in addition to an elaborate and absolutely stunning fountain pen to sign it. Those who willingly sign the contract are subject to its ruling. If it states they must give up their sight, they go blind, if they must give up their strength, they grow weak, if they must give up their magic, so too will they lose their magic. Please note: deities, or creatures with powers akin to deities, may be able to resist the 'enforcement' of this contract, so be wary when using this ability upon them.

'OHOHO! That's REALLY fucking good!'

It'll take some time to develop true domain spells, so I'll leave that for later.

I close the screen and continue walking; the plant life has grown steadily wilder as I continued on.


I pause my walking as a beautiful woman steps out from behind a nearby tree.

She has long green hair tied up in a pony tail, it curls up as it drifts down her back, secured snugly with a vine and a red flower, she has lightly tanned skin, pointed, slightly elf-like ears, and perhaps the most striking thing... she wears little to no clothing to hide her curvaceous form. Vines and leaves barely cover her nipples and crotch, vines wrap around one of her legs and trail to the floor.

'Hold on... is that the Dryad from the terraria game?'

"State your name and purpose cur!" The woman growls lowly, eyes narrowing.

I blink at her in quiet surprise.


With a flash, a crystal rose appears in my grasp.

She flinches back. "T-The queen's symbol?!"


She bows immediately. "I-I apologize profusely, I was unaware that you were such an important figure. M-May I ask what brings you to our lands, sir?"

"I'm here to make another deal with your queen. The last time I was here I gave her some white apple seeds and a few other fruits." I explain as I step forwards.

The girl gasps, some slight sparkles in her eyes. "YOU are the one who had given us those seeds?!"

"I am." I nod once as I walk past her. "Could you lead me to your queen? I've got three seeds on me that'll absolutely blow the others out of the water."

Her eyes grow wide as she steps past me. "C-Come this way, sir!"

I slowly follow her as we begin a slow meandering walk through the jungle, plants seem to bend out of our way, large vines with clamp-like heads slowly twist as we walk past, as if watching us.

"If I may ask, why are the Dryads so obsessed with these seeds?" I mutter as I look throughout the jungle.

"It's... how we reproduce." The girl replies quietly. "I'm personally a dryad born from a regular tree, thus I am quite low in in the dryad hierarchy. The seeds you have given us, the White Apple, Cotton Candy Tree, Bonbon wood, and the Milk Fruit trees have all produced abnormally strong Dryads... though they are still quite immature and young."

"I see." I mutter. "If those produced abnormally strong Dryads... the seeds I have in my possession will probably create a dryad stronger than anything you have ever seen."

"That'd be wonderful!" The girl beams. "We've lost many of our kind defeating the tainted one and banishing it's plague-bringing corpse to the moon. We are still unable to fully contain the dreadful crimson its spilled blood created."

"Hn... the idea of reproduction via tree is vaguely strange to me as a devil."

"Oh? That is understandable, most races do it the... er... intimate way... numerous adventures have died trying to forcefully attempt that with a dryad. Not that it would even do anything."

"Oh, well, that's actually incorrect for me. I'm a special existence who can have a child with literally anything with a feminine form."

Her head snaps over to look at me. "You can what now?"

"You heard what I said." I smirk. "And no, this is not merely a lie to try and coerce you into sleeping with me, I do not like lying. I prefer to lay everything out on the table."

"I don't believe you." The woman states.

"Well, that won't do." I raise a hand and cast a spell. "I have just cast a spell that prevents all lying. Want to truly test my lies?"

The dryad frowns as she stops walking turning to face me.

"The sky is blue." She deadpans, only to pause and look vaguely surprised. "The sky is blue."

"Grass is green."

She frowns slowly and looks over me. "Where did you get those seeds?"

"I brought them from another world." I answer honestly.

"Do you plan to harm our forest?" She questions.

"Oh, absolutely not. Frankly your entire race is staggeringly beautiful. I would sooner destroy a stained-glass window than harm one of your kind or the plants you adore... provided I'm not given a reason such as you killing someone I love, in which case, all bets are off." I answer again, once more completely and totally honest.

"Were you... telling the truth about... that?"

"My natural fertility is quite low... roughly one in ten thousand, however, if I were to increase my fertility with magic, and if I were to get intimate with you, you would get pregnant with a perfect hybrid of my own race, and yours... one hundred percent of the time. Regardless of the infertility of your race, or the lack of any womb at all. I could do it with anything that has a female form. You, a statue, a vampire, robots, a Vampiric Dryad Statue Robot, literally anything."

"H-How?!" The green haired woman questions.

I simply shrug, snapping my fingers once to cancel the spell.

"My name is Gaius by the way." I announce as I turn and begin to slowly walk forwards.

"T-Tatiana." The Dryad replies as she meekly begins to follow along, looking at me in a slightly different light. Like I am some form of one of a kind animal you might see in the zoo, but there's an underlying greed to her gaze, according to her surface thoughts, she sees me as a potential savior for her race, one which she may just be forced to bring up to the queen.

Eh, I already have one brat. If I leave one behind here, it's not the end of the world. I certainly won't be caring for it like I will be for any of the ones from my legitimate harem. Leave that to the Dryads. Plus, it'll make me far more valuable in their eyes.

"Anyways, you said something about a taint or something on the moon?" I question getting back on track. "You mean that big upper torso thing?"

"You've been to the moon?" Tatiana mutters in confusion.

"Yeah, I had to go up there to get some ore one time and the big guy certainly startled me. It's not dead by the way. I shot a hole in its chest and it crawled away screaming. It seems to be trying to regenerate."

"T-The great evil isn't dead?!" The girl whispers in abject horror. "We placed numerous seals upon its body to slowly convert its vile energy back into renewable life energy... but we had assumed it was dead... we must bring this to the queen right away!"

"I'll fly us there, then."


We both are enveloped by a telekinesis spell as we float off the ground, I pull her close to me, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist.

"What?" The girl quietly questions.

With that final word we are shot forwards at high speeds.

"WOAH!" The girl gasps as we eventually come to a halt just before a massive tree.

I slowly lower, placing us both down on the ground.

She walks forwards, quickly coming up to two near identical dryads with long auburn orange hair

They cross their spore spears in front of the steps leading up to the tree. "Halt. What business do you have with the queen?"

Their eyes lock onto the Queen's sigil in my hand and slowly trail to my face, Recognition crosses the eyes of the one on the left who lowers her guard. "The seed bearer... did you bring more seeds for the queen to take a look at?"

"I have." I nod once.

The girl nods to the other and they allow us both through.

I walk up the numerous steps, eventually coming to a stop before an absolutely massive mahogany tree that grows upwards easily one hundred feet, its roots seem to grow out throughout the large clearing underneath, covering the entirety of the hill with pinkish roots and shading us from the sun.

A woman with long pinkish hair slowly opens her emerald green eyes, she is sat, kneeling before the tree, her eyes slide over me and the dryad beside me, her gaze pauses on my face, quickly growing far more excited than she was previously. "You! I must thank you for those seeds you have given us!"

"Think nothing of it." I reply. "That was merely a business exchange."

"I see..." The woman mutters before a smile crosses her face. "Regardless, you have my thanks all the same. What is it that has brought you to our lands today? Devil of hell?"

"I have another trade for you, even greater seeds, far beyond the ones I have given, in exchange for a few things." I explain calmly.

"Oh?" The woman questions, a shining glint in her eye. "May I see the seeds in question to estimate their value?"

I pull out a seed roughly the size of my fingernail. It is slightly clear in color, but has a golden sheen to it.

"THAT-" the queen gasps, eyes growing wide.

She quickly gets her emotions under control. "I-I see... that is by far the most dazzlingly powerful seed I have ever seen. What are you asking for it?"

"I have three seeds, so I shall be asking for three things. First and foremost," I begin slowly as I pull out a nugget or orange-ish metal. "I have heard that this type of ore is prevalent under jungles."

"Dragon's Pyrite?" The woman mutters. "Why would you want that worthless unprocess-able ore."

"You might be unable to process it, but the same cannot be said for me. I'll take as much as you'll give me."

"I-I see." The woman mutters. "Very well, that can be arranged. What else do you require?"

"I have done some research and I have found out that the four celestial pillars used to seal a great evil on the moon was made from four separate energies... I would like to have some of each if you are able to provide it."

"The essence of Stardust, Solar, Nebula, and Vortex... I see... yes, we still have some... and for the third thing?"

"If I am correct your jungle holds these strange... golden heart shaped fruits?"

"You want heart fruits?!" The woman questions her expression darkening somewhat.

"I am not exactly aware of what they are, just that they look nice, so if it is something that I shouldn't have asked for, please forget I said that."

"No... I am merely surprised that you know of their existence. We try desperately to keep it secret due to the other living races. If they knew we had a fruit that could increase vitality, they would never cease hounding us."

The dryad queen frowns, seemingly deep in thought for a moment. "if... you do not ever reveal where you have gotten these fruits, and if the seeds you have brought us are of considerable quality. I see no reason in denying your requests."

I bow my head slightly. "Thank you, Queen Celeste"

"I will summon Dryads to go gather the things you have requested... it may take some time however. Are you fine with resting here?"

"Regretfully no. I cannot. I am going to be quite busy soon so I must prepare a few more things. I will leave one of the seeds behind as a down payment, and offer the other two when I return. Pick a number between one and three. One will be this golden seed in my palm, yet two and three shall be the seeds which I have not revealed yet. You decide which seed you wish for your down payment."

The queen cups her chin.

"I will take the pear seed within your grasp."

I hold out my hand, nodding in approval at the fact that she instantly guessed what kind of fruit this seed came from despite its clear unnatural-ness allowing her to take the seed and look over it slowly.

"This sheer power." She whispers to herself. "This seed could easily create a Dryad capable of succeeding me as the queen..."

Her eyes lock with mine. "Return in a day. We will have what you have asked for."

A smile crosses my face as I pull out two more seeds, the first a vibrant pink color, its mere presence causes a light vanilla smell to radiate out, the other is multihued and the size of my fist. "You picked perhaps the weakest of the three."

The woman stares in abject shock at the two seeds as I continue. "Do not worry, you shall still be getting these two after you have secured for what I ask."

Her eyes are locked onto the fist-sized seed. "T-That seed... it would produce no mere Dryad... I-it would create a goddess. A goddess among dryads!"

"Indeed." I smirk.

With a flash, both seeds are returned to my dimensional storage.

"I will see you soon, Queen Celeste, Tatiana." I announce as I bow my head slightly.

With a flash I teleport away.


Pov: Behind at the tree.

The pink haired queen of the dryads looks to the fidgeting green haired Dryad. "Out with it, my child, what is it?"

"H-He said that the great evil wasn't dead."

"What?" The queen lowly whispers.

"H-He said that he went to the moon to secure some ore and that he was startled by the grand evil... he shot a hole in its chest and he said it crawled away." The weaker dryad announces.

"That is... impossible. The previous queen gave her life to slay it."

"He hasn't lied so far..." The lower ranking dryad points out. "What reason would he have to lie about this?"

The queen pauses, seeing that her subordinate has a point. "I see... hn. Well, what are we supposed to do, then? We are unable to truly go that far from our glade."

"We could ask Gaius?" Tatiana weakly suggests.

"We could, I suppose." The queen frowns.

"T-There was something else." The green haired girl begins. "He said that- uh... he can create perfect hybrid children with anything as long as it has a female form."

The queen stares at the girl owlishly, remaining silent for a moment. "I think he was lying about that."

"He then cast a spell that created an aura of magic that rendered the two of us completely unable to lie." The green haired girl continues. "Then restated that his fertility is low- yet can be increased with magic- but that he wasn't lying."

The queen falls silent, letting out a low hum as she brings her hands in front of her face. "That... still does not make me feel as if it is truthful. The spell could have merely been cast on you."

"You seem to believe it. Thus, if you truly wish to try that, go ahead. You will lose your purity, but at this point, with him of all people, he has benefited the Dryad race far too much. He is not like those other races who seek us out for our beauty. Even if it is merely hot air, it would be a nice manner to reward him for his gifts, even if we are 'paying' for the seeds in question. However, if he is telling the truth. He may just have something truly wondrous to continue to offer the Dryad race even after he runs out of these wondrous seeds."

"If. He runs out of these seeds." The queen restates.

She lets out a sudden melodic giggle. "To think, with that truly wonderful seed he had, we could probably completely erase the fleshy taint and the vile sickness. Our jungle will probably reach further as well. A Dryad Divinity. It makes me giddy at the possibilities, my child."

"Is this a decree, my lady?" Tatiana questions. "To see if he was telling the truth about his physiology?"

"No. I will not command you to do so, it is up to you to decide if you want to proceed with that. However, I will not be suggesting any other Dryads attempt this until it is confirmed."

"I-I see." The green haired girl whispers as she bows before the scantily clad queen. "I will return to guarding the edges of the jungle."

"I hope you have a pleasant evening, Tatiana."

"And you as well, my lady." The younger of the two nods.


Pov: returned to Gaius.

I step into my forge with a slight pep in my step.

The Dryads are collecting some Auric ore- which they seemed to have named 'Dragon's Pyrite', and in addition, I'm gaining some pretty special materials. With those, I should have enough to complete my precious Ark of the Cosmos.

"Gai-Tan... Heaven has said that there is something drastically important they need to speak with us about!" Serafall announces as she flings open the door.

"Hn? Ah damn. Here we go again. Let's go." I sigh dramatically as I walk over and teleport us both to Kuoh.

We quietly walk through the academy; most people have gone home for the day, leaving only the supernatural behind.

We enter a large meeting room, Sirzechs, Grayfia, Azazel, Michael, and Gabriel are already here, meaning we are perhaps the last to show up.

"Yo." I lazily greet as I walk across the room and take a seat at the table, Serafall sits to my left.

With a flash, Ajuka appears and takes a seat slightly further down.

'oh? This must be quite important if Ajuka is here as well.'

"With this... everyone needed is here." Michael slowly nods. "I have called this meeting because something astounding has happened in heaven."

I stare impassively.

"Father's throne, which had long since dimmed... has begun to gleam."


I notice Serafall tensing slightly and Ajuka looking even more intrigued.

Azazel looks by far the most surprised. "What? I thought he died? Why would it possibly be gleaming."

He pauses before glancing over to us. "To the younger devils here who aren't aware of what goes on in heaven, our father's throne became dull the moment he died. If it is starting to gleam again, there's reason to believe that there is another god rising to the position."

"That could be fairly bad." Michael continues. "As much as it pleases me to see his throne gleaming yet again, we do not know who or what has caused this. It could potentially threaten the peace between our factions."

Serafall glances to me with a frown.

"We have called this meeting in hopes that any of you would know anything about this, and if not, to be on the lookout for changes." Michael finishes.

"If any of us know anything." Ajuka states slowly. "It would probably be in the biblical faction's best interest to announce it now."

'Ah. So a subtle message of, 'maybe you should tell them'. Alright.'

"I don't know anything." Azazel shrugs. "I'm too busy trying to figure out how the hell the brat crystalizes sacred gears. I'm proud to say I'm getting close, though."

"I don't believe we know anything either." Sirzechs begins.

"No, no." I cut in. "I can find our new divinity quite easily."

Several pairs of eyes lock onto me, Ajuka simply nodding once and Serafall letting out a quiet sigh, but relents that this is probably for the best.

"Oh?" Michael mutters. "Satan Decarabia, was it?"

"Satan Sathanas." Gabriel pouts at her brother.

"I can find your god." I nod once.

"Jeez kid." Azazel scoffs with an amused smirk. "What? Did they join your peerage too or something?"

I stand slowly with a bright smile. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Gaius Decarabia Malthus, the fifth Satan, a super devil, and as of roughly ten hours ago, the Demi-God of Dealmaking. The political fallout is going to be disastrous, and I pray for Serafall's sanity. Fuck you Azazel, I'm fucking your daughter and made unique sacred gears before you."

With a simple flex of my newfound powers, a shimmering aura surrounds me, it barely extends ten feet, but it is enough to encompass almost everyone in the room.

Gabriel covers her mouth, tears look to be forming in her eyes, Michael remains almost frozen in shock, Ajuka smiles and Serafall lets out a tired sigh.

Azazel and Serzech's eyes are almost bugging out of their head.

"Your aura... it's... so similar to his." Michael whispers.

Just as swiftly as it appeared, it disappears, I quietly take a seat once more boredly propping my head up with an arm. I flip Azazel off with a smug grin that rapidly dissipates back to an impassive frown.

"So? What now?" I ask suddenly. "I've lain all of my cards on the table- except one that merely Michael and Gabriel do not know of- yet that is going to change- so how do we proceed from here?"
