
Dungeon World Survival

One day, the whole world has been suddenly teleported to another world. They were separated from a massive multidimensional dungeon, which they have to find a way to escape. Without knowing the reason how they were teleported and why they were here, every people from Earth will try and survive in this world where danger lurks everywhere. Can they truly escape in this world and find a way back on their own world? Will they help each other, or fight each other? Find out as the MC, Will Bright, goes around this weird world that acts like a game, but a single mistake will cost them their lives.

Yeye0900 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Second Skill & Third Floor

[Level Up]

[By achieving a special requirement, you acquired a special ability!]

[You learned Minimap (Level 1)]

[You satisfy the requirements to promote your skills]

[Growth Promotion (Level 1) upgraded to Growth Promotion (Level 2)]

After those announcements, he suddenly felt another vision within him. It's like an overview of the dungeon itself, and it indicates where he is and the reveals the place that he went through.

He quickly opens his status and looks at it.


Will Bright ~ Level 22

(Next : 0%)

MP : 0/0

SP : 220/220

MP Regen : 0/sec

SP Regen : 0.0022/sec

STR : 18 (+)

VIT : 22 (+)

AGI : 0 (+)

DEX : 0 (+)

MAG : 0 (+)

WIS : 0 (+)

CHA : 0 (+)

LCK : 0 (+)

Status Points : 70


Growth Promotion (Level 2)

Minimap (Level 1)

[Growth Promotion ~ Level 2] (Special Skill)

Five times increase in experience and status points acquisition every time you level up. Any unused status points on the past levels will be added on the current one.

[Minimap ~ Level 1] (Special Skill)

The ability to permanently visualize an image that maps out everything you have already passed through.

"Holy shit, this is too OP!"

He might be confident with his great memory, but even him will admit that it is getting hard remembering where he is going. The Second Floor have shown him how large it is compared to the First Floor. The Third Floor will obviously be much bigger.

Which means he won't be able to rely on his memory alone. This ability will help him greatly from that.

After looking at it, his eye almost popped off after noticing how much Status Points that he have.

"Holy cow! I have a lot of Status Points!"

His eyes shined in excitement, seeing a lot of Status points in front of him. He thinks it might be because of his Growth Promotion that just recently leveled up.

"Now I will become more stronger!"

He quickly allocated his Status Points on his Strength and Vitality equally. Now his stats looks like this.


Will Bright ~ Level 22

(Next : 0%)

MP : 0/0

SP : 550/550

MP Regen : 0/sec

SP Regen : 0.0055/sec

STR : 55

VIT : 55

AGI : 0

DEX : 0

MAG : 0

WIS : 0

CHA : 0

LCK : 0

Status Points : 0


Growth Promotion (Level 2)

Minimap (Level 1)

He felt more stronger than ever. He thinks that he can defeat the stone golem easily if he faces one of them once again.

After he is done doing that, a new door suddenly occurs on one of the walls. He quickly goes there and enters it.

Inside is a small room that is dimly lit by the magical circle on the floor. The form of them magical circle is the same as the one from the teleportation circle on the first floor.

"So this might be the way to the third floor?"

Without hesitation, he step to the teleportation circle and then the circle shines brightly. After a brief sense of weightlessness, he found himself in a different room.

It is a small room with only one way to go outside. The interior seems to be a cave of some sorts. The way out seems to be somewhere that leads to the outside.

In this small room, he have appeared on a small opening in the corner of the cave, which looks like it has been hollowed out. Walking to the small room, he looks at the way out and saw the light of the sun.

"So this is the outside? Cool! Now I can begin my life laid-back and happy life!"

He quickly rushes out of the cave and felt the refreshing light of the sun, the fresh breeze of the wind softly caresses his skin while the scent of nature overwhelms his noses.

"Haha! Now I just have to find a sign of civilization, and I am good to go!"

Without thinking about it too much, he decided to explore the place.

He is quickly stopped when he encountered a monster. Specifically, it is a small cute looking monster with a horn on it's head. It's red eyes are staring at him with a malicious light.

"Fuck... that's a rabbit!" He grunted under his breathe, remembering something terrifying about a certain anime with killer rabbits.

He quickly turns serious before taking a stance at it. Even if it's a cute little rabbit with a horn on it's head, and it somehow resembles something about that popular anime, he wanted to try how much power does he have.

I can just run away if something goes wrong. So I don't need to think about it too much!

With that, he sprinted straight to the rabbit and tries to kick it. The rabbit easily dodges him by hopping away before bouncing back with it's horns brandished and pointed on his way.

He tries to take a step back, but was easily hit by it's horn on his stomach.

"Ow... huh?" It doesn't hurt?"

The rabbit's horn just bounce back on his skin, and only manage to pierce his shirt. He takes the time to process but was immediately cut out by another poke of it's horn by it's pounce.

"I have to focus on this for now!"

With that, he tries to kick or punch the rabbit, but he can't get a hit as the rabbit is just swiftly moving out of his grasp everytime he tries to do so.


He felt like cursing his luck.

Is this the world telling me to invest on Agility? Is that it?

He thought while feeling irritated at the rabbit that keeps dodging his attempts to kill it and countering with it's pounces and ramming.

He knew he can kill the rabbit. The rabbit is just too fast for him. He have no qualms about killing it because this is just a world he can play with. He thinks he is some sort of protagonist who is special in any way.

So he sees this world like that of a game. And killing monsters for EXP is a normal way to play a game.

After another failed attempt to attack it, he decided to retreat for now and leave the rabbit alone. The rabbit seems to have quickly lost interest from him as he came back to the cave with a frown on his face.

"Damn. I have to find some other monsters, level up, and then upgrade my agility. Then I'll kill that motherfucker!"

He felt so insulted that a mere rabbit with horns will play him like that. He didn't want to have any hardships at all. All he wanted is to live his fantasies to the fullest.

He decided to leave the cave again and walk to another direction, hoping to find a monster that is not a horned rabbit.

This is the continuation of my AN from the last chapter.

Even without status, every people already excels at something. The Status Points only boosts the things that they can already do. Like if someone is really fast, adding five points on each Agility will make them five times faster. Or another example is that if someone is already attractive, adding ten points to the Charisma will increase their attractiveness ten times.

I'll continue the explanation on the next chapter.

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