
Dungeon Tale

A young man dies, a new core arises. Kyle Branson after a long night of drinking his sorrows away, wakes up in a strange place instead of his bedroom. In a strange body that is not human he tries to make sense of his existence, but also enjoying the trip. With his new powers he posseses he can get almost everything he wants and if can't get it, he will take it. Money is good to have, power to.... but a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


'What was that about? Why did it attack me out of nowhere?'

Kyle looked at the limp body of the creature in front of him in interest. He approached the dead body impaled on the earth spike and touched it's body. He poked it out of curiosity to see if it was still alive, but that was just wishfull thinking.

'Hmm, strange. Now that I look at it up close it doesn't look like it's a human. It looks close to a human, but these tusk's coming out from it's bottom lip. Could it be a monster coming to make the dungeon it's home?'

What Kyle did was just an assumption, but he was right. As many monsters who roamed in the wild on this world they would eventually instinctively seek a dungeon to make it's home. This was not also because of the threat of humans , but also because of a primal instinct engraved on them.

' Another thing to think about, another thing to worry about.'


Kyle gave a tiered sigh at his predicament. It was like taking a test he hadn't prepared for.

' Right now I'm like a blind bat traveling this new world. My common sense I have used to live in my old world is completely useless and it may even be dangerous. I need to find someone with reliable information that can answer my questions.

Also, why did I not get any CP from killing this thing? Is there a rule from what I can gain CP? The goblin I killed and the other monsters inside the dungeon all gave me CP , but not this one. Could it be because I'm outside the borders of my dungeon? '

As Kyle was thinking about CP , the future and whatnot, the girl that the hobgoblin had taken was waking up.


She scrunched her thin eyebrows as she winced from the pain coming from the side of her face. She was disoriented at first, but soon she regained full conciousness and sat up with a start.

"Ah... where... where am I? Am I already dead? No...

Tears welled up in her eyes as she began to cry without reservation. Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks, down her chin and finally to the ground. She looked so pitiful, so lost....

"Mom , dad, I'm sorry....I'm sorry...

I'll never leave the village without permission, so please, come get me. Im sorry....

She apologized again and again while sniveling like a baby. Her cries would definitely have attracted some dangerous beasts that would rip her limb from limb in no time, but today was her lucky day. As she cried a shadow loomed over her, blocking the sun.

'What is it? Did dad really me to save me!? '

She joyfully wiped her tears o her face with her elbow and raised her face up. What she saw was neither the hobgoblin who kidnapped her or her father, but an earth made human sculpture. It was Kyle's Low Grade Earth Elemental.

"Ah...ah ah ah....

She seemed to be lost for words as she couldn't produce even a single word, but the emotion that course through her was neither fear, nor hope, but worship.


She imediately went on her knees and with her head lowered she begun to pray.

"O great mother earth,

You who are the root of everything,

You who give us life...

She begun praying feverently while her whole body shook from excitement. She didn't even feel the cold ground or the rocks that were digging on her knees all because of what was in front of her.


'What is happening right now? Why is this person kneeling in front of the Elemental? '

Kyle was being to get a headache because he couldn't understand anything that was happening. First was the thing that attacked him without warning as soon as he got out of the dungeon and now someone was praying kneeling in front of him.

' Is this an accomplice of the one I killed and is looking for forgiveness? Well, doesn't matter because this is exactly what what I needed.

I'll just have to buy something...

Kyle opened his shop, went to Skills and selected one he had been eyeing for some time.

" Would you like to buy the skill ' Telepathy'(500) CP?

Yes No "

It was the Telepathy skill that he had been eyeing. It was a necessary skill for him to be able to communicate with another being as dungeon cores had no mouth. The skill was pricey , as pricey as 25 goblins , but it's versitality was exceptional. With this skill he could order his monsters from any place they may be in the dungeon with extreme precision making him a very dangerous dungeon, but he didn't know that yet.

'Yes, I'll by it. It's all for the sake of knowledge...yes knowledge, hick..

He buyed the skill while comforting himself, but inside he was crying. He had just spent the equivalent of fifty days worth of CP on a single skill. Together with this regret knowledge of the skill engraved itself bon his soul and he completely understand how to cast it and he imediately did. He choose the target as the one in front of him and connected.

[ You, who are yo...

[Praise the Goddess!

O great mother earth,

You who are the root of everything,

You who give us life,

The end and the beginning....

As Kyle prepared to speak , he was cut off, by the feverent prayers of the girl in front of him.

' Goddess?

Oh come on. Why, why is nothing easy in this fucking world? Fuck...